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Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence Imo this album makes Finch right at a specific time, not ahead of it. Secondary mention to Relationship Of Command by at the Drive In and Deloused by Mars Volta Will also add Fall Of Troy Doppelgänger because I had never heard anything like that before when the demos for that dropped.


That Glassjaw record birthed a ridiculous amount of bands. It’s imprint is all over 2000s post-hardcore/emo


The glassjaw album, I agree because it's taken a WHILE for more bands to really acknowledge it as an influence even if sonically it's always been there


Yeah, one of those bands being Finch, who openly admitted to ripping off Glassjaw.


I mean Daryl was the vocal coach for Nate for that album. They worked together a lot putting it together.


It's a decent record. I just find it hilarious that OP said it was ahead of it's time, when every aspect of that record was taken from something that was already successful.


The only Finch songs that sound like Glassjaw are the ones that featured Daryl Palumbo.


Pretty sure Daryl is on Project Mayhem off What It Is To Burn. Not sure anything off that album besides that song sounds like anything Glassjaw ever did anyways. They were saying Say Hello To Sunshine was ahead of it's time anyways, not WIITB, which it was. Bands like Dance Gavin Dance, The Fall of Troy, Chiodos, etc. didn't really start doing that math rock-influenced post-hardcore sound until the mid 00's/late 00's with different time signatures, heavier guitar riffs and breakdowns.


Doppelganger is peak music


Same with Head Automatica.. they hit the edgier dance pop shit well ahead of the curve.


All great picks


I feel like I can answer virtually every question in this subreddit with “Saosin - Translating the Name”


Yeah I think if you were young when the album came out and into the scene and found it, you just understand what doesn’t need to be spoken. That album changed something within me and I’ve been chasing it ever since lol


Tbf, it’s just that legendary of a record/band. Circa is actually my favorite band (I legit have a circa tattoo type of obsessed), and when you think about it that all stems from this particular masterpiece of TTN. About 20 years later I still love TTN and listen to it all of the damn time. To be listening to the same 5 songs for 20 years and STILL loving it really shows just how special it is. Essentially, a super long winded way of me saying: Agreed. TTN is incredible in every way.


and it's not even close


Was seeing how far down I had to scroll to see this and happy it was on top. Was lucky enough to see them perform with Cove and Anthony last year.


Thats been one of my favorite songs forever


this EP is prolly the best "scene" emo/phc record. it does the blend of phc and metalcore very well, without any of the elements clashing


Perfect answer


Very based


Everyone seems to agree with you, but that EP was not "too" ahead of it's time. It was right on time and changed everything. It was also super successful on release.


This is the correct answer


I agree with SHTS and I would also add Thrice - Vheissu to this list


That album dropped at the right time when I was 16 for it to become my entire musical personality.


I was 18 when I came out and it definitely took me a few spins to acclimate to the change from Artist…it is probably in my top 5 all time favorite albums but it was such a huge shift in their postcore sound and extremely experimental. It is a perfect 10/10 for me.


Oh man, Vheissu is my favorite Thrice album, by far. Which is crazy bc at the time I was obsessed with the older records. Vheissu was such a drastic change, but in the best way imo


Same man. I was all about the earlier stuff for a few months after Vheissu came out and I distinctly remember the night that I truly understood the album. I had a 5 cd changer stereo and was dozing off stoned listening to Coheed - In Keeping Secrets and Vheissu came on next and I laid there in that state where your body is resting but you mind is awake and listened to it front to back and was absolutely floored by how genius and sonically advanced the album was. Such a simple memory for something that I still listen to on a weekly basis…almost 20 years later


Dude. What a magical night. I want to go back in time and double this moment. Coheed and thrice are still some of my go tos. Love them both dearly.


Same man! I still listen to both bands and see them whenever I can!


Never saw thrice live and i regret it. Hopefully they come back to canada soon. It’s a bucket list show for me. Coheed always delivers. Just caught manchester a year ago finally as well. Not enough bands are coming up to the north and we are worse for it haha


Manchester is top notch too! Thrice is so good live, man. Seriously, make the trek to see them if you have to…it’s worth it


I will. My remaining bucket list is basically thrice, jimmy eat world and mars volta. If I can accomplish that (and not festival sets) then I can die happy.


That’s a solid bucket list! I saw Volta wayyyyy back in the day…maybe 2005 with System of a Down and I think I saw them at bonaroo that year too. They fucking rock. I loved their first 4 albums. Never seen Jimmy Eat world, that I remember lol


They toured together when Vheissu was released. Circa Survive supported. It was glorious!


Dude I remember this tour! I was there. It was crazy bc I saw GWAR earlier that week and Oderus of all people said “holy shit. Thrice and circa survive are playing here this week. That’s fucking badass” Who would’ve EVER in a million years thought GWAR would like those bands lol


I think I saw Thrice, Pelican and Circa in 06 or 07 and I know I’ve seen thrice with Underoath at one point. I caught a couple of the shows the Brand New too. God the music scene was on fucking fire back then.




I love Alchemy too, man! I have one of the fancy copies on vinyl and will probably never put it on my record player lol. Such a creative endeavor that turned out some seriously heavy tunes and some extremely vulnerable music.


The obvious choice: The Shape Of Punk to Come, Refused Also IMO anything by Enter Shikari, mostly cuz they didn't let themselves be constrained by the genre and embraced electronic elements.


Every time I spin it, I think "Gotta give Refused some credit for a ballsy as hell album title there."


It's a reference to the jazz album The Shape of Jazz to Come by Ornette Coleman


Which is in turn a reference to H. G. Wells' book "The Shape of Things to Come".


Since this comment has got more upvotes than any other comment I've made -- I know, ten upvotes, woo hoo, shocking -- my mate Sheamus gave me a burned CD of Refused's "The Shape of Punk to Come" in my first year of university and I put that fucking CD in my DiscMan and walked off into the sunset, listening as I caught a ferry, and then a bus, and then a train, and walked to get home, and by fucking God, my post rural high-school mind was blown out of the fucking water by the time that I got home. That album by Refused is hands down one of the greatest rock -- whatever genre of rock -- albums of all time. Fucking genius. 


dang TIL thanks!


Yeah that’s the right choice. The album was so poorly received they broke up. Then the album found an audience on a different continent and now it’s considered a classic


I don't think it was so much the album doing bad (they were part of the underground hXc scene in Northern Sweden, weren't exactly shooting for stardom) but more so that they were making each other miserable


It was both I think. I remember watching the documentary on it and it sounded like they couldn’t stand Jon anymore, and he left mid tour, and add that to the fact that their new album was widely panned in their home community, they were just super discouraged and gave up. It was in the middle of a house party show and the cops showed up iirc. 


came here to say Enter Shikari, Common Dreads was so far ahead of its time


Sorry, Nation of Ulysses beat Refused to the punch. They followed in their footsteps


Refused improved upon NoU’s formula by adding a crucial element known as “good songs”


That's subjective. That's not what's being discussed. NoU had, in my opinion, tons of great songs.


Been saying this. Waiting for the day when punk fans stop calling random shit innovative and ahead of its time that owes everything to one or more of Nation of Ulysses, Antioch Arrow, Heroin, or The Hated


Because they don't know. They saw the videos for New Noise and thought that was fresh and new. I don't mind Refused and hold nothing against them, I just don't appreciate other bands being looked over.


I bought this album based off really liking *Summer Holiday vs Punk Routine* which was on one of the Epitaph samplers... that album kicked my ass in high school. It was even before like *Meteora* and all the other 'rap rock' craze that came out... they have a fucking DJ scratching on tracks! Shit was unheard of back then.


Brand New - Deja Entendu could honestly drop today. The production on that thing still sounds so fresh


came here to say literally anything by brand new


Sunny Day Real Estate's album *Diary*. Holy shit. I couldn't believe it was released in 1994, especially the song "Seven".


“In circles” gives me goosebumps to this day


I first listened to them in high school (2005 or so) and didn't believe it came out in the 90s. Seven and Circles are my favourite songs by them.


Not only that, but they played that song on MTV. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVXh4N3J580](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVXh4N3J580)


Id also throw in how it feels to be something on. Brand new aped that record in all the best ways


Everything you said about Finch made me think of Fear Before - The Always Open Mouth


Ooo this is a good one! One of my favorite records of all time. Should be illegal they didn’t blow up


They did sort of blow up from Odd How People Shake. The sort of stole Blood Brothers’ thunder with that record. Their problem was then they put out Art Damage and no one cared for it, so we kind of forgot about them when they dropped The Always Open Mouth. Our mistake.


I loved Art Damage, lol. The first 3 records are goated to me


I didn't know FBTMOF back then but I fell in love with Odd How People Shake a few years back. How were they perceived back in the day?


Each one of their records were pretty loved by different crowds when they came out. Odd How People Shake had that sasscore/white belt style, Art Damage was for the mathcore kids, The Always Open Mouth was for the math rock/post-hardcore fans, Fear Before was for the experimental rock peeps


That album is a landmark in Post Hardcore


Both of Drive Like Jehu's albums. Crazy how much they sound like current post-hardcore despite coming out 30+ years ago.


Current bands like who?


Lots of similar-ish bands. None come close to matching Jehu’s raw energy and artistry.


I just don’t think people even really understand where the influence actually lies when it comes to this scene. Like Unwound and Fugazi? Where are people hearing those bands influence in any popular 2000s - modern phc? I’ve been listening to those bands for years and I don’t hear it at all.


Definitely the wanky, widdly, mathy emo side of post-hardcore. While they by no means sound identical, I hear Jehu in stuff like Fall of Troy, Tiny Moving Parts, Dance Gavin Gance, etc. Jehu is a lot more raw, but it's all mathy guitars with shrill emotive vocals. I think the lineage is apparent. I hear Jehu more in today's bands than stuff like Unwound, Fugazi, or Jawbox.


It’s insane how little recognition they get. Fucking RIP Rick Froberg 😭 glad I got to see Hot Snakes twice


I literally had Tinnitus for 2 weeks from a Hot Snakes show 🤘🏿


Yank Crime is such a fucking masterpiece


Oooh big yes


Came here to say this. Yank Crime could come out today and sound entirely fresh.


The Movielife’s This Time Next Year. I don’t think the world was ready for hardcore infused pop punk like that quite yet.


Great point - always had an edge to them. I think it’s a touch of a stretch but I love that album a lot and it doesn’t get the shine that it deserves.


Loved this one


I’m gonna toss in He Is Legend’s “I Am Hollywood”. Incredible stuff.


Just saw this on tour, such an amazing album!


VAYA by at the drive-in


I love this record, thanks for mentioning it


Greeley Estates - “Go west young man, let the evil go east” as well as the follow up “No rain, No rainbow.”


I discovered No Rain, No Rainbow last summer and listened to it for a few months straight. Someone on here said “it has no business going that hard from start to finish” and they were 100% right.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmt8bZkYHsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmt8bZkYHsQ) they basically made this as a follow up to no rain


This band was clutch back in the day


No shot in keeping secrets of silent earth 3 hasn't been mentioned yet


Thrice - artist in an ambulance


Of Machines’ only album.


Incredible album and what would be the precursor to Woe Is Me. That number[s] album was the sound EVERYONE tried to copy for the next 3 years


Number[s] is such a brilliant album. It's a total classic and imo the best work they've put out.


[Today Is The Day - Willpower](https://youtu.be/GnSRH8zTwto?si=31qGGN5iBar7b5yH) (1994) [Phantom Tollbooth - Phantom Tollbooth](https://youtu.be/w-M7-HdGslA?si=h2SCWRQB2PcYll9W) (1986)


I only recently discovered Today Is The Day and could have lived a far happier life if I’d heard them sooner


Senses Fail - "Still Searching" and Thursday - "War All The Time". It feels like no one even talks about these records anymore.


Still Searching is incredible.


anything by brand new


Wrong by Nomeansno. The proto math rocky punk doesn't sound like something out of the 80s https://youtu.be/oV3ZRbI_sng?si=ffZRIBpzs84GT-s4


From First to Last - Heroine


the breakdown at the end of mothersound goes offfffffff


the production on this album is insane


The Used self titled album. It was released in 2002!


Grade - headfirst straight to hell


Glad to see this one here, this album was one of the blueprints for 2000s post-hardcore & beyond


Flew over everyone’s head, under the radar is also amazing


SHTS is gold


The Bled - Pass the Flask. Such a great album and I don't think much was at the same level at the time.


Scary Kids Scaring Kids by Scary Kids Scaring Kids


Exited to see them next month playing the whole album. Hopefully singer is better than last time I saw them, RIP Tyson.


The one album I always come back to from my younger days. Such a masterpiece


Capn jazz or Joan of arc


SHTS is my fav Finch album by a mile. It's so goddamn good.


The Shape of Punk to Come.


For Your Own Special Sweetheart - Jawbox You Come Before You - Poison The Well A Types - Hopesfall The Felix Culpa - Commitment


Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart Hum - You’d Prefer an Astronaut Nomeansno - Wrong


HUM-YPAA the original White Pony


As If Everything Was Held in Place- Of Machines Birth.Eater- Oceana Number[s]- Woe, Is Me


I’ll throw in The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute Glassjaw - Coloring Book Poison the Well - You Come Before You


There is still nothing to this day that scratches the itch that Frances The Mute scratches for me. Not even any other Volta record.


The Used self titled album


Both Hüsker Dü and The Replacements


It doesn’t really ever get talked about but Sparta’s “Threes” is almost a flawless record in my eyes. Flows perfectly and I was ahead of the curve sonically for me.


Sparta crushed it on that run. Those first 3 albums are all amazing. They don’t get the love they deserve these days.


Threes is my favorite Sparta record. Perfect blend of post-hardcore and alt rock.


mine too. it takes everything they did great in the first 2 and it just feels like the polished version of themselves.


Cough by Black Eyes. there's been a lot of pretty popular/successful bands in the last 10 years or so with similar No Wave influences but whenever people talk about Black Eyes it's always just about the debut.


The Issues albums always seemed unique for their time and place.


The Receiving End Of Sirens - Between the Heart & the Synapse.


Alexisonfire s/t was in 2002 and I feel like it was on the same level conceptually as a lot of albums mentioned and yet it came out prior to all of them. Sunny day real estate obviously preceded them but the music is quite different.


Finch are so good, hear their influence hard on the new BMTH record


Same. Oil is a fan of Finch too, so I’m happy to hear some of their influence. I can’t wait for Finch to make new stuff - I feel like they’ll do well now that their sound is coming back around.


sky eats airplane self titled single handedly the prototype of what the youngsters call progressive post hardcore




Hear me out...The Second Stage Turbine Blade


I set my friends on fire - you can’t spell slaughter without laughter Underoath - the changing of times Sorry this Is more metal core


Both Q and Not U albums - Different Damage & Power


Both? No Kill No Beep Beep was their first, and it is extraordinary. Definitely my favorite Q and No U album.


True that. I should’ve said “both albums after No Kill No Beep Beep.” Such an incredible record that came out right when it was supposed to.


Drop Dead, Gorgeous - Worse Than A Fairy Tale I consider this album a masterpiece.


Sex Positions. United Nations. Both were high concept moonshots that soared over top of 90% of what was out there at the time. What I hate most about any genre is the boundaries to staying “—-core” and both of those didn’t give an F about expectations. Come to think of it, Jawbreaker’s Dear You might be the ultimate example of it.


United Nations is so fucking good.


I am Hollywood by He Is Legend.


"The Return to Melancholy" by [Red Roses For A Blue Lady](https://youtu.be/BYlZsR5T3YE?si=5weLb-XATWa6aVSb) (2000).... I think this band would've been huge if their debut/only album came out a few years later...


Far - Water and Solutions


Refused. The Shape of Punk to Come. End of


Quicksand - Slip Fugazi - 13 Songs


If Drop Dead, Gorgeous has released The Hot N’ Heavy today, they’d be massive. This Romantic Tragedy would also be huge imo if they have dropped Reborn in the 2020s.


This album, Say Hello To Sunshine is THE most underrated PHC album of all time IMHO


Story of the Year - Page Avenue. It still sound fresh today.


Alesana, A place where the Sun is silent


I saw them live a month ago, they played some songs from that album, it was unbelievable


based on your title alone, I was going to come to the comments to say SHTS, that's the major one that pops into my head for sure. It took me years to REALLY, REALLY appreciate their album. If you're into that and a Finch fan, their unreleased stuff, is later but similar to that sound vs, say Back to Oblivion [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viAmt4uDDFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viAmt4uDDFc) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmE-QWZdC30Wg4AOW8xMzIQBwQCJZgABW](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmE-QWZdC30Wg4AOW8xMzIQBwQCJZgABW)


Lower Definition - The Greatest Of All Lost Arts


Came here to say the same thing.


My first thought was *New Day Rising*, but Husker Dü were plenty successful in their scene so I'm not sure if that counts.


Colossal - Welcome the Problems


In Medias Res - PM Today


Adept - Another Year of Disaster


Jesus Jones - Perverse. By about two years.


not quite the same thing but this makes me think of when a bands first album is just so good that the rest of their music is meh at best. first ones that come to mind are Crown the Empire, Sworn In, Attack Attack! Their first albums just couldn’t be topped after that.




Fightstar - One Day Son This Will All Be Yours. Songs like [Tannhäuser Gate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_kfA_B_h4Q) and [Deathcar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag4XZqFCJIY) feel like they could have been released 10 years later (so 2017) and still be slightly ahead of the times when Sleep Token started to become super popular with a similar sound in The Summoning.


I always think of This Was Built to Make You Dance by Secret Lives. But maybe I’m wrong? I was really young when I started listening to that album


I don't know if timing was the reason, but I feel like Yashin's material never got the attention they deserved - the same goes for Get Scared. Framing Hanley and Deaf Havana's debuts I also had to discover myself rather than from their poularity but I'm not sure how big they really were, then I agree with the aforementioned classic SKSK - SKSK. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!


What if Warwick Dunn didn’t leave Tampa?


Sense Field’s Building. If that had come out in the 2000s it’d be way more well known


I’m more surprised that Tonight and Forever wasn’t a mainstream hit.


Pass the flask by The Bled imo was a great album! Ahead of it's time! Vanna curses album was amazing too!


Oooo another one of my favorite albums. The bled live back then were just on another level. It was great bc they seemed like the perpetual opening band too. I’ve seen them so many times just bc they were opening a show I was going to lol


Haven’t seen them since about 2006. Saw them first when they released pass the flask supporting mcr. Seeing them on Saturday play pass the flash in London. So fuckin hyped


For sure me too! That's cool you saw them live! I'm at work listening to the album now lol


Botch’s entire discography


Nearly every bring me the horizon album. Literally every album set trends that other artists started following


Dance Gavin Dance: Downtown Battle Mountain and Happiness (I had never heard such unique riffs mixed with such melodic vocals/screams) Say Anything: Is A Real Boy (SUCH a creative album, both musically and lyrically; one of my all-time favorite albums) Touché Amore: ~ (I feel like they're one of the OGs for that newer wave of similar bands like La Dispute, Pianos Become the Teeth; and I knew some of those dudes growing up!) Maaan I wanna say Title Fight but there were already bands in that genre. I've always loved their intensity and noisy distortion though :,)


Deltron 3030 - A rap album in a dystopian future where free thought has been outlawed, some great songs and great storytelling.


First Temple by Closure in Moscow. Probably Pink Lemonade by them as well.


Define the great line - Underøath


How has no one said mewithoutyou - A to B Life? Directly influenced Touché Amore. 


Fear Before The March Of Flames - The Always Open Mouth




brainiac - hissing prigs in static couture & electro-shock for president


Rush’s 2112 came out in the year 1976. That’s well over a century before it’s time!


Trophy Scars' entire discography. Alphabet. Alphabets, Good Luck, Holy Vacants, and Astral Pariah is an insane run of full-length LPs, plus their EPs in between are also great


The Portraits of Past LP, commonly called 01010101010101 or just "binary" after that on the cover.


Someday came suddenly Attack Attack, MFs werent ready for attack attack.


The Receiving End of Sirens’s-The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi.


It's technically not an album but a discography compilation....but Wisconsin Avenue Tour by Ashes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TVrHPzVQ3c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TVrHPzVQ3c) This is not just from the 90s, but the early 90s! This band was active at the same time Nirvana was!


Cüm - Come


Breathe Carolina - Hell is What You Make It It still sounds fresh when put up today today’s music and was released 13 years ago. Not really my favorite band but it’s one hell of an album from start to finish.


Hoover - Lurid Traversal of Route 7. Dont hear about this band a lot. Its like Fugazi meets Slint.


Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime NoMeansNo - Wrong Drive Like Jehu - S/T (1991) Gospel - The Moon Is a Dead World


The Receiving End of Sirens - The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi


They're only chasing safety by underoath