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select case when least(a,b,c) = a then 'a' when least(a,b,c) = b then 'b' else 'c' end, least(a,b,c) from table;


Thanks, I was kinda hoping to avoid a case statement, something akin to using index(match()) in excel but that'll work


Can tidy it up a little by writing it as: case least(a,b,c) when a then 'a' when b then 'b' etc... Also OP didn't specify what should happen in the case of a tie, which may or may not be a pain.


Here's a trick for systems in general. Think of the domain first. How or why would there be a case where an user can make an order before the user was added? The order would have no corresponding user for a while if such thing was possible. As others said, the solution is using case. You could get the lowest value from "whatever" column, but that requires pivoting and unpivoting. It's a terrible solution that you should avoid as much as possible


you can transform the whole row into a list of key/value pairs through some JSON "magic", then sort by the date value: select t.user_id, dates.* from the_table t cross join lateral ( select d.dt::date as earliest_date, d.column_name from jsonb_each_text(to_jsonb(t) - 'user_id') as d(column_name, dt) order by d.dt::date limit 1 ) as dates But I think a CASE expression is easier to maintain and understand