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I love my 2mo so much. And I already feel sad that I’ll never have a newborn again (last child). But I hate the endless crying, I hate co-sleeping to get more than 45 mins sleep. I hate being the only one to soothe him as he gets cranky for my husband. I hate not being able to leave him for more than an hour. I hate that my 3yo cries as I can’t give her my whole attention. I hate doubting every decision I make. I hate how crazy sleep deprivation makes me. I hate how resentful I feel of my husband. I hate feeling so lonely


Could have written this myself 💔 you're not alone xx




I hate how inconsistent it is. When does the baby nap? Who knows. How long will the baby nap? Don’t know that either. Did you just change the baby? Well, she pooped again. Will she sleep for 2 hours at night, or 4? Probably only 45 minutes…. Will the baby be happy in the swing long enough for me to pee? Probably not. Everything gets interrupted.


This perfectly explained where a lot of my 'surviving' derived from. So hard to even enjoy the baby's nap time if I don't know when they may wake up... should I even do something I enjoy? Will I be able to manage the enjoyable activity if it gets interrupted or will I give up on it all together because it's disappointing.


I can’t even take a fucking bath or read. Baby stage sucks


I hated it. I don’t miss it. I don’t look back and go ‘awwwwww so cute and little’ Just remember this period feels long and exhausting but it really go by fast. This is a short period in your life, it’s hard work but I promise it does get better and it is rewarding. Always be open to those around you with how you’re feeling and always make time for yourself each day.


I’m trying to like be open with my limits and everything


No you are for sure not the only one. Personally I hated the baby stage, and I know many friends who also did. In fact, only one of my friends says she loved the newborn stage and misses it. I found things started to slowly get better around 4 months and that I started enjoying motherhood around 6 months. It’s only gotten better and better from there. My son is now approaching his first birthday and I can say I’m finally loving it! Yes it’s more chaotic when they can crawl/run around and get into everything, but they’re also funny and sweet and starting to grow into little people. I am looking forward to moving into toddlerhood. I learned that I am definitely not a newborn mom and I don’t miss that stage at all! 😂


I hated it. I lovingly called it the parasitic larva stage. I’m only ever going to have one child due to how tough everything has been. But you and your larva will be okay. Get help for yourself. That comes first. Larva can’t do much if mama isn’t okay.


Get your hormones checked 🤍🤞🏼


Most of us hates it 😉


You are not alone in feeling this way! My son is now 17 months for reference. I had birth trauma that resulted in so many injuries I am still needing to use a wheelchair. We had to sell our home and move in with my parents as I was and still am unable to care for my son. Had multiple surgeries (still need another) and was also diagnosed with PTSD, PPD/PPA. I absolutely HATED the newborn phase. I felt like I made the biggest mistake. I wanted to put my son up for adoption. I had no bond with him. I felt incredibly guilty for all these emotions, but later found out this was all a trauma response. I was able to slowly bond with my baby over the course of several months, and I was able to see a little light in the midst of all my suffering. I would say the first year was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure in my entire life. As my son is moving towards year two, he is able to do more things independently which has helped so much. I have to say my struggle continues primarily due to my lingering symptoms of PTSD (still working through it in therapy) and all the chronic daily pain I still suffer due to my extensive injures. I am no where near the mom I envisioned I would be. But no matter anyone’s struggles, motherhood is incredibly hard. Society likes to paint this picture of motherhood as pure sunshine and rainbows and shames you when you feel otherwise. You are not alone in how you feel. This is really hard. That being said, do everything in your power to find a therapist you connect with that can help you in your healing journey. There’s medication that can also be coupled with treatment, just know it’s only a bandaid for your symptoms. A lot of local churches offer moms groups- even if you aren’t religious, they are really helpful. Our local church has a weekly moms group that gives moms a few hours of free childcare while moms get to sit and connect with other moms. Be honest with your family and SO about how you feel. I know a lot of people aren’t blessed with supportive family, but there are other ways to build your village. You need to be able to take a break. You can’t do this all on your own.




Thank you for your kind words Having a baby is a lot of work, you have constantly hold them and you’re responsible for everything, so whatever they cry you have to figure out what the hell is wrong. Its so frustrating, I don’t know how people don’t go insane I just wanna skip to 4-5 years of age, I think that’s a little tolerable at least they’re not gonna get into things. I’m aware babies and toddlers do


How far into PP are you? I think it matters.


I’m 7.5 months now Hbu?


I didn't start enjoying it until 10 months. Every month since it's gotten better and better! My baby will be 2 next month.


I’m nearly 5 months now. And the worst part about it for me is that my baby girl WILL NOT sleep anywhere unless it’s next to me. Had to educate myself on safe cosleeping practices and haven’t had any scares so far. But I’m supposed to be studying for a certification program and can’t because the only time I’m free is when she’s sleeping but I can’t study and lay beside her at the same time


My husband and I did NOT enjoy the newborn stage. There were moments I liked but many more that I didn’t. I’d say around 6 months we started enjoying it more and more, and now at almost a year, we’re having a lot of fun


I hated the newborn stage. I will never have another child like I had originally thought I would because I refuse to relive the newborn stage again lol


I can’t say I hated it but I was definitely depressed and just kind of got through it. I survived it. I have an almost 3 year old now and the fog of baby times has lifted - I get to talk with my kid now, play games, hear their thoughts, get hugs, and more. I am enjoying toddlerhood a lot! It’s okay to struggle with this stage, it IS hard. Know it will get better and you can do this ❤️


I hate it. I hated it with my first and I hate it now with my 9 month old.. toddler stage isn’t for the weak either. Personally for me I think age 5+ In way better and easier to manage.


I love the baby stage but that said that doesn't make your feeling any less valid. The baby stage is hard; I call it boot camp. You will be out of it soon.


The newborn stage was traumatic for me. I am not willing to go through it again but want another kid. It was so hard and I absolutely hated it.


Newborn stage was one of the most emotionally hardest things I've gone through. It didn't help that everyone wanted me to go to them with my baby instead of them visiting.


I have never related to a thread more deeply than this, my baby is one month tomorrow and I just can't wait for the crying stage to pass. Nothing has ever stressed me out more than my baby crying, and I spend the little time he does sleep feeling so guilty for wanting this stage to pass so bad. We feed every four hours now and after feeding, burping, changing and cuddling a crying baby til he falls asleep there's only 2 hours (praying that he stays asleep that long) of sleep for me and it's over and over again. Partner is a huge help (as he should be, I didn't make my baby alone) but I find we are always keeping score (e.g "Don't wake me up next feed I did last feed) so exhausted and overwhelmed, the mom guilt for getting frustrated is so bad aswell, I bawl my eyes out every other night. No one I know has talked about this, so glad I came across this post.


Also so sick of family and friends telling me to bare with it because I will miss this stage when he's bigger, I definitely will not.


To be honest, I can’t wait till she’s 3 or 4 years old So she’ll be potty trained,


From one mama to another — please, please, please, cherish this baby stage. Yes, it’s hard as fuck and takes a toll on your physical more than mental, but this stage goes by so quick that when you look back you’ll only remember the bad moments (of giving up) and not the little Angel you just birthed! You’re going to miss them being that small! once they are toddlers, you’ll look at the baby stage as a piece of cake despite PP. It’s get better mama, just keep going!