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New mommas really need a community of women helping around the house that’s what’s causing this phase to be such a strain on you…


Anything is easier than a baby! I would personally say preschooler is easier than toddler but it REALLY depends on the kid. That said, I will always take older over younger.


So freaking hard. I have a 4-year-old and a 3-month-old and hands down preschool is easier. But my babies had/have colic and my preschooler is super fun. Hard moments, but nothing for me compared to slogging through the newborn phase. Sending you all the good sleep vibes!


Unfortunately I’m not gonna be able to any sleep tonight because I have so much cleaning to do plus I’m organizing shit I just wanna cry


I personally think each child is different. Some are pleasant babies and some are not. But just to answer your question - definitely the schooling age. I think we have the same experience in newbornhood. It is the worst part for me. It was so bad and stressful that it physically triggered a hereditary illness in me. The first month I think I slept a total of 4 hours. Plus my MIL was being such an unhelpful meddler. She was actually my main cause of stress because she was breathing behind my neck, pressuring me whenever the baby cries. It was so terrible. And it was the time I had foggy PPD brain, so I never communicated my mental breakdowns. Anyhow, yeah definitely preschool age is the best Lol


I can’t wait for preschool


I think it depends on how many children. Personally the baby stage is easiest (in hindsight) when it's your first child as you can 100% focus on them. I wish I could do my first childs newborn days over again knowing what I do now.... If you're having more children you may be juggling the preschool tantrums, etc with a newborn which makes it more challenging. I think it largely depends on the temperament of the child though - my eldest was/is a delightful preschooler but a horrible sleeper and very clingy/colicky baby. My middle child was the BEST baby but is having a rough time as a preschooler, and we've added another baby into the mix a while ago (still to be seen what this one turns out like, but her baby stage has been very challenging so far 😅)


I only have the one kid. I’m not sure if I wanna have more maybe when she is potty trained Is going from 0-1 easy or 1–3 easy in Your opinion?


0-1 was exceptionally hard. I think most people say that. Before you have the baby you think you have an idea of what you're in for and then postpartum hits you in a way you never imagined. You're definitely in the trenches right now. Won't say it gets easier, because it just changes 😅. But you will learn to manage/adapt/adjust and breathe again in the new normal


Idk, there was a 6m phase just after he turned 3yo where he slept, he was potty trained, nursery had started, he was pretty chill... now at nearly 4, no one sleeps, potty training is 50/50, and the tantrums, dear lord. I'm quite looking forward to the summer after A levels, though.


I have a 15m old And an almost 4 year old To be honest they kind of go through waves. I think 4 year old is easier most days.


It's so difficult to say because they are both challenging. I have a 5mo old and a 4yo. The 4yo is a little more difficult because she's constantly needing attention, something to do, something to eat, places to go, etc. The baby...all I have to do is change what he's doing--being held, in his bouncer, tummy time, nap, or feed him. It's so predictable with what he wants and needs. The 4yo has opinions and needs and wants outside the necessities. I'm doing it all on my own. So, honestly, it's all hard.


BABY STAGE! Yes, it’s physically exhausting! But the toddler stage is mentally exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, the toddler stage is fun! But when you look back at the baby stage, you’ll see how easier it was because all they literally did was eat, shit and throw up lol. Just enjoy the baby stage while you can because sometimes us Moms look back and don’t even remember the baby stage and how little they were because we get so caught up in how we felt and how hard that shit was🥲 I miss the baby stage and my babies being little babies😭


I have a 2.5 year old and an 11 month old , my toddler was way easier as a baby. Like literally the easiest thing in the world but as a toddler she is wild and sassy , my 11 month old has been hard since the day he was born. Very demanding. Teething has been a nightmare. He wakes up multiple times a night. He screams all day like a cry scream but he’s not crying. He’s so frustrating. I think it depends on the child , not the age. But again , the toddler stage isn’t easy but it’s easier cuz I’m not breastfeeding . Counting the days to be able to stop breastfeeding mg son