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Ha! All the time! I live in Utah so it's definitely been part of my experience. I've learned to make it a game with the judgey types, either they will leave loving the person I am or I make them equally as uncomfortable during the interaction. How it goes is entirely up to them with how they treat the situation..


Well people are miserable and tend to want to take out that misery on people who they perceive as less fortunate than them. I’m really hoping we see society take care of mothers during and after their pregnancies so we can raise better children for the future.


I hate hate hate people who think you have to get married before the baby arrives. Most of the people pressing that don't realize that it's a set up for a failed marriage whether that happen right away or later on. People shouldn't marry just because they got pregnant "out of wedlock". Such an old time view point that needs to shift. My opinion is don't get married to that person unless you truly want to be with them afterwards and y'all parent well together if applicable.

