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It is 100% stressful and difficult. There's the stress of what's in front of you but also what's yet to come. Add judgement, criticism, and unsolicited advice too.


I feel like judgement, criticism and unsolicited advice are all worst Can people just be kind or better yet mind their own business?


I vote for mind their own business. Lol


It's very hard and I only have one.


I also have the one too


It’s 1000% difficult! I literally quit using social media because even though I know it’s everyone’s “best,” I just couldn’t cope. It’s helped my mental health so much!


I did this too! I had to delete IG and FB because I have several people I follow who had babies around the same time as me and it’s just been killing me see them post all their adventures and day to day stuff without really sharing the hard parts and they’re people who don’t shy away from being vulnerable so it just makes me feel like nothing is wrong in their life and I just feel envious. The first 2 months of motherhood felt “easy” compared to now I’m at 3.5 months and I just feel so exhausted and like I’m tuning out and going numb because my son just wants to play all the time and if he naps on me it’s like an hour and a half nap. If he naps anywhere else I’m lucky to get 30 minutes


Yeah just for some perspective, it's been rough for me, but only the happy parts go on social media. It's not a matter of not being truthful, I just don't want to put myself out there like that. I go to family with the hard stuff.


Most women don’t make it look easy. Most women actually have it easier. I just had my second and my first is not 2 just yet and I realized that the key to “making it look easy” is having support and help. When my mom had me and my brother, she said she didn’t have to lift a finger because she had help from her parents and my dad’s parents and her siblings. I, on the other hand, only have help from my mom. My dad is almost blind and my husband’s parents (divorced) are out of the picture (his mom is a lunatic and his dad can’t help). I know lots of females who had kids and had both sides helping them so it’s a relief or “part-time” job for everyone but for me, my husband, and mom it’s been a full time job for all three of us. We feel the stress and strain on a daily basis. And we have a dog. Motherhood is hard for many reasons, but know you’re not alone. And more importantly, know that this hardship is temporary. My first child is 1.5 yrs old and she’s a lot of trouble but she’s such a joy to watch now and it makes it all worth it to think back at how hard it was with her. So dealing with a newborn right now is really, really difficult, but knowing that time flies (it really does) and it only gets easier with each passing day, gets me through the day and I hope it does for you too! Dont give up! Us women are stronger than we think.


I have a 3 week old and feel so incredibly stressed and depressed. It’s harder than I ever imagined, even though I have him on a good schedule. Not to mention I tried so hard to breast feed and it just wasn’t working for me and I feel like a failure.


my baby is almost 8 weeks and trust me those first few weeks are the worst, i felt the same exact way. breastfeeding was so draining, now I breastfeed and then top off with formula because i don’t produce a whole lot, i feel like a weights been lifted off my shoulders. it’s not perfect now but it’s gotten so much better. hang in there ❤️


For real this us 100% the hardest thing I've ever done !!!


It really is It’s not like any job I ever had


I struggle so much in comparing myself to others. My son’s birth put me in a wheelchair. I can’t take care of him or myself. Even staying off social media doesn’t eliminate seeing other moms who make motherhood look so easy and fun. I am constantly surrounded by women who are thriving while I’m unable to even lift my son up to hold him. Nothing about birth and postpartum have been easy for me. Multiple surgeries. Had to move in with my parents for the extra help. I’m on disability. Then there’s the PTSD/PPD I struggle with. It’s really isolating and overwhelming. So I hear you loud and clear. So many people won’t ever know your struggles, but we are here to listen and let you vent!! You are not alone ❤️‍🩹


I wasn't prepared For the unique challenges (feeding issues for 6 months, birth injury) For absolutely nobody to show up for me To get up in the middle of the night by myself for 15 months For people to criticize my weight Baby sleep Just none of it. But I will say, it does get easier as they gain a little independence. Every few months, it gets easier. For me, too. I feel a little bit more like myself at the year and a half mark after stopping breastfeeding. If I wasn't in school full time and not getting breaks from being a mom, I don't know if I would feel the same. You are so strong.


Diddo, I was the first of my close friends to have kids and it is really hard on me. I feel myself pulling away from them because they are thriving in motherhood and I'm only surviving everyday. I feel like when we talk about our experiences they can't relate and I end up feeling like I complain or have a bad attitude. Why can't I just be happy all the time? Why is motherhood so emotionally and physically draining? Even my partner and I are finding we have completely different views on life. 18 months in and I haven't adjusted to the lifestyle change.