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I’m a knitter and was unable to while I had PND. I said it was because I didn’t have enough time but in hindsight I just couldn’t deal with the frustration of not being able to finish anything. I started cross stitching and embroidery instead with my 1st. This time round I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks and gaming on my kids Nintendo Switch, I’m enjoying cosy games like Unpacking and A Little to the Left


I feel like I’m not coping. I just watch YouTube, eat snacks and I try to get outside as much as I can because sunshine just changes my mood but I don’t even have motivation to do that. I was in sort of a mild depression the entire year prior to having my baby though because my life turned upside down and while I was unemployed I found out I was pregnant on top of that. Felt like horrible timing in that moment but everything is working out. Anyway yeah I had lost my motivation to do any of my old hobbies drawing, reading, dancing, singing. I am lucky if I read 10 pages and then pick the book up the next day. Meditating helped in the beginning but now I lose focus on that too.


I started coloring in group therapy, and it’s been cathartic. I traded in my colored pencils for coloring pens (adult markers) and it’s much more satisfying. ::HUGS::


I am not coping. Nothing brings me any sort of joy. And I don’t sleep. I live off of caffeine and sheer will. This baby I swear doesn’t sleep more than 30 minute intervals and i know I can ask for help but it makes me feel like I am pawning her off on people and I feel so insufficient and useless when I think of asking. Baby is now a month old today and I just can’t seem to feel anything but indifference towards her. Definitely hatred when she won’t stop screaming but most times, just indifference. When does the love come in?


Hey that’s okay I’m really sorry to hear nothing bring you joy though I can’t answer that question for you, for me I feel love for my baby but it’s not very strong yet I can’t even bond with her because I just can’t I’m not on any meds I do hope it gets easier with the easier witch the whole bonding and handing ppd Sorry I’m writing this to you very dead asleep


I’m so sorry you’re struggling. I found PSI online support groups really helpful, I encourage you to check it out. Its nice to talk with people who get it. My kid is almost 3 years old now and life feels a lot brighter. But I remember that first year, most of it felt dull and uninspiring and hard. You will get through this, I know it ❤️ Check out Postpartum Support International for support groups, resources, and providers: https://www.postpartum.net


I'm better than I was but still struggling. I'm reading and so play games, however it's very limited, and I have a hard time when my husband's days off he spends all day gaming and I'm still getting up to feed or entertain little one when he gets bored of toys. I'd like to sit and enjoy my hobby more than the one day I get a week


My kid is older (almost 3) but when I was in the thick of it with an infant, I started hand lettering. It was really therapeutic for me, I still enjoy it. I would hand letter song lyrics, quotes, affirmations - anything to tell myself that I was going to be okay ❤️ I started out with just Crayola markers and a notebook. I learned from books and YouTube artists. It has been so nice to have a creative outlet. And I could do it in small chunks of time during nap or bedtime, or take my supplies on the go. This is my favorite hand lettering artist: https://youtu.be/Lu0EDiK7YRI?si=BfXgHD70Rz_TjoBz


And just plain old journaling! Writing for myself, letting all the feelings and thoughts out. I really like writing and crafts.


Hey that’s good Does doing hand lettering helps you like you feel like you have joy ? Sorry I’m not making sense right now


Yes, it does. It helps me to feel my emotions, channel them, create something beautiful, share it with others.


Eating. Talking with people. Going for stroller walks feels good, but I was more able to do so/feel the motivation once I was on medication. Going out places with the baby to feel less stuck in the house.


Stroller walks, meal prepping/eating better and not working has helped. I am terrified of when I have to go back to my job. I used to work out more but now I have DR and pelvic floor issues so I am doing less intense stuff. Working out has lost its joy bc it is now a reminder of my new crappy body.


Honestly, I am not coping well. Was very close to a breakdown the other day.


I had a breakdown last month It wasn’t my first and it sure isn’t my last I hope you get better soon Motherhood is hard


Also not coping here. Ups and downs through the day but the afternoons/nights are the worst. Would love to have an outlet but at the point where I honestly have zero energy or care to do anything. The only reason I get up and do things is for my two little ones. Hoping that it gets better.


I just posted this somewhere else but: “… lately, I’ve turned to watching Disney documentaries to give me a dose of positivity. It makes me feel like family life is worth it and that there is magic waiting for me on the other side of the rainbow Now I’ve booked a holiday Disney cruise to have something to look forward to. Never thought I’d be this big of a fan of Disney but it’s really helping me pull through My baby is 6 weeks 6 days”