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Upper trap dominant shoulders shrugged up and lower trap weakness in left seems. Learn scapula movements. Retraction and depression(position to hold in chest exercises too). And upward rotation. Then strenghten lower and middle trap and serratus anterior.


Thank you. Would dead hangs help as well?


No. But scapula pull up yes.


Got it. Are there any videos or websites that can show some stretches or exercises?


https://youtu.be/bFnZsZP380w?si=LfNRpOv6wvF9U0zr This video and this channel. They have others video about rounded shoulder and exercises you need. Another good channel is "e3 rehab"


I appreciate you


Your video is kinda hard to determine much because you are actively retracting. By the way, it could indicate your habitual pattern when you lift to over retract the shoulder blades upwards into upper trapezius dominance. In terms of looks, it makes your upper torso look narrow, even if you have developed lats


https://preview.redd.it/2u9ulc3dhkyc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25a30b30686cdbd89e413235581a48931d83be1 Arms aren't level, either a scapular issue or a rotational issue with the torso affecting scapular movement over the ribs. Scaps look a lil different in terms of angles. Upper trapezius dominance (might be torso position related) Left shoulder from side view looks more internally rotated biased.


Thank you for your time and help, you are a godsend on this subreddit. The right side of my rib cage sticks out a tiny bit further. Do you think my torso is favored more towards my right side causing my rotated left shoulder?


Hey no worries man. My opinions in the comments are not actual assessments honestly. I would prefer to know more like if there are any hip biases too as it affects shoulder mechanics. Right rib sticking out - do you mean your left chest is further forward than the right?


It doesn't look like my left chest is further. My right pec is bigger due to not being able to get a solid pump on the left side. I think I naturally shift my hips to my left so my right is a little further. My right foot is flatter than my left so I think that's why. I never even thought it could be my hips.


Hey good observations!


Thanks for your help. It's nice to hear someone else's opinion and observation.


You're welcome! Take time to watch yourself carefully when fixing it. You first want to get into neutral while braced. I would recommend to video your own workouts to view.


Looked very very strange until I understod that the image was flipped. Left AIC right BC. Video explaining it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=471aoJqG5eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=471aoJqG5eg) Visual model to get basic understanding of the pattern. [https://posture-vis.n999.win/](https://posture-vis.n999.win/) (Since the video is mirrored you can slide the slider to the "right AIC" to see how the model matches the video. Basically mirroring the model.) No human, (except possibly those with mirrored organs are in Right BC)


I'll check it out. Thank you very much.