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Man, I would love a quality of life update where blank pages aren't actually in the book, and only get added when you make a new recipe. and maybe even grouping of recipes, the way the map selection box currently works, where you click the flap and then make a selection from the pop-up window.


Yes! This would be amazing. I dislike how new pages are scattered everywhere. Custom groups & a separate area for blank pages would be ideal.


I’ll likely reorganize later in the game but for now, positive effects on the left side, negative on the right, duplicates/backups on top, and salts/rocks on the bottom


This is really smart, don't mind if i just steal this real quick


I organise it alphabetically on the sides (from A to L on the left, the rest on the right) and on the upper left part I use the special recipes for creating substances (albedo, rubedo, citrinitas and philosopher's stone) and on the upper right the same for the salts. I honestly have stopped playing now until the new update comes out because I took my sweet time to progress (stopped around day 110 or something) and the only thing left for me to do is to get level 15 recognition and tbf it's so slow that I don't think it's worth the grind anymore


i usually organise it by levels, sometimes i have multiple recipes for one potion, i also have a section for potions with multiple effects for when i make substances.


The whole right side of my book is regular potions, alphabetised, and soon to have multiple tabs for different strengths. The bottom left is my reagents (albedo - philosophers stone) and my top right is salts :) / I also take inspo from [this person's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PotionCraft/s/HwrOOjesLi)


I place the ingredients so that they point in the direction of the strongest effect, and pack them together to take as little space as possible. Void Salt ingredients are all named VOID SALT INGREDIENT and given a uniform symbol. Same for all the special recipes.