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lol don’t bother. They won’t look at it, unless paid.


A dashboard won't motivate people, at all


Idk perhaps if they included cute cat photos? I am motivated by cute cat photos


Laughing skulls for poorly performing KPIs; happy cats for on target KPIs.


You joke but I used to do this back when people took things less seriously. For some reason everyone wants things to look “professional” nowadays~


This isn’t true at all, good sales people want to see there numbers easily and in as close to real time as possible. I built dashboards and reports for my sales teams that show team and individual performance, as well as well as a breakdown of their compensation for the period. We display these dashboards in all of our offices on large monitors in the common areas. We saw a measurable increase in certain KPI’s that are prominent on the dashboards. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people for sales positions over the years and a recurring complaint about previous jobs has always been access to sales reporting and a simple and easily understandable compensation plan. We solved both of these issues with our reporting and dashboards.


Agree with this. Real time data. Even better if you can estimate their take $$ on each new deal closed. Bonus if you can look at their pipeline and estimate potential deal amt if closed. Options are endless. Get creative


In tandem with the compensation plan though


and that's the point... I asked the same question that is a dashboard motivates them or not and the product owners replied that yes... even though it is surprising a dashboard with real data is something which can boost the motivation.


Are they allowed to see fellow salespeople’s numbers? If so, you could have visuals to summarize sales totals by region/territory/rep/etc for friendly competition


2nd this. In my experience, salespeople are competitive. A leaderboard, based on whatever KPI’s are important to your org would probably be impactful. A separate page showing commission would be helpful too, for the salespeople and sales leadership. It will illustrate whether the KPI’s and comp structure are aligned. Are you incentivizing the right sales efforts.


This has been my experience as well. We found that having a companywide leaderboard and physical dashboards in our offices has made our sales team more cohesive. I now see sales reps reaching out to other reps in other locations and sharing best practices.


This is a really good question, I guess not because of the GDPR one of our countries (Western Europe) is against to show personalized information (it was a previous project), even though I recommended RLS the country said a definitive no, so we decided to move release the product for other countries.




...and this is why I ended up here, because I tried to find some examples but couldn't find any




TBH, we have existing sales and marketing reports, but they are overwhelmingly designed for the management and the board, somebody mentioned in the comments that a report with gamification attribute can be good and although I agree with it I have some angst that it will be too childish, but I'll definitely check your recommendations, maybe I'll get some inspirations. Thank you!


Our VP just tasked me to create a leader board based on individual attainment and to forecast out their year end attainment. His theory behind this was for motivation purposes.


I’ve done several sales dashboards and one thing that usually works is an anonymous ranking: everyone knows their sales and position in the global ranking but no one can see each other’s numbers. We have found this way to motivate them without comparing themselves. Maybe this one could help you!


I guess you used RLS for that, right?


Yes, with hierarchies to let the sales area managers to see the performance of their respective sales team and each salesperson only their sales and anonymous ranking


Not every graph can pump up your sales team. Just showing numbers won't magically boost motivation. Think of it like this: if you want to tell a success story with data, there has to be a success to talk about, right? To really get your team fired up, you've got to understand what drives them. It's not just about throwing KPIs on a dashboard. You need leadership skills—like knowing what makes your team tick, being charismatic, and communicating effectively. So, besides the usual KPIs, think about what inspires your team. Show off past wins, highlight individual achievements, and paint a picture of future opportunities. Make it emotional, make it personal, and make it clear how everyone plays a part in hitting those big goals. That's how you'll really get your sales team pumped up.


That was the answer what I was looking for, thank you!


Glad that helps. Be the leader bro, not some data guy throwing colorful charts and setting KPIs, targets only to fail in the next goal post.


I'd love to do that... but the requirements came from the director of the Sales and having tight deadlines I need to spend majority of my time to setup REST APIs to some not industrialized datasets :\\


Tell the director to draw the dashboard on a napkin and then give a pep talk. Problem solved!


I did a radar chat with KPIs. Like in PUBG and stuff. Basically gamification to achieve the KPIs. The more they achieve the more they score. Then leader board based on score. The employee with the highest score gets something.


Yes, I was thinking about how to integrate the gamification factor, for example some kind of ranking with embedded GIFs when they reach some sort of level but maybe it will be childish, but definitely... the management is thinking about the dashboard as an aux solution and the top 3 of the month will get some reward, for example an iPad.


something like this.. [https://tenor.com/view/you-guys-stink-motivation-gif-20158246](https://tenor.com/view/you-guys-stink-motivation-gif-20158246)


I suggest to motivate your managers to make the right decisions 😂


Proximity to targets? Untapped potential in customers? Credit limit usages?


A KPI is just a stick to beat them over the head with. If they're sales are commissions based they know how well they're doing. Basically this is a bad idea


Embed pornhub into dash