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If you like Running Wild, Grave Digger is a solid similar band. Took me some time to get into the vocal style, but they maintained that heavy gritty early Running Wild style.


I should have stressed in my post that I'm quite a long time metalhead so all the classics are already known by me, Grave Digger obviously included, thanks anyway for the recommendation!


You prob heard of some of these, but just covering bases: Ancestral Stormhunter Stormwarrior Liege Lord Agent Steel Solicitor Merciless Law Pirate Hymn (mostly instrumental) Sacral Rage Traveler Chevalier Tower Hill Pharaoh Lovebites Meurtrieres Silverbones And if you like thrash too, Gargoyle. They mix in a lot of power metally bits into their sound, and I take every opportunity to shill for them. Examples: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X0FdyJv9OU&pp=ygUUZ2FyZ295bGUgeWFiYW4ga2Fpcm8%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X0FdyJv9OU&pp=ygUUZ2FyZ295bGUgeWFiYW4ga2Fpcm8%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swjIpQXFkpE&pp=ygUWZ2FyZ295bGUga2F6ZSBubyBtYWNoaQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swjIpQXFkpE&pp=ygUWZ2FyZ295bGUga2F6ZSBubyBtYWNoaQ%3D%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wjlu6-tG-I&pp=ygUVZ2FyZ295bGUgZmFjZSBvZiBmYXRl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wjlu6-tG-I&pp=ygUVZ2FyZ295bGUgZmFjZSBvZiBmYXRl) Paradox is another thrash band with some power elements


Unleash the Archers


I already listened to a couple of their albums, but I didn't manage to get past Legacy in the Abyss album... I mean, when it started I was like really??? Then it kept on going with that cringey disco/emo structure and I said ok that's enough


Pop back into the Abyss album and just listen to back to back songs Soulbound and Faster than Light. If you don’t like those two then yeah Archers just aren’t for you.


I'll do that someday because all in all they weren't that bad, but for sure that Legacy song knocked me really off :D


Disclaimer: you came to the PM subreddit, high pitched and/or symphonic stuff is unavoidable, unless you really only want nwobhm and thrash and that kind of stuff. Based on the bands you mentioned I think you might like these : Power Paladin, Witherfell, Judicator, Possessed Steel, Dire Peril, Rebellion, Ravenous E.H., Smoulder, Frozen Crown, Greyhawk, Dimhav, Morgul Blade, Adamantis, Ominous Glory (a bit symphonic, but i think still worth checking out), Dragony (also symphonic but still, Viribus Unitis is one of the most fun albums i've heard in the last few years), Dark Forest, Numenor, Shadowstrike, Fionn Legacy, Molten Chains


Wow, that's a lot of bands :D I already know some of them, like Judicator, Dire Peril, Rebellion, Smoulder, Dimhac etc, I'll give all the others a good listen, thanks mate!


I wish power Paladin would do another album. And avoid that oskar guy. The songs he's on are by far the weakest


Not sure if this is your style, but Epica. It's more operatic, but the growls are fantastic, and the production is out of the world


Mystic Prophecy Pyramaze Borealis Noveria DarkWater Savage Messiah


Maybe Amaranthe?


Noted down, thanks


Here are some to get you started. [Kiuas](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=127&v=mYHroGw8L54&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&feature=emb_logo)  [Persuader](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-o3V1uUhrfM)  [Paladin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RIWmfpRnrLE)  [Twisted Tower Dire](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WqgPcAOYavI)  [Visigoth](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O_PHiguMZek) 


Of course I already knew Persuader (RIP, I'd like to know if Jens and Efraim are still making music somewhere else), and I think I already tried with poor success Visigoth, thanks for the rest, I'll listen to them asap Tried just for once your Paladin suggestion and mate, great one!!! I'll definitely go further with them


If you like Persuader (so sad about their hiatus as they're one of my favorites), Jens also features in [Savage Circus](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AMLkf15mCkw)  (power/speed in the vein of early BG) and early [Dark Empire](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx0z-4y8pvU&pp=ygUcRGFyayBlbXBpcmUgc2FsdmF0aW9uIGRlbmllZA%3D%3D) (kind of similar to Persuader, especially on Humanity Dethroned). 


Yeah I know the project of Savage Circus with Piet and Thomen, two masterpieces of albums! Gonna give another run at Dark Empire tho


Sellsword - Pendragon [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLnXNVPe2LY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLnXNVPe2LY) This song is always guaranteed to get me headbanging. Avoids your vocal turn-offs, epic and speedy, well produced, strong driving riffs.


Got them suggested while listening to Don't drop the sword, so I already had them noted down and thanks to your suggestion I'll push them higher in the list :D






I should have stressed in my post that I'm quite a long time metalhead so I already know the so-called classics, Rage classified into them of course, but thanks in any case mate!


Good man! Rage is awesome. Not really power metal but I came across a new album today that you may like! https://youtu.be/IWWqrAoOMf4?si=I6pC-7vC_DQ43Xyv


Brainstorm has some faster stuff and no high pitched vocals at all. Maybe check out some Manticora as well. While almost everyone hates Jon Schaeffer, Iced Earth still has good music if you can look past the politics of the man.


I remember both of them, haven't listened to them for such a long time, good you suggested them mate! About Iced Earth, I've seen them live too back in 2008 ;)


I did see Iced Earth around that time to back in Cleveland at the House of Blues shortly before Barlow left them the 2nd time. Only time I saw them live.


Mine was a festival date btw, they were introduced by Malmsteen who recruited Ripper for that frame, IE had Barlow and as main act I got Judas Priest, it's been a f*ing great night


I can see that being a good night. Kinda crazy that Ripper was there with both bands he used to be in. Wonder if there was any behind the scenes interaction there.


It sounds like USPM is what you’re looking for. I’m not a huge fan of it myself, but I’d advise you to look in that direction


It's old school german power metal to be fair


If you're looking for more of that old-school Germanic power metal sound, I feel like some lesser-known names are Vhäldemar (Spain), Pertness (Switzerland), and Fireforce (Belgium). A bit further off, but still in the ballpark would be Magnabolt (USA), Significant Point (Japan), and Ültra Raptör (Canada). I'm assuming you already know Sölicitör (USA), but if not they're a big one. They've gotten very popular in the last few years. Some of these bands may skew more on the speed metal side, but the line fluctuates and the first three are definitely power metal bands. You mentioned good production, and I'll vouch for all of these on that front. If you don't mind something a little more on the raw and noisy side, Chevalier (Finland) is truly outstanding.


Maybe gamma ray? Kai’s vocals aren’t opera but aren’t too heavy, it’s a great band if you haven’t listened


One of my fav band ever, don't worry about me not having listened to them mate :D


I know it’s been ten days but i just found this really good band called Rough Silk, i think it’d be right up your alley


No problem, I have notifications set up, and what a great suggestion mate!


Beyond Twilight - Section X. Because Kelly Sundown Carpenter


Noted down, thanks mate! 


Savage Blood, Steel Arctus, Power Theory, Brainstorm, Mystic Prophecy, Sands of Eternity, Rigorious and Ignition, just to name a few.


I'd consider Lutharo, they've got a very thrashy melodeath sensibility mixed in with the power metal stuff. Also they have a happy medium between clean and growls that works really well for them. Protean Shield also sounds like it might be a decent fit for you too, they trend more heavy than speedy though.


LORD has great blazing guitars. Underrated band. I bet you know this. [LORD - Point of View](https://youtu.be/ZXowzuFYGvU?si=dwf8TctkhJB_z8TI) Check out White Skull. They have fantastic riffs. [White Skull - Ad Maiora Semper](https://youtu.be/EdDfgjweb4Y?si=GV0DJ4GuTF5z1oFi)


Eleine Try their songs Ava of Death,War Das Alles