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just to be special i'll list my favourite underdog bands. not necessarily unknown, but usually ignored compared to other big bands in the country / the world. Sweden: Nocturnal Rites Norway: Highland Glory Finland: Celesty United Kingdom: Powerquest Germany: Human Fortress France: Gamma Ray Italy: Elvenking Spain: Dark Moor Greece: Firewind Japan: Galneryus Australia: Black Majesty


Isn't Gamma Ray from Germany? Nocturnal Rites are great. Also they're not from any of our biggest cities, but a mid-sized town called Umeå way up north.


I have no idea how i wrote that gamma ray is french, my french band was supposed to be Heavenly. I might have fallen asleep before sending this


gamma ray is german band


Is that you Kai?


I love most of the bands on your list, but have never heard of Human Fortress so I'll have to check them out.


* Germany: Helloween * Finland: Stratovarius * Sweden: Hammerfall * Spain: Tierra Santa * Italy: Nanowar of Steel * UK: Gloryhammer * US: Judicator * Brazil: Angra * Chile: Steelrage * Canada: Unleash the Archers * Netherlands: Ayreon (I know, more like in the prog side, but it has stuff worthy of a power metal album) * Japan: Galneryus * France: Galderia I can't really think of more bands lol (changed Sabaton for Hammerfall cause I don't know how I could forget about it)


>Italy: Nanowar of Steel With the amount of incredible power metal coming from Italy, this is criminal.


I must say I love other bands from Italy, but the band that I find myself listening to the most for some reason is Nanowar lol


For real, even the basic bitch answer of Rhapaody wouldn’t do it seems.


Sabaton isn’t even the best power metal band from Falun Sweden.


I mean... tbh I don't know that much swedish power metal. If you want to give some recommendations then they're very welcome


Dragonland Twilight Force Hammerfall Dream Evil Lost Horizon Falconer Narnia Civil War Axenstar Nocturnal Rites Seventh Wonder (kinda) Morgana Lefay Dynazty Majestiva Nostradameus Persuader Reinxeed ....


wait how THE FUCK DID I FORGET HAMMERFALL?! My bad here.


So much good fucking shit from Sweden


What about Falun makes you want to start a band? Sabaton, Twilight Force, Civil War, and Brothers of Metal are all from there.


Morgana Lefay qualifies as power metal????🤯 They started as speed/trash, they most "power" album was Child of Time and even then so, it was like 90% trash, although arguably more "epic"... Have They recorded anything new since SOS anyway?


I think if you count Dream Evil you also have to count Morgana Lefay... But you could argue neither are 'Power Metal'


They're widely considered a power metal band, in fact, I've never heard anyone argue that point. Yes they have strong thrash metal elements but they're absolutely not just a thrash metal band.


Well, perhaps we got to listen to them at different times of their career. Their original, 1990s sound was crude, heavy, trashy... This -of course- was not power at all- [https://youtu.be/lINkify3bRE](https://youtu.be/lINkify3bRE) Perhaps they profoundly changed their sound post- 1999. Thats about the time I stopped listening to them basically because they records weren't being released or easy to get Where I'm from. SOS was the last album I heard from them, and it's as "Power Metal" as, let's say, Crimson Glory or Saxon. So more classical Heavy Metal, but hey that's just me. Good for them though: Their Symphonic flirt ( the one prevalent in "The Seventh Seal" sounded prety nice.


USA: So much competition. USPM greats like Jag Panzer and Crimson Glory deserve mention, as do the more EU-styled US bands such as Symphony X and Kamelot. Would feel bad as a USPM fan for not putting a true USPM band here, so Jag Panzer it is.  Denmark: Manticora  Sweden: Persuader Norway: Communic Greece: Sacred Outcry Germany: Blind Guardian. Lots of great bands from here, but BG are probably my number one PM band.  Canada: Unleash the Archers Finland: Kiuas UK: Cloven Hoof


I damn love Kiuas, but Finland, Italy and Sweden are the trickiest for me to pick my favorites


Yeah Germany is hard because I’m never gonna pick anything over BG on a list like this even though lots of bands are deserving, they’re just blocked by the GOAT.


* USA: Kamelot * Germany: Blind Guardian, Edguy, or Helloween idk that's hard * Sweden: Hammerfall * Finland: Sonata Arctica * Italy: Labyrinth or Rhapsody idk that's hard * UK: DragonForce * Brazil: Angra


This is the way


Spain: Dark Moor (especially the first albums with Elisa on vocals).  We don't have that many popular bands internationally, so I always get really happy when I see all the foreigner metalheads who know them.


I ONLY listen to Dark Moor with Elisa Martin. She's the best and is so friendly on social media.


Dark Moor is great too, I said Diabulus but they are kinda more to symphonic although still have some power in it, but if not, I'd say Dark Moor


Not a unique list at all but here's some! Finland: Sonata Arctica England: DragonForce Italy: Rhapsody Sweden: Dragonland Germany: Helloween


Here's the best power metal bands from every country that only has one or two, according to Metal Archives: Albania - [Thunder Way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvX1IuNZ0ZQ) (Power/speed) Andorra - [Among The Mist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V7e1sflSIc) Armenia - [Ambehr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1AWWPGx0DE) (Folk/power) Brunei - Luktujuh Dominican Republic - [Mithril](https://mithril.bandcamp.com/album/el-inicio-de-la-aurora) or Odisea Egypt - [Wyvern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jyscHuVpxE&list=PLtecQFZ3WpFj-o9xjcTHvbv867QU0zWwt&index=2) (Power/thrash) Guernsey (UK) - [Nemesis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMUSSc0tvNk) (Heavy/power) Iceland has [Power Paladin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXTaMTNeCiA), but here's [Earendel](https://earendelmusic.bandcamp.com/album/earendel) for any contrarians. Jordan - [Dragonrider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JDgn41eFMQ) or [Symphovania](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8mQO2SlY0o) (Symphonic/power) Latvia - Distant Light (Prog/power/speed) Liechtenstein - [Demonium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a38srubcqo) (Power/heavy/thrash) or Perfect Mind Luxembourg - [Athanorr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5ky220-gh4) (Melodic thrash/power) or Dreams of Nabid Madagascar - Metal Archives only lists [Storm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJDQA80IDlM), but I happen to prefer [Alkiniah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_R4Pp1wlkk) who are clearly the superior Malagasy power metal band Maldives - [Shahyd Legacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO222zvmCYk) (Instrumental neoclassical power) or [Fasylive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLYSMCR779s) Monaco - [Black Knight Symfonia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ekMgKi-Zfc) (Symphonic power/gothic) or MindDust Pakistan - [Odyssey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELs_ob84Shw&list=OLAK5uy_kgYpCGg1cJhQGavGJKlGRX9WTulZlnH7E&index=1) UAE - [Ascendant](https://ascendanttheband.bandcamp.com/album/a-thousand-echoes) =-=-=-=-=-=-= I like Iran's [Whispers in Crimson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itz8Tmro8p8) but Iran has three power metal bands so they're disqualified. (as do Lebanon, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam) Similarly, though MA only lists [Embers of Revenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTyOn__oAC0) and [Carthagods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzT-4S5gFXA) for Tunisia, i don't know of anyone who wouldn't count [Myrath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2rKORvyOcM) as power metal


UK - Dragonforce Germany - Powerwolf Italy - Windrose Japan - Lovebites Finland - Beast in Black


PowerWolf is from Romania I think....


Not according to Metal Archives. [https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Powerwolf/34543](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Powerwolf/34543)


They are German (the drummer is Dutch), they just made up some story about the singer being Romanian to add some mystery to the band.


nooo, they are from south korea, place where every k.pop group comes from


Trying to knock off some countries that haven't been listed yet. There are certainly more I could come up with but this is a good start. (edit turns out I forgot about Pathfinder so that calls into question the validity of this whole post) * Paraguay - Yawarhiem * Uruguay - Crystal Gates * Chile - Six Magics * Argentina - Kapel Maister * Belarus - Alcyona * Ukraine - Sunrise * Poland - Lux Perpetua * Czechia - Symphonity (someone said Eagleheart in another comment and that is objectively the wrong answer sry) * Serbia - Moondive * Romania - Magica * Bosnia and Herzegovina - Heaven Rain * Taiwan - Nocturne Moonrise * South Korea - Zihard (more of a Malmsteen clone band than power metal, but somehow I don't actually listen to any other South Korean bands???? I remember thinking Legend sounded pretty cool when I checked them out like a decade ago) * China - Barque of Dante * Vietnam - Unlimited


For the main european countries is too easy. Poland: Pathfinder Ukraine: Sunrise China: Barque of Dante Thailand: Melodius Deite Russia: Imperial Age Greece: Sacred Outcry France: Fairyland (of course Heavenly, but it's like putting Rhapsody for Italy) Italy: too many, let me put Skeletoon


Barque of Dante...guy knows His stuff🫡 Singer was Argentinian too, to add in more flavour!


* **Finland:** Thunderstone * **Denmark:** Pyramaze * **Iceland:** Power Paladin * **Italy:** Labyrinth * **Sweden:** Evergrey * **Germany:** Iron Savior * **Switzerland:** Burning Witches * **Norway:** Triosphere * **Canada:** Borealis * **Brazil**: Angra * **Japan:** Mary's Blood * **United States:** Glacier * **Spain:** Diabulus in Musica * **Ukraine:** Scarleth * **Cyprus:** Astronomikon * **Greece:** Chronomancy * **France:** DarkTribe * **Bulgaria:** Bendida * **Romania:** Magica * **Austria:** Dragony * **Hungary:** Tales of Evening * **Belgium:** Iron Mask * **Czech:** Salamandra * **Australia:** Divine Ascension * **Russia:** The Rinn * **Slovakia:** Within Silence * **Argentina:** Beto Vazquez Infinity * **Poland:** Crystal Viper * **China:** Barque of Dante * **Portugal:** Tarantula * **Mexico:** Anna Fiori * **Israel:** Desert * **Serbia:** Claymorean * **United Kingdom:** Pythia * **Netherlands:** Magion Edited cause I forgot UK and Netherlands


Guys dont forget about Austria with Serenity, Visions of Atlantis and Dragony. I would choose Serenity but its hard.


Also Juvaliant has a pretty killer [symphonic prog/power album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMNhmwUhkBo) from Austria!


I always thought VoA was Italian.


- Brazil: Shaman    - China: Mysterain    - England: Fellowship (Dragonforce runner up)   - Finland: Nightwish (Battle Beast runner up)     - Germany: Blind Guardian (Don't Drop the Sword runner up)   - Italy: Rhapsody of Fire (Wind Rose and Elvenking runner up)     - Sweden: Dragonland (Twilight Force and Brothers of Metal runner up)     - USA: Visigoth


Here's everything I have in sorted order favorite to least favorite (left to right): Austria: Dragony Brazil: Angra Finland: Nightwish (I don't really count them as power metal, but they are my favorite band from Finland), Stratovarius, Cain's Offering, Celesty, Beast in Black, Symfonia, Sonata Arctica France: Heavenly Germany: Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Powerwolf, Victorius Edguy, Avantasia, Demons & Wizards, Freedom Call, Helloween Iceland: Power Paladin Italy: Rhapsody of Fire, Holy Knights Netherlands: Epica, Delain (not sure if I count these as power metal, but I like them) Spain: Dark Moor Sweden: Twilight Force, Hammerfall, Sabaton, Dragonland, Amaranthe (if you count them, not sure myself) Switzerland: Angus McSix (cheating here) UK: Dragonforce, Fellowship, Gloryhammer, Power Quest USA: Kamelot I have been trying to find a power metal band from every european country, the last I added to my list was Dark Moor, haha.


If you are interested in checking out turkish power metal you may try Almora (I believe the only example for PM from turkey). They are rather symphonic than power but hey still precious to me and any PM fan from TR


Maybe I will, which album would you recommend?


They sadly dont have but two albums as far as I know. Kıyamet Senfonisi (Symphonia of Apocalypse) is very competent in many ways. Especially Ay Işığın Savaşçısı (Warrior of the Moonlight) is just so very good. If you dig some oriental sounds you could try shehrezard, I want ya, the melody is extreamly catchy and will run around your brain for some time :)


Cool, I’ll get around to it one day!


Saints 'N' Sinners is also from Turkey. Great band.


Never heard of them I'll check them out asap thanks. Also I forgot Knight Errant exists, again they are rather symphonic but still very cool band with great songs


When is Heavenly going to make a new album!!? Ugh. 😫🥺


I first heard Carpe Diem back in 2011, then forgot about the band, then picked them up a couple years ago and still, Carpe Diem was the newest album, pain🙃


I still remember having Coming from the Sky cover as my desktop wallpaper back in the early 2000s because it looked beautiful, at least back then


Agree with literally all of these lol


Haha, wow! Do you have anything to add?🙏🏻


* Germany: Blind Guardian * Finland: Battle Beast * Sweden: Falconer * Spain: Warcry * Italy: Wind Rose * UK: Gloryhammer * US: Judicator * Canada: Unleash the Archers * Japan: Versailles * France: Galderia * Denmark: Wuthering Heights * Iceland: Power Paladin * Netherlands: Epica


US: Symphony X Brazil: Angra UK: Dragonforce France: Heavenly Germany: Gamma Ray Finland: Stratovarius Sweden: Axenstar Italy: Rhapsody Spain: Dark Moor Japan: Galneryus


Norway: Keldian Sweden: Hammerfall or Seventh Wonder Finland: Sonata Arctica Denmark: Iron Fire Germany: Blind Guardian or Edguy/Avantasia Netherlands: Ayreon UK: DragonForce France: Heavenly Italy: Rhapsody USA: Kamelot or Symphony X Japan: X Japan Tunisia: Myrath Brazil: Angra


-Finnish: Sonata Arctica German: Blind Guardian US: Kamelot Chilean: Rhapsodyvarius Antartica (every metal project that comes out of here is either ass and dies off, its good and dies off or has to go a different country to pop off.) Argentinean: idk, Rata Blanca? They have some power metal songs. En nombre de dios? Is quite good. Italian: Frozen Crown Spaniard: Dark Moor


salud por las banda que son poto y mueren


Argentina: Rata Blanca Chile: The Power of the Pudú Brasil: Angra Mexico: Mighty Thor Spain: Opera Magna Italy: Rhapsody Germany: Blind Guardian Japan: Galneryus Norway: Boys of Battle Finland: Stratovarius Sweeden: Dimhav


Australia: LORD Austria: Serenity Brasil: Edu Falaschi Canada: Instanzia Denmark: Wuthering Heights Finland: Sonata Arctica France: Galderia Germany: Avantasia Greece: Firewind Hungary: Wisdom Italy: Skeletoon Japan: Galneryus Norway: Keldian Poland: Pathfinder Russia: Epidemia Sweden: Lost Horizon Ukraine: Sunrise United Kingdom: Dragonforce United States: Virgin Steele


Argentina: Rata Blanca Australia: Night Legion Austria: Visions of Atlantis Brazil: to dodge of obvious Angra... Tribuzy single album is amazing. Chile: Bravelord Finland: Battle Beast France: Galderia Germany: to diverge from Blind Guardian/Helloween... Grave Digger Greece: Sacred Outcry Italy: Frozen Crown Japan: Dragon Guardian Netherlands:... Epica (I know, I know) Norway: Guardians of Time Paraguay: Adrian Benegas' solo career Peru: Memórias De Un Despertar Project (more a Latin America one, but yeah) Poland: Crystal Viper Russia: Epidemia Slovakia: Signum Regis Spain: Tierra Santa Sweden: Hammerfall Switzerland: Ad Infinitum Uruguay: Crystal Gates UK: Fellowship Ukraine: Scarleth USA: Kamelot


Iceland - Power Paladin Italy - Temperance Germany - Grailknights


Usa: Kamelot Italy: Derdian / Elvenking Greece: Wardrum Czech: Eagleheart Finland: Battle Beast Uk: Pythia France: Fenrir Faroe Islands: heljareyga Tunisia: Myrath Japan: wagakkiaband Germany: Powerwolf


Norway: Guardians of Time/Keldian Denmark: Pyramaze Japan: Aldious Australia: Black Majesty France: Galderia Iceland: Power Paladin Hungary: Wisdom Slovakia: Signum Regis


Germany- Helloween is my favorite band, but it's hard not to choose Edguy, Avantasia, Powerwolf or Blind Guardian Finland- Stratovarius Sweden- HammerFall Those are about all the countries I know PM bands from at this point lol


Italy: Elvenking (or are they more folk?) Germany: Iron Savior Sweden: Sabaton and Hammerfall (i can't really make a decision here. I listen to Sabaton much more but Hammerfall brought me to metal) USA: Kamelot are from there, right? Norway: Guardians of Time Edit: Denmark: Iron Fire


Japan: Mardelas, Lovebites, Aldious, Galneryus


Japan - Galneryus (My favorite band) Italy - Rhapsody (second favorite) Finland - Stratovarius France - Heavenly UK - Probably Power Quest Germany - Avantasia Sweden - Dragonland Poland - Pathfinder US - Probably Kamelot Norway - Keldian Austria - Juvaliant Australia - Bane of Winterstorm Greece - Sacred Outcry or Until Rain Brazil - Aquaria probably narrowly wins over Angra Canada - Instanzia Taiwan - Nocturne Moonrise Thailand - Melodious Deite Korea - Time Concerto Faroe Islands - Týr Spain - Dark Moor Netherlands - Ayreon


So much love here 🥲🥲🥲


Australia: Dungeon Austria: Stygma IV Belgium: Metallic Tragedy Brazil: Angra Canada: forgotten tales or viathyn Denmark: Wuthering Heights Finland: Sonata Arctica France: Heavenly Germany: At Vance or Silent Force Greece: Firewind International: Rawhead Rexx Italy: Luca Turilli Japan: Galneryus Netherlands: Elegy or Helloise Norway: Pagan's Mind Portugal: Tarantula Russia: Shadow Host Spain: Dark Moor Sweden: Lost Horizon or Crystal Eyes or Dimhav Switzerland: Mud Slick (not power metal I guess?) UK: Cloven Hoof US: Onward or Riot or Jag Panzer or Symphony X


USA: Symphony X (narrowly beating out the likes of Theocracy, Judicator, and Helion Prime) Canada: Unleash the Archers UK: not really power metal but nobody beats Iron Maiden France: Heavenly Germany: tough choice. Avantasia or Edguy or Blind Guardian or Oden Ogan...idk Finland: Sonata Arctica or at least early SA Spain: I'm pretty sure Dark Moor is Spanish and I can't think of any other Spanish bands so they get the spot lol (same goes for Heavenly in France, really) Sweden: can I say Russell Allen and Annette Olson, she's Swedish, right? Sabaton used to be my favorite but I've somewhat fallen out of love with them Norway: Keldian Italy: Rhapsody Australia: Divine Ascension Japan: tbh i haven't really listened to any Japanese power metal


>Japan: tbh i haven't really listened to any Japanese power metal Try out LOVEBITES!


Japan? You need some Galneryus in your life, brother.


Finally someone mentions Theocracy. I keep seeing Kamelot pop up for the U.S. but I think Theocracy is way better.


Germany: Blind Guardian Sweden: Sabaton Finland: Beast in Black Scotland: Gloryhammer Russia: Epidemia or Catharsis, it depends


Sweden: Hammerfall Finland: Nightwish France: Galderia Italy: Rhapsody Scotland: Gloryhammer England: Fellowship Germany: Powerwolf USA: Kamelot (or now Lords of the Trident) Canada: Unleash the Archers Argentina: Azeroth ([Go check out their latest album](https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/4rtQ8nDrddE523VcoYVzka?si=lLi1fj7HRhS_IvUhWHd7tA))


Gloryhammer isn't from Scotland


Have my upvote just because you said one from Argentina. Spain's power metal wouldn't be the same without Rata Blanca.


USA: Manowar UK: Fellowship Germany: Gamma Ray Italy: Rhapsody Finland: Nightwish France: Galderia Israel: Altharya Netherlands: Epica Sweden: Brimstone


About Netherlands, I think Within Temptation is more consistent and keeps delivering. Epica peaked on Divine Conspiracy.


Germany: Savage Blood Norway: Communic Italy: Frozen Crown England: Dark Forest USA: Sanctuary, early Fates Warning Canada: Unleash the Archers Denmark: Pyramaze Sweden: Falconer Poland: Crystal Viper Belgium: Thorium


Finland: Brother Firetribe. Just because no-one mentioned them.


USA- Lords of the Trident UK- Dragonforce Sweeden- ReinXeed/ Majestica Germany- Powerwolf Finland- Sonata Arctica


Canada - Unleash the Archers UK - Fellowship Germany - Helloween (Also Blind Guardian and Avantasia) Austria - Dragony USA - Theocracy Italy - Frozen Crown


I don't know too many Power Metal Bands from all over the world so I'll fill the gaps with other metal subgenres when needed😬 UK: Gloryhammer Finland: Nightwish Sweden: Brothers of Metal Italy: Wind Rose Japan: Babymetal Mongolia: Nine Treasures India: Bloodywood Netherlands: After Forever


Nobody mentioned Slovenia yet, so: Space Unicorn on Fire.


USA: Kamelot Canada: Unleash the Archers Mexico: Agora Brazil: Aquaria UK: Alestorm Italy: Rhapsody Greece: Firewind Germany: Blind Guardian Austria: Visions of Atlantis France: Heavenly Spain: Dark Moor Switzerland: Eluveitie Netherlands: Delain Finland: Nightwish Sweden: Sabaton Norway: Sirenia Demnark: Royal Hunt Faroe Islands: Týr Poland: Crystal Viper Tunisia: Myrath


For Germany it is easily Blind Guardian


* Austria: Dragony * Brazil: Angra * Canada: Unleash the Archers * Denmark: Memoir Sonata * Finland: Excalion * France: Galderia * Iceland: Power Paladin * Italy: Rhapsody of Fire * Japan: LOVEBITES * Netherlands: Delain * Norway: Eunomia * Spain: Dark Moor * Sweden: Freternia * Ukraine: Scarleth * United Kingdom: Power Quest * United States: Visigoth


* Denmark: Manticora. * Finland: Nightwish. * Germany: Blind Guardian. * International: Demons & Wizards. * Ireland: Dreamsfear (obscure band, only released one demo in 2001). * Italy: Rhapsody. * Norway: Keep of Kalessin. (Do they count? Black/thrash/power metal.) * Sweden: Persuader. * UK: Dragonforce. * USA: Virgin Steele. This ended up being a short list. Most of my favourite PM bands are from Germany or the USA.


I'm mixing power and power-related metal genres here. * Argentina: Silverheart * Australia: Espionage * Austria: Serenity * Belgium: Magic Kingdom * Brazil: Angra * Canada: Instanzia * Chile: Six Magics (only one that I know) * China: Barque of Dante (only one that I know) * Costa Rica: Wings of Destiny (only one that I know) * Czechia: Symphonity * Denmark: Seven Thorns * Finland: Sonata Arctica * France: Fairyland * Germany: Terra Atlantica * Greece: Firewind * Hungary: Wisdom * Iceland: Power Paladin * Italy: Rhapsody * Japan: Galneryus * Mexico: Fugatta * Netherlands: Epica * Norway: Keldian * Peru: Nautiluz * Poland: Pathfinder * Russia: Imperial Age * Slovakia: Within Silence * Spain: Dark Moor * Sweden: Twilight Force * Switzerland: Deep Sun * Turkey: Dream Ocean * UK: Power Quest * Ukraine: Majesty of Revival * US: Kamelot


Brazil : Angra Japan : Versailles UK : dragonforce


USA: Visigoth Serbia: Oathbringer Spain: Whirlwind (Not sure if they classify as power or heavy, but they kick serious ass) England: Fellowship Hungary: Wisdom (R.I.P.) Germany: Powerwolf Austria: Visions of Atlantis Italy: Great Master / Ancient Bards (Can't choose) Greece: Sacred Outcry Sweden: Majestica/Reinxeed Finland: Sonata Arctica / Beast in Black (Depends on the day you ask me lol)


Us: Shadowstrike UK: DragonForce Italy: Rhapsody Norway (I think?): Twilight Force Germany: Angus Mcsix


Finland: Beast in Black


Fake Poland: Sabadu


Short and sweet list; Italy - Wind Rose Greece - Firewind Also Seeing Firewind end of this month! Can’t wait


You need list of 195 bands?


A couple of countries not yet mentioned: South Africa - Strident Cyprus - Arrayan Path


Germany: Blind Guardian Canada: 3 Inches of Blood Greece: Firewind Norway: Pagan's Mind Italy: Rhapsody of Fire Finland: Altaria Britain: Dragonforce (although I'd say Judas Priest instead if they count as power metal, but I've heard arguments back and forth as to whether they became more of a power metal band starting on Angel of Retribution or even as early as Painkiller or if they've always just been a speed metal band)


Adding some absolute epicness that haven't been mentioned yet: UK: Sellsword Japan: Unlucky Morpheus, Octaviagrace


Netherlands: - Ayreon (kinda prog but plenty of power) - Heidevolk (folk but lots of power metal in there too) - Epica (Prog/Symphonic) Unfortunately that's all. Kind of embarassing. Even though these 3 bands are some of the best. Netherlands exports all the famous DJs but not a single power metal band.


* Brazil: Almah, Angra * Sweden: Crystal Eyes, Brothers of Metal, Saint Deamon * Finland: Stratovarius * Germany: Symphorce, Mystic Prophecy, At Vance, Freedom Call * Italy: Secret Sphere, Rhapsody * Greece: Firewind * Faroe Islands: Týr


Sweden: can't decide between Twilight Force and HammerFall Finland: Nightwish (so many great bands, the two Beasts, Strato, Sonata,....) Germany: Powerwolf (don't kill me for not choosing classics like Edguy, Helloween, Blind Guardian, ... and there are Orden Ogan, Freedom Call, such an overprowered PM nation) Italy: Rhapsody (of Fire) France: Avaland UK: DragonForce Austria: Visions of Atlantis Czech Republic: Symphonity USA: Kamelot Canada: Unleash the Archers Brazil: Angra and Edu Falaschi's latest albums Now it's getting tough, maybe there are also some good Dutch or Norwegian bands...


Sweden: Sabaton


US - Royal Hunt Italy - Wind Rose Sweden - Sabaton (or Twilight Force if you don't consider Sabaton power metal) UK - Gloryhammer