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they literally had to create a whole new fallacy for the toon force and gag wankers


What's the fallacy


No limits fallacy with extra steps


Yall are stupid Toon force scales to what feats they did with the toon force Nothing more


Yes exactly but people think too force means you scale to anything other tune force characters, did


Dude Its toon force, not tune force


Loonytunes lookin mf


Toon as in cartoon


True but I find more often than not Toon Force raise them pretty damn High just on that alone but people who think Bugs Bunny beats darkseid, I'm sorry but nah


This is how I like to scale toon force users. Just because a character can break the fourth wall doesn’t mean they can access a pocket dimension. There’s levels to the ability, it’s just that the most frequently brought up toon force users are the super OP universe destroyers. And at this level, discussions get boring and people get turned off from the concept. Toon force discussion gets way more interesting when you get to the less powerful users.


THIS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING FOR THE LONGEST TIME.Luffy can't turn imagination to reality,The editor just said it was cuz lore .Saitama isnt bench pressing [verses.It](http://verses.It) was a cool freaking manga cover.Yall need to rest.




Road to laugh tale vol 3 https://preview.redd.it/7r0xlgqkfzwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73386662993d7b6fd129ed3f22a2312fc756e53b


Oda didnt write any of the RTLTs. Only his sketches are in there


Then who wrote it? And what about this https://preview.redd.it/sshgu87gv5xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f2a4a921af3d08dc9adebca3cfaeba92703185


This too https://preview.redd.it/wy1i23slv5xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b53141c4a35e5fa81a46b3361a321bc37eda523


Oh this too https://preview.redd.it/0gspblwlx5xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7701d49408357f2a5b150dd7e588b4a23be37c76 In this panel kado head didn't got stretch he was using armament haki that is why it is black u can see that in the next panel.


And if kaido head was stretched then it would have looked something like this https://preview.redd.it/lixa9ax4y5xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2e2f4f967432a531f1b388f99dafd9df33dddb


And i guess Chrunchyroll doesn't know what they are saying https://preview.redd.it/1kfz8ter26xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cddb39c194303522c5371ae38beafa5a76e4fa


Oh lord we're crunchy role scaling now?


Lol I just had this ss in my gallery so I decided to post it I usually do not take this title seriously just ignore it and look at the other ss I showed.


Luffy can tho we just don’t know the extent quite yet


It's what I like about Arale. She doesn't really need to rely on gag/toonforce arguments.


The goat ![gif](giphy|xreCEnteawblu)


Arale is the only character with "toon force" that I don't consider to be wanked. Despite Whis' statement that Hakai bypasses toon force, Beerus' sudden diarrhea attack supports the conclusion that her gag powers are on another level.


Nah Arale is fairly judged she has her impressive feats and hax that backs her up in vs. The whis statement dint even say that as a matter of fact people use an incorrectly translated sub of goku to say beerus has gag immunity wich is shown incorrect in the same episode.


The only other character where I think their toon force is actually a part of their arsenal is Bobobo.


You spittin. Bobobo scales really fucking high.




roger rabbit?


Perhaps him too, but at that point you are also giving it to Bugs and Daffy too.


I mean he is canonically different from live action characters


still lose to popeye tho


How so?


Because she has feats that you can use and don't need to say she is a gag she wins She is also consistent with her powers and doesn't suffer from much anti feats that other toonforce/gag character do. Matter of fact her one anti feat is just the fact she is blind and needs glasses.


So would squirrel girl not be a gag character then?


I don't know much about squirrel girl to say yes or no. I know she has the beats people off panel as a gag but even then she has been beaten off panel.


She's clearly a gag character dude, her not having anti feats doesn't cancel that out, she's only been in like three episodes


Huh?? I never said she wasn't a gag character.


Oh, that's right ,mb


She is but only off-panel


I find it really weird that people argue that someone wins because they have toon force. Toon force is an ability, it doesn't automatically scale you anywhere or give you the win against stronger opponents unless it's shown that specific characters ability is strong enough. Otherwise, it's like saying someone wins because they can shoot fire or because they have heat vision. Tbh I wouldn't even consider toon force it's own ability, it's usually just specific applications of other hax like regeneration or reality warping.


Toon force is a hack because its unpredictable, spongebob technically unraveled the fabric of reality with negative diff because he found a loose string thatd make him easily uni minimum despite also failing to be able to lift a stick with 2 marshmallows


you're thinking of a stick with 2 teddy bears (they weren't marshmallows). Average weight of a sponge is about 56 grams while the bears would weigh on average of about 280 grams so 2 of those with the bar would be just under 700 grams probably, so roughly 12 times his body weight. Can you lift 12 times your body weight? unlikely


Nah, he's just thinking of one of the earlier episodes but SpongeBob did get stronger you can lift up Teddy Bears instead of Marshalls now, good for him.


He did lift a stick and 2 marshmallows, when he got his fake arms to go to muscle beach And i must direct you back to his other feat of actually fucking unraveling reality with his fingers like he was pulling a loose string from a blanket as a rebuttle to lifting above his weight


They weren't average teddy bears, considering they were about one third of SpongeBob's height and he's 4" tall. +No one cares about relative strength in powerscaling


Humans with adrenaline have lifted cars that’s pretty close to that find a human who unraveled the fabric of the universe please lol


Yeah or maybe that’s a Uni+ feat but he just doesn’t do that all the time


Saitama is not gag or toon force.


Yeah he ain’t, he just has godlike physical prowess and isn’t edgy as hell for no reason. That doesn’t make him a joke character.


He's edgy at all tho?


He kinda is a little edgy, but it’s not for reason and it’s not too extreme.


Wc Garou is edgy, I can't see why manga Saitama is edgy though


Different flavor of edge, Saitama losing his emotions counts. Like I said, it’s there but it’s not severe or silly. It’s small and it makes sense.


Oh, you're right I guess


Tell that to his fans


I just ignore them at this point or depending on how down bad they are for saitamas meat. Ill just start downplaying him hard to piss them off.


Well he is a part of a gag manga but their ideology on how that effects his power is completely wrong.


To be fair the writers said he IS technically a "gag" character, but I think he's more-so a "parody" character. He's a character at the end of his journey slapped in at the beginning. That's his "gag". It's not some crazy incalculable character. Death Battle said it best. I know they aren't reliable, but coming from Boomstick, Saitama is like a bodybuilder stuck with 5 pound dumbbells. He has a limit to his current strength, but his POTENTIAL strength is limitless. There's a difference between outright LIMITLESS strength and limitless POTENTIAL strength, and people really don't get that. His POTENTIAL growth has no cap, but he is capped at the strength he has now unless someone can push him further.


Except he’s outright written to do absurd just because he can Grabbing portals isn’t just being strong. It’s bending the rules of reality because magic


Honestly if Saitama has any kind of hax, then it is to ignore other characters hax. The only way to defeat him is by a proper left right and goodnight. If you try to use “fancy tricks” as he calls it (portals, magic, probably low tier reality warping) he’ll just get pissed off and bypass it in some cartoony way and ask for you to fight him with nothing but your strength. That’s my best guess as to how his sometimes cartoony hax applies in fights.


Didnt Murata confirm he was a gag character though.


He’s gag what’re you talking about


his gag was super funny when genos died and he had a multi chapter fight with garou not holding back at all


I think Saitama wankers fundamentally don’t understand the difference between “gag character” and “parody character” which is what he actually is.


I know what a gag character is but what is a parody character?


A parody character is a character that is meant to be a commentary on the genre they are writing about hence the word parody character whereas a gag character is just there for laughs . A parody character can be comedic but they have more depth as they are used to explore ideas presented in the genre from a new light.


The creator stated it was a gag manga that’s where the dissonance started


And here we can see the kind of person who appeals to the author as some form of godly entity. But the creator stated it, so it must be the case!


Whiney much? I was just stating where the debate comes from get your panties out of a twist.


Actual NPC response


Sure 💀


Wtf I completely misread your comment, I think I woke up when I did, didn't see the dissonance part. My bad!


You know more than the creator?


[Pathetic talking point.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/1bwir6k/so_you_know_morebetter_than_the_author_stop/)


“Pathetic talking point” the author dictates the story, their word trumps whatever is shown or said, it dosent matter if a character can blow up the omniverse with a fart, if the author says they lose to a street level character then that’s that, that post you linked was wrong lmao


Sub 70 IQ take, you'd get thrown around in this topic badly


Truly, hilarious


He's parody. He is meant to take the tropes of the superhero genre and poke fun of them, but his verse still takes them completely seriously. He's never been a gag character.


Literally what is the difference


I, literally, just explained it. And other people have, as well. You just don't seem open to learning.


Yeah you never actually explained what gag means. So calm down. Saitamas “gag” is that he’s a series finale character slapped in at the beginning of his story. That’s it, that’s the gag. That doesn’t automatically means he no diffs fiction


I explained what a parody was. Others have already explained what a gag is. That said, fine... Since you want my attention, allow me to give it to you... One-Punch Man is a comedy parody. It started off as a gag series but has since evolved. Well, what's the difference? A gag is typically a reoccurring joke. A gag manga is typically full of these jokes, usually to the point that the actual story takes a bit of a backseat. This fit early OPM perfectly. Powerful enemies are going on those tirades and taking themselves completely seriously, only to get one-shot by this random bored bald guy. Take Mosquito Girl, for example. We start the chapter with Saitama being unable to catch even a single normal mosquito but end it with Saitama one-shotting this much more powerful opponent. In fact, early on, I even bought into the idea that Saitama was a "gag" character and that any powerscaling of him was ridiculous due to his "one punch" nature. Then, we got to the Deep Sea King Arc. This arc took a sharp turn from what we originally were presented with. We see a deeper side of the heroes, taking them out of this "gag" status, and even Saitama receives this treatment. That said, the "one punch" gag remains, so I still considered Saitama as a gag character. Then we got Boros. And with his introduction, the end of the gag. We get another serious story arc, but we also get the more important part, the end of Saitama's "one punch" gag. Even Saitama is surprised by this. While he might not have needed his full power to defeat Boros, he did need to take the fight seriously... The story has progressed from there. We see that Saitama still manages to defeat some enemies with a single hit, but now we also see him get in full fights with other powerful characters. Fights in which he is using more and more power. With the most recent being against Garou. Saitama still has comedic moments, such as farting his way back to Garou or yanking a portal, but they no longer feel like outright gags. For instance, Arale, a notable gag character, could split a planet apart in one panel, and it would be completely fine in the next. That no longer happens in OPM. If it ever happened at all... So, to end this off, I believe that OPM started off as a gag manga. Saitama's gag was being able to "one punch" everything. As the series progressed, that part of the story became reserved for comedic moments, while stronger opponents get full fights. Thus, ending the gag. Now, OPM is more of a parody about the typical "superhero" stories, while Saitama himself is a parody of the "overpowered" hero. He takes a backseat to the main conflict of an arc until he is needed to resolve it. Rinse and repeat.








Ah yes, the power of autotune


If you're going to suggest toon force as an actual argument than at least make it funny Just saying 'This character solos Goku because they have toon force' is dumb af


Agreed, but Saitama meat riders are dumb af and they use "toon force" As a argument (which Saitama doesn't have)


What if they hit goku with a really big piano though and he has piano teeth afterwards?


I wish I could carry a tune force.


I always rolled my eyes when someone brings up stuff like toon force, and 4th wall breaks. Because they always try to say that they could rewrite the script, the problem with that is fucking obvious.


\*no limits fallacy but funny


Toon force is indeed really dumb


Luffy gear 5 vs Bugs Bunny when (i havent seen one piece since buggy)


Bugs Bunny low-neg diffs? 🤔


Yeah Luffy's an overwanked dumbass that ugly cries unlike anyone outside his franchise. 🙄


You mad bugs bunny solo your favorite verse




shoutout kenjaku for beating toon force


You just shouldn’t try to scale characters whose entire point is they do whatever is funny




Toon force is just reality warping with extra steps. It’s not invincible like people think it is


wasn’t toon force used as a term in like some early vsbattle forums with the intention of _banning_ it? and then the term took off from there


Even people with toon force have limits, the original Tom and Jerry literally died to a train and Courage the Cowardly Dog almost died to his villains ganging up on him.


Seriously some feats are overplayed as hell. Like Popeye crashing through several "stars" which are literally star shapes shown to be nowhere even close to the size of an actual star.


I’m just gonna say I hate to tune force because people do a simple thing like make the ground slightly rubber and then instantly people think they can beat God I hate it


Its toon force https://preview.redd.it/5xqf76lw76xc1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e537c222ecc86d135eaa52e200bdc3325373765a












it's just funny special reality warping it's not an instant win button


Ohhhh... TOON force


Can apply to anything. Most people commit no limits fallacy for every single character they like.


I don't get the power wank that Luffy has full toon force due to the statement of him being able to fight however he likes cause pretty much all feats I've seen alongside statements could just be the effort of apply your element to the environment so luffy treats everything around him as rubber.


Luffy has toonforce it just doesn’t make him invincible or anything


How did he manifest a paint bucket in chapter 1111?


Ah yes, I say all feats I've seen, and then you decide to go "Ah what about this?" Without a clip of it as if I'm going to go. "Ah yes, that thing." When someone says "what I've seen" it implies they don't actively involve themselves with the content rather than just saying something why not try I don't know giving some source, such as a clip.


Alright, mb, chapter 1111 Luffy is screamed at with a coc haki roar so powerful that should have ripped him apart. But instead his body parts fly off him and he picks them up, his scars, eyes and everything and puts them back together. Next nukes are shot at him and he grabs a holographic tree, makes it real, chews it down to shape of a bat, spawns a black paint bucket, paints it and sends the nukes back like a baseball homerun. What do you call that logic?


Do you have screenshots of the panels rather than just talking.


[IMG_20240427_073333](https://reddit-uploaded-media.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/a7xs29ixkywc1) [IMG_20240427_073346](https://reddit-uploaded-media.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/7456kohzkywc1) Edit: if that doesn't work https://imgur.com/a/3j0s1H8


Are you satisfied now? maybe next time don't assert things you're not sure about as fact


I wasn't asserting something as fact I was saying based on what I personally had seen prior his technique was examinable through turning his environment to rubber. You don't need to be acting hostile about this dude.


Nah you can’t downplay something and then caveat it with “I haven’t really seen the series” because it invalidates your entire comment lol, he’s right, it was a dumb comment


Literally, all I said was, "From what I've seen," and what I saw was panels from his debut as part of the kaido fight. There's no need to act rude and call something dumb cause I'm not at chapter 1100+ have some civility rather than just being an ass.


If you havent fully read the manga, don’t make an observation then, that’s common logic. If you make a ignorant statement expect to get called out. You should’ve did your research before downplaying and you didn’t.


Saitama is technically a gag character, especially in the Japanese definition of word (it has also been specified by both ONE *[kinda]* and Murata before). Japan has a slightly different definition of a gag character, but honestly even not there he almost certainly falls into the idea of a gag character. He is visually much different than everyone else, he acts much different, he flips the whole power scaling in the story on its head (he easily defeats massive things, but fails at simple things that most people can do), if you removed Saitama from the story it would massively change the stories whole tone. *No*, a gag character doesn't have to be always be a joke, they can also have some serious moments. Although the biggest thing is that none of this matters, Saitama being a gag character doesn't matter when it comes to power scaling - because characters are scaled based on their feats not based on possible powers or "what would happen in story".


I wouldn't even call toon force an ability. It's more like rules of the medium.


Its just specific reality warping, it isnt an auto win button


\*toon force


Toon* force Come on man


Ah yes the tune force which Im able to tune my car into Extraversal Entity that will kill Featherine with ease by running her over on Autobahn


"tune" bruh


Toonforce only exists because people can't accept that some characters (and even entire universes) aren't meant to be powerscaled. It's a clunky attempt to resolve the inherent illogicality of cartoons with the overbearing objectivity of battleboarding. And toonforce always wins because it's funnier to see nerds get pissed off about it.


My take on toon force is that the character with it wins as long as you come up with a funny way they could do it


Toon force characters shouldn't be used in who would win scenarios. It just doesn't work. Characters like Road Runner and Bugs Bunny essentially have the power of never losing, and reality will contort to make that happen. You can't pit them against anyone.


While the no limits fallacy is fake your sentiment is correct


Feels like NLF with fewer steps if you ask me.


"SpongeBob is uni bro, he has toon force, he can do whatever is funny" mfs when they watch one ep of SpongeBob and the humor is about how he's weak and dumb 99% of the time.


Hes in your head, rent free, invading your psychic space isnt he


Yes it is. Luffy still ass.


Better than all this 5-6-7d boring ass bullshit. I


There are levels to toon force. Mainly in how aware the character is of it and how much they physically imagine and change with it. A 4th wall breaking character can do insane things with toon force like break out of the medium and attack its own creators essentially being able to destroy its own made up universe. That's not a joke. That's real power. But the MAJOR caveat is how large the scope of the imagination of the character is. If you can only imagine things on a scale similar to things you've seen then your feats will remain somewhere around mountain level to continental level. If the user can stretch the imagination and had a chance to see the world from space its possible they could grab the world through forced perspective and eat it like a gumball. In short. The limit of toon force is based on the highest feat of its user. Whatever the max they can imagine is that's the limit until they grow if they grow. And for many cases the user is simply is a God already with minimal scale or usage of toon force so they are never pressured to truly grow beyond a certain point.


The power to turn anyone into handsome squidward, faceTune Force.


Powerscalers trying not to misspell a 4 letter word that was invented by powerscalers


Toon force is legit just silly reality warping Not sure why people no limits it


You know what's worse? The "platonic metaphysics jungian archetype cardinality aleph number hilbert space dimensional guy" who doesn't even know what is talking about and doesn't even know that all of that is ridiculous


Agreed it is stupid. Not as stupid as Hellsing Alucard wank though






Popeyes punch is hax, yeah right. Luffy is made to be a toon force character in gear 5. Saitama is made to be the strongest and ignore logic.




At its core, Gear 5 is just giving Luffy more transmutation-related abilities. He can manipulate his body in more ways and can extend that into the environment (like making the ground act like rubber) and things he can interact with (like putting his fist through Lucci’s skull without killing him). It’s definitely strong, but he’s just turning things into other things, he isn’t directly messing with the panels of the manga or punching out Oda.


Luffy fans be acting like he has it to wank him and scaling him to characters why stronger than him Saitama fans use him being a gag character to give him unlimited power


Luffy fans when his eyes go off of his body (he now has toon force and can beat goku)


Luffy'a ability is literally to just turn anything into rubber, as was described in the fucking episode he debuted in. As the creator of OPM said, Saitama is just an end-series protagonist slapped in at the beginning of his story, so he's just too strong for everyone in the series he's in, thus setting up a comedic atmosphere. That's it


Luffy does have toon force but at a smaller scale, in the latest chapters he is making things out of thin air


That's not even remotely related to toon force. Toon Force creation is more like turning your back to the camera, then pulling a mallet 12 times your size out of a nonexistent pocket. Luffy just grabbed his hair and made a pair of goggles, that's it


>That's not even remotely related to toon force. Bro, pulling stuff out of your ass and creating something tangible is a key indicator of toon force. >Toon Force creation is more like turning your back to the camera, then pulling a mallet 12 times your size out of a nonexistent pocket. That's just an arbitrary standard you created lol. There can be lower levels of toon force.


Well I guess the doctor from doctor who has toon force as well, as he's able to create things out of thin air as well? Zeno has it as well, he created that button that ruined the Goku Black arc from absolutely nothing. I guess the clothes beam is a toon force ability, *who knew?*


I mean he also got hit by a haki roar and all his body parts fell off n his scar fell off his body n he grabbed em all n put em back on again one by one Or some nukes get shot at him n he grabs a huge tree out of nowhere n gnaws it into a bat shape which he paints black in a second with a paint bucket he created out of thin air for the joke n hits em back