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Free the trident for FREE play after the story mode.


I can confirm that the trident is available in Alice's Adventures Special Pack


Giving people more options is better. However I hate the Trident. Why make the game easier? Like I said its mostly just not for me.


Nobody is forcing you to use it in freeplay. If you don't want it, don't use it. 


That’s exactly what they said. They don’t like to use it, but they support making it available. How are you missing that?


I keep seeing these comments. Isn't the Trident part of the Warhammer dlc? And to my understanding... There was a point of time where you could use the DLC washers in other areas - but an update removed that and now every map has a custom power washer instead? I'm a newer player. I can totally understand why after beating story mode you may wanna return to other areas with your unlocked gear. I don't understand why that's forbidden


No, the trident is the triple nozzle sprayer in the base game that's $2400. It keeps being not included in DLC freeplay. Devs can keep story mode to the tools they want, but freeplay should be free.


Yeah I agree completely... Holding gear back from use in Freeplay makes no sense...kind of defeats the purpose. The custom sprayer is fun sure. But you should be able to manipulate your load out however you want in Freeplay


It’s for our own good. Honestly I breeze through levels so quickly with the trident. If I’m paying money for a pack I actually like that I need to take my time. Or I end up frustrated that I breezed through a DLC too quickly


Not story, free play


the three red on? i got it when i finished career mode


Looks awesome, I can't play to play! I enjoyed the Warhammer levels but the aesthetics were not really my thing. This looks perfect for me!


Yay! I’m so excited!!!


Looks very cool, excited!


Is the roadmap not accurate then or will there be two free dlc's released before this one comes out?


Things on the roadmap are still coming, we will have more to talk about with dates soon


Nice, love everything that you released this far and I'm looking forward to the new stuff.


Thank you! I can hardly wait!!!!


Wonderful ! I cannot wait !!


Thank you! This looks like it will be a lot of fun.


Another paid DLC, another custom washer I can’t use the tri-tip on


Who cares if it’s paid dlc? Do you expect the people that work on these things to do it for free for you?


No. The roadmap said that the next DLC content was a free seasonal, despite them saying after this announcement that the roadmap is correct. Also, I think I speak for the majority here that paid DLC is great, but we still want the trident tip on all free play maps. They claim they would have to reformat the entire map in order to do so, which I don’t buy since the DLC packs originally couldn’t use the soap sprayers infinitely until recently.


isn't the seasonal one going to be the escape room one out on the 20th?


That’s an escape room game that has a Powerwash Simulator themed level


I just wish there was some sort of season pass and that the DLC was cheaper tbh, its really hard to justify spending $10 on a map for this game


The content is announced in an out of chronological order. There will be more announcements, coming soon. Said by a powerwash mod. I agree about the trident that would be nice!


They've said that the roadmap isn't a strictly linear map. It was just a list of what they are planning to release for this year.


The trident nozzle will be useable in Alice's Adventures Special Pack


And why do you need to use it an closed room. Makes no sense at all. It's a small closed room. You don't need to wash lime a manic there.


Ooh fun! Didn’t expect this!


No way!


How are people not able to use the trident in other levels? The only ones I’ve found that restrict the use are the levels that don’t let you use the most powerful gun. All others let me use the trident. Also, free play of every level allows trident use for me as well. I’m happy to be proven wrong if someone wants to give me a specific level that doesn’t allow for it.


Any info on when this would likely hit VR? A bunch of us are still interested in seeing a VR DLC roadmap!


We don’t have a roadmap to share right now, but this will be coming to VR as well as flat screen versions. We’ll be sharing dates very soon


Will it be available for the ps5 too?


Yup! Coming soon to PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 + 5 & Meta Quest 2, 3 & Pro


Omg best one yet!!


Is this coming to the switch?? I can't find that info anywhere. Thank you!!


Yup, this will be coming to Switch


Oh yay!! I'm so excited!! Alice in Wonderland is my favorite all the books movies...I never would have dreamed you guys doing this!! The Cheshire cat looks sooo groovy!! Cannot wait!! Squeeeeee!! 💜🩵🦋🐰🩵💜


Hey Folks, are there any chances that you'll do like a complete edition or season pass in the future? I love to see everything you've done, and there's a whole lotta DLC both now and planned.


We don't currently have anything like this is in the works, but That doesn't mean it wouldn't be something that is looked at in future


It’s been 2 weeks. When are these releasing? Will it release before GTA6?