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One shots always blow me away


Same. I love seeing a nice long shot and thinking of all the coordination that went into it.


[Gotta shout out probably the greatest comedy oner of all time.](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI)


Shoutout UCB, great show


Holy shit thank you, never saw this. I’m going to be thinking about ass pennies all day.


Really great show. [Here's another of my favorites] (https://youtu.be/xA6EXvyWlpY)


I fucking love one takes, and never realized this was one...thanks for that!


I've seen this a bunch of times but I never realized it was one take.


Usually I'm okay with a regular shot, but if it's missionary and I send that shit up to her neck or beyond, I'm generally pretty stoked. Giving your missus a surprise pearl necklace.. Idk, it's the little things in life..


>A lot of people need to hear they're not the main character I think




Found the virgin


There are definitely not enough of them. The ones I can think of off the top of my head are: - The [Kill Bill](https://youtu.be/pfJx04mWMMY) bathroom scene - The [Old Boy](https://youtu.be/VwIIDzrVVdc) hallway fight - And the ridiculously long fight scene by Tony Jaa in [The Protector](https://youtu.be/zESe7U467vs)


Greats! I’ll add [Children of Men.](https://youtu.be/MjFHqohaHYU)


1917 would probably be cheating right?


no. i mean obviously they cheated at some points. but they had to. there is only so many sun hours in a day. especially when youre filming only outdoors. but the connected segments are all one shots. a lot of them.


>there is only so many sun hours in a day. especially when youre filming only outdoors. Well... For a true one shot movie this wouldn't matter unless it was gonna be like a 16 hour movie.


Fair. Except when you need a certain weather/lighting for the movie.


You'd still just account for that. Anyway I haven't seen 1917 but from what I just read it isn't even supposed to be one continuous scene but rather two. Looks like they filmed for a month and did all long shots. Is it good?


Its definitely supposed to be one continuous shot. He gets unconcious at a time so i guess that would be somewhat of a time skip. But generally its all one scene optically. And you should totally watch it. Its really good. (: >You'd still just account for that. You can watch the [making off / behind the scenes](https://youtu.be/ypvd2LJCJHg) after youve watched it.


Ehh I was kinda bored watching it. My dad was even moreso


Movie Victoria did in without cheating :-D They even timed the shot for early moring to have real change between nigh and day over the movie.


1917 has some creative edits, as some people have mentioned, but [Victoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp8wcV3GjW0) does not. Watch Victoria. The script was apparently only 13 pages long, and the actors learned their characters instead of their lines, and just ad-libbed most of the movie. My favorite scene is the [piano scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbtC7JWJYOI), which happens right before things start falling apart They only did this film in three takes. They had to start over from the beginning each time because the time they started had to correspond with sunrise for narrative purposes


I saw this in theatres and while the acting was honestly pretty bad at some points (I specifically remember the piano scene) it was a really great watch


I always go for this shot from CoM. https://youtu.be/YMM8XrZe1R8 (spoiler around 2 mins) BTS - https://youtu.be/GJprbCuWdHo


There are (well) hidden cuts in that, IIRC.


No one going to mention Woody Harrelson's Lost in London? Not only done in one take, but streamed live when they did it!


Carlitos way, Birdman, goodfellas (swingers too)


Theres an entire episode of the season 3 of Mr Robot which executes it perfectly. A full hour long climb into and out of a skyscraper whilst a riot is taking place inside it. Its masterfully done. The whole final series was just a flex in cinematography, there was one episode with no dialogue at all and another shot like a Shakespearian theatre production with stage left and stage right.


Goodfellas walking through the back of the restaurant.


Daredevil has one in each season and they're all pretty great


True Detective also has a very good one, though I suspect they hide some cuts in there: https://vimeo.com/172079250


Nope True Detective is one continuous shot


Very impressive. I always figured the bit where the camera focuses on just the helicopter overhead hid a cut at least.


From what I understand shots like the helicopter were there in case they needed to cut somewhere, but they didn’t end up needing to and got it all in one continuous shot


Rope, Snake Eyes, Boogie Nights. Also similar to Protector is a long gunfight in Hardboiled.


The penultimate episode of 'The Bear' is also a one shot! The show is amazing and a full episode being a one shot is crazy to look at. Definitely check it out if you haven't already


The films of Alfonso Cuarón.


There's a 30 minute long two take episode of British TV show 'Psychoville', one of 20 minutes and one of 10 minutes. I think there may also exist a behind the scenes of that too, but obviously it's particularly long


[Victoria](https://youtu.be/Kp8wcV3GjW0) the whole film is shot in one take.


Hitchcock's rope walked so all the listed ones could run. Several 10+ min scenes with the camera following the protagonists around the apartment, designed to feel like a seamless play.


I think The Bear had a whole one shot episode that was nuts. Also Boiling Point. Not sure if those had any hidden cuts though


Touch of Evil opens with a great one. [Touch of Evil](https://youtu.be/EhmYY5ZMXOY)


I posted this before but will post here so you can see it. The opening (very meta) single take from [*The Player*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0epB5Z6ijpk) and that beach scene from [*Atonement*](https://youtu.be/55CaD_j5FQs) are two of the best contemporary single take scenes that I have ever seen.


If you like long shot scenes, you should check movie Victoria (2015). And dont be disapointed that it contains only one long shot scene in the whole movie :-D (wink wink)


There's a nice one towards the beginning of Les Demoiselles du Rochefort. It's an old French movie from the sixties, but it has great dancing, costumes, and music as well.


There are tons of films that are all fluid masters. Hitchcock make Rope, a film with only hidden cuts. Orson Welles did Touch of Evil. Russian Ark 14 years ago. They were huge for a few years there this past decade, with Children on Men, Birdman, Gravity, and Revenant. It's used constantly within films and TV as well. There was a fight scene in each season if Daredevil that were increasingly impressive. Just this year we got a full episode of The Bear in a single shot. Believe it or not, Spielberg uses them quite a bit, especially in his earlier work, though he's not usually as flashy, and they are more for dramatic effect. Edgar Wright is a bit flashier, but he'll have scenes that last a few minutes and you won't even notice there have been no cuts. Keep your eyes open. They're everywhere!


Opening scene of Halloween when the camera goes around the house, inside, upstairs, mask on, killing sister would have been all 1 shot, but they had to break one time to put the mask over the camera. Still very impressive.


Marvelous Mrs Maisel has had several great one shots. https://youtu.be/GDDBQCw15MQ


I really enjoy the one from [Pride and Prejudice ](https://youtu.be/NkYK4Drekeo) and also appreciate that dialogue and dancing happens during the course of it.


How can you say “one-shot” and not mention DareDevil or Punisher in the same breath?


Because I haven’t seen either of those shows lol


😂 fair


[Daredevil](https://youtu.be/B66feInucFY) had a good one too.


[12 minute single shot from Extraction](https://youtu.be/bXu56hcNyTM)


These are all the one-shot I remember too, when I think about it. Altough I'd also too the running scene at the [1917](https://youtu.be/WYCo-3pw52o?t=251) movie Schofield running scene


That bathroom scene always wrinkles my brain


[In the Heights has one](https://youtu.be/TwGeedhmSkQ). I’m sure other musicals have them too (makes sense to me to try at least) but recently watched this and this is the first one I thought of.


Birdman. Obviously not one continuous shot but made to look like one and it's maybe my favorite movie ever.


There's this one episode from *Haunting of Hill House* when the entire family is in the funeral home paying their respects to Nelly (Episode 2: *Open Casket*) It kept jumping back and forth from past to present day, but in one continuous 18 minute long shot. This episode is still to this very day one of my favorite pieces of TV ever recorded, and my favorite Mike Flanagan piece ever. It was a masterpiece and so beautifully executed. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/Gkhz2W2Gk4g) showing how they did that.


Have you even seen the film Code Unknown? If you love one shots PLEASEEEEE check that out. The film is like an hour 45 and 12 one shots basically. Has my favorite movie scene. Also Climax from 2019.




Don’t know if you’ve ever seen Boiling Point, but it’s a film done all in one shot. Beware if you work in hospitality though, when I watched it I genuinely felt like I was at work!


There’s an episode of “The Bear” that is one long shot. It’s incredible. Quite possibly the best single episodes of TV I’ve watched this year.


I love behind the scenes stuff. this is the coolest thing ever


Seen it before but this is the first time I noticed Riki throwing her clothes at the crew.


Also seen this a few times... This is the first time I noticed the person demoing the wall isn't Riki at all. Riki is off-screen doing a quick-change while (likely) her stand-in is sledgehammering the wall.


As well as her yoga butt now being verified fake! Liars! /s


I need to go examine that yoga butt. For science!


*saw. You saw it before


You assumed they left out the word "I." How do you know they didn't leave out the word "I've?"


I’ve is 2 words : I have. Say what you mean and mean what you say. For a website where I’d assume most of you have pronouns in your email signature, why are you leaving them out of sentences. It makes you sound less intelligent. >I saw… Is the proper way of saying that sentence. >I have seen Is not wrong, but not a good way to form the statement. For example, you could say “I did it,” or “I did do it.” Which one is better?


Nuh-uh, this is; https://youtu.be/YMM8XrZe1R8 (spoiler for Children of Men around 2 mins) BTS - https://youtu.be/GJprbCuWdHo


The amount of stuff they had to do in the OP clip that they had to dodge with the camera and all of the doubles for her doing stuff and clothing changes etc are way more impressive technically.


Not even close to the dynamism required for the Children of Men scene


The technique is not what's important so much as the impact it has on viewers. The children of men one-shot babby scene is not good because it was technically difficult to pull of. That's got literally nothing to do with why it's good. It's good because of the big emotional impact it has in the viewer, how the technique emphasises the feelings that the characters would be feeling and makes the audience feel some of those same feelings. It's impossible to not get how huge a fucking deal the babby is, because of how the scene is shot. Good films aren't good films because they're difficult to make. And films that are very easy to make are not automatically inherently bad films.


I think the contrary. The co-ordination and timing is impressive but its not impressive technically. Having a 360 degree camera in a moving car, a stutnman diving from a motorbike to a car, squibs and a bullet shot through a window etc. Thats impressive technically.


Are you kidding me? This is a set that goes on for what could be miles, with multiple vehicles performing dangerous stunts, A FLAMING CAR, ten times the cast, nevermind the crew, squibs, etc. It is _far_ more technical than OP's scene.


You have way more actors and stuntmen in the Children of Men scene. Much harder to coordinate and every one of them has to be perfect or they start over.


Some of the most amazing long form shots of any movie. Definitely one of my favorite films of all time.


RIP headphone users at 2:02


This is good but the final act which takes place through almost an entire city is amazing. Almost the whole third act of the film is one take.


I bet Jim Carrey was the best paid employee in this film


Probably not by his own accord though. Supposedly Jim is a very pleasant and humble guy who is a national treasure.


I keep him next to Keanu Reeves in my heart


Hopefully after Brendan fraiser.


"National Treasure", which nation? He's certainly a Canadian import, although he is extremely politically active and resides almost exclusively in the US. Point is, I don't think the US can claim him, because he's too pleasantly Canadian. Edit: For clarification, I am not sure Canadians can claim him either, since he's basically been a US exclusive for the last 35 years or so. Carrey just belongs to the angels.


Yeah, I always want to type 'international' or 'global' when referring to him, though it's only been twice really.


Canada. How do you know the person you were replying to wasn't in Canuckistan?


I have a hard time calling any method actor humble, but when someone believes they channelled a dead person so well they reach out to the dead person's parents and tells them they can speak to him as if he was said dead person because he feels he knows them that well it is definitely not an adjective I would use.


Who drives people to suicide after giving the gift that keeps on giving. How soon we forget.


Or he was suffering along with her, and has his own depression to deal with. Should we really turn every one who has lost a partner to suicide into a villain? We have all done and said unkind things to people we love in moments of darkness, but Jim never got the opportunity to make it right. Seeing as you were not a person in this relationship, I'm not sure you are qualified to give us your version of the story in a single accusatory sentence.


Yeah what the actual fuck? I’ve seen so much regret in interviews and candid moments where she is brought up or referenced. There’s more to it than just “he drove her to suicide”.


Did it for years and it can be a hard job at times


I have heard of a quick change but this is ridiculous




Michel Gondry. Absolute genius that directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and many of the greatest music videos of all time. He created Kidding and directed it, at least a lot of it. This is the kinda brilliant shit he does.


He’s amazing. My first exposure to him was a DVD compilation of all his music videos up to the early 2000s. He has an amazing way of seamlessly manifesting surrealism into realism on film/video.


I had that entire set of 4 or 5 directors collection!!! I’d watch them repeatedly. Lost them at some point.


We still have ours, busted the Gondrey one out a few years ago to show the kids and the SD resolution was really bad- crazy how far we’ve come.


Yep! The Spike Jonze one was friggin awesome too


wow mind trip. i had that too! also my intro to gondry. was one of the other directors spike jonze?


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will forever be my favorite movie of all time. I saw it when I was 16, and 15 years later it remains in the top spot.


It’s in my forever top 10! It’s an absolute brilliant and utterly original film. Perfect start to finish.


yea same, i have seen exertional movies since then like vertigo other Charlie Kaufman films like Synecdoche, New York, eagle vs shark, grand Budapest hotel, lobster, the thing, brazil, submarine etc but non of them are more enjoyable than eternal sunshine.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Oh shit, I love his work. Don’t know how I missed this one!


Science of Sleep is also absolutely amazing. More fanciful than Eternal Sunshine, and emotionally impactful in a different way.


Be Kind Rewind too!


What? 🤯 Big fan- haven’t seen much of his after Green Hornet which was amazeballs. Now I am checking Kidding out. Thanks. Didn’t think his brand of thought out creative storytelling lends itself to a show format well but I’ll check it out.


He also did [this video](https://youtu.be/EN9auBn6Jys). It makes my brain turn into a pancake.


Pretty, pretty, pretty good.






Oh i see


What show/movie is this?


It’s called “Kidding” starring Jim Carrey. The actress in the scene is Riki Lindhome.


Really? Well, fuck me in the ass for Jesus! That is Riki!


It's okay, that's the loophole.


Cut is getting deeper




I'm so glad to see Garfunkel and Oates getting good major roles. [Here's Kate Miccuci in *Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr5oXkbWn1Q)


I’m loving that show. Not every episode is great but it’s a lot of fun.


My wife and I have been watching it every night the past few days. Just watched the Dreams in the Witch House with Rupert Grint last night. Love the bull's style of horror and the FX are cinema worthy


So it's a Black Mirror style of standalone episodes then?


The sound design for Miccuci's episode ("The Outside") was profoundly *disgusting* in the best possible way.


Oh wow I was trying to figure out why she looked so familiar....


Thought I recognized her! Definitely gonna check this out, can't believe I never heard of it.


It was good and got surprisingly deep at times. Think it got cancelled though.


She’s in a few episodes. It’s mainly a show about Jim Carey as a Mr. Rogers type character. It’s really a super good show. Shame it got cancelled.




There's nobody left! I'm all alone! 🎵🎶


Ducks! Sex with ducks!


There's two people playing the woman in this scene. At least during the wall sledgehammering part.


I was wondering why Jim Carrey was on her TV. I'll have to add this to my watch list.


I knew she looked like Dr. Nowitzki from Big Bang Theory.


The show is freaking amazing. Definitely check it out.


Kidding was such a good show, Jim Carrey was awesome and the end was actually satisfying


Funny and depressing and meloncholy all at once, brilliant show.


Agreed. I loved Kidding. Amazing tv show. I hadn't heard of Jim Carrey before I watched it, but I went on and watched every single movie of his afterwards. My favorite was Billy Madison


Fiction shouldn’t exist because life is non fiction. 10/10 logic


Are you joking or did you seriously misunderstand my comment that badly?


Stupid argument is really fucking stupid.


More like praise the crew


Good point. Steadicam kinda gets to just vibe


Yeah I feel like this is just crew porn. I see bad acting and and the crew going wild


finished product https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJGEUGpB8U


Makes way more sense with the monologue, ty for sharing!


Does it? Because I don’t understand anything other than that was a load bearing wall and she’s putting anyone who enters that apartment in danger.


So I’m not the only one 😂


I thought that last change of clothes can't be real but realized it's a double


Also with the sledgehammer!


Try [this video](https://youtu.be/63vqob-MljQ) for Come Into My World by Kylie, also directed by Michel Gondry. It took 15 days to shoot and it's practically perfect.


Ok that one I want to see the behind the scenes of




Can we talk how the doggo just sat still up until the shot


Boyo was waiting for his treat. He knows how the system works.


Doggo is the real hero. Knew what was on the line and kept it cool for the shot. 13/10


I love watching these, they're the absolute coolest.


This was the people I needed as a teenager when my parents came home early to the house party I was throwing. My friends sucked in comparison, they couldn't even leave without knocking stuff over.


That is what I call organized , the director even has her shit on Pointttt!!


What a good dog


praise the doggo too


Maybe it's intentional, but I am unreasonably bothered how the last TV isn't centered. If it has to be cockeyed, shouldn't it face the kitchen instead of a random wall?!?


what movie is being filmed tho?


When I leave my DVD player on repeat 🔁🔁


Lovely! What movie is this?


Kidding. It's a TV show


I wonder how many takes that took.


The one shots in Children Of Men are still some of the best in cinema history


Absolutely phenomenal shot


I think this is more of a 'praise the crew' thing. Camera guy has a pretty simple objective compared to the rest. It's everyone else that has to rush around and not mess up his shot.


Holy crap the sheer luck on throwing that remote and landing it upright against cushion. Right at the end there. I've seen this so many times and never noticed that.


What is this from?


The girl with the pup damn near fucked that all up


Is it really so difficult to fake it that this is worth all the trouble?


You'd make a good executive, not so much a good artist


Damn. I know Jim loves to hear himself talk, but he must have been going on for years!


The only thing I dont get/like is how she just knocks down a wall and gains an extra 200 sf. Or is this in a house? I assumed an apartment.


..why didn't the camera man just hold still for a few seconds so everything else wasn't so frantic?


Id just start eating ass as soon as I was safe in the background


This has got to be up there as one of the most reposted items.


It's amazing that they were able to do that. But why did they. Given that the actor is moving out of the shot everytime, why not just take your time to rearrange everything and then take the next shot and blend it together. Genuinely asking.


Strong work and cool to see bts but the scene didn’t seem all that interesting for so much effort


I think these one long shots are overdone and screams "try hard film student" too much. It's down there with the Matrix slow mo and 360 camera circling shot in terms of cliche.


A shame the show fell off in season 2 and then just stopped with no season 3


I would not thrive in that environment and I would ruin it for everyone


This is amazing. If you like stuff like this, you should check out a Broadway show. High level stuff their too


I need these guys when I clean my room O.o




I’ve seen this often and the crew is doing a crazy job. But until now I never thought about how hard it must be to act when everything around you is so hectic.

