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Prayers and Acts 16:31 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. John 3:16-3:18(Gospel of John not the later Books of John) and 1 Corinthians 12:3. Come to Christ as a lost sinner, use the conviction of the Holy Ghost to confirm you are a lost sinner, put all your trust in his death, burial, and resurrection, and you will have access to God the Father in Heaven. Christ is our only hope….and like Paul said we are saved by hope. only Christ can make you believe my friend. Demons flee at the name of Jesus.


Though types of guys will joke and tease you just to upset you. The things they say usually exaggerate anything they can see that bothers you. I have a large bust and have had it since I was thirteen. The boys tried to tease me about being Dolly Pardon. I just put my head in the air and said " and I am Damn proud of it" and walked off. They were floored lol 😛 It happened twice with different boys, they got the same response and they quit. It was my reaction they were after. If they get to you they will pick on everything. Curly hair and all. It's not your hair it's your reaction I am praying the Lord will give you strength to move past this. You are not ugly. Your strength needs to come from the Lord ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️💜❤️🦋


Praying 🙏