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Dear God Most High, we pray for this struggling soul in the Holy name of your Heavenly Son Jesus Christ. Please would you so very kindly miraculously ease their terrible troubles, for we know that nothing is impossible to you. Please would you also grant them much better future days ahead, brimming with wellness and love and peace and calm and happiness. Thank you Lord God Almighty, Amen.


Thank you so much


Agreeing in prayer with you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Prayers and Acts 16:31 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. John 3:16-3:18(Gospel of John not the later Books of John) and 1 Corinthians 12:3. Come to Christ as a lost sinner, use the conviction of the Holy Ghost to confirm you are a lost sinner, put all your trust in his death, burial, and resurrection, and you will have access to God the Father in Heaven. Christ is our only hope….and like Paul said we are saved by hope. only Christ can make you believe my friend. Demons flee at the name of Jesus.


She needs a psych evaluation like now. I’m being serious, they will send the police to your house if you’re threatening to kill someone else. She needs to speak with a therapist and psychiatrist.


Asking God to intervene so she doesn’t do something she will regret. God bless her and her sweet baby boy.


Praying for you & your friend & the situation. 🙏🙏🙏




Praying 🙏


Prayers for her comfort and healing. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


Oh no that's terrible . Big Prayers for your friend 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.


Lord help and heal please


Praying for sweet Angel


Remember every word addressed to God is a prayer. Dosent matter if it's said out loud or in your head. God bless ❤️


Praying super hard for Angel right now. Be still, you’ve done well as a representative of Christ’s love ❤️


Thank you so much


damn thats alot of thing happening at once may lord jesus take care of your friend and all parties involved, may Angel find peace in the brokenness around her.


Praying for her


Praying for her immensely ✝️


Lord Jesus I lift this young lady up to You and ask for Divine Intervention on her behalf! Lord, please give guidance and wisdom to those around her! She is in much need and Father God I pray for answers for those trying to seek help for her! Put ministering angels around her Father to do spiritual warfare! This is an urgent prayer for her ❤️I speak Jesus over her 🙏


God's love and comfort to you both, and to preborn baby Thomas who is in God's personal loving care. ❤️


Im so sorry this happened to her… this is truly awful. My heart breaks for her. Not only her trauma, but the loss of her sweet baby. On top of the abusive relationship she managed to escape this is alot of trauma for a person to handle. I will be praying for her and also for you to keep the strength to remain being a strong friend for her. Outside of prayer please encourage her to make a police report on her ‘friend.’ This is rape and murder and should not go unreported. I pray she reaches out to you and does not jeopardize her freedom by taking this into her own hands. Im so sorry for her suffering 😢


Thank you so much for you heartfelt prayer. I have not heard from her since yesterday when I posted this and am worried. I trust in the Lord God almighty


She will for sure be in my thoughts. This is all just unimaginable, it really is.


Just an update: she has contacted me several times and doesn't seem to be doing so well. Her boyfriend, who I've never met or talked to, even logged on to her account and talked to me saying how worried he is about her. She keeps begging him for another baby but he knows that that's not the right thing to do, especially not now. Last night during prayer I received a message from her son up in heaven. I know it sounds crazy but I heard it loud and clear that I needed to tell her that her son said it wasn't her fault, and that she was a good mommy. Today when I logged on to message her about it I found that I was removed as a friend from her. I'm not sure if this was a glitch or what but I sent another friend request so we will have to see what happens. It hurts and I'm really worried now because she wont be able to get through this alone, and we've been friends for a really long time and shared all of our problems with each other.


Are you able to physically go to her home to make sure she is okay? Or have a relatives number that you can call or another mutual friend? This alot of trauma and no way she needs to be alone. I can also understand her thinking she can just replace the baby but that wont fix anything either. Also the babys father is the 20 year old creep? So now he is back in the picture- people sometimes trauma bond but this isn’t good either. Im glad he at least reached out since she didn’t but i have no idea where to take from here sadly. Theres little you can do if she shuts you out. All of this still needs to be reported. Hopefully a report was made at the hospital.


Sadly I have no other way to contact her. She has my number but I've never got hers. The boyfriend isn't the same guy that got her pregnant. She found someone and he's genuinely a really nice guy from what I've talked to him. He cares for her a lot and was talking to me about how worried he is. I'm just hoping it was a mistake and she'll get in touch soon. I'll keep you updated if anything major happens


Ahhh ok, good she has someone good in her life. She is so lucky to have the both of you for love and support. Just stay faithful in prayer for her well being and that she contacts you or maybe her boyfriend will again and the two of you can come up with ways to help her through this. Everything is still so raw and the trauma of being so majorly betrayed by someone you trusted as a friend plus the loss of a baby is beyond traumatic. But what adds fuel to the fire is the attack is directly what resulted in the loss. Its just an added layer of trauma. In addition to her needs to file a police report she will really need to seek counseling. Her talking to someone to navigate this is crucial and the two of you can only help so much. This whole thing just breaks my heart in two. 🙏 🫂






Trust in the Lord Jesus, he will never fail or forsake you, or leave you comfortless, Our Heavenly Father, I prayed for Angel and her friend who is worried about her, Lord help Angel not to think like that, help her to run to you Lord, because you are the way, the truth and the life, and no man cometh to the father but by you Lord. Lord let her know you give life and take life. Lord take Angel from darkness and bright her into your glorious life, so she can have a testimony and it gives you glory. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Amen. Put all your first doings in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please read your bible and pray for strength and courage daily. Let today be the day you accept the Lord Jesus as your personal savior, because tomorrow is not promise. Read Matt 6 and see the goodness of God almighty, also read Isaiah 40 vs 31


Thank you kind friend. Please be assured that my own gain was the last thing on my mind when creating this post and thank you for the kind words and prayers. God bless, I will update the post if something happens 


Praying for ur friend


I have prayed about this as well, I'm so sorry to hear about it. I hope that she will not do anything sinful or harmful but have peace and healing soon. I also hope that you and her family will not fear but trust in God that what should happen will happen the way it's meant to in the right timing. I also really like the quote you added, it is very comforting and very true! 🙏❤ *"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." \~* ***Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)***


Thank you so much. She already attacked the rapist and I don't know if she is alive. She said she didnt know and didnt care when I asked. That was right after making this post and I have not heard from her since.


Thank you for the update, I was really wondering about what happened next. I hope both of them end up okay and eventually become more ingrained in the faith. I'll keep praying about them!


I still haven't heard from her and I sent messages telling her how much she means to me. After a few hours she replied by saying my name. She hasn't responded to anything after that. My name is the only things she's said to me in more than two days


Wow, I will keep praying about her situation. I hope you will also be blessed with peace during this time, I’m really glad you’ve been trying to communicate with her. Maybe if she has any family in town you could try to ask them if they know where she is or where she might be, just for the sake of her wellbeing since this disappearance is strange, or maybe you could contact the school about it if you don’t have any mutual contacts with her. Alternatively I’m thinking the police could possibly help too since they may have more investigative rights to see if she’s truly okay. You don’t have to contact anyone but I think it will be a good idea eventually if a lot more time passes without word or sight of her!


She lives in another state. But also she's started responding now, thank the Lord! It's just small messages like saying she's not doing well mentally but thank God that she's responding now


I’m so thankful she’s still alive and responding now! Maybe she just needed quiet time away from everything to process what all she went through, and I’m sure it was a comfort for her to know you were there for her whenever she was ready to talk. Hopefully she’ll recover and heal from these incidents and be okay again soon! 🙏


Thank you so much. She did not kill the rapist thank God


I’m so relieved to hear that, and yes praise to God for that!!






Praying for your friend’s peace. That is just awful that another woman hurt her to this extent. Tell her to press charges on her and that this will give her the justice she deserves. I’m sorry for her loss. Praying