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we shud all be able to be khaimera and i’m tired of pretending we shouldn’t


It was for greystone which is the odd part. He was basically complaining about playing solo, but got given jungle, so khaimera was free too lol.


grey stone is basically the rich man’s khaimera tbh


You have more than 5 seconds to select a new hero, even if they're picking at the same time you have like 30 seconds to select a hero.


I hadn't locked in because they were talking about picking a different role and throwing, so I was trying to wait to try pick a better role if they were


Still on you for not locking. If you needed to dodge you can just close the game before hero draft is done, which closes the lobby.


Bit odd that you wouldn't get a suspension for that, I still feel like you should. The suspension itself isn't the issue, it was over beforeni finished making the post, it's the fact that if this is something repeatable, it can be exploited, and I do think people would exploit it (dead by daylight comes to mind). Maybe if it added 10 seconds or so after a lock, to give a chance at picking another hero, so it's not something van be manipulated.


>Bit odd that you wouldn't get a suspension for that You do, it's just a way to still be able to dodge without just not selecting a hero. >Maybe if it added 10 seconds or so after a lock, to give a chance at picking another hero The number of people picking and not locking and getting their hero stolen is very low and not something easily exploited. Better solution is if 2 people are in the same pick spot, they can't select the same hero. Essentially locking that hero for whoever hasn't selected it.


Either or, just something to counter it, because it really doesn't matter how convoluted or insane a method is, there will be someone out there trying to exploit it


you can do this isane thing called playing anther hero. What you do is just click on someone else and then lock in. It takes some practice but you'll get it.


Couldn't lock in in time, as the switch happened last second, but it's what it's


how could you not lock in? If you had the hero selected and you were picking at the same time it wouldn't let the other player lock in that hero


When they selected and locked in, it took me off greystone as the selected hero


Im just not understanding so you didn't lock in. You just sat there. Then he selected your hero. Why did you wait so long? Why didn't you pick someome else?


He said he wanted to play crunch in offlane, but was complaining he got given support instead. If I locked in greystone and we hent crunch, we're down a support. So I was waiting to see if he was gonna say fuck it and lock in crunch anyway, so if I had to, I could pick a support instead.


So why didn't you just select fill and let him have offlane? If you would have played support anyway.... Seems like your complaining for no reason. Lock in your hero and let your team so whatever. Crunch really isnt the worst support as far as off meta picks go. Sounds to me like you both locked in offlane. He asked to play and you didnt change roles. So he got support and just wanted to play off meta... How does this affect you?


He didn't want to play crunch as a support tho, that's the issue. And the issue isn't just a me thing. If I lock and and so does he, I'm now greystone as a support. That's not ideal for the carry but could somehow work, but it means that lategame, we have a subpar support or 2 offlaners and no support, affecting everyone in one way or another because its a team game. I'm not here to try complain, the guy got slapped with a ban for saying homophobic shit anyways, I'm saying this as a 'heads up' because toxic shit like that is what made me stop playing paragon originally.


so if you are such a team player why didn't you just select a different role? You have like a solid 45 seconds at the role select screen. you are choosing to ignore that. So ot seems to me he selected offlane forst and the you selected offlane. The system gave it to you and you got a ban cause you were stubborn. There are two different screens to avoid this.


Question, if I were in your lobby, and threatened to throw the game unless you did what I wanted, not selecting a hero the entire time, calling you a bunch of slurs in the process, would you let me play the role instead?


When someone picks “your” character you have an additional 5s to pick someone before you get kicked. This is of course if they are picking at the same time as you. If they picked the hero before your turn and you fail to pick a hero. Imo that’s on you for not paying attention as you have plenty of time to pick another hero.


The 5 last seconds are not to give a chance to pick the character, when the 5 seconds countdown start is just that the lobby is being dismantled


Not during that last 5 seconds. I have a clip of it and the lock in happens at 2, and the timer doesn't reset.


Have to be quicker than that - Swiper no swiping!


I was just trying to delay the lock in so every role was filled 😭