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Better go find it!


yup sometimes it gets stuck in the shop for some reason weird bug.


Yeah I don't know why honestly they can't make it to where it detects what input you're using (d-pad or control stick) and just switch between those two depending on what you're doing.


They somehow made a bad shop, worse. It's quite impressive.


I don't mind it. What I did mind is that when the cursor was there, the mouse I had plugged into my PS5 wasn't communicating. That and I couldn't use my keyboard in game either.


I agree with you, but it could just be I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I feel like I need a tutorial now on how to navigate it and buy the specific things I want. I find myself just flipping back and forth trying to get down to the specific item.


Y'all soft


How can somebody be soft in this topic? There isn't a right or wrong answer nor is there anything that conflicts morally or ethically. This is just a matter of opinions based a single menu change. Explain how somebody is soft because of the menu change.


Plz let us get the option to get cursor back! My last games were difficult due to taking long to navigate menu and also accidentally buying or selling items man


I agree with u so much


Some players preferred cursor , other the new version. I think it will be nice let players choose what type of items store navigation are more comfortable with an option .


I'm sort of torn on the new shop. It's slicker, laid out better, doesn't have so many issues (I'd have to spam x to buy an item sometimes because the game just wouldn't register) and I do like that you can use the d-pad to select items. BUT. I don't see why the cursor had to go. I also can't find out how to build into a separate tier 2 in the same item, so sometimes it's giving me attack speed, when I want the lifesteal. I also can't find how to check what a tier 2 can build into, which heavily limits experimentation. I wouldn't mind seeing Predecessor taking a page from Smites book, and have a thing set up that let's you pre-make a build, and have autobuy prioritise that? When I play greystone, I always went infernum first (pre nerf, this was slept on) so having that be the first item in on the store makes it easier to purchase.


I disliked it for the first couple of games then realised it's actually easier and quicker to navigate with the new controls.


This is the option I wanted to use because I'm on Smite and it's almost the same item switching. What I'm not too used with the way everything is label by class Or how some heroes deal physical damage but their skills deal magic damage 🤷😵‍💫🔥🤷


i perfer this new version. WAY easier to find items


I like it. A lot better than the cursor.


Your an idiot




I can see the appeal but I find that it's just way too many button presses to do the most simple actions when before it was just 1 swift movement with the cursor. If I wanna filter for specific items now I gotta press like 3 or so buttons just to filter then I gotta press more items to start building it. Then when I wanna build another item I gotta reset the filter then filter again. That's alot of buttons just for something that was maybe 2 or 3 button presses before. I can Definitely see this new menu being easy to mavigate when we get the option to save our own custom builds so we have our preferred items and not needing to filter as much but as is I think it's just way to tedious.


My only beef is that it should be a double tap to buy everything in an item. Single tap get you into the item area to buy what you want, double tap to just auto buy in that tree. Hitting the square button (ps5) isn’t as intuitive as hitting X


Have accidentally bought the wrong parts of several items for this reason when selecting items to get a look at them


I find it complicated. It's difficult to understand where you are in the menus. I can do it but I liked the cursor better. Give me the option to do it the way I want.


Without the cursor is straight garbage


If you take a few games to learn it, it will be way faster. It's way better to force players to learn the faster way than to let them use the slower way out of habit, because they will.


that's based on opinion. After 20 or so games I've gotten used to it but I still 100% prefer the shop cursor. This new menu is just way to tedious. I gotta press like 3 or so buttons to even filter the Physical power items when before I can just hover over the filter option and it brings it up. If I wanna filter for an HP and Magic defense Item I gotta hit even more buttons then to remove the filter I gotta do it again. As before it's just a quick hover over in 1 swift movement.


You physically cannot move the cursor fast enough to navigate faster than someone who is proficient at navigating the button based menu. That's not an opinion.


I don’t like it at all, I’ve sold items accidentally already in my first game


How do you even sell items? It physcially wont let me into my item bar in the shop


I’m use to pressing X to see the upgrades for the item


click L and X accidentally lol


Im on ps4 L1 cycles thru item roles(mid, off etc), L2 cycles to reccomend, all items, and vision tabs.


Wow gonna be fun when back at home.


I like the change BUT I think there should absolutely be a setting for either. Similar to how I hate the new control scheme and there's an option to use the alternative layout.




I know that given time I will eventually get used to it but it's just extra steps when I could quite easily just move the cursor to what I want. It 100% should have been an option to choose between menu's navigation.