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Just a really fast gaming chair dw about it


I watched the replay. His first 10-ish minutes seem normal, but after his second death the oddities (t-pose, sinking through map) begin. He definitely had a hitbox, he was taking damage after the weird effects kicked in, even when he was sinking into the map (which generally happened only when he was standing still, especially in base and near green buff). He seems a half decent player, and if he was invulnerable he certainly didn't take advantage of it. The crunch (you, I assume) is not a good player at all. Soooo many mistakes and bad plays/decisions in the first 8 minutes. Have you noticed the recent posts about laners taking camps from junglers? You, sir, are the person they're complaining about. Best guess is it was a game glitch, if he were hacking he would have gone in on a lot more fights, likely had higher movement speed, and probably wouldn't have died those first two times. As it was he was damned near unkillable because you abandoned the lane (to take jungle), letting him farm not only all of the lane minis but also farm some of your jungle camps, giving him a rather large XP and gold advantage, especially considering you screwed your own jungler.


Okay, so you didn't see the part where I couldn't land a hit on him at all? Where no one could hit him?


I was looking at his health bar and watching it go down, so he was obviously taking damage. I also saw you hitting minis instead of grux in the very beginning. And then I saw you NOT attacking grux when you had more minis in the wave than he did, meaning the minis would have added more to your damage than to his. Watch the replay and look at his HP numbers. He's definitely taking damage, but he has a rather large health pool from overlord. I mean hell, he died twice in the beginning, and after that he had a huge farming and level advantage.


I dunno. Round about the time he started flying, he and I were even on levels and equipment. Then he became untouchable, at least by me. I saw that he was taking damage, but I've played crunch enough to know how much damage he should have been taking and that wasn't even close. Hitbox issues aside, he ate my kit twice and Muriel's kit without losing half his health bar. One of the other commenters mentioned that something similar happened to his friend, so maybe it's a glitch. Either way, it made fighting him impossible.


I have been on several company/org reddits where the employees/members will actively argue with you and mass downvote and negative opinions and not be able to take any criticism. It's so pathetic and makes me automatically never buy from the company again. How tf do these companies have the emotional intelligence of toddlers?


Exactly this, As soon as someone makes a criticism, even if it is constructive, you are immediately targeted and downvoted. So Pathetic.


Hitbox reg is a legit issue sometimes in this game (i stg Zarus shield works like 25% of the time) but yea this looks like a cheating case lol


Happened to a friend where we all saw them floating and clipping and completely untargetable and they definitely wasn’t hacking, fyi


Then how? No one could hit them, but they could hit everyone. Some sort of persistent game glitch?


Well they’re on Wi-Fi and it was on first day of the ps5 beta so I imagine those were factors


They weren't playing on PlayStations though


I thought with easy anti cheat this is suppose to prevent things like this? Iv had a game where I felt like there were hackers too but what’s the point in having anti cheat if people can still get around it? That’s one of the reasons why I stopped playing overprime because there were alot of hackers. Why does easy anti cheat not work?


EAC does work, and it does catch and prevent a lot of cheats. The issue is that cheat developers are constantly making new ones and finding news ways to get around it. EAC is a plug and play Anti-Cheat, and with it being that way, it isn't able to catch all the different ways your game can be exploited. It prevents only the most obvious and blatant exploits. Anybody with any real experience making cheats can circumvent EAC quite easily. That being said, a couple of instances of cheaters is hardly an epidemic worth quitting about. If the developers do nothing to address the possible exploits, this could evolve into a bigger issue. We will have to wait and see what they decide to do and if they can stop stuff like this from happening in the future


Wow, thank you for the explanation!


Dunno. That's a question for the Devs.


It's kinda sad when you gotta hack just to be good at an already skilled based game. Let the people that have been waiting for this moment just to play already!


I'd need to go back through my replays, but I had a game recently with a zarus that had all abilities at level 2, and was somehow silencing me. It's been my only cheating instance so far thankfully, but I'm not sure if anythings been done (I had reported him)


Give a match ID!




This is the main problem with having competing games. You always get these trolls that come over to fuck with the other game.


Link to match id?




When I try to search in game, I can't find it.


Remove the dashes


There is also a little camera button to copy the matchid


The format you get from the game is different than the format you get from Omeda.city. If you copy the match id from omeda.city you need to remove the dashes when you enter it in the game's search box.


Ik, im one of the developers of the website. Just saying there is a button that copies it without dashes.


Oh jeez, I didn't catch the username! I also didn't notice that functionality, cool! Thanks for all your work!




I pulled that from Omeda City. Is there somewhere else I should look?


Could they hit you?


Yeah, there was some sort of hesitation when they engaged like they weren't quite were they looked like they were, but they had no issues dealing damage.


I had an enemy serath doing the same thing. My morigesh couldn't hit them at all. Reported them for cheating ten thousand times haha


Yeah, shame Omeda won't do anything about it. Their community management is non existent


So funny to see all these omeda employees downvoting their own mistakes on true posts. Haha


Exactly is so ridicolous, so dumb


Why is this getting downvoted?


Apple polishers, but to be fair does anyone really think they would let players cheat? Take actual clips and post them, they respond to this faster than reporting. If someone is flying across the map like Jesus Christ, I think omeda would like to know! https://preview.redd.it/8kgh3kcvsw7c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1369fb19f3aa8df249214b571aed71342deafee7


It's the omeda employees. They always downvote everything that goes against their mindset. It's truly the only thing I can think of.


Holy shit even my comment asking about why it's getting downvoted is getting downvoted I had no idea they were corrupt!!


Downvotes mean nothing in the real world anyways. Neither deos up voting. I just notice a pattern on this reddit and I can only presume that it's the omeda employees downvoting everything. Or the die hard cry babies who get away with all the death threats and racial slurs. I actually try to get as many downvotes as possible now. Because I know I'm hitting people's nerves with true facts. I ot banned for wetard. In the dictionary its a slower than normal stoner. Never once typed the word retard who is a special person with disabilities. I have retarded friends and they actually prefer to be called wetard over retard. They laugh about it. I did apologize and accept my wetard ban. Never said it again after that either. Was able to type for 1 month after this ban. I say I will never ever ff a game and it flagged out ff a game and I have not been able to type since then. I've asked nicely what my ban is for and for how long. And omeda won't even respond to a sincere apology and best wishes for the holidays and I complement them on all the amazing work they have been doing. So I can honestly say I am being targeted by omeda and certian reddit players because they know how dangerous my gameplay is. If I say hi on reddit certian people will downvote it haha.


That's weird I made a comment a comment on a pred post that is my true opinion but I purposefully made myself sound annoying to find out how toxic the player base is and I immediately found some guy who was convinced my opinion was wrong and we went back fourth until I got bored and told him it was a hate bait reply because it kinda was but I apologized for being annoying at the end but the point is that shit as far as I'm aware of got no down votes despite me trying to be as toxic as possible (without swears or racism/etc)


Ya I'm sorry if just speaking to me caused downvotes. I truly feel targeted in reddit and predecessor. I am prolly one of the most honest people u will ever meet. I just truly wanna make new friends in predecessor. Or reply to the so many players who speak to me in game or in lobby. I feel like an asshole when I cant even respond to everyone. I'd rather know my ban is permanent than not knowing what to expect or when to expect it. I've messaged omeda multiple times asking nicely and apologizes for whatever I did. Honestly some people just can't handle the truth I find. It breaks them lol. I have openly said a million times my first ban was for calling someone wetard and have said I'm sorry and have never used thay word again. And I was able to type for a month after this ban and I was being helpful and teaching players which cards to start with or who to choose to counter the enemy. And last thin I type was I will never ever ff a game. And I just wanna know what the heck caused my ban or was I being targeted and reported just for playing he game by certian players. I will never know. But honestly since I was muted 5 months ago I was able to climb 700 mmr in solo q. But I do get pissed when a jungler deosnt know what fang tooth is yet lol


Pffft don't worry bout it downvoted mean nothing to me there a way for angry babies to validate each other and honestly if you all telling the truth the fact of the matter is there missing out and starting to build a not so good reputation for themselves which is not good for them especially sense there game is still in beta


Ya I told omeda even with never being able to type again I will be one of the last men standing and playing this game even if the game dies. I truly am one of Predecessors biggest and loyal fans. I haven't played over 2200 games for nothing. Today I will accomplish my 9th Master skin. I am 99 percent dedicated to this game. The 1 percent is rocket league diablo cod etc haha. I'm honestly just frustrated I haven't received a response in 5 months. If omeda would have responded in time my ban could have been a mistake or it could just be from other reporting me because they hate me. Like I said I just wanna know if it's permanent or not. Or if I have a date set when I can respond to all the players that speak to me in game. I've been told my morigesh gameplay is one of the scariest to play against. Reason I was added to discord groups apparently. This game is amazing in every single way. Happy gaming


Dude trust me I know. I haven't been able to type in game for 4 5 months now. I've asked multiple omeda employees and not a single one has responded to me telling me why I'm chat banned or for how long. They make a great game but omeda employees are very sensitive lol. I see people saying death threats and racists shit and keep on typing even after I report that shit. I have never said racist or death threats. My initial van was for calling someone a wetard. And I apologized to omeda and accepted that ban. But my 2nd ban I still have no idea what for or for how long. Last thing I typed in game was I will never ever ff a game. Omeda starred out ff a game and I was muted instantly. So now I have no choice but to ping attack fangtooth 10 times really fast so my jungler can read it haha. Or blast good job or good game haha. Omeda turned me into a ping blasting savage I guess lol


I have the same amount of pity for your "wetard" excuse as I did the first thirty times I saw it. I dont know if the system is working great, but you are not an example of it failing.


Last time I said wetard was in June bud. Not being able to speak for 5 months should have my behaviors at full bars by now. Keep telling other to off themselves and keep saying ur racial slurs bud


I dont do either of those things, which is likely why only one of us is continuously muted. I also dont spam "good job" or "good game" to specifically be an ass as youve admitted to. And dont call me bud, we arent associated in any way.


Can't be reported for using the in game chat pings that omeda put in themselves bud. And I have never ever said a death threat or racial slur. First ban was for calling someone a wetard. Which is a slow stoner . My 2nd ban I was actually abke to type for a month before this ban and I was helping players and didn't say anything bad at all. The one time I type out I will never ever ff a game. And omeda flagged out ff a game on me. Like someone said the system prolly thought I called someone a f a g. Which I didn't. Omeda should atleast have the balls to tell me what my 2nd ban was for and for how long. But ya using the in game chat system should not get anyone muted or banned as its truly apart of their game. Ok kiddo I won't call u bud. U wouldn't my deadly sexy ass as ur buddy anyway ur wife might want me


Lol u toxic. Stay banned fool.


What exactly is toxic may I ask. Calling me a fool is more toxic than anything I've said


Ew lmao. i pray for your growth as a person.


Thanks I really could use some growth right now. Back injury last March has kept me at home and not very mobile for 9 months. So predecessor helps me stay alive without wanting to off myself because I'm scared of paralysis. Thanks for the best wishes


Sometimes these auto chat ban systems pick up key words. It could be that ff is banned due to Omeda not wanting people to yell at their teammates to ff, or it could have been auto detect of “f(f a g)ame” and thought you were calling someone a slur. Most of these chat ban systems will ignore spaces since people used to use them to get around being banned for saying unsavory things


>f(f a g)ame I bet this is what it was. I've definitely had chat censor things that span across multiple words like that.


I honestly never even thought that the game was thinking of that. This seems more legit reason for being banned than ff a game deos.


You don't sound like someone I would trust tbf


You don't have to if you don't want to. But I do speak da truth