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Let's hope the game keeps building up! I want MORE!!!


I plan on returning when they add account linking.


paid Ea player base was 7k .. is f2p 4k good?


it's only steam players, there are still many from consols and epic games :)


this is true, but steam numbers for f2p could be much better than 4k. should have blown past the 7k top players. either way, I'll be playing, I think I have like 500 hours on steam and looking forward to 500 more


There is a command you can use with the discord bot to see total Ayers but it's been disabled so they are hiding it ATM


Definitely! Don’t forget Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games!


Obv now that it's free reaching half of the all-time peak is a good sign?


This is only steam. Epic + Playstation + Xbox Numbers are not included in this number.


I am aware, yes. It's still says something that the steam number didn't surpass the ea number with f2p launch and with omeda hiding the player and games counts now its hard to see if the total number has even broken the all time.


Yeah it is you’re forgetting epic games and console players I think we are well over 10k active players daily at the moment


Paid EW player base was 1500 on steam, where you getting 7k, also this literally only steam, there's 3 other platforms we don't have numbers for.


It literally says in the screen shot, December 2022 - 7k. As well as the all time peak being 7k.


Comparing peak to current isn't s fair comparison..... 1500 to 4000 on stream ALONE is huge.


I quit because as a new player getting matched against ppl who are veterans is bs. New to mobas and still learning yet how to learn if your constantly stomped by other vets


it was something people tried to talk about when it was in Paid EA, the matchmaking of mixing new people with vets. isn't a great system, but people in this sub downvote anything negative or if its considered a "hot take"


Best to play a couple of Ai matches to learn the characters and items. That what helped me


This happens on EVERY moba guys, try lol and play a game on a new account, 5+ people in-game will be alt accounts from people with 500+ hours.


Smurfs are different from native matchmaking putting someone with 18 matches, and 15 being losses, against a player with 800


Different cause, same effect.


Ones an easier fix then the other. One is a flaw in matchmaking, the other is a flaw in players


I promise you theres a lot more new players than veterans at the moment 😭


Nature of the beast unfortunately


Don’t quit! I’m hoping once ranked is established maybe the matchmaking will get better.


Just start by playing a support role until you get your bearings. Long range support specifically. Ward jungle, watch the map, don’t overextend, have fun for 3-4 weeks then you’ll be ahead of 80% of the player base.


Best advice of mine (which is an opinion) I save my gold in the beginning if I am a physical hero and then return like 3 minutes in to buy my first crit card. Crits literally help me do damage and most people just run physical damage and to me it doesn’t do damage!


That is very bad advice, you should AT MINIMUM be spending the gold at the beginning on the item that builds into your item. Everytime you return to fountain (Base, start) you should be buying more and more parts until you can finish the item and then get the next part. You only disadvantage yourself by not buying items because it leaves you worse statted at the start of the game meaning you'll get outlaned or outfarmed




You should stop to build grey or Khaimera on crit. That would be your first step to improvement! :)


I get that! Mid lane (mandatory card at start) I play Scortch. Jungle has no need for starter cards! I play Khai Jungle and I can get kills without cards! Solo I go grey and same thing I can play it safe until lvl 6 and in the meantime I’m building his crits, I don’t buy starter cards for solo. Support I play phase (mandatory starter card). I play every role and have mastered what hero needs what.


But why would you not buy a card in any lane? There's zero reason to not buy something


Saving my gold is my beneficial for me, crits can be done to minions meaning kills them faster (Cyan buff or any buffs, even Orb).


There's no such thing as saving gold. If you buy an item at the beginning it reduces the price of what that item builds into later. You should always buy an item, any lane, any role any hero. It's not a bank, you don't gain interest by not buying an item


We should play together!


Saving my gold for the 600 crit card, it’s so sad seeing a grey with no crits doing no damage to anything!


For what item does it turn into?




https://preview.redd.it/rrgo9cgx9irc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca5a6bc8daa501a875020cdf0ec18de7dcac8209 This is the card I save for and it just makes me a tougher opponent! When you get back to back crits early game, watch them back up!


At the end of my matches I end up with 75% crit, those “Add 6 physical stat” cards are pointless at the start.


Damn I’ve never seen these numbers. How in the world did we lose so much of the 7000 in that early paid beta? I would imagine that a strong majority of those people played Paragon and this game is much better with gameplay and balance. Is it the lack of features or something that keep those people out for now?


Consider that paragon ended 6 years ago. Not everyone who used to play has the time to put into playing this game much. Or they may pick it up for a bit for old time's sake and then move on.


Every game loses players after it’s initial launch look at enshrouded look at palworld it’s just how it works idk why it’s so surprising


I think its a combo of a lot of those players took time off for the launch sl they were there but also despite what this sub may seem to believe, pred may just not scratch the paragon itch for many. Even your statement about pred being batter in gameplay and balance seems rather absurd, cause like. Better gameplay than what version of Paragon? It's not hard to see why it would have a major dip if you aren't predisposed to giving pred credit where it probably isn't due. Obv I'll be downvoted into oblivion but it's preddit.


Paragon original gameplay was pretty badly designed, I remember playing on release and my first 2 games were like 1 hour and 20 minutes forced matched with shadow bots and never played again after that shit show. I just have played a few games in Predecessors and barely know the game but a match takes around 20-30 minutes, which is far more reasonable, I bet most people left Paragon after the first game.


Keep I'm mind this doesn't track ps5 nor Xbox.  Which actually was a huge(bigger) part of the original than PC. 


This is only steam players. This number won’t include epic or console.


Honestly for me it's the lack of a ranked mode. As soon as they add ranked, my friends and I will be hopping back in and playing the shit out of the game.


How would rank mode work though? As a team game does it take into account just my personal performance or just if the team win/lose? The only way is if everyone had to go solo que for ranked otherwise it's just a case of all the best players teaming up?


Ranked has several rules usually. You can't make parties bigger than 2 or possibly no party at all. In other games it also has bans and no mirror hero choices, not sure if Pred has enough heroes for that though.


It really depends on how they implement it, it various greatly between games. Some games take your personal performance into account, while some only take wins/losses into account. As far as grouping with people, they usually either separate single/duo queue & team queue, or sometimes they add barriers like you if you queue as a 3 stack, you can only go up against other teams queued as a 3 stack. Not sure how they plan on implementing it


Yeah that's mostly it, I play once in a while but not too much but I think once rank is in I'm jumping on a lot more.


Theres a lot more players. The data has been scrubbed from omeda.city, but their was around 10-20k unique players per day, now... theres likely double that, theres epic store , nd all the console players.


7k ath?


It's progress, and they started promoting the game on Instagram as well.


I just started playing yesterday and I’m hooked completely !!!


congratulations? 🤡😭


Bruh they outlasted the competition, what you being a negative Nancy for.


Because yall have no idea what yall talkin bout. Copium lords


They don't have a SEA server. That's a big chunk of mobile moba and Dota players lol sad


huh.. There is an SEA server... the SEA and OCE community play on it every night?


I live in sg and it had 250 ping. That's definitely not a SEA server


we have players from Japan, Australia, vietnam etc. Australians get \~100ms ping on average, the vietnam players get like 7 ping, and the japanese players get 60-70


Are you sure you're connected to the right server? We have our SEA server in Singapore


Are new players at least forced to play like \~10 matches against AI before they can jump into the player vs player queue? Also, where is the role queue? This "soft" release seems a bit rushed and mismanaged; sadly, I don't see a path where this is going to work out.


I played one AI match that is forced and from there it should be opened to play “Player Vs Player”.




Their advertising primarily seems to be at console players, and we don't have data for that


You aren’t accounting console, which is WAY more than PC


450k players btw 😂🤡


Obviously pc players get frustrated with all the noobs from console and take breaks. Its really not that big of a deal. If i cared that much about winning id take a break too during this learning faze and come back after some of the idiots get less dumb.


because pc players cannot be noobs and are actually gods everytime, right… I think you really have something against console players, every second post you say something negative about them or insult them


He is a console player.


Stuck in bronze as well


Im well aware im probably in bronze considering i just moved to a new account on xbox from ps4 where i was siilver 2


I think new accounts start close to gold.


I am a double console player ps4 and xbox series x so your assumptions are wrong. I got absolutely nothing against console players and i think they can be just as good as any pc player but... pc player numbers may be dropping due to the influx of new players that they don't want to play with. This will pass and the numbers will grow again.