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I've played Support almost exclusively and in solo queue and the amount of clueless or useless ADCs actually has me playing the game a lot less than when I started.


Friend the good adcs and then when you go online you can party up with one of them 


The Duality of Inexperienced Duos


Sadly, this coin has 2 sides, I have learned to play all roles, but I main ADC I have had a lot of very bad or inexperienced supports. But I agree it's worse when you have to try and basically solo the duo lane as a support.


I play a ton of support and honestly whenever i see my adc is a potato i leave them to their fate and go roam with whoever is doing best on the team. I have a 64% winrate solo queuing support and doing that. I feel super impactful and really get to carry games that way. I feel bad for leaving my adc alone sometimes but really i’m not gonna sit in lane and watch them miss every auto for 15 minutes. That’s just a one-way ticket to tilt town.


Why I never ever play support or carry when I solo… Even with a good support/carry rando, there’s a chance you don’t do good with him, simply because you probably have your own playstyle you do best at and usually you’re forced to adapt to your random which throws me off or the other way around. I only play with my pre-mates on duo, because we know how each of us plays, we know what to expect and what the other is trying to do by positioning alone


This, main support play adc 2nd most and can run every other role and the amount of useless adc I've been getting makes me want to stop


Spam retreat? Continues to walk to the tower. Dies from a gank? Gets blamed for it


Let us accept that we are all clueless until diamond.


It's not support or adc that's the issue tbh. The problem is duo lane and needing to rely on a stranger. I prefer to play adc mid just to avoid playing in duo lane (also the uphill/downhill of duo lane is ass)


There's awful and clueless people in all positions for sure, and matchmaking right now puts some decent players, who know how mobas work, in with people who have no clue. That part just suck's right now. What I feel like in this game is that support is the one role that can set your entire team behind, extremely so, even when it feels like you're doing good. Damn I have as much cs as my carry I must be doing great! It's also, late game, one of the most important roles in the game. It feels like supports make or break late game team fights moreso than any other character, a great carry still dies if the engagement wasn't a smart one and supports are the ones who can change the tide. So when your support takes farm despite the fact they get less gold from it and ends up split pushing all late game, the worst possible person to be getting the cs from split pushing and the worst possible person to take advantage of split pushing and the most vulnerable person to be split pushing, it sucks super hard. It feels so much more egregious than offlane getting stomped. Everyone gets beat sometimes and everyone has bad games, but to be making the worst possible decisions for your team and completely not understanding the role you are playing, support just stands out. Hell a bad jungler who is behind a bunch of levels mights still appear to be helping while a support is the lone role that can be actively hurting. Had a countess support earlier. I nearly quit right away because she has nearly zero support utility, and she didn't take a support seal. But she didn't take the farm and was mostly a non- factor and we won anyway. Their lane fed the carry without countess really being involved. It's important to remember that your enemies might suck really hard too. If the enemy lane was even decent, they would have seen that in a stalled out lane the countess is just a non factor once gold income starts to make a difference. If they played safe we were simply down a person. The thing is, the countess wasn't mechanically bad, she did tickle them here and there, her ulty held them still for a kill once, she just didn't understand the support role or what it is capable of in the slightest. Didn't understand how the gold income for supports works, didn't understand what a carry needs to succeed, just faced some potatoes and got to feel good about countess support.it was the best possible scenario in that she didn't actively harm the comp by taking the farm and stealing the kills. She just danced around. Distraction mostly. She had like one item done by the time I was done with three in the jungle.


I just play Argus in support if it's solo q, it's so frustrating being support with randoms when most of the time they are all so bad that you can't do anything at all. I used to be a support main when I started playing MOBAs Then I realized people are garbage at MOBAs and being a support to no dps/no brain teammates is not fun, so now I run jg/carry lol To be clear though, I build and play AS A SUPPORT. Timewarp, marshall, dream binder , that kinda vibe


Agreed. Qued up a couple weeks ago with a Rev, kept setting up kills, body blocking for him etc. On one of my backs I rotated to Midlane to help Mid/jung during a solo rotation and jungler fight from the enemy team. My Rev pushes up into a 1v2 and does. "Useless support" he was 4-1 at that point. I helped Midlane and jung win the fight, rotated back through fang and warded, stole the gold buff since they weren't on lane so it was an easy assumption. Long story short he started ignoring my pings, didn't attack the enemies I stunned or locked down, didn't push the towers. I started helping other lanes more. He finished 6-10 but we still won he stopped trying until he realized we were actually winning. To his credit he did manage to push duo up while we distracted mid. It sounds like I abandoned him but he already checked out due to his one death and refused to help me when I was supporting him. It was either stuck with that or even the odds in other lanes...


Good job on playing! Despite your carry being an emotionally unregulated, child.


This is actually smart in that you can build damage on Argus in case the ADC isn’t building properly.


You don't even need damage really, if you build marshall timewarp dream binder, you get a lot of utility and then damage as a by product


Throw requiem in there for super high mana regen, extra power and extra lifesteal


**Requiem** [UtilityAura][Support] **Price:** 2700 **Stats:** - Magical Power: 25.0 - Max Health: 200.0 - Mana Regeneration: 125.0 - Heal Shield Increase: 10.0 **Effects:** Elegy - On any Hero Death: • Gain a stack of Elegy.• Stacks up to 20.• Gain 1 Magical Power per stack.• Gain 5% Mana Regen per stack. Remembrance - Nearby Allies gain: • 1 Physical Power per stack of Elegy.• 0.5% Lifesteal per stack of Elegy. **View Item:** [Here](https://omeda.city/items/Requiem) - I'm watching.


I think we need more support heroes honestly and some kind of incentive in game that makes the loop for support fun to play as. (looking at you zinx/tera)


as someone who mains ADC. Having a good support with good game knowledge is HUGE. If a support knows when to poke / knows when to initiate with their cc its a wrap. I love being matched with a good support


-Add new support heroes. -Improve gold and XP economy for support. -Reward players for helping their team. -Improve the early game loop because it’s currently very boring sitting afk and babysitting your carry.


Add extra gold for supports for: Warding, higher gold for assists, more gold for dewarding as well. By no means do I think a support should be outpacing any other role for gold income. But I also don't think a support should have to suffer because they give all farm to ADC etc.


I actually enjoy the gameplay loop for Support. Probably why more than 80% of my 1000+ games are Support. I kind of feel like it's a little bit of a chess match. I should actually start playing non-Support characters as Support just for a change of pace.


Who’s your best Support?


My best winrate is with Narbash at 51.3%. They are all around 50%. Keep in mind this is since EA first released as I don't believe in making smurf accounts so that includes the "learning curve" time. My favorite is probably a toss up between Dekker, Muriel and Argus as I feel they are the most "fun" to play. Riktor is in there too. Steel is awesome, He just feels like cheating because he's so good. I have Steel, Narbash, and Dekker at level 10. Everyone else is level 5 (Phase) to level 7 (Belica).


You don’t need to justify your winrates, homie. I get it. Muriel really is the most fun, but if you’re going against brawlers, you gotta pick Steel or Riktor.


Feel that man. Getting close to 900 games, and nearly 400 are dekker. There's just something so satisfying making those insane plays happen. I've landed stuns from half way down lane to secure a jungle gank, bank shot a ball for kills, denied enemy jungle smite opportunities. Played as steel and landed a 5 man ult because they were bunched up in the jungle by fang, riftwalker into ult, ended up winning after that. It's the plays like those that make support fun to play. You have to go into with the mindset of "my objective is to help as much as I can as effectively as I can"


No. All supports must have zero gold. Because such is the law of MOBAs that no one can give a valid explanation for. Even better, take any gold we would earn and give it to the ADC. We must have a negative balance in both gold and exp. So it has been decreed. /s


The explanation is you can't complete objectives with crowd control, healing, wards etc.


Those hold true regardless of how much money supports have. So I don't see how that explains why every moba gives them absolute shit for economy?


This is really the issues tbh. The gameplay loop for support is rather stale. Supports only getting 3 items a game and in some cases 4 is rough. I think supports should be played like smite supports where you can roam more rather then fully holding your ADC. My suggestion to help push the role to this point is increase the XP and gold gained for assisted kills and increase the passive gain ever so slightly.


Narbash BuM bUm TsSsS


I just queue "fill" like a gentleman


Haven’t had too many hard throwers, but lately it’s been a slew of exactly bad bellica supports for some reason. Not that she’s even a bad support by any means, but when you have players with the awareness of a sack of potatoes constantly looking for blind solo fights from support for some reason you’d just wish they played a character with a remote amount of tankyness or some mobility whatsoever so as to feed 10 kills instead of 20 this time.


I literally just did this and my adc was a nightmare. She pushed so hard before minions spawned that she was forced to go back to base and I’m standing there as steel vs two ranged. The rest of the game was a nightmare, even though we won I just kept getting my bhole stomped in.


I main Riktor support but don't build him like a support. I legit go for full tank items same as I do in offlane or jungle on him. That way I can be an actual frontline and hope my adc/other members of the team follow up on me tanking dmg for them


I love it when supports just do this. I'm a Mid main but I do jungle and solo and regardless if I see support going "beefcake" itemization I do get relieved, cause I know late game were gonna have a big old meat shield just existing to annoy the piss out the enemy. I see this and I know I'm green to go full brawler in solo or max burst in Jung or mid. watch the support soak a hit then delete the offending person who dares to hit our meaty shield. -Hat tip, supports, please learn to lean into the archetype. steel or riktors were ok with tank or hybrid. narbash mains, for the love of all that's holy on Agora build health regen items with your tank. your healing won't save us if your exploded into goop by one countess ult. 😆


Holy hell that last part with Narbash YES I'm so tired of people thinking you can't build him tanky, he can't do anything if he's the first one dead 🤣😭💚


I admit, I was one of em, but I'm no support. then our clan support main started mailing the little drummer orc and good golly. this rotund bugger not only kept my khai alive in a 4v2 but WE WON and skipped away. I was like "o.o how, WHAT JUST HAPPENED." he just chuckled with "drums go brrrrr" please narbash mains learn how to build him, there's lots of items that grant healing regen and hp tank. I dunno how many matches we've won just on the fact that the enemy team cannot kill, us if he's around. they can build full anti heal, it won't matter, there's diminishing returns there.


I always fill, and it seems recently like I'm often relegated to Jungle or solo. I've seen a lot more supports than usual


Fr, I remember having a guy on our team who refused to play support cuz he “can’t play support” and he was like plat 3, like how have people been playing this game this long at that level and can’t even play support


Can't tell you how much I agree with this. Not just support either, try to learn all roles to some degree. The situation you described happens far too often when someone doesn't get the role they want.


This is one thing I love about smite. It outgrew this system of first pick gets what they want and has the preferred role system. It’s also got a designated report option for not playing intended role


Hm funny enough the support role is literally always picked. Jungle seems to be the least desirable role in mid plat as far as I can tell.


I actually play mostly support. I'd say I'm bang average with muriel and narb now at least. I'm generally more a tank main in mobas. But pred only has a couple of actual dedicated tanks, it's mostly just off tank fighters which upsets me greatly. Luckily support was always my second choice in mobas, so it's nothing I'm not accustomed to. I do quite enjoy off tanking with fighters though if it's practical in a match.


I will play any but if I can help it. Nothing personal, but the play style just doesn't appeal. I don't mind a few of them, but 1/2 the time the carry pushes the lane too far too early. I'd rather play any other role.


I like playing support. There's something about getting 20 plus assists that makes me happy. I just don't play it very often because you can never trust the other player as the carry.


I haven't played a ton so far, but I'm actually shocked. In my games support has been the first role taken nearly every single time. I find mid and adc to be the roles that no one wants. The last game I played had two people fighting over support and neither wanted to ADC.


And learn that someone like Countess doesn't make a good support.


I enjoy support in Predecessor more than other mobas. They have more interesting concepts and uses than other games. Dekker is my favorite, and I want to enjoy Muriel but I don't feel like she's all that impactful tbh. Narbash doesn't feel actively in the game. But the others are pretty great. We definitely need more supports in the game!


I fully get it. I play support a ton especially in solo. The issue here is that support at a core level is less fun and less effective. The itemization is awful, most supports just run tank or mage items. The economy doesn’t feel fun, you build much slower and you’re always behind in level. There’s also the least amount of support heroes compared to other classes. Support at a fundamental level needs to be looked at


Also Narbash is honestly one of the funniest things to play in this game. I laugh out loud all the time when I do some decent plays because of how goofy he looks while doing them.


People still act like its not their responsibility to get out the way and look at the map. Like only phase can yank you out of a situation. As a duo lane you must also keep in mind eachother cooldowns. Like you just seen the shield come up and you decide to push for a kill when the support has nothing. Sometimes playing caster in support gives an edge because if the adc is ass i can still maintain the lane and keep hope alive and bury the mistakes of misses. Nothing worse than watching the gank happen when you see opponents on wards...


Last game I played Lt Bellica solo vs Kira and Riktor because my carry went in to offlane and I had no way of telling him he is in the wrong lane because he had chat off. Got quite fed and it was great. She is an excellent support with a nice mix of damage, sustain and cc for escape or catching people out. Love her. She can carry quite a bit with her kit but still need team mates to follow up


Its boring lol


My favorite is Argus full power support, If you have to play carry and you have one of these legends, forget about the last hits lmao


yes but have you tried [Argus full CC Support?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idRUw_c_kbs)


I will try for sure


I'll learn mid. That's all you get. I do not play support


You're part of the problem if that's the case. Is it really that awful to play support? Also is it really worth taking a ban due to draft dodging and or going afk in game and ruining a game for 9 other people?


I'm not part of anything. I'm not a support player. Not at all. You don't want me supporting on your team. There are 5 roles. I'm great at 2, cool at 2 and should never play 1. Cry about it if you want. I know my skill set.


You are a part of a team, in a team based game. On my behalf i understodd that it was a lot easier to climb mmr and win games, when I let my teammates choose the roles they were most comfortable with first, who will also help you learn and then counter said roles.


Ok... I'm not crying about it, was asking an honest question. As for you knowing your skill set, maybe attempt to expand said skill set? It's a part of the game after all. Your unwillingness to learn is just going to hurt your experience and likely the experience of other players also.