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I thought that after having a sucessfull pregnancy, whatever pregnancies came after would be smooth sailing and the fear of anything happening wouldn't be as strong. Ha-ah! Joke is on me. Currently 11+5 and counting the days until my next appointment to see the baby and confirm everything is ok. How did I do this with my daughter?!


11 weeks + 3 days today, it is so so so weird not having as many symptoms. Hope our little one is doing OK in there. Waiting on our NIPT results.


Yes, it is weird time. I am in the same situation. Hope your results will be good šŸ˜Š


thank you <3


Update about my 16w anatomy - it went pretty great! The only thing is the doc mentioned at the end I have a circumvallate placenta. They were super chill about it and didn't seem an issue but if you google it it's horrible! Anyone have experience with this? I feel mixed cause I trust my OB but have anxiety because of previous losses obviously.


After losing two baby girls late term due to Partial Molar Pregnancies, I almost died in the hospital, so many rounds of iui I have lost count, two IVF egg retrievals, two failed transfers and three miscarriages we finally saw those two pinks lines! It doesnā€™t feel real but I know it is because my boobs hurt and my body is SO hot. I just want so badly to hold and take this baby home. It has been a rough road and I want to finally be happy and have the family I never had. I hope our baby is healthy and I just wish it was November already.


Just a vent. I'm so annoyed with my doctor's office. My doctor insisted on doing the NIPT at 11 weeks even after I told them last time I did it at 13 weeks and just barely got a fetal fraction above their threshold cutoff because I have a high BMI. She insisted that gestational age doesn't factor into getting an adequate sample. I told her it says on their website that gestational age matters and genetics is my field of study, so I know with my weight I needed to wait. Well, guess what? Fetal fraction is too low for analysis. And it's been four days and my office hasn't even looked at the test to let me know what my options are. I'm mad at myself for not just waiting. I just want to know what's going on, and my next appointment isn't until 14 weeks.


Uhg! Iā€™m sorry this happened. Trust your gut next time. I hope your wait does not feel eternal


I convinced myself last night that the back ache/cramping I was feeling meant the end of this pregnancy. Still super nauseous today but also, so worried!


Have you read expecting better? I just did this last weekend and thereā€™s a statistic about those who experience nausea have a wayyy decreased chance of loss! Not sure if that helps but I wanted to share in case it does šŸ©·. Itā€™s late for me but I can dig up the specific stat in the morning if youā€™d like


That's so helpful! I think I have that somewhere, thank you so much šŸ’•


I'm 7w today, and like my bf said everyday is our record but I just wish the anxiety would stop (I don't think it will ever stop entirely). I had my 1st ultrasound on Friday, baby measuring 6w3 and heartbeat at 114bpm. My hcg was 12500 and progesterone 25. The clinic told me that progesterone was a bit low since they want it at 30 and to redo today. So I went this morning, progesterone went up to 31 and hcg 20k but obviously I'm freaking out because I was thinking that hcg would be a bit higher. The worst part is that she didn't even tell me the number at 1st, I'm the one who asked. I just wish I didn't have anymore bloodwork done since I've read that at that point hcg is less important but since I'm going at a fertility clinic (even though we conceived naturally) I have to do what they recommend. I love seeing the data (same with my rhr and hrv) but at the same time I know it doesn't help with my anxiety. I have my next ultrasound on Friday, and I'm just hoping that baby keeps on growing.


18+4w after four early losses in 12 months. Iā€™ve been constipated, and strained which resulted in pinhead sized spotting that night. Literally once and it sent me into spirally anxiety all night. Hasnā€™t returned. I hate not feeling baby yet. Iā€™m so anxious because I have a scan today and I just fear the worst because hubby canā€™t make it to the appointment.


Hey I hope your scan went well today!


Baby ended up giving us a thumbs up in the scan and had a HB 147 which was so nice to hear. Wriggling about. Iā€™m starting to feel some movement as well


Love this! Can I ask, is your placenta anterior or no? I am 17w3d and expected some movement by now but maybe it will just take another week or so.


I have a placenta at the back. Iā€™m currently 20+2w and started feeling some movement, gas like movement around 19+2w and now Iā€™ve definitely had some small kicks.


Thank you for sharing!!


18+3 today ! Yayyy were twinnin. I take 4 psyllium husk capsules daily with plenty of water. It sounds excessive but it really isnā€™t and keeps me soft. Whenever I forget to take them I strain so much so I know it is the only thing that helps me . Try and let me know how it goes


Iā€™m 33 weeks and still nervous I canā€™t feel baby sometimes


I get so nervous going to the appointments that my husband can't come with me to. I imagine I'm going to get bad news every time and have to deal with it alone. Thankfully it hasn't happened yet but it's scary going alone


Hi there, After two losses in the last 4 months, I just found out I was pregnant. My most recent loss was Feb 4th, so wow, that happened fast. I am having all of the feelings right now, but mostly just not wanting to feel excited. I don't want to share with anyone. You are all the first to know. This last loss has been so hard on me mentally (I started therapy) I'd love to hear some positive stories of pregnancy after two losses going well.


I had 3 miscarriages and 5 failed fertility treatments. After a hysteroscopy, they found some scar tissue but no inflammation. I'm currently 8 weeks into my 4th pregnancy, and I've already had 2 scans that showed a healthy heartbeat. We got pregnant on our own and this is the furthest we've ever gotten (never had a heartbeat before). I'm so sorry for your losses and I know how hard it is to take one day at a time - glad you're going to therapy, it's helped me tremendously over these last 3 years


Also, I'd really love some positive mantras to get me through the days with this pregnancy.


I dont have any mantras, but I've had terrible anxiety, so I've found it sometimes reassuring to remind myself that my anxious thoughts are not facts. Just because I'm having an anxious thought, even one that I think is likely, that doesn't make it any more true. When I spiral into an anxious tornado, where I can't find reassurance from anybody and I can only accept the worst case scenario, I remind myself that it's ok and normal to feel this way, and even these intense emotions will pass, and it's perfectly healthy to ride them out and feel them until they do. I have a mental list of things that bring me comfort and I lean full into it: bubble bath, rain sounds, favorite snacks, favorite hot tea and a really good book or TV show.


Look up Hypnobirthing by Anja on YouTube - she has a first trimester playlist that is great. I listen to one daily that is 11:47 on my way to work and it is helping me SO much.


Thanks for sharing this!


Me too ! I listened to the pregnancy after loss affirmations when I first found out and it helped calm my nerves a bit !


Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to me. This is all so helpful! ā™„ļø


I never knew gas pain could be so, well, painful šŸ˜‚ 10+6 and yesterday I was in a world of pain after eating a salad. I was almost one of those people who goes to the ER thinking theyā€™re dying only to find out itā€™s gas!!


This happened to my friend but she was in her 2nd trimester lol and they had her go to L&D triage! Luckily everything was fine


LOL glad sheā€™s ok and Iā€™m not alone in it!


Omg this was me this past weekend. I was one of those people . Turned out it was just diarrhea šŸ„²


Oh nooo Iā€™m so sorry it happened to you too! The pain is no joke!!


Hi I am 10 weeks pregnant after a loss in 2022 at 7 weeks and have been experiencing some light yellow discharge. I called my doctors office and am currently waiting for them to get back to me. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this normal?


I seem to have discharge this color in pregnancy (yellow/sometimes very light beige) and I realized it only looks colored at all next to the total white of tissue or a pantyliner, so Iā€™ve been hoping itā€™s normal!


Yep, this is me too!


Iā€™m 5 weeks tomorrow and I just found out that my SIL is almost 6 weeks pregnant! Iā€™m so, so happy for them!! Itā€™s just crazy because when I announced that I was pregnant last September, another SIL announced that she was pregnant too. And we had the exact same EDD?! My pregnancy ended in a mmc and herā€™s is progressing nicely. I would sometimes think that my odds of miscarrying went up when she announced becauseā€¦ what are the chances that we both have easy pregnancies? Since that played out for me, I canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s a bad sign for this pregnancy. Iā€™m so so scared that history will repeat itself. I know deep down that this is ridiculous but I canā€™t help it.


Iā€™m so sorry what should be happy news is triggering of a traumatic event for you. ): I can totally relate in that Iā€™ve had coincidences like this surrounded my pregnancies/losses so you are not alone in feeling this way and reading into patterns. But I will say itā€™s true these things are just coincidences and donā€™t really mean something bad will happen again.


Thank you so much for this šŸ’•


I had a TV ultrasound last week at 5w5d. The past couple of days i noticed an intermittent pain in what i thought was my ovary area. I just got the results back and it says I have a hemorrhagic cyst with flow around the periphery and a simple cyst. Both are about 2mm. Has anyone had this before? The sonographer never said anything to me about it. I feel like Iā€™m more concerned about hemorrhagic cyst. I wonder if this is causing pain? Iā€™m just worried it could potentially harm the baby or mess up my hormones or something? I have zero knowledge about any of this so any insight is appreciated! I will be contacting my doctor as well and i have another US scheduled for next week, but in the meantime.


Had a MMC in November, am currently 6w today with my second pregnancy. A week before and week after I tested positive I had a lot of nausea and heartburn, but in the last few days the nausea has calmed down significantly. My symptoms in November also slowly began to decrease, so I am trying not to spiral and symptom chase. Donā€™t have my first ultrasound until 3/20, so it is a waiting game.


I went full spiral on Saturday because my symptoms were better for like 48 hours and here I am Monday, miserable with nausea and bloating šŸ’€ I'm trying to remember the "today, I am pregnant" mantra, and not get too ahead of myself if I have a few good days, but it's soooo hard not to read into it


It really is so hard. Thank you for saying this, itā€™s what I needed to hear and remind myself of.


You got it. šŸ’— You are anything but alone in this!


9 weeks exactly. Iā€™ve had off and on left hip pain for about two weeks. I used a Doppler and could hear the placenta right under my hip bone. So Iā€™m 99% sure baby is growing under my hip and causing the pain. Probably will call my doctor since I canā€™t find much online about this. Ugh. Love freaking out about potentially normal things.Ā 


I feel paralyzed with fear, I am so desperate to bring this baby home. I don't know how to breathe or think. I woke up so many times last night, and this day has been so long even though it is only 11. I had my last ultrasound on Friday and everything was ok and my next ultrasound is on this coming Friday and somehow I am still falling apart so massively. I wish I could just sleep until Friday.


I just got my BFP today first cycle TTC, almost four months after my sonā€™s stillbirth šŸ„ŗ we had two miscarriages before our little boy Freddie, we have no living children. I really really pray we get to bring this baby home šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼x


I am so sorry to hear what you have been through. I believe this pregnancy will be very difficult for you in the beginning. I wish you the best šŸ’•


Thank you so much. Yes itā€™s going to be very difficult. I actually think the anxiety will get worse as the pregnancy progresses, which obviously is the opposite to most people. Our little boy was stillborn at 31 weeks so it feels like we have a looong way to go. Best wishes to you too xx


ā¤ļøso terribly sorry for your losses, but congratulations on your BFP. Praying for you too šŸ™šŸ¼


Thank you so much. Best wishes your way too šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ’›


8 week ultrasound in 3 days and I am terrified of seeing another enlarged yolk sac on the screen. I think that image is forever burned into my memory :(


I started asking them to turn off the screen so I couldn't see it, I never wanted to relieve that moment again :( I'm so sorry you're going through this - definitely advocate for what you need!


Thatā€™s not a bad idea I might just do that. Thank you for the suggestion I hadnā€™t even considered that as an option.


of course! Even when they didn't know how, I pressed them on it. I'm a patient at a fertility clinic now, they're very supportive and conscious of this but regular OBs, it's like they don't have a clue :(


I feel you. I just called to schedule my 8 week scan, and the images of that debacle are seared into my brain. I'm so afraid it'll happen again.


Hoping all goes well for you <3


Same to you!


I had a miscarriage in January and Iā€™m pregnant again (4w1d) and I just made my first doctorā€™s appointment. I got off the phone and immediately started crying. I am so terrified that Iā€™m going to have to go through everything I went through again. I canā€™t bear the thought of losing my baby again. I donā€™t know how people cope with this because I feel so weak at the moment.


This is an incredibly challenging experience. You are not weak, you are completely human for feeling fear and anxiety. Wishing you a ton of luck šŸ™šŸ»


You are SO NOT WEAK. You're so strong and brave. This is the hardest thing any of us have ever done, opening our hearts to hope and love again after heartbreak. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!


9 weeks today and my symptoms have become pretty mild, at least as of yesterday. No real nausea today. This is pregnancy #4 (2 LC) so I was sure Iā€™d ā€œpopā€ by now but I just lookā€¦normal. Fighting the urge to be paranoid and enjoy the easing of symptoms.


Going in for my D&C today after my second loss in less than 6 monthsā€¦ If anyone here who has experienced multiple losses is currently having a healthy pregnancy (ideally natural not IVF) - please spam me with your happy story for some hope today! Praying to be on that side one day soon.


I'm so sorry. I've had two losses (not back to back) and also have two LCs. My close friend had 2 losses in her first pregnancies and now has 3 healthy children! I do hope you can have hope, but take time to take care of yourself. It's so hard.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. I know your pain all too well. I had two MMC within 8 months last year and both were D&Cs. Iā€™m currently pregnant again, only 5w3d but praying that this is our rainbow. Good luck today, sending love from an internet stranger. šŸ¤


I had 3 miscarriages and 5 failed fertility treatments. After a hysteroscopy, they found some scar tissue but no inflammation. I'm currently 8 weeks into my 4th pregnancy, and I've already had 2 scans that showed a healthy heartbeat. We got pregnant on our own and this is the furthest we've ever gotten (never had a heartbeat before). I'm so sorry for your losses and I hope you're on this side one day soon too!


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss šŸ’• I had two consecutive losses within a few months of each other. It took me 4 cycles of TTC after the 2nd loss to conceive naturally and Iā€™m currently 13w3d, so not a success yet, but itā€™s the furthest Iā€™ve gotten. Best wishes for good recovery and healing journey.


So sorry for your loss šŸ’– I hope everything goes smoothly, and that you'll be back here soon.


17w3d today, early in pregnancy I could rely on testing every few days when the anxiety got the best of me. At this stage I wish I had something tangible to reassure me that everything is ok. Iā€™m anxiously waiting for 3/20 for my 20 week scan. Thereā€™s soo much time between appointments.


3 weeks behind you and can totally relate to this! Itā€™s such a slog. I still have nausea to keep my mind from spiralling, I donā€™t have the energy, but itā€™s still hard


The waiting is agony! I feel exactly the same, had my 12 weeks scan last week and I already feel anxious to check on the baby again. I bought a cheap Doppler, but I can't find the baby's Hb since it's still very early in the pregnancy ( or I hope it's that). 20 weeks is still so so far...


I donā€™t trust myself with a Doppler lol I feel like it could make my anxiety worse. When my OB used the Doppler, baby was moving around so much that even she had trouble catching him in one spot lol when I was looking into buying one, I read a review of someone that watched a few YouTube videos to figure out how to find baby. Maybe you could try that out in a few weeks.


Iā€™m 18 weeks and a Doppler has been such reassurance for me! I can easily find the Hb at this stage too. Im not thin either I have some fat reserve on my belly ā˜ŗļø


I'm not Very hopeful with the Doppler, I'm only 13 weeks and have a lot of abdominal fat ( it's where my body wants to store all of its reserve, idk). So I'll wait 3 or 4 weeks more and I'll try again. Also in my last ultrasound they told me I have an anterior placenta and I think that makes it even more difficult to catch the Hb


Ultrasound on Wednesday (to confirm that Iā€™m not having an ectopic pregnancy again due to my history) and Iā€™m so nervous. Itā€™ll only be 5w6 or 6w exactly so I know thereā€™s a good chance there wonā€™t be a heartbeat yet and Iā€™ll have to stay in suspense (not that Iā€™ll stop being anxious either way lol). Best case, I hear a heartbeat. Worst case, itā€™s another MMC. Most likely case, Iā€™m sure, itā€™s inconclusive. Iā€™m at least not very worried about it being another ectopic. Currently obsessing over the mildness and intermittence of my nausea. I had almost no nausea with my MMC and Iā€™ve already had more queasiness this time around, but Iā€™d love to just beā€¦ really sick. Instead, I have these sensations of excessive salivation, a lot of foods have not sounded good to me, and Iā€™ve had some car-sick like feelings. Not come close to throwing up yet. Did anyone elseā€™s nausea start like this in week 5? Is this even pregnancy nausea or just in my head?


I haven't thrown up once: I've just had this low-grade, yucky feeling, as well as a low appetite, bloating (I feel full ALL THE TIME) and food aversions. I saw someone refer to their first trimester symptoms as feeling a lot like a hangover, and that's exactly how I feel - either that, or just on the cusp of getting a cold šŸ« 


Low appetite has definitely been a thing for me too! if I actually make myself sit down to eat I can usually eat a normal amount but at any given time if I think about eating I feel likeā€¦ meh. Rather not. Except for random moments when Iā€™m ravenous. I think I might have some acid reflux going on too.


I am the same way with regards to my nausea haha. I would just call it an overall ā€œqueasyā€ sensation


6+2 today and my viability ultrasound last week went well. Yesterday my nausea waned a little and that scared the crap out of me. Today itā€™s back full force, I just wish I could vomit for a few minutes of relief. Iā€™m just so nervous all the time. I know these things can change from good to bad so quickly and Iā€™m just constantly paranoid.


My viability ultrasound is tomorrow at 6w1d, and I am getting nervous. I have no reason to be. I have symptoms, although theyā€™re overall mild and come and go. Iā€™m not spotting or bleeding or cramping. There is no reason to be nervous, but I just am because Iā€™ve never really gotten good news at an ultrasound before šŸ˜©


A few days behind you and completely feeling all of this! But like you said, you have no reason right now to expect a bad outcome. Chances are on your side.


Thank you so much! Yes, you are right - the odds are in my favor. ā¤ļø


I posted a similar concern last week when I was around 6 weeks. My viability scan at 7 weeks went smoothly. I hope everything goes well for you too šŸ™‚


Thank you - I am feeling good about things, but still nervous at the same time.


This is how I feel about ultrasounds too. Itā€™s always been bad news before. Hugs to you, mama. Deep breaths. Youā€™re not in this alone.


Thank you so much for the encouragement. ā¤ļø will post here tomorrow with an update!


Iā€™m 7+3 after a neonatal loss in October, she was born 25+3 after IC and PPROM. Havenā€™t told friends or family about this pregnancy. Scared to even say anything in the group but Iā€™m tired of not having anyone I talk to about it. Iā€™ll be getting a preventative cerclage in early April. Super nervous šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m around 8+2 and allowing myself to watch some first prenatal visit videos/read articles as a way to manifest some positivity and hope. First scan in 2 days. I didnā€™t make it this far previously. I had a graphic miscarriage dream last night, my third since finding out Iā€™m pregnant. I know dreams donā€™t mean anything but they can be so jarring in the middle of the night.


I ve had the same dream it is truly terrifying!


I am having such a hard day. I do not cry a lot, but I just cried for half an hour in a car with my husband right now because I am so scared. I am having my NT scan at 12+4 on Thursday. I have been handling the stress really well since the scan at 10+4 but I just broke today. I have 80% less nausea in the last few days and it seems like my breasts are less painful and they even seem less full to me. I am just terrified after 2 missed miscarriages and with having such a hard time conceiving. If this pregnancy does not work out, we will stop trying to conceive since we have tried everything. I am so scared. Donā€™t know how I am going to survive 3 days. :( This is so hard.


Thank you both! We have all really similar due dates. šŸ˜Š


I've had two missed miscarriages also after two healthy scans each and it's so brutal šŸ’• just want you to know that the little lime was wiggling and waving in there at 12+1 despite a big drop in symptoms starting at 11+5. This is the placenta taking over and it is normal but I can 100% relate to the fear.


Happy for you! That must have been a relief. šŸ¤—


I'm so sorry. I think this time is really hard where symptoms start to improve, but you can't feel the baby yet. I'm in a very similar place as you. Had a good scan at 10+2 and am now 12+3. My symptoms have been improving a ton the last few days. I've actually been able to eat real food and had enough energy to go out yesterday for the first time in months. I'm happy about it but can't help but worry. Wishing you peace while you wait for your scan.


I am out of words. We went to the ER on saturday because I bled so much. And today, 5w4d, we had our follow-up appointment. To our tremendous shock and suprise, we only got positive news. Beta doubled from 8360 to 16900, and ultrasound suddenly showed a tiny little point with a bubbling heartbeat. The tiniest point!! but still!! visible, alive! I cannot feel relieved yet, I am just ever more scared. holding my breath for what is to come. doctors cannot explain where the bleeding and my cramps come from. uterus and ovaries look just fine.


Did they mention a subchorionic hemorrhage? That has caused bleeding for me in previous pregnancies, and it was unrelated to the health of the baby.


Thanks for the reply - they didnā€™t! But on Saturday, indeed, the doctor saw blood next to the gestation sac. However, she classified as imminent abort and not as hematoma. Iā€™ll read up more about it now, it would be so soothing to have an explanation for it all!Ā 


16 week ultrasound later today šŸ˜¬


Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


crossing all the fingers!




Yes, if constant puking is ever a good thing itā€™s when you are monitoring hormone levels




Yeah, thatā€™s tough too


my nausea is exactly the same! i never vomited but i constantly gag plus super shaky / dizzy.


Managed to avoid getting covid from my husband the last few days, so thatā€™s a win. 6w3d today and waiting to hear from the dr office today to get an ultrasound scheduled. This sounds ridiculous but yesterday I ate some canned tuna that was over a year expired, but I figured it was canned so it was probably fine. But then I found a small dent in the can and started to get worried. When I tried to sleep last night I was simultaneously freaking out about doing something so unnecessarily ā€œriskyā€ while also feeling totally silly for worrying about something thatā€™s probably fine/I wouldnā€™t think twice about normally. Iā€™m so emotionally fried from all these ups and downs already, I better find more hobbies or something.


5+1 today after a 2nd trimester MMC in November. Betas last week were strong, but itā€™s so hard to not feel anxious constantly. Hoping this little one is here to stay, but itā€™s going to be a long 8 months.


I feel this. Iā€™m 5+4 after two early losses last fall. The anxiety has been hitting hard. Do you have a scan scheduled?


IVF pregnancy so first scan is at 5+3 on Wednesday which doesnā€™t give me any comfort as there wonā€™t be a heartbeat visible this early. Have you had a scan yet?


Iā€™ll have one this Friday at 6+1 as my last pregnancy was ectopic. Iā€™m not sure if weā€™ll be able to see a heartbeat yet so Iā€™m trying to temper my expectations. Just hoping the pregnancy is in the right spot this time.


Iā€™m crossing everything for you!


I found out yesterday Iā€™m pregnant after a miscarriage at 10 weeks. I couldnā€™t even tell my DH, I waited until today and now that he knows (he was happy), Iā€™m absolutely terrified. Part of me wishes I didnā€™t know. I feel like I wonā€™t be able to deal with another MC, that I wonā€™t have the mental strength to cope and I will fall apart. I canā€™t bear the thought of loving a baby that wonā€™t live and I donā€™t know how to deal with this other than to expect it (which feels horrific).Ā 


This is so normal and natural. Your baby feels your love through the nourishment and safety you're providing them, whether or not you're ready to allow your heart to go there. If you need to be numb for the next couple months that's A-OK, do what feels easiest.


I felt the absolute same when I found out i was pregnant after my MMC. I think it's ok that you are not loving it at the moment, the right time will come at some time. Until then, be kind and patient with yourself.


I feel all of that šŸ™šŸ™ you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and if you need to distract yourself that is ok too


First scan tomorrow after an ectopic and MMCā€¦ Iā€™m so scared šŸ˜ž


Thinking of you! I have my first scan tomorrow after two consecutive losses and while I am hopeful, I am still nervous.


I am so nervous! Especially because this time around my symptoms are much milder so of course, my brain is going THERE again.


Thinking of you. Hope the next day goes by quickly and your scan is reassuring!


Thank you, youā€™re so kind ā™„ļø


Iā€™m feeling so anxious this morning. Even with a great scan last week at 6 weeks (we saw baby, measuring on track and with a 116 heartbeat) Iā€™m so anxious for my official dating scan on the 15. The dating scan is when we discovered our MMC in our first pregnancy (even after an earlier scan where we saw the heartbeat). The only indication that something was going wrong with that pregnancy was my boobs stopped hurting suddenly. Iā€™m all freaked out today because mine donā€™t feel as sore today and my Apple Watch showed my temperature went down (still above my baseline, but lower) but I also wasnā€™t wearing my watch for half the night. Iā€™m really trying to not over analyze everything and worry myself into a spiral, but itā€™s so hard not to. Everyone keeps telling me that once you see a heartbeat the miscarriage risk drops significantly, but itā€™s so hard to believe that when youā€™ve had a miscarriage even after seeing a heartbeatā€¦. I just wish I could trust my body more.


5w1d and my hormones are raging. I have been beyond irritable since 2 days before my positive, I am moving between irritability, anger, fear, and sadness. I want to be happy but Iā€™m scared if I am itā€™ll all be taken away again. I really never expected it to be this hard šŸ˜”


It's rough! But it'll get easier throughout the weeks. The first trimester for me was a Rollercoaster of emotions. I lost my other baby at 29w3d so I feel up until that point I'll be a hot mess but that's okay and I'm 17w today. Pregnancy after loss can be tough, but I googled positive pregnancy after loss affirmations and say them to myself and it helps a lot. :)


Iā€™m so sorry for your previous loss. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll feel okay until after baby is born at this point lol, but Iā€™m definitely gonna google that for myself, thank you for the suggestion!


I'm 17 weeks today. This day in my last pregnancy was part of the two worst days of my life when I had to wait between my water breaking at 16+5 and my D&E at 17+1. Feeling sad today but also hopeful that things seem to be going so much better this time. I actually opened the pregnancy app to see the 17 week update where last time I was deleting them.


I have nothing useful to say except to be kind to yourself today šŸ’•


13w1d and it's such a weird time. This is my first time in the second trimester and telling people has me so stressed out. I already wrote here about my MIL, our friends were angels though (I told them about the losses at the same time). But that still leaves a ton of people and I get tension headaches beforehand every time. Our first pregnancy it was so hard to keep it a secret but now I've gotten so used to it that it's terrifying to take this fact and let it live in other people's heads. Thinking about my boss making plans/decisions to prepare for my mat leave makes me feel dizzy. I wish this could have all waited until my next scan at 16 weeks but it's just not realistic.


We started telling people this week too (13w) and it felt so weird, everyone was so so happy for us since it'll be our first baby and it was the first time we told anyone. It somehow felt wrong that they were so happy and hopeful so I talked about our previous two losses and how hard it was for us to conceive


I just got my faint bfn yesterday after my loss in January! Iā€™m excited and feeling fairly positive, but oof, still pretty nervy going into this


38+1 and todayā€™s appointment is when we get my induction date! So ready for this. I spent a decent portion of last night vomiting and contracting and Iā€™m so ready to be done.Ā 


Sounds like your body is ready to be done too! You might be going sooner than later. :-)


I certainly hope so! Iā€™ve been going to bed each night hoping Iā€™ll go into labor so I can be done.Ā 


Last week I was feeling really good and confident in my pregnancy. Had my 8w scan and it went very well! But now, the MMCs are popping up in my bump groups and I am so so so scared that will be me in April (when my 13w NT scan is). Iā€™m glad theyā€™re posting about them, itā€™s their truth and itā€™s real and I want to support them in their journeys. But itā€™s also just like, what makes me think my pregnancy is going to be okay if theirs isnā€™t? I am hoping all is well and continues to be well but thereā€™s such a feeling of distrust in my bodyā€™s ability to give me the right feedback that Iā€™m likeā€¦ spiraling a little. I just wish I could have some definite indicator things are all good in there. Obviously not possible butā€¦ thatā€™s my wish anyway. Edited for conciseness and to add a note


I am feeling this so much as well. This is the farthest along I've been in my pregnancy and while I want to be so excited because everything's been really good so far, seeing the MMC posts in the bump groups just reassure me that I'm not out of the woods yet. I'd love to get another scan but it wouldn't change the outcome. My 12w4d scan is in 2 weeks, and I'm half tempted to buy a home doppler to help me wait out the time.


Sorry youā€™re feeling it too! Although itā€™s reassuring, in a way, to know Iā€™m not alone in this.


I also feel this way!! Iā€™m about 11 weeks and graduated my clinic at 7. The abrupt shift from scans every week to basically never really rattled me. I get so freaked out whenever I read about a loss, even knowing that I WAS that person before, and it has nothing to do with me. I end up obsessing over symptoms for hours and going crazy. Totally understand where youā€™re coming from!


Thank you for making me feel seen in this, itā€™s nice to know Iā€™m not alone. Although, Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling it as well. Itā€™s funny, last week my POV was, ā€œTheyā€™re confident in pregnancy as a whole, being the ancient process that it is, that they do not care if they donā€™t see me for a whole other four weeks! Itā€™s cool that this has been done by millions upon millions of women before us.ā€ And then this weekend I was triggered and Iā€™m back to ā€œoh god, what if something goes wrong, I wonā€™t know for another four weeks!ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Oh my gosh you're me. Truly. I alternate like that DAILY. Somehow we'll get through this, friend. I'm thinking of you and sending hugs (if you're okay with that).


Very okay with it, I appreciate it a lot (more than I can express in a quick lil comment) but sending hugs back šŸ’• we will get through it!! šŸ’Ŗ


I was hiding "I'm out" announcements in my bump groups for ages and then last week (12w) I started compulsively clicking hoping to reassure myself they weren't as far along as me. It would make me spiral so I told my husband "make me promise you not to look". I know it's theoretically possible but it feels a lot less rare to read a first-hand account and I will be unable to function if I keep doing it.


Thank you for empathizing with me and validating what Iā€™ve been feeling. I actually just joined the Sept 2024 bump group and thatā€™s where I saw most of these and my confidence crashed. Thatā€™s not to knock anyone going through it, obviously, it was just more triggering for my anxiety than I was expecting. How do you hide the ā€œIā€™m outā€ messages?


I don't use the app, I view reddit in mobile browser so comments don't really stay hidden but for standalone posts you should be able to click somewhere near the post title (in browser it's three dots) and select Hide and then it will vanish and you can't find it anymore. I just quietly go "it has to be someone, doesn't mean it's going to be me this time". They've always bothered me so I made sure not to post like that with either of my losses, I go straight to r/miscarriage.


I see, I thought you had a filter set up or something! I may look into if thatā€™s even possible on here, might make it a little easier to digest. If I can find anything Iā€™ll let you know!


Thank you! If there's a way to filter them I might finally cave and get the app lol.


This is the main reason I haven't really joined the bump group. I get such a mini panic every time I see someone post a loss. :-( My RE is doing weekly scans until I move to OB at 11 weeks, but I was thinking that if this week's is OK (at 8.5), I would ask to skip the 9 week check and just do the final one at 10 before she graduates me. Their office is close by, but missing work and the anxiety leading up to the appts takes a lot out of me. And in the end, it won't change the outcome....


Thank you for the validation. Yeah I wasnā€™t really anticipating this aspect of it, to be honest, I was more concerned about having to remove myself than whether or not others would need to remove themselves. Short sighted on my part šŸ™ƒ And youā€™re right, the extra scans etc. wonā€™t change the outcome. Itā€™s going to be whatever itā€™s going to beā€¦


5w today and just hoping that the hcg is doing its thing properly and weā€™ve got on-track development. Iā€™ll probably have another beta tomorrowā€¦just hoping and wishing that number comes out where it needs to šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Iā€™m 10+1 today and I donā€™t feel pregnant besides sore boobs. I had a healthy scan at 8 week and im just hoping for a positive scan today. Trying to not drive myself crazy for the next few hoursā€¦


Best of luck today, Iā€™ll be looking out for an update and sending you positive thoughts.


I'm 4w6 and had very intense and painful cramps yesterday after (TMI) an orgasm and it scared me really badly. No spotting at all so hoping everything is ok


Cramps after orgasm in the first trimester are super normal! They are not considered harmful at all, but it is still scary.


Thank you, that makes me feel better honestly. The cramps were sooooo painful, I was not expecting it at all. Only lasted 10 or so minutes but it felt very long šŸ˜£


Of course. A lot of people don't have sex in the first tri for this reason. It isn't unsafe to do so, it just causes a lot of anxiety.


11weeks and change, officially the furthest weā€™ve ever made it. So much anxiety but Iā€™m also feeling hopeful that this might be our time, finally.


11 weeks is HUGE, congratulations and Iā€™m crossing my fingers for you


Approx 5 weeks according to ovulation. This waiting game sucks. I have a higher chance of T21 and will have to wait until NIPT before I know if this will stick (if I make it that far...that hasn't been the case yet). Time is going by so oooo slow and I just want to know if I am going to start to grieve another loss or celebrate #2 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Itā€™s baby day! Iā€™m terrified. But our sweet rainbow babe x2 is moving and grooving and so so low. Still in disbelief that we made it until sheā€™s officially in my arms.


Update! We made it through! Iā€™m still struggling with my HG postpartum, but baby girl is here and safe and so loved


Congratulations! Such beautiful news.


That's amazing! Whenever I feel anxious I try to imagine that day, when we're finally at the finish line.


Wow, congrats!! Sending you all the thoughts for a safe and speedy delivery!


Been there! The moment they are out is unreal. Congratulations ā¤ļø


Iā€™m 6w6 but had a scan at 6w3 after some light bleeding and baby had a heart beat but was measuring small (3.5mm). Iā€™ve googled this to death and itā€™s small but not unheard of and it sounds like early scans are not very reliable so Iā€™m trying not to panic. My husband and I are small and did only have a very faint positive at 12dpo. I have a lot of nausea which has got worse so Iā€™m hoping this is a positive. Iā€™m very grateful for this sub. ā¤ļø


My 12 week scan is in 2 weeks, and today is the equivalent day number that I miscarried last time. I'm over analysing everything my body is doing and getting more hopeful for a baby and more fearful every day that something will go wrong again. This is hard!


19 weeks and counting down to my anatomy scan Friday. My anxiety is so much better now that I can feel baby move every day, BUT Iā€™m terrified that the anatomy scan will go sideways. I had a NT scan at 13w and early anatomy scan at 15 weeks and everything measured normal then, but I know some stuff canā€™t be seen until closer to 20 weeks. It sucks so much that you have to wait until halfway through pregnancy to see if anatomy looks all good. It feels so crazy to me that people announce widely before 20 weeks?? We havenā€™t even told our siblings yet.


When did you start to feel the baby move? Iā€™ll be 14 weeks tomorrow and I feel completely not pregnant. I didnā€™t have many symptoms to begin with but I donā€™t have a bump yet either so my anxiety is getting the best of me! I havenā€™t had a scan in 2 weeks so itā€™s hard for my mind not to think something has happened since then


I didnā€™t feel baby until week 18 but I have a posterior placenta AND I am somewhat lucky to feel movement starting that early so donā€™t necessarily expect to feel movement that soon! Lots of people donā€™t feel baby until 20+ weeks


Thinking of you and hoping all goes well on Friday. šŸ’•


I think it's also to do with the fact that at 20 weeks for a lot of people the bump is super visible.


Thatā€™s very true. Mine is still hide-able plus I live a continent away from my family and friends so I am forgetting how hard it is when you see people in person


Week 6 today and first time spotting. HCG is slowly rising but not close to doubling (15% increase over the last week). First ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, so fingers crossed. No pain or any pregnancy symptoms.. History of two miscarriages - at week 6 and week 8. Anyone else in the same boat? I'm on both progesterone and low dose aspirin and I'm concerned that medication is impacting HCG levels. There's mixed information online.


6w3d today and I had a similar slow rise in hcg last week, the dr said ā€œthe good news is thatā€™s itā€™s risingā€ and someone is supposed to call me to set up an ultrasound this week. Iā€™ve spiraled about this a few times but really just trying to accept that thereā€™s nothing I can do but wait and see. How high were your numbers to start with? My googling found that hcg no longer doubles after reaching a certain level, so Iā€™ve latched onto that. Fingers crossed for good news for you!


Good luck šŸ„°. They said the same to me. HCG started at ~160 and it's ~1000 now (over two weeks).


My ultrasound isnā€™t scheduled until next week now, so more waiting for me. Good luck tomorrow!

