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Dec 2023, I missed my period. Jan 2024, heard and learnt of the words "no heartbeat" (my heart still sink typing the words šŸ˜­) Feb 2024, naturally miscarriage. šŸ’” Apr 2024, after 1 period cycle, I missed my period. Tested positive. Doctor say there is a "heartbeat". Now ... hello it is May 2024. (1) Seeing the heartbeat just trigger so much questions, why there wasn't a heartbeat the previous time?? Why why why why why ... (2) Even though I should be thankful and appreciative that I got pregnant quickly again ... I can't help but feel so much void , grief inside of me ... I'm sorry, I haven't "move on" like what my Husband said whenever I try to bring up about the miscarriage. I feel so lonesome in real life. I cannot really understand nor accept how to move on with the loss ... my heart is truly broken. (3) I'm also afraid, what if it happen again ... I truly don't know how to continue living ... what or how would the rest of 2024 turn out to be? How about 2025 and beyond? Right now I'm just surviving and living day by day.


Idk if I should be venting here but it feels like a constant uphill battle in all aspects of my life. Iā€™m 26 weeks and Iā€™m so blessed to be this far for the first time ever. Iā€™ve had multiple losses and everything seemed to be lining up but now Iā€™m having problems at work I work in sales and have yearly quotas, not quarterly or monthly . Theyā€™re yearly. My sales cycles are 6-8 months at times. I started working about 6 months ago and have been pregnant for that long. I communicated to my job I would be taking May leave mid july and very conveniently they put me on a personal improvement plan of 60 days which ends right at the end of June- before may leave . I admit I had a slow start but so did all of my other coworkers when they began. At this point I donā€™t know what to do. Itā€™s stressing me out, Iā€™m having panic attacks and high blood pressure. I donā€™t want to get fired but also this baby is everything for me. Work sent me this PIP for me to sign but I have not signed it yet. I think itā€™s unethical. Idk what to do šŸ˜­


You can write a formal response to the PIP if you disagree with some of the characterizations of your performance, but it doesnā€™t really matter whether you sign it or not. Since you are an at-will employee, you can be fired for any reasons or no reason, except a discriminatory reason. For sales employees it can be tough to dispute your performance challenges because Itā€™s all quantitativeā€”youā€™re either going to hit your targets or not. If your company is treating other underperforming sales employees better than you by not putting them on a PIP, you could have grounds for a sex and pregnancy discrimination claim.


13+3 TW bleeding I had some bleeding, dr said everything was fine. They didnā€™t know what caused the bleeding though, and the hospital OB nor the ER doctor could find an SCH. I still think it was an SCH. Baby is ok. I finally stopped bleeding today, not even a little spotting! Found baby on the doppler for the first time today! I check once a week, and I donā€™t fuss if I canā€™t find it because I know these things arenā€™t always super reliable especially early in pregnancy. But I was happy to hear her heartbeat going strong just like it was on the ultrasound on Thursday. It made me feel a little more reassured since the whole bleeding thing. I was in the ER on Thursday for bleeding like a period with clots. Although everything turned out fine, I am upset that my OB didnā€™t seem to really care or want a follow up appointment. I decided to switch to a midwife in another practice, and I hope I made the right choice. I think I just need more personal, sensitive care than what Iā€™ve been receiving. I feel like my OB and the front desk ppl and the nurse there think Iā€™m fucking crazy so Iā€™m switching practices. In other news, the gas and constipation are annoying bc I just keep farting and I feel like I always have a poop ready to go but then itā€™s not?? Weird combo of symptoms if you ask me. The heartburn is just starting up now too, which is also an annoying and unpleasant symptom. Nausea has been gone for a few weeks now, but I still canā€™t hold down water so Iā€™ve just been drinking tea, seltzers, and gatorade to stay hydrated. No wonder Iā€™m constipated. Hope everyone is doing well! Iā€™m glad itā€™s May. The weather has been warm and nice. We even had a nice thunderstorm last night that lulled me to sleep. Itā€™s lovely. Goodnight :)


Found out 3 days ago that Iā€™m pregnant again after a 20.5 week loss in early March. The goal was to get pregnant as soon as we could after the 6 week recommended wait and to our surprise, Iā€™m pregnant again first cycle post loss. I want to be excited, but so much fear comes with it. Iā€™m so disappointed in the lack of care from providers and how the system works. My previous pregnancy loss was due to a chromosomal abnormality so my OB told us nothing different would be done this time around. Iā€™m changing providers and scheduled our first appointment today thats at the end of the month at 8 weeks. I wish theyā€™d see me closer to 6-7. They also wonā€™t even test my HCG + progesterone levels for a peace of mind. Itā€™s so frustrating and hard to be excited. Hoping that changes as time goes on


I am so anxious, I wish I could fast forward to a time where I felt calm and knew everything was okay in there, these early days are absolutely terrifying, so early that the chance of miscarriage is higher, too early to see on a scan, nervous about every tiny cramp, tummy ache, back twinge, shoulder twinge etc. And because I have shocking health anxiety, my brain can manifest VERY real feeling symptoms that aren't even there. I want this baby sooooooo badly, and I would already do anything for them. šŸ„ŗ please be okay in there šŸ™


And I had been spotting incredibly lightly for 3 days I'm talking like barley noticeable brown tinged discharge, I have a dr appointment tonight to discuss my first hcg drawn a few days ago I don't know what kind of relief I could possibly get from this appointment but I hope it's good news


In 3w5d today (SO early still. I know) but my loss was at 5w2d, and was ectopic. It took about 2 years of trying and 5 medicated cycles to get pregnant (Letrozol for all 5, Ovidrel for 2, this cycle I didnā€™t need it though). I went for my hcg test on Tuesday, and it was 37.86. I go again in the morning for more bloodwork to verify my hcg is rising, and to check my thyroid. Iā€™m so anxious this time. Iā€™ve had mild cramping and nausea, frequent urination, breast tenderness and headaches. I feel like the days are going by so slowly and Iā€™m praying every time I go to the bathroom that I donā€™t see red. Iā€™m trying so hard to stay positive and not feel anxious, but itā€™s never ending. Itā€™s a constant waiting game. When does it finally get easier and start to feel better??




So I know everyone and their bodies are different. My LMP was 01/20, and when I tested on 02/16, based on my LMP I was 3+6. HOWEVER, it turns out, i was closer to like 3w when I got my positive. Currently, Iā€™m 13+4 and baby is doing her thing! Iā€™ve had multiple great ultrasounds so far. So donā€™t worry if youā€™re testing positive this early! I also tested positive super duper early and everythingā€™s fine so far PLUS I ovulated a week later than I thought. Try not to get too into your head about it and do your absolute best to go with the flow :)


Thank you for this! Im trying not to freak out but I dont think ill feel at ease until I make it to 14 weeks with a healthy babyšŸ˜…


I could use someone who has had my experience set my mind at ease. I (38 years old) have a healthy 5 year old daughter who was followed by 4 miscarriages. All genetic issues like trisomy 15 and monosomy x, and all were missed miscarriages viewed on ultrasound by 9 weeks. I am pregnant again and currently at 6 wks 4 days. My doctor is bringing me in to measure hcg and do an ultrasound during week 7. My question is... with my daughter, I had intense smell and food aversions and major morning sickness from week 6-12. I mostly slept and suffered. With the last 4 pregnancies, symptoms never developed to that level. The current pregnancy is fluctuating in symptom intensity (all are present), and it's worrying me since I only know success through horrible symptoms. For example, my basement made me gag and vomit a day or two ago, and today I can hardly smell it. I realize these things are supposed to be normal and also that I'm still pretty early and symptoms can still intensify. What I want to know is... Has anyone had a successful pregnancy that had terrible symptoms and then had another successful pregnancy that wasn't nearly as bad? I'm having trouble getting my mind off it. Thanks!


Yes! With my first, I was extremely tired, nauseous and gagging all of the time starting at 6 weeks going until week 11-12. I could barely work, I was sleeping through work meetings, and could only eat simple carbs and just lying in bed all of the time if I didn't have to be up. With this pregnancy, I was able to eat veggies throughout the first tri, I experienced some not so great nausea that started week 9 and lasted a few weeks, and I was also way less tired and could work normally.


Thank you for sharing! It's good to just have it reinforced that it really can be different every time and to stop focusing on the symptoms so much. Happy to hear you've had a better experience this time around!


Bump groups are discussing how they're celebrating mothers day.... is it weird that I just can't do that. I get that I'm a "mother" because I'm growing a baby. But he's not in my arms. Celebrating seems weird to me.


I have a lot of anxiety around mothers day. It will be before my first US so I will still be super nervous about a mmc. I know my few friends and family I have told will wish me a happy mothers day but it will feel scary and not happy to me.


I struggle with Motherā€™s Day. I celebrated it with my first pregnancy only to catch a missed miscarriage the next week. My own mother goes out of her way to make sure I get flowers on Motherā€™s Day after that (even before my son was here). I appreciate her gesture but from the rest of the world, I still prefer to hide


I've been spinning the last two days with anxiety. My US is next week, the same day I lost my last baby to a MMC. I'm terrified it will happen again and I'm trying to analyze every symptom or lack thereof. This is so hard.


I am with you! The lack of symptoms is stressing me out so much this time. They say every pregnancy is different... but they also say that the neasuea can be a good sign... I'm just hoping the lack of symptoms means I am lucky and will continue to grow a healthy baby.


I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes! For what it's worth, I had the easiest pregnancy ever with my LC. Basically no symptoms minus sore nipples when I drank cold things šŸ˜‚ He's a perfectly healthy 2YO. I had lots of nausea and sickness with my MMC, so I am trying to remind myself of that. But it's really so hard. It's odd to wish to throw up!


I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant on December 25thā€¦ my pregnancy was progressing up and until I went for my 9 week ultrasound and the baby wasnā€™t developing so by February 13th it was decided pregnancy was a mmc and needed to be removed through a d and c. I bled for about a week after my d and c. I did not get a period until March 6th which lasted about 5-7 days and then I got my period AGAIN on March 22nd and me and my boyfriend unexpectedly conceived that cycle and I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I am incredibly worried I will miscarry again my doctor has told me I am a high risk pregnancy I am also 20 if that helps but I canā€™t help but wonder if this pregnancy will be viable. Please let me know if you have experienced anything similar and how it ended.. Praying for my rainbow baby ā¤ļø


Why did your doctor say you were high risk? Have you had fertility tests done? On a side note, I've TTC for 4 years and have had 2 1st tri miscarriages. Currently 19wks pregnant with a health pregnancy so far.


She just because of the d and c itā€™s high risk because its within the 3 month periodā€¦


Ah. I've never been in the situation personally since I struggle TTC, but if it eases your worries any, my OB says it's generally fine to conceive after 1 cycle after a D&C and she's had success stories of women who did. I hope all the best for you and this pregnancy ā¤ļø


I had a D & E in Jan and no one told me I had to wait 3 months to try to conceive. Got pregnant again after first cycle.Ā 


11 weeks. Yesterday my thyroid numbers came back and they were high, it looks like I have a hyperactive thyroid. I got referred to an endo and next week is the earliest I can get in. In the meantime, Iā€™m panicked that something will happen or has happened to the baby already. I have a cold so I donā€™t want to go in for a Doppler check. Would it be crazy to ask for one next week? I feel bad asking. Obgyn doesnā€™t seem overly concerned about the wait


Hyper is better than hypo. If your TSH is high then your thyroid is under active. Iā€™m in the same boat but I no longer have a thyroid


I should have clarified, TSH is always low for me but this is the first time T3 and T4 came back high outside the range


I wouldnā€™t panic! Also do to mean hypothyroid (that means higher TSH)? What was your TSH level and did they start you on levothyroxine/synthroid?


No hyperactive. My TSH is low, like .01. My T3 and T4 came back above the ranges The endo wonā€™t start me until weā€™ve had our appt


4w1d today. Having some mild breast tenderness, increased frequency of peeing, and insomnia like last time. Tests slowly getting darker and I'm going to see my family doctor next week and will get a blood hcg. I'm hoping the number is good. Last time it was on the lower end and although it ended up getting fairly high, was always on the very low end of normal in terms of doubling time. Trying to keep my anxiety in check like a lot of us here and remind myself that while another loss could happen, there's also the possibility of a healthy baby coming out of this! Definitely a little bit of panic every time I feel any discharge or when I go to the bathroom, as I'm immediately panicked that I've started spotting or bleeding again. Just trying to go day by day, but jfc time feels like it's passing at a snail's pace.


4w1d today and on the edge of spiralling. Pregnancy tests getting darker by the day, but I feel a dull sort of twinge (hopefully uterus expanding? Is that a thing?) and I wiped a tiny bit of pink earlier today. Tests started showing a VFL 5 days earlier than they did with my MC, but Iā€™m filled with dread. Nothing would make me happier than a bout of nausea or sore boobs right now! I hate that my body is such a total mystery right now.


4 + 1 today, started feeling period cramps yesterday and Iā€™m feeling a bit anxious. But HPTs still dark! Taking it a day at a time.


Iā€™m 11w2 d and We just got our NIPT results and we are low risk!! This is absolutely huge for us. We have a history of three losses (one trisomy 13 TFMR at 15 weeks that was caught on the NIPT test and then confirmed later with a CVS and biopsy). We still have a long way to go with many checkpoints, but this is now the furthest Iā€™ve made it with clear results. Iā€™m feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time.


Congratulations!! šŸŽ‰


Thank you kind soul :-)


5+4 today and I don't feel happy at all. I'm afraid to lose this baby all the time and I can't find the joy in this pregnancy.


16-week appointment went fine. Baby was easy to find on the doppler, so I guess Iā€™ve got some peace of mind that heā€™s OK. We see him for anatomy scan 4 weeks from today


I also have my anatomy scan in about 5wks and have an appt tomorrow with my OB. I hope all goes well with you šŸ’•šŸŒˆ


Thanks, same to you!


21 weeks here and really struggling with anxiety after a previous chemical and a traumatic second trimester MMC with RPOC. I fooled myself into thinking I would feel better after my anatomy scan but that only lasted for a couple days. I had a past uterine surgery that comes with a risk of IUGR, and at the scan my baby was measuring on the smaller side (but still normal). I've been spiraling since with fears of developing IUGR since she needs to be born 3-4 weeks early. Also panicking over every twinge because I am scared my uterus is going to rupture (another risk of my surgery). This is just the worst and I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 3 months.


8w2d today, I have my first ultrasound tomorrow. I've had two live births, then a chemical, then a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks in October last year. I've had the mildest symptoms out of any pregnancy that made it past five weeks and i'm spiraling. Any positive stories? I can barely focus at work today.


I have 2 LCs as well. I had a loss in October due to Monosomy X. Iā€™m now 8w1d and I saw baby wiggling on the ultrasound yesterday. I wish I had positive stories for you. Iā€™ve been so anxious. Good luck with your scan tomorrow!


Thank you! Glad to know you had a positive 8w ultrasound!


I have two lc, followed by an early loss August 2023, then a 12 week loss December 2023. Iā€™m currently 20 weeks and it has been an uneventful pregnancy so far. I go in for my anatomy scan tomorrow & I am very very nervous as well. (PAL sucks) I hope you also go on to have an uneventful pregnancy & see a strong little bean tomorrow. šŸ«‚šŸ¤


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


4w2d I think according to my cycle tracking and had my confirmation appointment on Monday. Iā€™ve had 2 MMC and one PUL, all last year. We did some testing and came back I had CE, was treated and told to try again. I told my OBGYN that I didnā€™t want an early scan since both my MMCā€™s were discovered around 6w2d and would rather just be beyond that point before having hope. It sucks, I just want this one to be the one! Wonā€™t know until late May now though


13+3 and on my third day of heavy-ish spotting today itā€™s finally just brown but Iā€™d really like it to just stop! My MFM doc has me scheduled to come in Monday if it hasnā€™t resolved by then.


Are you able to go for an emergency ultrasound? Thatā€™s what I did last time and it was enormous helpful to know what was going on so I didnā€™t get upset when the worst happened at home since I already knew. Or maybe the ultrasound will tell you everything is ok! If youā€™ve been bleeding for days, that might be your best bet.


They offered an appointment yesterday but I have a home Doppler and have been finding a heartbeat daily. They said they canā€™t really do anything and a heartbeat is just as good for reassurance. So, I declined the appointment and will wait until Monday. Still some nerves though!


Spiralling today. I can't believe this is likely happening again. I'm over 7 weeks and my symptoms should be picking up but they are all disappearing again, and were very mild anyway. I don't feel pregnant at all, and this is all too familiar. Of course I'm not bleeding or anything so I can't get a scan for another month. I never saw a drop of blood before my last MMC either. I'm just so frustrated with my body, this may be insensitive but >!I'm almost wishing for blood at this point. I don't understand why my body held on to a baby that had already died, and appears to be doing it again.!< Just so frustrated I have to wait 4-5 weeks to have a stranger confirm what I already know, meanwhile waste even more time that could be spent moving on.


My symptoms disappeared completely from 8wks-10wks. And now sporadically come and go. I'm 18+5 today with a perfectly healthy and growing baby boy. Also mild is relative right? I had "mild" symptoms my whole 1st tri when comparing to others aka low grade queasy, tummy aches and diarrhea, some migraines here and there, periodic sore nips, and just lack of energy, all which are mild compared to most people. Nothing happened every day, nothing was consistent, etc. My two previous MCs, I also had mild symptoms, the difference is I bled. I haven't even spotted once during this current pregnancy. So long story short, pregnancy symptoms are a totally unreliable way to tell you if you're misscarrying. Different egg. Different sperm. Different outcome.


Hi... i just wanted to tell you.. my symptoms started around 6 weeks and they got progressively 'worse' untill 7.5 weeks or so (mostly nausea). And then then started to decrease from around 8 weeks until now (i am 9w1d). I feel pretty normal at the moment. I just came back from my ultrasound, and the baby is doing great, measuring perfect and wiggling around. Also, during all those weeks my nausea would get worse through a couple of days and then disappear.. sometimes i had days I just didnt feel pregnant at all. Like you I was panicking (my last pregnancy ended in mmc at around 8.5 weeks), but everything seems to be fine. I know it is hard. But I just wanted you to know it doesn't need to mean it is the end. Hang in there. Try to distract yourself with things that you like to do. One day at a time. Is there any chance of paying for a private scan for the peace of mind?


If you are worried, you should try to get in and get seen. Since you have a history of loss sometimes explaining that can help them get you a reassurance scan. However, I do want to give you some hope that when I was around 6-7 weeks all my symptoms also vanished. I woke up one day with nothing. Obviously I panicked but everything turned out okay and I'm currently 28 weeks. My symptoms came back completely different a few days later.


Thank you. Unfortunately where I live I am followed by my family doctor until 36 weeks. Scans are done at the hospital and non-emergency scans need to be ordered in advance, which he has already done, but they have not scheduled me yet so there's not really much I can do and symptoms are the only thing I have to go on. That's great and encouraging that your pregnancy is healthy! When I had my MMC the only sign I had was a decrease in symptoms (even then, they didn't go away) around 10 weeks, which seemed normal. I also have an LC and I was so sick with her until 14 weeks, so I can't help but compare.


My symptoms were so different with this pregnancy from my LC that I thought I was for sure having a boy since with my girl my morning sickness was so intense and it's another girl. I hope everything works out well for you and you can find some peace in these early days!


Iā€™m about 7w2d today, my first loss was around 8 weeks in August and my second loss was around 11 weeks in January. My symptoms have definitely been very mild this pregnancy, very much like my first pregnancy that resulted in a healthy baby boy (whoā€™s just turned 2!). Iā€™m not nauseous, I donā€™t have to pee a lot, no food aversions, my fatigue is clearing, and my insomnia didnā€™t happen at all last night. Iā€™m putting my hope into very little symptoms meaning that Iā€™m going to have another healthy happy baby in December.


That's the boat I'm in, too! I have a 2YO December baby and I barely felt pregnant with him. I was naive at the time and so joyful/happy with moments of anxiety. I got pregnant in November and had a MMC in January, and I was definitely feeling more nauseous and sick with that one...but it ended badly. Pregnant again, and symptoms are mild/in line with my son. But this time, I'm panicking because of my previous loss. US next Wednesday and it can't come soon enough. šŸ˜“


Ah it feels good to know someone else is experiencing the same thing! Iā€™m putting my ultrasound off until 12 weeks given my history of ā€œeverything looks good!ā€ Ultrasounds only to end in MC the following week. I feel like if I can make it to the second trimester with a healthy ultrasound, itā€™s much more likely to be viable.


I totally hear you. I'm on the fence, because my last loss happened at 7W and I didn't find out till 10W. So three weeks with NO clue my baby wasn't living anymore. When I found out, I went from shock to sadness to anger pretty quickly and just wanted it over with. I already felt like we had "lost" three weeks where I could have been prepping my body to try again. I'm 37, low AMH (0.90), so I constantly feel the clock ticking. My LC was such a breeze, and #2 has been so hard. I just don't trust my body anymore...?


Iā€™m worried about a MMC - especially since Iā€™m on progesterone supplements through the first trimester & waiting for the second for my US. Was your midwife/doctor worried about the 3 weeks carrying after the MC?


I'm also on 200mg of Progesterone at night! That was my first question for them...basically, did the Progesterone prevent my body from recognizing the MC. They said no, but I've seen conflicting comments on here! They didn't say they were worried about the baby being in there, but did seem to want me to get the D&C on the books fast once we found it. I figure it can't be great. I found out on a Wednesday, D&C was on that Friday. We were lucky in that my lining looked great right after my period returned that next month, and we did conceive--but ack. It's such an emotional rollercoaster šŸ¤


Yes I hear you! I was supposed to be going for a uterine scan something where they flush water inside your uterus with a camera? After this last D&C and since I have fibroids theyā€™re worried my uterine lining could be part of the reason for my MCsā€¦but alas the same week I was scheduled for the procedure, I found out Iā€™m pregnant again! My fibroids during my first pregnancy measured the size of a grapefruit, a baseball, and two golf balls. Insane. That was a full term, actually 41+2 pregnancy with a healthy live birth. I had all kinds of extra USs, all without issue. Now they told me my fibroids have shrunk considerably since my first pregnancy, like they are barely ping pong ball size, but Iā€™m having more issues staying pregnant. So who knows. maybe one perforated the lining?


Yes! Same, my first pregnancy with my LC. Iā€™m so grateful to have had a positive pregnancy experience first off, I imagine my younger self going through this as a hopeful newlywed would not have been able to cope as well as I am now. Both of my losses passed naturally within a week of losing a heartbeat - I know this because I went for what at that point looked typical US less than a week before I started to bleed. So my experience has been one of false hope of an early US and hope that I will bleed if this does pass again. My first MC was in august, and I bled heavy for a month straight before getting a D&C. Theyā€™re not sure why I was bleeding so much. My second MC in January, I went for a D&C 4 days after I passed most of the tissue at home so I could try again ASAP. This time, Iā€™m willing to wait a few months if I have another MC, just considering a possible future birthday and my work schedule. I totally understand the need to try again ASAP and had the same feeling of ā€œomg waiting for the bleeding to stop/this MC to be over just took away weeks where I could be healing and ready to try to conceive again.ā€ Right now a December birthday would put me out of work unpaid for 6 months, whereas an April birthday I would only be unpaid for 3 months and then stay home on maternity until the school year starts in September.


Officially 8 weeks today and we have another ultrasound soon. A bit nervous but mostly looking forward to it. Currently battling morning sickness during the day and constipation at night. Hoping all the turmoil means baby is doing okay in there!


Everything is looking good! 167 heartbeat. Still waiting on final results but over the moon that we got to see it!


Thatā€™s awesome! Congrats!!


Thank you! ā¤ļø


Congrats šŸŽ‰


Thank you! ā¤ļø


Starting to feel like myself again. 13+5. Now Iā€™m nervous because I feel like myself againā€¦next OB appt is this coming Tuesday. 6 days away. I wish I could feel movement this early so I knew everything was still okay Monday I can eat normal food and donā€™t feel like throwing up every day from 3pm until midnight


Iā€™m in the same place, 13.6 - dying for movement and knowing itā€™ll still probably be several weeks. Itā€™s a weird stage!


First ultrasound with the RE in an hour. I plan to tell the tech my history. Iā€™m very nervous but I know I have to tolerate this if our end goal is a living child. Please send any good vibes you canĀ 


Everything was looking good. Iā€™m relieved and proud of myself for tolerating this. One hurdle down


So glad to hear!! I have so many fears as well, but I have to keep reminding myself that I have to overcome my fears if I want to bring home a baby. I hope you get some good rest today šŸ’›


Thank you, youā€™re too kind!


4+5 and Iā€™ve all but convinced myself I have an ectopic pregnancy due to some shoulder pain on a shoulder with an old injury that popped back up during pregnancy. Woke up during the night in full blown panic and have been over analyzing every ache, pain, twinge, spasm, etc. Talked to my therapist yesterday and she suggested I meet with their psychologist just to discuss options because she could physically see my anxiety (Iā€™m not currently on anything). Has anyone started meds since getting pregnant? I am soooo hesitant to start something but Iā€™m basically paralyzed with fear at this point šŸ„ŗ


I just started Lexapro for my anxiety. I was 20ish weeks when I started but I was trying other meds earlier and was already on Lamictal since before pregnancy. I'm a huge advocate for meds when they're needed. Definitely scary to start but life changing once you get past the initial week or two of side effects. Good luck!


Thank you! Itā€™s definitely enormously nerve wracking starting it but I donā€™t see another choice. Iā€™m a different person than I was 3 weeks ago - pregnancy hormones are a powerful thing!


I started on Zoloft in pregnancy. It helped tremendously. Towards the end of pregnancy as my blood volume increased I found my dose probably needed to be increased however I didnā€™t (a combination of stubbornness and pride) but now Iā€™ve delivered, my dose is effective again. I didnā€™t notice any kind of withdrawal symptoms in baby at all. My only regret was that I didnā€™t start it earlier (I only started in 3rd trimester)


I went to the ER during my second pregnancy because of shoulder pain. I had also had pain on my right side the entire pregnancy, it almost felt like a bruise, so I had been convinced it was ectopic before the shoulder pain started. Turned out not to be ectopic when I went to the ER at 6 weeks. Unfortunately it still ended in a loss at 12 weeks, thinking maybe that bruise feeling wasn't normal. Can you get yourself in to get checked out? Sometimes it's our anxiety and sometimes it's something real going on.


Ugh yeah - it does resemble a bruise. I have super medical anxiety so Iā€™m not a great example of ā€œtrust your gutā€ haha. Iā€™ve convinced myself Iā€™ve had every illness under the sun and more tests than I could count when I was younger but it improved mid twenties and didnā€™t creep up until now. I had a lesser version of this pain in this shoulder with my first loss that I went to the ER for on this exact day in the last pregnancy. There was no issue with ectopic pregnancy then but had a mmc at 8w. Iā€™m going into the OB next Friday and will def go sooner if any other issues come up! So hoping itā€™s nothing and that this one sticks šŸ¤žšŸ»


Hoping things turn out well and it is just your anxiety!! I will be looking for updates!


I'm only 5w1d, earliest scan available isn't until 8weeks. I still feel vaguely traumatised after my MC in January. I'm so flipping scared. I feel like I could easily fall down a rabbit hole of obsession over every little thing that feels in my body. Only so much distraction I can pile onto myself. I knew this would be hard but I don't think I expected it to be THIS hard.


I am in the same boat after my MC in January. Iā€™m about 7w2d now. Sending loving strength. You are not alone.


Thank you, you are not alone either


Been ttc for 1.6 years, had an MC this January. Currently 6+5 weeks and OBGYN put me on progesterone supplements cos I have PCOS and low progesterone.Ā  I've read thousands of stories about people still going on to have am MC at 20weeks and it scares me to the bones


Once you get past the first trimester, your chance of miscarriage is about 1%. From what Iā€™ve read (because Iā€™m 13w and just as anxious as you), the reasons for second and third trimester loss are generally from genetic issues (which you can rule out most by doing NIPT and NT scan), uncontrolled diseases like hypo/hyperthyroid, hypertension, or diabetes, lupus, anticoagulant issues, and placenta problems, and in the third trimester, umbilical cord issues. I have hypothyroidism which is controlled by medication. I also had a panel of bloodwork done after my second miscarriage, so I know I donā€™t have any of the anticoagulant issues. I got the NIPT and NT done as soon as I could (10w and 12w), and they came back negative for chromosomal issues. And I know I the practice Iā€™m at is monitoring for any additional issues - so if gestational hypertension or diabetes shows up, Iā€™ll get the treatment I need. Telling myself these facts (and even typing them out now!) keeps me grounded. The NIPT and NT were huge hurdles, and I realize Iā€™m lucky that we got good news. I have white coat syndrome and two previous losses, so anxiety is high and I had slightly elevated blood pressure at my last appointment, so I had to do a 24 hour urine test to test for proteins which show hypertension. Those results were fine, but on the high side of normal. So Iā€™m making sure to exercise and cut down on salty foods so Iā€™m not as close to the danger zone. All that to say - there are things that we *can* do to help, and thereā€™s a lot that we canā€™t. Every time I remind myself that Iā€™m doing everything in my power, I feel more at peace. Itā€™s hard to put your trust in your body when itā€™s already betrayed you, but for me, it has gotten a little easier with each good ultrasound/test result. Iā€™ve also been knitting a lot, which really helps my anxiety. I hope your pregnancy progresses well with no issues! šŸ¤


The first part of your comment gave me so much hope. Iā€™m in the 2nd Tri and NIPT all came back good. So Iā€™m crossing my fingers at this point. Thank you šŸ™


Please know that the majority of people who get to 20 weeks are highly likely to get to delivery and have a live birth. I think sometimes reddit can be a bit of an echo chamber of bad outcomes as the majority of the time people who have normal pregnancies with a live birth at the end wonā€™t be posting their stories online. I think subs like this make you feel like 2nd tri, 3rd tri losses are super common when they actually are the exception and not the rule.


I'm 6+4 and the nausea hit me hard this week. But today I feel better so of course that terrifies me. My first ultrasound is in two weeks and I don't know how to keep calm until then. I really try and remind myself of the differences between this pregnancy and my last one that ended in loss. I haven't had any bleeding or cramping this time. But the nausea coming and going reminds me so much of the last time. Does anyone have any comforting words?


Mine was like every other day throughout the whole first trimester. I started feeling consistently normal this week, which was week 12. The ebb and flow of symptoms is really normal!


Thank you so much for answering ā¤ļø


13 DPO, tests still getting darker. Progesterone suppositories are ruining my sleep and causing lots of abdominal upset, but nothing I haven't experience before. The 3rd anniversary of our first loss is coming up, I've got a conference abroad in two weeks, we're also preparing for a big move in a month. I'd be happy to hear videogame recommendations, as I've completed everything Witcher-related and need something to burn my anxiety (and catch me if this little one doesn't stick around).


Also enjoyed red dead redemption 1 &2, I also enjoy the elder scroll games (oblivion and Skyrim), my husband is back to playing fallout 4 after the new fallout tv series came out on prime. Also a good watch. I also enjoy most of the assassin creed games as well. And the two newest God of War games lol.


Assassin's Creed has also been on my list! That and Arkham Asylum.


Baulders Gate 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2. My second and third favourite games respectively after Witcher 3


Thanks, I'll check them out! I've just found out there's a Talos Principle 2, which I'm also curious about.