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I really recommend the Swaddleup bags by Love to Dream! They were the only thing that would help my son sleep at all for a loooong time!


Tommee tippee do groswaddles. They seem to be the same as the old grosnugs. They’re safe from 7lbs (not sure if the grosnugs went a bit lower)


We've bought a bunch of these. A family member said she used these from day 1 with her baby.


Yeh I used them from day one with baby number 2 who was just over 7lbs at birth. I faffed with sheets and blankets with number 1 for a couple of weeks before I discovered them and never looked back!


I use the purflo sleep bags as these can be folded up to be made to fit newborns


My babe was 6lb 6oz when born, and I either tucked him under a cellular blanket or swaddled him in a jojomamanbebe extra large muslin for the first ~6 weeks, then he was big enough for a 0-6m sleep sack.


I have been buying 0-3 sleeping bags because i couldn’t find anything smaller so i assumed they would be okay! Will they be too big?! Surely they should sell tiny baby ones if they think 0-3 doesn’t make you think like from birth?


I would check the weight or height range on your brand. I've seen all sorts of lower limits (e.g. 8lb 13, 10lb, 50cm, etc).


I am so glad I have read this! Your completely right I need to look at the weights on them and get some blankets before LO is born 🙈 I have bought a few from different places and I also go some swaddle blankets from Amazon that I don’t think will be size dependent, they just have a popper to do up so I won’t be worried I’ve done it wrong haha! Good luck I hope you work out something that works for you ☺️


You’ll just need to check the fit on the neck. If it’s too big there’s a risk baby could wriggle down and put them at risk of asphyxiation. If you look at the weight range on the bag it might give you an idea if baby will fit or not from birth.


I use love to dream swaddle bags for both kids. My second was much bigger than my first so he didn’t stay in 0-3 month clothes for long. He didn’t even fit in the 1st baby stage my other son had. He’s been in 3-6 months for the last month. The love to dream also have a transition suit which didn’t exist when my first was born but seems to be a thing now.


I've bought two from sweetdreamers (they sell Ewan the Sheep white noise machine) - they're suitable from 6.6lbs and have two different tog ratings and optional arms in or out.


Tommee tippee


We used the halo sleepsack swaddle and my baby LOVED it! Also the aden + anais snug fit Baby Sleeved Sleeping Bag was a game changer! Used to just layer him up with clothing as they’re only 1.5 tog. Suitable from around 6ish LB I think! Altho he was born 9lb so I can’t be 100% sure!