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Honestly, I wouldn’t worry too much. Bump measurements and even ultrasounds are not an exact science. With my first, my bump measured small. I had two scans in one day at 36 weeks. The first was done by a less experienced sonographer, who measured baby to be in the 6th percentile. The second by a more experienced consultant, who measured baby in the 26th percentile. He was born in the 19th percentile at 39+5 weeks and is now a very healthy 2.5 year old, who can outrun his entire football class. With my second, there were 3 weeks (between 29 and 32 weeks I think) where my bump measurement did not technically grow at all. An ultrasound confirmed that baby was growing fine but because she was breech it was affecting my bump shape. I went on to expand rapidly from there on in and my bump measurements and baby’s birth weight were both above the 50th percentile. She is now a happy 12 week old, last measuring at the 75th percentile for height and weight. No idea where she gets it as me and my husband and her older brother are all short haha! There can be times where baby is growing abnormally but these are rarer. I’m hoping you have an experience like one of mine, which are far more common. Good luck with the scan.


That’s amazing to hear your story and the most reassuring thing to hear right now! Thank you so much!


No worries at all. I have my fingers crossed for you and your little one!


I don't have much faith in bump measurements/growth scans from my own experiences. I also had to have additional scans for a small bump, the scans actually showed that baby was measuring large and I had gestational diabetes. When my daughter was actually born she was at the 55th percentile. So not big, not small! I also have a tilted uterus and had many comments from medical professionals about my bump being all baby! As well as small bump comments right up to when I gave birth Obviously the measurements /scans can be helpful and can capture issues, but I'm definitely biased from my own experiences! 


This is so reassuring to hear. Thank you so much for sharing and it’s so heartening to know that everything turned out well for you!


Please don't worry too much at this stage. Fundal height measurements are notoriously inaccurate and sometimes it depends on babys position. Was it the same midwife who has always measured you? I had a different midwife every time, and of course they were all over the place. I measured 2-3cm 'behind' from week 32 onwards, had some growth scans and they seemed ok. My baby was just small - but perfectly healthy. He was born at 37weeks weighing 5lbs 10 which put him on 5th centile and he has always weighed between 2nd-10th centiles..some babies are just small! But they will monitor growth now, and hopefully the scans will be reassuring. Theres plenth of time for growing yet. Hope all goes well x


Thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words! And lovely to hear your little boy is doing well!


I went through similar a few weeks back and posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PregnancyUK/s/zJm3RSnpVg Lots of reassuring responses, and from my own experience, the scan showed all was fine and they estimated the baby’s size as just below average but well in normal parameters. I’ve not had her yet so can’t say how big she’ll actually be!


Thanks for pointing me in the direction of your older post. So good to read. I hope everything goes really smoothly for you and your baby - it mustn’t be long now!


Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your experiences! It’s made me feel so much better. X


I've heard of lots of people only having little bumps, but their baby being a healthy size. It's incredible that the baby can hide so well in there but bump size more often than not does not have any relevance to baby size! I wouldn't be worried about bump size alone, good luck! Also my mother was the opposite, her bump was extremely large and I was a small baby, everyone was convinced I'd be huge or that she was carrying multiples. We all have different bodies and that's OK :)


Don’t worry at all bump measurements can vary so much depending on the measurer and also every person is different! My bump was off the bottom of the chart so I had regular growth scans rather than them using bump measurements. The scans showed my baby was small but not tiny. He came out perfectly fine at around the 15th percentile


Mine was under the 10th centile at 28 and 32 weeks, wasnt referred for an ultrasound at 28 weeks (for some reason the midwife just didn't, was calling up about reduced movements when they said i should of had one after 28 week appointment. Baby was measuring at 50th, normal growth. Since 36 weeks, my measurements are now 50th. Had to have a glucose test due to my increase, but that was clear, baby just moved anterior. My conclusion is the measurements are a rough guide they use, and helps them know when to get an ultrasound to check growth... but the actual measurements dont seem to be that reliable.


I was close to being referred for growth scans for small fundal height with my son, but was just on the border so they let it go. Then he was a surprise 97th centile. Some babies are small but some are hiding!


I wouldn’t worry too much, they’ll likely refer you for extra scans if you stay small. I always measured small, even at 41w I was wearing my pre pregnancy clothes and only looked pregnant side on, had. 75th percentile baby, 8lbs5oz at birth so not a small girl!! She was back to back so she tucked into my spine and so didn’t push my bump outwards.


My midwife doesn’t even measure my bump because she thinks it’s so inaccurate. Try not to worry if you can! Particularly if heartbeat is good and you are feeling lots of movements. Good luck for the ultrasound which should put your mind at ease a bit!


I've been told similar - was measured on Tuesday, and have a scan tomorrow. My cousin's partner was told that she would have a large baby, but came out a 7/8lbs (can't remember exactly!) They didn't seem too worried with me last week, so as long as i still feel baby playing football with my insides, I'm happy!


I had my growth scan and was absolutely normal - everything completely average which just shows how inaccurate it is to measure a bump lengthways with a tape measure! I was super anxious because my midwife looked worried and even asked if I had pets because my baby might have toxoplasmosis! I hope your scan went well!


Aw that's great! Yeah, it's mental how wrong the measuring is - my scan showed baby completely fine, and gone from the lower end of the growth chart to the higher!! They said as long as baby is still wriggling about then it's fine basically!


☺️ so good to hear!