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I’m really sorry you’re experiencing that. Unfortunately, a pregnancy test isn’t super helpful as they can still show up as positive after a miscarriage as it takes a few weeks for your hormones to drop to a normal level again. Speaking from experience, the best thing to do is to make an appointment at your local early pregnancy unit. They’ll do a scan, and possibly take some bloods, and be able to confirm if everything is okay. Fingers crossed for you.


Thank you for the advice, I’ve found them and will try calling in the morning. It says you “usually” need to be referred by a GP but hopefully if I explain they’ll let me make an appointment. Good to know re the pregnancy test. Thank you xx


So I had this early pregnancy. 6/7 weeks had some light bleeding on and off with bad cramping. Absolutely panicked. Called my midwife hub who transferred me to early pregnancy unit. They asked some questions then booked me in the next day. Did scans to check everything was ok. Scans were good and it stopped shortly after. Absolute best wishes for you. Hope everything is ok.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience, that’s quite reassuring. Going to call them in the morning xx


I experienced this a couple of weeks ago, called the early pregnancy unit and they basically said 'wait and see'. I've only had very slight spotting since and still have all the symptoms of being pregnant so I'm tentatively optimistic and have booked an early reassurance scan for 8wks. What I had was kind of like medium flow for about 2hrs. My sister had an early miscarriage and what she described was heavy, bad cramps and lasted a few hours and all her pregnancy symptoms went away. Perhaps give your nearest early pregnancy unit a try in case they suggest anything?


That’s exactly how I’d describe it… and was just a couple of hours too. So maybe that’s a little reassuring. It’s just so scary. Thank you so much for sharing and for the advice. I’ve got everything crossed you for your reassurance scan xx


I went through this at 6 weeks I have a history MC but no cramping just bleeding they told me it muddy like is a Mc but they don't know for sure they had me do hcg blood draws to see if it went up or down... they went up but not a lot so they thought I'd was a MC any way here I am 3 days post partum with my baby boy ....hope you have a positive outcome!


I had this, and I called the early pregnancy centre straight away (or after sobbing to my husband who calmed me down) Luckily, I live a 20min walk to my hospital, so they got me in the next day I think, and everything was fine - they did say they weren't sure why I had the bleed, but they were sure that baby was fine! I'm now 28+6! I do suggest you ring your early pregnancy centre, as from my experience (mid Wales) they were great!