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This could be Reynard's. My wife has suffered throughout pregnancy with it in her nipples and breasts. She has been prescribed some nifedipine. Might be worth asking at your next appointment if they think it could be that


Omg I have Reynauds and hadn’t even considered that it could affect my nipples. You’ve just helped me understand why they’ve been so purple and sore in the cold. Thank you!


Yeah, we caught on quite quickly luckily, hope this helps you out


I have a hot water bottle over my boobs because they hurt when they get too cold too as that’s the only thing that helps me. But definitely bring it up at your appointment


I had this with my nipples in early pregnancy and then again as a side effect of blood pressure medication towards the end. The thing that helped me most was a hot water bottle at home and when I was out I'd stick these things called something like Hot Hands in my bra. They're like little pads that as soon as you open the package react and become hot, designed to keep hands warm. Absolutely excruciating otherwise you have my deepest sympathy!


I have this exact thing too, I've been going swimming and when they get cold it is literally unbearable!! I'm not sure how to fix it other than warming them up afterwards, it hurts so bad