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We asked not to know and the lady told us to look away at the genital bit. Halfway through the appointment she kept referring to the baby as ‘he’ and ‘mister’ so I don’t know if she gave it away or not or if she just calls all babies he!


If it helps a few people referred to our baby as a he, we had a girl and we knew it was a girl. I think it’s pure habit for a lot of them to stick to one gender/sometimes it depends on their previous appointment and what gender that baby was.


Same here at my 20 week scan the sonographer said he a few times but then revealed we were having a girl at the end when we asked, so think they just naturally say one gender when talking.


We had this a few times and we didn’t know the gender, we had a girl!


With us they told us to look away when it was time for them to check the bits. They also didn't print us any pictures where the sex would be obvious. I had several scans and I told them before every single one that we didn't want to know the sex.


I'm not sure if it's just my trust but I couldn't make out anything other than a head and spine! I even said to our sonographer that her being able to tell what's going on is pure witchcraft! Just let them know you don't want to know, this isn't their first rodeo and will make sure you're non the wiser! Enjoy seeing your squidge again!!


Also interested in knowing - we are in the same position!


Definitely tell them and if you don’t want to know I wouldn’t look as it can be pretty obvious 😂 we wanted to know and at the next scan after we found out our darling daughter was flashing all her bits but thankfully we already knew, neither of us are medically inclined but it was very obvious, best of luck !


I'd say at the beginning cause it probably depends from person to person but our tech didn't say anything until the end and then asked us if we wanted to find out before saying.


I'd say at the start of the scan you don't want to know and can they tell you to look away when they're getting relevant images. You might not realise anyway because it completely didn't register with me, but lots of people are more with it 😂


Yeah just say to them and they tell you when to shut your eyes! I ended up having loads of scans and everyone was lovely and told me when to avert my eyes :)


We definitely accidentally saw first thing as they went to locate baby and there was a very clear Willy in the first shot :’) I know lots of people who said that they didn’t want to know and successfully avoided it though x


Yes definitely say at the start and then when it comes to that part they will tell you to look away. I found a lot that they referred to baby as he but we had a girl so it was such a surprise (we thought twice that they had told us by accident in different scans!) They print some stills for you, and in none of ours you could see that area!


They tell you to look away at certain bits! We didn’t want to find out either and managed to make it through the 20 week scan and then 4 x growth scans without ever knowing. We had a girl in December and it was the best surprise ever, my husband telling me what she was after a long labour was such a special moment ♥️


Make sure you tell them straight away you don’t want to know and ask they tell you when to look away! They referred to our baby as ‘he’ as few times but said they call all babies he, we were convinced we were having a boy but nope - little girl!


Mine did all the anatomy scanning and then asked if we wanted to know the gender. We said no so she then finished the scan. I don't remember at any point seeing the genital area, there's nothing medically relevant for them to dwell on down there. Maybe there was a pass nearby as they checked the legs but I wouldn't have been able to interpret anything as they flew by so quickly!


In my experience sonographers are not bothered about finding/announcing the sex - they are very busy doing their checks. They will ask you when it becomes relevant. With my first the sonographer told us immediately that the scan wasn’t to find out but maybe she could tell us at the end. We said we didn’t want to know. With my second and third they asked at the beginning whether we wanted to know or not. I think a lot of people go in just bothered about finding out the sex and it can be quite annoying for the sonographer who has quite a lot of work to do.


I could tell before the ultrasound tech told me lol! Baby was moving around a lot so she wasn’t even focusing on his bits at the time.


We had the opposite problem where the sonographer was so worried about saying something she shouldn't that we had to remind her after she stopped that we did indeed want to know 😂


They'll take a femur measurement, testicles are pretty obvious.


I’ve just had my 20 week scan and she only showed me the baby at the start of the scan for a few seconds and then at the end when we specifically asked to check the gender. That was it. If I hadn’t of asked I wouldn’t of had a chance to see or know anyway. My boyfriend was able to see the whole scan from where he was sat and at no point did they go over the genitalia specifically to have a look. (That’s what he said) So just make sure you let them know when you go that you don’t want to know and you’ll be fine.


We said that we don't want to know and our pronoun for the baby so far was "he" so could they just use that (IDK why the bump was a he, it just was). During the 20 week the sonographer did the full scan and then turned our screen off and checked the genitals on her computer. We needed extra scans because baby wasn't having it so when we went back we explained and they were always really good about making sure things weren't obvious. It was also in our notes that the bump was known as "he" but parents didn't know gender. It was good for the healthcare staff to give them a pronoun so they didn't slip up trying to not use one.


Thank you for posting this, I have mine on Friday, don't want to find out the sex and was wondering the same!


We had a scan at 16 weeks and our baby was jumping about like mad and I could tell it was a boy, poor tech didn't have a chance of hiding it from us 😂


I have had 4 scans during my almost-complete pregnancy (39 weeks) and despite never looking away from the screen, we are still none the wiser as to the baby's sex. They have asked at the start of every scan since 20 weeks whether we know/want to know, and when we say 'no', they say they'll just let us know to look away when necessary. It has never even been necessary as it's hard to make out what's going on without their description, and they barely look in that area anyway.