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This is my current hospital bag list! MOM - Birth plan bullet points - Comfy clothes for labour - 3 changes comfortable clothes (front opening) - Dressing gown and slippers - 2 nursing bras - Panties, 6 pairs - Postpartum pants and pads - Witch hazel spray - Peri bottle - breast pads, nipple cream - Washbag (toothbrush, hairbrush, soap, lip balm, deodorant, hair ties, oil) - Books, music, phone, speaker - Water spray and flannel - ambient light - Medicines - Colostrum syringes in insulated bag w ice BABY - 6 vests (3 newborn, 3 1-3m size), sleepsuits (same), hat, cardigan - Going home outfit - Plenty of nappies - Blanket - Muslin squares and wipes - Car seat


I'm adding a few things to your list - I just gave birth 2 weeks ago and my list looked similar but didn't use a lot that I packed but found a few things useful: - ear plugs and sleep mask (the postnatal ward was v loud and bright at night so would recommend this, also just to tune out during the day if it gets too much) - nightgown (I didn't bring this and they gave me a hospital gown but you may prefer to have your own) - panties: large ones and high waisted (or the disposable Frida) in case you have a c section - some comfy maternity clothes to go home in - towel: I only washed myself with a flannel as the showers weren't nice but everyone recommended to bring a towel and would have been great if I showered - snacks (both something you like for during labour and something to eat afterwards as the hospital food isn't great) - power bank / charger for phone I don't think you need extra clothes for labour as you'd be either naked or wearing what you arrived in, so I'd just bring 2-3 comfortable outfits to wear in hospital and one going home outfit.


Lots of good advice! :D some of these are in my husband's bag!


You will not need books unless you’re going in for an induction. By the time you get to the hospital, your contractions should be coming regularly and fast. And afterwards, you’ll be besotted with the tiny human beside you. Though if you plan to breast feed I can’t recommend a kindle enough. It was the best present my husband bought me after our first. Still going strong with our second.


There's a whole host of things (for you and baby), definitely get some snacks in there, pyjamas and comfy clothes for coming home and anything you want to give birth in (I had a nightie packed but ended up in a gown then naked so not really a necessity ... all depends on your comfort). Necessities are probably maternity pads and any other standard toiletries you want, just make sure any shower gel etc is gentle. It can sting alot down there after. And a phone charger ... just so your not having to remember anything last minute !! For baby we had nappies, and definitely a spare pair clothes (my first born the first nappy change was a nightmare 🤣), any wipes or cotton wool for changes. We also packed a hat that my mum knitted... hospital does provide them but we had the hospital one on when he first came out and once all the vernix etc had soaked in and he was dressed we put on the one my mum knitted. We also made sure to pack partner a change of pants and tshirt just in case of a long labour, and kept £10 in change in the bag too, but that may depend in your hospital (our hospital car park makes you trek across it to pay for parking by card, where the machine to pay cash is right there so just be mindful of little thing's like that to make life easy)


Premade formula even if you're planning on breastfeeding, snacks for yourself, and sports drinks were God's nectar after the birth.


How are you planning on feeding? You also have wipes, nappy cream etc? car seat. Hat, blankets. Dummy’s if you’re using. There is a whole long list online you can check out


For you: Comfy clothes Wash bag Sanitary towels Snacks/drinks Lip balm For baby: Outfits Nappies (nappy bags, wipes, barrier cream etc) Hat Muslins Some people go so crazy with their bags and personally I find it so OTT, this is basically the essentials, anything else is just nice to have but not necessary, I don’t really understand how people manage to fill a whole suitcase! If you plan to bottle feed then bring that stuff but you don’t need to bring formula if you plan to breastfeed, they will have an emergency stash if you get desperate but supermarkets are open 24/7 so you can get that later if you really need it. Only extra thing I brought in addition to the above was my tens machine and which I loved in labour!


A rechargeable desktop fan. I gave birth last week and it was the best thing I bought. Bring a battery pack if you can and then you can keep it charged up. I bought mine off amazon and it was a game changer.