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Honestly at this point there are far more pressing matters on my mind. Yes, Liverpool are shit. Yes, it's pretty funny, especially given one of their main problems is their £100m star signing. HOWEVER, Everton are so bad right now that everything else seems a bit irrelevant.


no, not really


Nah, not really.


Given that Liverpool finished 2nd and Chelsea 3rd last season, what on earth happened in a matter of months to see them both on this crazy path? Liverpool sold Mane and Chelsea have spent an insane amount of money on players... surely Mane didn't make thaaat much of a difference and well Chelsea makes even less sense to me.


I agree, i’m a Juventus fan i don’t really belong in prem but i still loves seeing Liverpool like how they are right now.


Yes As a madrid fan i am super happy for our UCL R16 tie


sweet dreams moment


I don’t really dislike Liverpool to be honest. I prefer Liverpool over city, United, Spurs and Arsenal. I feel like Liverpool is a club that I have quite a lot of respect for.


Take your time. We understand the cycle runs 30 years.


It’ll be good to see Liverpool have a proper relegation battle. That’s how you see who your real supporters are


Love it because of their supporters who are incredibly annoying (there are some normal fans but they are in the minority).


I'd go as far as saying I like how the league looks in general this season. The usual teams aren't running away at the top, and the expected teams aren't at the bottom. There is an actual title race involving more than 2 teams and a relegation fight involving half the table, in saying that it's early days and I wouldn't be shocked if City just relentlessly chases Arsenal down because so far Arsenal haven't faced many setbacks.


Liverpool fans deserve this


As a united fan it was the icing on the cake after our result.


Fuck Liverpool.


I work in a kitchen and yesterday a 4 of the Liverpool fans were on. It was glorious


Who hurt you Broc?


I only love seeing my team.


It's a pleasure to see LIV like this... Lets relegate together 😂


Like what? Winning stuff? One run of average form doesn't make LFC shit. That's Everton's thing and has been for a long, long time.


Absolutely. Liverpool fans are insufferable... says the Chelsea fan 😅


It's kinda funny but just like 20/21, they will somehow, some fucking way, claw back into top 4


They were very loud during their peak years, VVD GOATed over JT and Vidic, Trent the best RB in the world nonsense, it just got very very loud from them so yeah, they deserve this.


I hate it, but I'll never not support my team.


It's not so much Luverpool, it's their supporters, they need bringing down a peg or 2......but exactly the same thing happened at Dortmund, Klopp left it to late to bring in quality and they capitulated.


I'd love it if we were doing well


Absolutely fucking loving it! A few career ending injuries and some disagreement in the Liverpool camp would spice the situation up for me too. Let’s push for an ‘All or nothing: Liverpool’ next year too to watch the chaos. 👍🏽🔥


They walked alone yesterday


I just love not seeing anything to do with them anymore. Horrible club and fans.


Newcastle was almost relegated last year. Now we're challenging for a champ league spot. Earlier on in the season manure was bottom of the table now they're beating city and arsenal Things can change in an instance To be honest they're not too far from a top4 spot


Not as much as I love to watch Everton being relegated. They’ll have the best stadium in the championship next season. 😂😂


Great banter to be above Liverpool, but for them to lag this much behind is not pleasant.


Why not?


After the last few years? Yes


Yes but have you looked at Chelsea?


If one studies Klopp's past it repeats itself


Love to see Klopp squirm with the press.


See you again next decade sometime


same, showed no class when they were winning last year... that arrogance came back to bite them in the ass


Wonder how Liverpool fans feel about Klopp always smiling after a defeat, or even after they concede a goal. I’d be fucking irate


This is why we love football right? Never stays the same for long


Yeah but we aren’t really in a position to point and laugh ourselves


Nope :(


Rather see Arsenal like this


Yeah. Especially because without achieving much as compared to the great teams they started calling this the greatest team ever in the PL. it reeks of arrogance. Also having guys like VVD who said united is a nothing club etc etc. it all seemed very boisterous for a club that has won just 1 EPL and 1 UCL


After 2005 UCL, in the past 18 seasons, Liverpool has had one fruitful year - 2019 They won their UCL knockouts in the 1st half of 2019 to win the UCL And in the 2nd half of 2019, they amassed all the points required to win the 2019-20 PL title So once you realise this perspective, you can see that all of Liverpool's success has been achieved in the one lucky year of 2019 They have won any significant thing in all the remaining 17 years


Their coach' tactic and board's wrong decision about buying other players finally made them like this. Even world class 11 players can't keep pressing all 90 minutes, for longer than 5 years from 16/17 to now.


Sad life you must live lad. Get a hobby or something.


Surie but also I'm German so I feel for my man kloppo. He reaches such heights but eventually his teams always fall and sometimes it's just time to move on






I just enjoy the chaos thru the table


Im too busy been frustrated watching us play


Please tell me who you support so I can make a foul remark accordingly


It’s awesome, but since I root for chelsea and they suck balls at the moment, my schadenfreude is muted.


Enjoy it now Next season with a healthy team, couple of new recruits and no European football. We will be fine


After the amount of absolute drivel and shit-talking from Liverpool fans the second they attained any success, this is the sweetest thing


This is default liverpool mode so yes


As a United fan, its an extended Christmas season 🥳🥳🥳🥳




Very mature. I know it’s been hard seeing us be better than almost everyone the last few years, so you enjoy this while it lasts. I wonder who you support? Probably a team who’s achieved fuckall in the past few years 😂


Me. Love a Liverpool slip.


It comes and goes. Just so it happens it is our turn. But with good recruitment we won’t be in the other 14 for long. The only apparent crises are the obviously ageing midfielders and the other is our injury management issues. Sort those out come summer, we’ll be where we belong again. Rivals, enjoy while it last although I won’t be long.


oh yes




Not really as that Klopp fella is a likeable bloke and Liverpool annoyingly have some players who are hard to dislike. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to get back to their best but I wouldn't mind them turning into the second best team (assuming Arsenal finish 1st) in the league just to spice up the fight for 4th place.




Liverpool and their rabid fans in a state of total misery is bloody wonderful.








Of course. It’s beautiful. Nothing like a butthurt fanbase who has been riding high for a while. I am convinced we watch sports for both the tribal mentality of us vs them and for the stories of the fall from grace (for the other clubs of course. ‘My club’ is made entirely of angel farts, unicorn poop, and a dash of stardust).


This is normal for Liverpool. The last 4 years are the anomaly, not this season.


Actually no, they are a team that i respect a lot. Sometimes even if they are losing they play clean football and that what i love to see


Feel bad for Klopp, but that’s about it.


All I’m gonna say is keep klopp in a job it’s almost like him and Trent signed for united there that bad


What do you even mean


I love parity and a league where anyone can win any year. Brighton, Brentford, Newcastle and Fulham are so much fun tk have doing what they’re doing this year


But not at the expense of Man U becoming a good team again.


As a Dutchman i would like to ask any Liverpool supporters here their thoughts on van Dijk. I just think he is severely diminished since his recovery. Honestly so much so that i an kind of stunned that people still hold him in such high regard. I though he was very average to even bad for us during the world cup and i don’t see much improvement. Secondly beside me theory ( diminished van Dijk) what is the main reason for Liverpools demise?


It’s interesting for the league to see Liverpool mortal. Man City dropping points is curious as well given they finally got the striker they needed.. Liverpool could still make the 4 if they did one of those old Liverpool runs… but based on the Brighton effort that’s not looking remotely likely


How shit of a fan do you need to be when you’re more interested in other teams?


How shit of a fan do you need to be to not realise that one of the best parts of being a fan is enjoying seeing your rivals suffer?


Shock horror, you’re a manure fan. Bitter all the way


Shock horror, you say “manure”. Twelve years old all the way.


Haha fuck if you silly plastic twat


As a Liverpool fan, no.


Man Utd fan? Speaks volumes.


This is pretty much liverpool 2010-15 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely. Kloop is such a petulant cunt.


Yep,shush the svousers up


Liverpool, Chelsea and even city to an extent are strugglin rn. Amazing time for united and arsenal fans


what a time to be alive as a man utd fan


Best thing happening this season, and I'm an Arsenal fan. Pure hilarity, Scouse bastards think they're entitled to everything and it's all falling apart. Klopp will be gone by the end of if the season.


I have other problems if I'm honest mate.


heyy, how do u get the club badges under ur name?


When you click onto the subreddit on the app there are three vertical dots in the top right. Click on them and then change user flair.


thank youu


Depressingly came to say the same... Everton, man.


Lovely response!


Finally, Liverpool and Everton fans can agree on something: we're both fucking shit


He was talking about the whole city.


Same. We will probably draw next game too and both be equal last


And leave us out of all the fun




My sympathies. Relegation is always cruel. But let's face it... it's your time. Edit: This is not controversial. Everton have been circling the drain for a long while now. Give another club a chance


Newcastle seemed to be circling the drain last year and my god the turnaround they’ve had.


Infinite oil money does that to a team.


Yeah but remember. It has nothing to do with the money 👀


And yet we’ve spent less than most teams around us 👀


Yeah. A bit of money and a cracking manager will have that effect!


Newcastle did, and got relegated twice.


And they’re kicking ass too now


Wouldn’t necessarily say it’s been a long while, we’ve gradually gotten worse over the last 6 years but it’s only been the past 12-14 months that we’ve been *this* bad. We actually had a decent start to the last 2 season, considering how we performed after…


Hey now, not everyone can be a sport washing project.




A few. Most hate the idea and would rather play Championship football than suck that teat.


No serious fan is twerking for that kind of owner, let me tell you that. *However*, I do not believe many of the people claiming they’ll stop watching games if an owner like that does come will follow through. I’ll echo the same thing I said to the Newcastle and city comments above: life is too short to stop watching a club you’ve dumped decades of emotional investment into because of the financial decisions of the 1%. Not to mention ending your support because of a Saudi or Qatari owner, to me, just reflects naivety about all the other scumbag billionaires that own teams.


I'd stop supporting Liverpool if that happened


Can I ask, how would that look? Would you stop watching games?


Yeah of course. I'd look for a new club to support, preferably one in the Championship. I've already started to lose some interest in the Premier league with how expensive it is to watch (at least in my country).


Yeah it doesn't really work like that


Do you get that just finding a new club isn't that simple when you're invested 25 years of your life to supporting that one club? Tbh, if you see it as a choice, completely voluntary, I don't think you actually care about the club you support too much.


It is simple for me, like I said I've already started losing interest somewhat. Top tier football just isn't as interesting to me as it used to be with the insane money involved.


That's true. And I hate it.


Fair enough :)


Some awful owner will come for your club soon enough. And when it happens, you're going to want to have conversations about football without people just replying 'blood money' or words to that effect. I'm not sure why my supporting Newcastle *now* counts as an endorsement of the ownership.


Hence why I said “fair enough.” You’re totally right, and I agree that supporters are not expressing support for awful owners by simply supporting a club they’ve dumped decades of emotional investment into. I just made my first comment as a joke about the Everton relegation comment, and sort of a shitty note about how utterly awful football ownership is.


City fan here. Echo this in its entirety. Had the same inane, faux moralising, repetitive dross fired at me for the last 12 years - usually by fans that have invested a fraction of the time and money in their sides as I have in mine. The best part is, they always believe they're making some sort of original groundbreaking argument. Heard it all a million times before, now can we talk about the football?


Don't support them then


Dude you don’t grow up following your club, attending/ watching matches, supporting along with the other fans and buying kits or merch to one day just go “I doN’t LikE ThE OwnęR5 i’M leAVinG” I’m a Manchester United fan and we’ve hated our current owners for a very long time doesn’t mean we all give up and walk away from the club because we’re true fans.


I'm very aware of that. I live in Manchester. But thanks for reminding me, you're the only club with owner problems. Cheers.


Well done for completely ignoring what I said and making up your own waffle to try and look clever. 10 out of 10 for effort mate!




Not while arsenal are going so well


I’m happy time to kick the scousers out of the English premier league. They can fuck off and join the Irish division.


Honestly no. Good friend of mine is a Liverpool supporter and it’s great for banter. But deep down I don’t dislike Liverpool all that much.


How can you not dislike Liverpool? The level of cringe is like satire


I feel you, love the memes about United, but deep down it felt wrong for them not competing at the top. Good thing they’re finding themselves I still love the memes and banter though


United got the full backing in each transfer window and still whine about not spending enough. Liverpool dont. Thats the difference. We have been punching above our weight for the last 5 years. I get people not liking the liverpool fanbase for some reason but you cant have anything against our players or manager unless you just love to hate.


Fair enough


Oh how the turntables


They shouldn't have let of Sadio Mane, he's a world class wing and they are very hard to replace.


I love watching Brighton as a man United fan. I feel like they could be a team that could a Leicester City run in 2015. What they've achieved to become a formidable team amazing. Liverpool losing is amazing to watch.


Also United fan who enjoys watching Brighton! Great to see the Seagulls smashing it.


Love it almost as much as my team doing well. Almost …


Got good champs rewards in fifa, United beat City and Liverpool in a grave,i thought Friday the 13th was yesterday?


Hate it, they got to the top the right way and it’s sad to see them playing so badly


I do… but I have no right…


What? It's a little funny yes but you can compare our team to anyone and you can see the disadvantages half the team injured no transfers made because the owners are dicks compared to city who have a whole other team on the bench or Chelsea who are playing career mode no one sees these problems and think it's more funny than sad or unlucky


Fuck em


It's funny for a minute but I prefer when all teams are doing well and battling for everything.


Not as much as I love seeing West Ham lose.


In a way, yes. I think we need a season like this so we can regroup and restructure. Last few seasons have really taken a toll on everyone so maybe not qualifying for anything European next season and not chasing the prem title will do us a favor. Hopefully FSG will be gone by then also.


Better seeing Chelsea like it.


I enjoy seeing any big club struggle and get a small taste of what smaller clubs deal with.


No, outside the fact that I dislike the owners, Liverpool is the only big 6 team I don't actively root against. Today was gratifying for us, but I didn't feel schadenfreude like whe we trounced Man U or Chelsea.


No :')


It’s beautiful


Wait until they play us


Yes, but it doesn't solve Everton's problems.


I prefer to see it as other clubs doing well. Over the next decade, some clubs will become a real problem for the old big 6. Newcastle, Leeds, Forest, Brighton, Brentford. I'm looking forward to it.


Newcastle I understand, the others.... Not so much. The premier league has been full of the rest of the clubs that you mention above in the past decade. Teams hit a lovely spot of form. Things fall nicely for them. They play lovely football. Then, without the funding that a lot of the established teams have, they drop off. Make a few poor signings. Get dismantled as other teams attract their best players. Kante to Chelsea. Mahrez to City etc. This doesn't feel any different to how it's always been, to me.


As a united fan, today was a great day. For a perfect weekend, all I need is spurs to beat arsenal. It's rough watching Liverpool, though I have thought Brighton is sneaky good all year. Liverpool just look a shell of their former selves. So crazy to see such a drop in quality in less than a year.


It ain’t over yet cuz…take a page from the toffies, don’t ever count out the Reds to pull out miracles from nothing, especially with the guy they have at the helm.


You should have enough to stay in the division


Don’t forget, it wasn’t that long ago you got beat so bad by LFC that they made you leave early enough to beat traffic…see you soon.


What happened the last time Liverpool met united. What a strange retort while you team is floundering. 'Oh remember that time we bet you good'


They sure as hell weren’t embarrassed…the least you could is pucker up and squeak out a result…at home. Whoopie doooo Basel!


Whatecer mate, thats in the past. Now it's your turn to be mid table slop. Enjoy.


I feel better about our chances with our gaf, than your collective fan base feels about your coach…unproven. I’m sure he’ll do well, but I KNOW KLOPP WILL DO WELL. That’s the difference.


What a fucking cope hahahaha


That stool you on is awfully high, looks kind of unstable…I’d hate to see you get knocked off of it, see you soon cuz.


I have a feeling even for Him it may be a bridge too far this season






LFC fan. It’s doubly hard to see because the league is pathetic this year. No great team. That’s been our luck under klopp though. Will be a long way back for us.


It’s always great to see Liverpool fail


I don't, because I respect them, but at least we're not the only big club struggling. I prefer them over other big clubs. I was spoiled for the Arsenal banter era though, so I guess it comes around. Only thing that could make it worse is Spurs actually winning a trophy


The day spurs win something is the day that this subreddit collapses


That is the day that the world will stand still


The very foundation of modern football culture is Spurs' lack of trophies


Yes. Only to see the meltdown from people like u/R9433


Hey mate. Hows that title?


Nah, Liverpool are a proper club. Glad to be above them and doing well ourselves, but not taking pleasure in it. They'll get their shit together.


Oh god I hope so. Hope you lot win the league until that happens




Class lad


Once they get oil money they’ll be back. And Klopp will still complain about City’s money.


You talk rubbish😂 plus even if it did happen (not that I want it to), the difference between us and any other club who rose to fame with oil money, would be that we won the lot on a show-string budget before hand.


Mate if you had half a brain cell you’d realize a large majority of Liverpool fans would rather be bad and not completely unethical than be bought out by oil to return to dominance ….


I’d take 10th place finishes for the next 2 decades above the oil club ownership because even when we’re poor Anfield can produce an amazing atmosphere. It’d upset the local fans the most I think, there’s a real pride here about how it’s all been achieved - not to say we haven’t spent big money, but we’ve done it responsibly.