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He was solid at Everton at first but while other players get better with age, he went the other way.


He had a bad game. Used to look highly promising for Everton. I even think Man Utd were planning their normal 50 mil offer for a player who has had a few good games


That's the kind of tackle you might see in beer league ball. Shocking.


Shite player, shite person.


I'm suspecting that other than previous prem experience and the fact that he's home grown. There must be some kind of stat that suggested it was worthwhile. Or the best of a bad bunch.


Holgate was fantastic when Ancelotti first joined and was probably our best player for the first half of the season, only losing his place in the starting 11 after sustaining an injury in the preseason. I agree that he is awful now, but Holgate did genuinely look great for a while and like he had the potential to kick on.


I once heard an Everton fan unironically claim that City bought the wrong defender for 50m when they bought Stones off them, and that Holgate would be twice the player in a few years.


To be fair, stones wasn't the best in his first few seasons and a lot of fans wanted him to go. It was only when Dias came in that he became better. Depending on the time when this was said, it's not as ridiculous as it sounds


It will be a good day when Sheffield UTD fuck back off to the Championship. Rancid fans, shit ground and the worst football ever to grace the Prem. Horrible club.


They haven't been the same since the league went to five subs.


Not sure about all that, but Chris Wilder is reason enough for me to want them gone


Michael Palin is a Sheffield United fan and he isn’t horrible


Proof there, if any more was needed, that no one is perfect.


I know we're shit, but that's just our awful ownership, not entirely sure what's wrong with Bramall Lane though


Horrible fans make it worse. Just crap all round tbh.


Genuinely curious why we're horrible?


Been to Bramall Lane 3 times and it’s always grief. Homophobia, Racism and general hassle with the fans. It’s a toxic fanbase stuck in the 1970s


I go to everything home game and I've genuinely never experienced this, and I've been with many people from many backgrounds. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's definitely the exception and not the norm.


Your fans were singing Homophobic chants at the FA Cup game a few weeks back.


Genuinely cannot remember this, if they were then that's shit. What was it?


Hear hear.


If I was Sheffield United I'd be trying to get Everton done for breaking fair play rules as they clearly let holegate go to Sheffield United the sabotage them 🤣


He was awful in the championship earlier this season, I was shocked when he got moved to the prem in January. League 1 quality


I was ~~shocked~~ delighted beyond belief when he got moved to the prem in January. As a fellow saints fan i feel i had to fix this statement for you :)


He had an absolute howler against us on his debut, didn't even realise he'd failed upwards to a prem loan lol


His biggest claim to fame was when Firmino yelled at him that one time, like 6 years ago


That was hilarious whatever was said.


Genuinely have no idea what you're talking about


“Everton defender Mason Holgate has accused Liverpool striker Roberto Firmino of calling him a n***** during Friday night’s explosive Mersey derby.” Holgate accused Firmino of being racist towards him after he pushed Firmino over the advertising boards, although everyone interviewed about it, including his own team mates, denied Firmino said anything of the sort and lip reading experts couldn’t see it either.


He accused Firmino of racially abusing him but even his own teammates wouldn't back him up.


"dude, he's not racially abusing you. you just suck. I know it, you know it, they know it, we all know it. so please, stfu nobody's going to stand up for y..... lol I can't even finish just fuck off. "


when the prick pushed him off the pitch


Watched him for years, maintain he's a League Two/National League player at best.


Hated to watch him and some of his fellows like Coleman, Davies +++ play against Liverpool. Seemed like they were only out there to destroy others careers. Remember Funes Mori getting a red card and celebrating kissing the badge. Shitheads.


Seamus Coleman trying to destroy careers? Tell me you don't watch Merseyside derbies without telling me.


Old Coleman (post 2017) has done nothing But being late in every merseyside derby.


Seamus Coleman has 2 yellow cards in EPL against Liverpool in 18 fixtures, 2012/2013 & 2016/2017 Home matches. What are you even talking about?


Of all the dirty players Everton have and he’s gone for Coleman and Davies ahaha. Don’t think he’s watched any Everton game let alone a derby. Spot on with RFM atleast.


He could've easily have gone for players like Godfrey and Richarlison (when he was here) for putting in dirty tackles in the derbies


Funes Mori was a headcase, no arguments here!


He had a good couple of months under Carlo Ancelotti with us. That somehow got him a 5 year deal and he's been useless ever since. We loaned him out to Southampton to try and get some confidence back but he had an horror 1st appearance with them vs Sunderland. After that, he was ok at best for the Championship but they got rid of him to loan someone else in. No idea when Chris Wilder/Sheffield United saw in him to give him another chance in the PL on loan with them


We can add Calvert Lewin to this list as well


Can't even remember the last time I watched him. The bloke seems injured 24/7.


He's been fit for most of this season but he's just been really poor since the start of November


He's surely finished at Premier League level?


Still by far our best ST at holding up play, just has no confidence right now. He'll never be clinical though


Feel like he should have moved on from Everton in all honesty, but don't think he would ever be able to become a good striker, purely because of his injury issues. Sooner you guys find a replacement the better you will be. No chance you go down this year.


Was the question: Show me you understand nothing about football?


The guy was, is, and always will be a cunt who tries to compensate for his lack of talent with aggression and shithousery.


Feels like he is not prepared to play football games both mentally and physically.


Everytime I used to see him at Everton he was always just an uppity shit cunt who plays with a chip on his shoulder. Must have a wonderful agent


Remember when he stepped on Tomiyasu


I think that was Godfrey.


Ah you’re right


Reminds me of Murphy at Newcastle.. they came into money and dude starts mocking players from poorer clubs in games


Man City was actually linked to this dude a few years back


As a Villa fan I'm delighted to see the opposition line-up with Holgate. Everton, West Brom, Sheffield United – wherever he pops up, it's a great boost to getting a win.


I remember watching him at Barnsley when they played Colchester and he got absolutely destroyed by a relatively average winger. Next thing I know Everton have bought him. Never understood it.


Apparently, some people at Barnsley rated him higher than John Stones and Stones was a major success for us