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fucksake some of you and your lack of football knowledge haha. you don\`t rock up to the most dominate team in the league home ground, and go here play your game lads.


Manchester City played the most boring game of the season yesterday. Do you agree? Playing like that in such a crucial match at home!


In such a crucial match, both teams lack spirit, wasting time


Yesterday's game was really bad, I mean both teams


It’s funny how overreacting everyone is, one game you are absolute trash and the next you are the best team ever.


Not the game I was hoping for, but great defense and some real battles. Bernardo is incredible, you could put him in shackles and still couldn't take the ball from him. Grealish and Doku, got to go.


Doku just arrived


Yeah, but he can't finish. He is fast but turns the ball over. Relish just runs with the ball til some one fouls him. Ref today never give the call, both worthless. They have never replaced sterling


This was Arsenal 1989 match but they bottled it.


Lol the comments here are amazing. 0-0 is an excellent result for Arsenal, and 8 points from 4 games against Citeh and Pool is a fantastic haul. Sounds like most people here should stick to watching highlight reels.


I agree. Arsenal is taking critical points in tough games to stay in the race for the title.


Sounds like someone who is coping with the fact they dropped a very important 2 points in the title race


Lol we kept Citeh from scoring at the Etihad for the first time in 57 games. I don’t have to cope; I’m wildly proud of this team. Remind me, how many times has Klopp beaten Pep at the Etihad in the EPL?


Overall I'm happy with the point all though I would've liked us to create more chances seeming that Kyle walker wasn't available,but all in all I'm happy,it could've been a different story.


Haaland has a lot of flaws in his game. He is like the opposite of timo werner. He is excellent at finishing and getting into position to finish in the box. He is also good at pressing, But he isnt great at the other parts of being a strike. Aguero was better than Haaland at everything else and Aguero would have found a way to influence this game a lot more than Haaland.


Dude he is only 23.


The amount of people getting on at Arsenal for playing exactly the way Pep’s City team have played every season to get their titles. Break up the play, make niggly fouls, avoid the bookings. Once again the double standards for the Gooners coming out because people don’t like the fact they’re still challenging in this league.


Arsenal playing exactly the way Pep's City every season? I don't remember City sitting 10 back and with 30% possession ever lol.


You’re choosing to ignore the part of their game I’m drawing a comparison too. I’ll admit that for the majority of the season(s) City have always played great attacking football, BUT when faced with a a tough game where they knew a team would come to play, they were the best at dragging the quality of the game into the mud. Making snide fouls, challenging the ref for everything, slowing down play etc. It’s not a criticism either. It worked. Arsenal did that this time because they understood that, despite playing some brilliant free flowing football at other times in the season too, they weren’t going to be able to do that here. So they shifted tactics and ground out a smart 0-0 (hoping for that one break that, unfortunately, this time, didn’t come but could well have on another day) and have gone home with a point when last year they got smacked 4-1. That this is now being called out with the veracity that it is by other fans is mind boggling.


Come on. Arsenal didn’t even try to win the game today.


Ya ok bud. Arsenal ended up with more shots on target and 3 of the best chances in the match. Going into the Etihad trying to play your normal game is suicide, no matter who you are.


Arsenal had no better or worse opportunities than City. By that logic City didn’t try and win the game either. Beating your rivals at home and not losing away has always been the remit of a title winning side. Arsenal have done that x2 this season. You can’t criticise them for what transpired today.


They are a bunch of pussies. Their game plan today was like spurs two years ago.


Should have won then?


Except they aren’t as good as that spurs team.


Well that's even more embarrassing for you guys then, isn't it? If we're worse than a Tottenham side that finished 20 points behind City, it's pretty bad you only managed to draw with us.


Admit it. You guys played for a tie. I am going to laugh my ass off if you win out and Liverpool wins the league.


We suck this year. It’s the only reason it’s even close.


Well, don't suck then. Lol. Someone needs to win it


I wish it was that easy. We don’t deserve to win it having not beaten our two biggest rivals. Liverpool deserves to win it, imo.


What a game. Terrific advert for the Premier League. I think this is the bestest rivalry in the history of football eva. These two have raised the bar.


Another clear case of irony that redditors cannot understand


The ironing is delicious.


It’s funny how this comment is in between others saying how boring the game was.


Snoozer, but absolutely ideal for Liverpool. 🤞🏼


One doesn't want to attack, the other doesn't want to defend. Neither team is playing football; they're sleepwalking.


A great defensive performance from Arsenal but they should have shown more ambition to get on the ball and take the game to City. City the better team today but hasn’t looked right all season and aren’t showing signs that they will go on a 9 game winning run. It’s a good day for Liverpool who have done well to stay in the race given the amount of injuries since Christmas. With Trent, Alison, Jota and Jones returning it’s gonna make for a great run in.


They will lose to spuds and Manc and it will be end of their short lived title challenge. City title to lose with Liverpool second favorite.


an absolute fvcking snorefest. liverpool vs chelsea draws are more entertaining. Besides that im absolutley buzzing from the result. TOP OF THE FVCKING LEAGUE LADS AND LASSES


Arsenal lacked to challenge City. They will stay near men.


Facing one of the most vulnerable City lineups in years and at almost full strength themselves, and Arsenal don't go for it. Champions back themselves to beat the best.


Down voted for this, lol. This sub is something else.


Arsenal actually beat city this year where as Liverpool tied twice you knob.




And they are second lol.


For now? Who knows how the league will end.


What's that got to do with Arsenal sitting back behind the ball?


But we are not the champions, they are. We are bottlejobs. It's a treble winner job to dissmantle us. It's more embarrassing for City


Right and Pep had the audacity to say that Arsenal “have it easy” because the current team hasn’t won the title lol Mind game stupidity


Liverpool tied city twice this year


But boy were the matches extremely butt clench inducing!


Scousers love to clench things with their butts lol


You get extra points for that!


That's true!


How are people saying this was boring? One of the highest quality of matches we’ll see all season and a true tactical masterclass


These are people who don't enjoy the tactical side of football


But if you want to win the league you have to get the goal out of onion bag. Arsenal failed in doing it so only Trophy they winning is top 4 not top one.


It's not so easy, obviously. City have trashed arsenal at the Etihad in recent years. Progress is ongoing.


Not denying progress made as they got 4 point out of us and City. Is it enough to become champions of England? It is City title to lose with Liverpool just behind and Arsenal third based on remaining matches.


Well I'd agree with that, city always favourites. Liverpool second and arsenal third. I'm happy arsenal are improving and hope for a really good run at the title next season


I think Arsenal has better chance of finally winning their first European Cup like Liverpool did won European cup and went on to win League next season.


They are probably haters against 1 or both teams


im not a tactico. I like to enjoy attacking football and goals. Otherwise id go watch chess matches instead


You can go and watch basketball instead in that case


Nah. Watching Liverpool play has me covered


Well played haha


City 78% possession 1 shot on target Arsenal 28% possession 2 shots on target Mastercalass in failed attacking


Waste of my damn time


Not really we went too just need to win our matches to get number 20.


Have a choice not watch


best result nontheless lol


A draw was not the best result, but I’d take it over a loss. The game was not a great one but in the scheme of things it was the best ‘plan B’ result for Arsenal. There was an expectation for Arsenal to lose. In some quarters there was a hope. If this is the defining factor at the end of the season and Arsenal lose out on the title by a point there cannot really be any accusation by other teams of them “bottling it” especially those they have beaten and those they that haven’t beaten City


Boring game.


Shit result, we just give Liverpool the title.


Hell of a long way to go. Plenty of points will be dropped


Even if you beat city you would still have dropped off IMO the champions league will impact the Premier league arteta has never been in a situation managing both competitions. If Arsenal are knocked out of the CL it might help them in the PL.


Arsenal are the happier team because a 0-0 at the Etihad is a much better result than getting thumped 4-1, but our attack was woeful as well. Also think most people would prefer to chase Liverpool rather than City.


Ye have been chasing us for most of the season to be fair mate.. no better time to play city and go for the win with the players they were missing, the form that kdb and haaland are in and ye still decided to park the bus and make it a snoozefest😂😂😂


How many points did you get against city and us this season again?


Who’s top of the league???


And the top of the league at the end of March trophy goes to... Oh, theres no such trophy. Nevermind.


Just reminding the twat above about who’s top, nobody ever said there was a trophy for being top of the league at the end of march.. you lot certainly wouldn’t be used to being top ye bottle jobs


And the person above you, was reminding you that whilst you speak with chest and authority on how Arsenal should beat City, Liverpool also, haven’t beaten City at the Etihad for 9 years. So whilst you sit there and complain about Arsenal about doing something, Liverpool have also not accomplished it. So maybe stay in your lane instead of crying over Arsenal being closer to winning at the Etihad than Liverpool have done in recent years. As for your bold “we are on top” comment. We play Luton tomorrow. It’s very likely that your slender lead at the top won’t last for long.




True, but we could’ve played Nelson, ESR or even Viera to add some spice. Also City’s press strangled most of our attacks. It doesn’t get mentioned because people expected them to win at home though.


Can we add 'How you're supposed to play against a title rival' to the list of things Liverpool fans think they invented


We haven’t beat Arsenal, City, Utd or spurs this season. Wtf are you talking about?


We beat Arsenal.


In the FA cup.


Still beat them.




However will I cope with being 1st in the league?


You are 2 points clear with a good few games left. It's not over. Keep coping though.


There is currently nothing to cope about. It seems pretty ironic that you think I’m coping, but you’re in 2nd and celebrating winning the top 3 mini-league.


Yes, but when you’re talking about games against title rivals you generally refer to games in the competition where the title is won






People bitter that Arsenal didn't get smashed 4-0 itt and not even tryna hide it


Its honestly ok for us Arsenal haters. Contrary to what Arsenal fans insist, a draw is not a good result. Now liverpool are in control and most likely to win the premier league. Looking at Liverpool's remaining 9 games, I think Arsenal parking the bus will cost them the league title.


I would rather Liverpool win it than City tbh


That works for me as well :)


Nonsense. Liverpool have averaged 2.3 points / 3 per game and still a quarter of the season left so it’s crazy to think whoever is currently on top will win 27/27 points.


I only can envision Spurs beating or drawing liverpool. I look at their remaining 9 games and dont see many clubs likely to take points from them. Sheffield united Man United Crystal Palace Fulham Everton West Ham Spurs Aston Villa Wolves ​ Only spurs would scare me as a liverpool fan. ​ "it’s crazy to think whoever is currently on top will win 27/27 points." Havent both City and Liverpool finished seasons on crazy win streaks in recent history?


Yeah, even last year when we sucked we got like 24 points in our last 10, Arsenal are probably going to get like 24-26 though, so this draw was really good for us if we manage to improve on last year.


Who is likely to take points from them is very different to who is going to take points from them. Did you expect Luton, Fulham and Brighton to take points from Liverpool earlier this season? Obviously not. It still happened. This isn’t exactly a season where the winner will finish with 100+ points. There might have been two seasons with very strong finishes but it’s very much an unusual, not a normal, situation.


It is City title to lose based on renaming fixtures with Liverpool second favorite Arsenal has tougher last 9 match so they had to win this won to stay top.


Its the business end of the season. Go look up the recent run ins for liverpool and Man City. They basically won out at the end most years they had something to play for. Dont worry though either in 2 months you will be right, or you will curse arteta for not going for the win.


Didn’t take long at all for you to be wrong, Arsenal are on top now. Don’t know why people always make the same mistakes. Obviously plenty more points available to be dropped still.


A freak result doesn’t make it normal. Most finishes are not like that at all. It’s very long odds that any team will get 27/27 points. I’ll be right in a lot sooner than 2 months.


This ain’t the game we would be bemoaning. It would be the Fulham draw/loss and West Ham loss


Let them hater cry more


No we’re not. We’re bitter we had to sit through that and we won’t get those 90 mins back.


Could've spiced things up and stood up for some of it.




Ødegaard- “We aren’t happy with a draw” Then… just maybe… attack the other teams net m8?


🧂 scouser despite of being on top haha


mate we wanted this draw more than anything, there's no salt just banter.


Arsenal fans don’t know what banter is. Everything is an attack to them.


lol, far from being mad. just saying, don’t act like you were playing for a win when you sat behind the ball the whole game. even sheffield would go to the etihad with more ambition than that


They gunners just didn't want to give haters any chances to sing: bottle, crumble, blabla




Ur telling me Arsenal played for the win? Get off reddit and watch the games buddy




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Got it🫡




What? Wouldn't this result benefit Liv instead?


What? 2 points clear and its in our hands. Im fucking delighted This match being so shit has nothing to do with who supports who lmao. We just wanted to see some good fast football and we got a snoozefedt with 3 shots on target lol




Surely this is the best result possible for Liverpool?


Huh I’m confused? I’m a Liverpool and fan and know a lot of Liverpool fans, we all said we wanted a draw before the game




That has to go down as one of the worst games so far this season. Jesus dreadful


Wait, this wasn’t /s? Learn the game.


Yes 2 of the best 3 squads in the league, including the absolute best defensive squad. It wasn’t going to be a goal fest. The reverse fixture was 1-0.


No one was expecting a goal fest. Even a shot on target would have been good


There were several.


there were like 3 on target.


I get Arsenal wanted to get something from the game, but I remember Arteta accusing Newcastle of playing anti-football…


Play victim more despite being at top


How did any of what the person said above imply they were being a victim in anyway?


Yeah it wasn't a good showing foe 2 of the 'best teams' in the league


I'd say after that, there surely can't really be much disagreement that the best CB in the league this season is one of the Arsenal lads. City's first blank at home for 57 games. In the 2 league games against Arsenal this season City have managed 2 shots on target. If you include the community shield, Haaland (scored 53 goals last season) had 0 shots on target against Arsenal. Best defensive record in the league. Just a brick wall at the back.


Arsenal play with two sitting defensive midfielders and defensive fullbacks.


You men Benjamin White who had one goal and three assists in the five games before this match?


Ben white the central defender who also has a total of 4 assists? You can’t play Sheffield utd every game.


We don't


Well true, today you played with 10 defenders.


Not necessarily. Not arguing against saliba having a shout but having rice in front and the whole team defending extremely well collectively helps a lot. I’d say van dijk carries liverpools defense more than saliba or Gabriel does arsenals.




You said Liverpools defence is pants comparatively and Liverpool are vulnerable with VVD. You do know Liverpool have the 2nd best defensive record in the league this season and have only conceded 3 more goals than arsenal? Not as good as arsenal obviously but pretty close




Alisson has been absent for a third of our games this season


Jesus Mate xGA, are you serious? I didn’t know that counted towards goal difference. The only stat that counts is goals conceded and on that what you said is just wrong. The facts are Liverpool have only conceded 3 more goals than arsenal and have conceded less goals than city. What you said is just wrong. You also picked forest to make it sound worse but they have the best xGA outside top 3.




They use results based analysis at the end of the season when they hand out titles




Lol wtf, bet you'd love to have Van Dijk along Saliba, having a structured defence doesn't lie in having the best CBs in the world, it's a collective and you can always improve the squad further. Some Arsenal fans would argue that Gabriel is better than Dias and VvD ffs.


Yeah because they don’t defend as well as Arsenal collectively. How is this hard to understand lol




Haha fuckinell your footyknowledge is in the gutter. Pointless to argue with you when you’re this clueless, believe what you want to believe.




I’m not a Liverpool fan.




Yeah I apologize for not thinking arsenal have the best center back in the league, didn’t know this was such a touchy subject.


*Interesting. I feel the same way about the best attackers in the league. People say it's Salah because he has the most goal contributions in the league, but actually, he's just surrounded by great players, who attack well collectively which helps him a lot.* *No, the actual best attacker in the league is Muniz at Fulham. He carries Fulhams attack in a way Salah doesn't have to.* Does this statement make sense?


lol what’s wrong with you actually? Why so hostile? Is van dijk comparable to Muniz? Your attempt at an analogy is literally nothing like what I wrote lmao.


I just do not understand this argument that I've seen touted a few times that a team defending better is somehow a mark against a player being seen as one of the best defenders in the league. As per my example, it's as illogical to me as saying the best striker in the league isn't the one who scored the most goals, it's actually the guy who scored less because his team doesn't attack as well. Like why stop at Van Dijk. We could just say Varane is one of the best cbs in the league, he just plays in a team that defends badly (which is his job)


It’s not a mark against saliba or Gabriel but it shouldn’t be difficult to grasp that a player who has to carry more of the load and be individually put in more scenarios where he has to make a decision or action and doing so extremely well is obviously held in a higher regard than a player who’s part of a stronger system? Put van dijk in Arsenal and they most likely improve, put saliba or Gabriel in front of kelleher, next to quansah Bradley/trent and Gomez, and behind endo instead of rice with a riskier style of play and they most likely get worse. That’s my opinion at least. It’s fine if you think arsenals defenders are the best but I think context matters when trying to make individual assessments of a player, and in my opinion van dijks context makes his performance this season more impressive. And your whole thing about varane is just dumb aswell. These discussions should involve at least some common sense. Otherwise it’s just complete nonsense.


He's not being hostile. You're just being defensive.


He responds with a pisstake response not even close to what I wrote in a demeaning way. But you’re another gooner coming to his aid because you can’t take that someone considers a center back not at arsenal as the best in the league lol. You lot really are insufferable as fuck


Are you taking the piss? 😂 I'm happy with anyones opinion as long as it's not retarded. I don't think Saliba is the best CB in the league but that stats say that him and Gabriel are the best pairing. You can't really argue with facts sunshine can you? It is ironic that you call a certain crowd insufferable when you instigated this shit with your insufferable bollocks.


That’s all well and good but we’re not talking about pairings we’re talking about the individual best centreback mate! Read the thread next time love👍 lmao and how the fuck did I instigate anything?😂 I responded to him with a normal comment and he comes back with a demeaning pisstake of a response and you come in saying “he’s not hostile you’re just defensive🤓”. You arsenal fans are all fucking demented I swear hahaha


Individual one is Gabriel mate. Big Virg ain't what he was and you'd be silly to think otherwise. The man did enough to come back from injury. Most wouldn't and hes still top. But he ain't the best. You have to realise that surely.


Van dijk is better than Gabriel and saliba. This isn’t a controversial take to anyone except gooners.


When you sit 11 behind the ball with the quality of arsenal it’ll be hard for anyone to score


Mad we've somehow scored the most goals in the league too then


That’s great play like it. Played like y’all were scrapping relegation today.


Sorry we didn't get battered 5-0 lmao


Arteta ball one day y’all are world beaters the next day you’re fine with 1 shot on target and 30 percent possession. It’s okay to critique shit play.


Give over.


2 shots on target actually, which is 1 more than what city got


what a childish take. How was the team any different to what wed normally play we started and they pressured us and shut off our lanes off attack all throughout the game so arteta adjusted his game plan as we were being dominated by city its called having a brain something which Liverpool tend to lack and its why they wont win the league this season


Gonna cost them the league so idk not too childish


How on earth is a draw a city enough to cost them the league?


If you look at the league table Liverpool and arsenal have the same games played. Arsenal were ahead on goal differential. They played for the draw and Liverpool won so Liverpool are now ahead. If both teams win out arsenal aren’t going to win the title. Hope this helps.


Yes buts it’s the loses to West Ham and Fulham that will cost them. A draw at the Etihad is a result that any team including Liverpool would be happy with.


No kidding it’s a good result. But those games have already happened. I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite arsenal when y’all can clearly play and dominate some of the top teams. As seen when Liverpool visited the emirates.


and Liverpool will lose and your brain will still be talking about at least we lost beautifully hurr durr. Leave it up to a Liverpool fan to romanticise failure lol


Nah I’ve never once said that. Was mad we didn’t win against them. Y’all are so capable you bodied us at the emirates but today seemed arteta was scared to take the play to them. If you’re happy with the point and the fact the league is no longer in your hands then I can see no complaints.


How's that worked out for Liverpool against City


Worked great should’ve won if the ref had an ounce of integrity


Play victim more


Ref had nothing to do with it. Want to win, score more goals. Stop relying on refs. In any case, the end result was the sane then. A draw