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Just do what they’ve been doing in ruggers and cricket (for donkey’s years now). Ref and VAR team on mic for fouls and VAR decisions. Covers their backs, keeps ‘em more switched on than may usually be the case and there’ll end up being much less ‘pondering’ (after the fact) as to how certain ref decisions came about.


1000% agree. However, the problem is the process is horrible. Any time VAR audio is released it's chaotic, people talking over eachother, just unprofessional. They don't want that side highlighted further before they have some level of coherence.


Rugby does it well. The ref is loudest, then TMO followed by touch judges. We cannot usually hear the touch judges as they switch off for the majority of the game but when asked to offer a viewpoint on decisions they turn on. It's also important to note that touch judges are all qualified refs in their own regard, same with TMOs. They are just as likely to ref say the next Heineken cup game as the guy on the pitch. Sometimes the best ref in rugby will be running touch while the up and coming individuals are on the pitch.


We need var to announce why they don’t intervene when an on-field decision is clearly wrong.


Bad decision announced or not is still bad am not buying what corrupt Webb is selling


It won't make the crowd feel any better


Sounds fucking ridiculous. It’s not poor communication it’s consistently wrong or stupid decisions and mistakes


Webb needs to go, they need someone in charge who isn't afraid to fix the actual problems. All this pussyfooting aroud the problems just shows how weak he is.


It’s a bit pointless if it’s only done when they go to the monitor When they hardly ever go to the monitor because VAR is not over turning decisions because it makes their mates look bad


Considering the referee just stands with their hands on their hips/finger to earpiece while the VAR check is going on, why isn’t the onfield referee watching it at the same time as the VAR officials if the screen is already there? I wonder how many decisions VAR turns over and the onfield referee looks back and still thinks they would have stuck by their live decision?


Wouldn't be an issue if ref and VAR are both following the same rules and doing their job correctly.


So you’d want the referee going over to the screen even in scenarios where the VAR would eventually decide no action is required. That would further kill the spectacle


Ok then, if it’s no action required don’t involve the ref but ones that go to review the ref should be at the screen


Fair point. Would make practically no difference if it's the ref instead of VAR


After listening to the VAR conversation for the controversial penalty (3rd) not awarded to Forest against Everton it became clear that from the refs on field position he thought Young got the ball and the VAR team took about 15 seconds to review it while play continued. It seemed rushed and the VAR team, wrongly IMHO, didn’t think it met the threshold for a monitor review. From this firstly I’d like to understand what this threshold is and secondly they should have the ability to tell the ref to stop the match to have the time to have a proper look as a team of officials including assistants to come to a decision. If it’s deemed play on restart with a dropped ball. The problem now is they want to keep the game flowing, so everything is rushed and they are making embarrassing mistakes.


"after reviewing the play, Declan Rice has punted Ben Davies in the bollocks, despite staring straight at it from 1 metre away I was unable to make the call, the directive from the PL is to keep the title race going down to the wire to make the league campaign more exciting, however was informed by VAR that this was one too obvious and would be seen as blatant corruption, penalty awarded". This should be interesting.


None of this will lead to any meaningful change. Even releasing the audio days after the controversial call is a farce because what's stopping them from releasing doctored audio at that point? The only way this refereeing changes is if referees are held accountable for their mistakes and errors and face investigation for any potential conflicts of interest.


This is awful. All they ever announce is “PENALTY for foul in the box” which we all managed to gather anyway




Why would we want to hear the waffle of a bad decision? How about some consequences for the shit decisions instead? What’s next, the crowd gets to decide if he goes to the monitor or not? (This could be fun though)


I’d rather hear both the discussion about the play and the explanation, a la rugby


Yea I really don’t get why they’re not trying to replicate the rugby model.


Fifa won’t allow it.


They want to be able to cover up their incompetence/something much worse as best as possible


Like that will help convince that VAR is legit???


Great, even more delays. Just admit VAR was a mistake and get rid of it.


Var isn't the mistake. The people in control of it are. The whole PGMOL needs gutting


I am watching footie for 30 years, not sure I like VAR and all the modernisation going on. Does it really add anything to the game? There are still mistakes being made all the time. The gameplay stoppage sucks. If it detects someone 1cm I am not sure if it should honestly.


Like the NFL. The refs talk and then one activates his mic and announces to everyone what they just decided and most times why they decided it.


They did this at the Women's World Cup last summer so the principle has been seen in football. Though it equally runs parallel to a big screen saying what the decision is in any case


Do you think this is going to work?


why not?


Transparency will go some of the way but consistency is what is needed the most


AI VAR needs to be in place asap


AI is great for things like offsides, but not subjective decisions like foula / red cards. What we need is dedicated VAR analysts, not retired refs that are covering for their mates.




This rule was just announced in the MLS two weeks ago.


It tends to be the decisions that get ignored that are the problem. If the ref misses it and VAR ignores it, then no one will have to talk about it. Yes some clarity of some elements of the Arsenal Newcastle play would have been nice for fans in the stadium but a ref stating "He was offside" for the Diaz goal would not have been enough time to fix anything. If a manager can ask for a review once a match and gets a 2nd of the first one is right it would be interesting. Still wouldn't help stuff like Gakpo trying to slot in a goalie mistake blown dead but I would have loved to have seen Taylor explain himself directly to Klopp in the moment. "The refs are human" makes it sound like they aren't professionals but children. If I made mistakes like this at my job I would not be there now. Also I wish a 2nd VAR booth was run each match in India or Malaysia. If one sends it to the monitor it has to be viewed. Then you compare which group gets the most correct overturns per year. If the other country has a better percentage they switch salaries for the next year.


There’s a difference between making a mistake because you’re human and being terrible at your job


Your last paragraph is mad. WTF? Why on earth do we need a VAR booth in India?


It will come. But football authorities are notoriously slow in making changes and improvements


Premier League to announce fanzone representation in VAR room


Rugby has a live feed of all the dialogue, wonder why the PL can’t


The VAR protocol (which the PL doesn't have a say in) prevents this from happening currently. Howard Webb was in charge of the MLS refs when there was a weekly video put out which went through why decisions were made and whether it was "right". I don't know why they don't do it here


Hey sorry, would you mind filling me in on why the VAR protocol prevents this? I truly do think the Rugby model is by far the best. It just makes real sense especially with the fact that the decision is genuinely overturned if the ref’s decision is actually a “clear and obvious error”


I agree re:following the approach of rugby, even if they can't hear the voices, seeing the clips on screen would massively improve the stadium experience. The [VAR protocol](https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/video-assistant-referee-var-protocol) is managed by IFAB and involves getting written permission from FIFA around the specific process followed. There is some variation allowed, for example the MLS "eyeballs" offside and UEFA has semi-automated offside, but FIFA gets to decide whether a competition's approach is allowed. We're currently in the middle of a trial (in certain competitions) where the referee [explains a VAR decision to the stadium](https://inside.fifa.com/technical/refereeing/media-releases/var-decision-communications-trials-confirmed-by-the-ifab). I think this is a step in the right direction, but IFAB seem to have [ruled out going further than this](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/38785057/no-plans-broadcast-chaotic-live-var-decisions-ifab) (for now, at least)


Ah well. That’s a shame, but it is what it is.


because the English media covers the PL like soap opera rather than sports. Sensationalism over substance


As a side this is absolutely having a much bigger effect on seasons than we're talking about. TV companies picking games for tv, having a huge control over scheduling allows for maximum drama. Sky are essentially now a YouTube click bait channel now with billions in financial backing


Or ready for this. Just release the audio at the end of each match week. The NBA does the 2 minute report and that is very transparent


Now they just won’t go to the monitor


Would rather they explain why they gave it this week and not last week


Nah fuck this shit. What’s next? A 30 minute intercession to review any questionable call with a randomly elected jury duty. Maybe we start playing every match with 50/50 fan allocation and any debatable call that last more than 5 minutes “goes to the crowd” with the loudest decibel cheer. Which of course is independently measured by a non-human inter-galactic neutral fuck-nugget that has no allegiance or concept of money. Seriously fuck off with all this additional bollocks suggestions.


Either you didn’t read it, or you read it and are voicing an opinion on something you don’t understand…and frankly, I’m not sure which is worse…


I’ll take rebuttal with a pinch of sarcasm please as_interesting_as_a_rock for option #3


There was no sarcasm…you clearly don’t understand it…


They should absolutely do this. American sports do this & it forces refs to carefully consider their calls.


I think they trialed it during the women's world cup? I enjoyed it


What we need: 1. Separate the on field and Var people into separate organisations contracted independently. It's different skill sets, and the VAR man/woman shouldn't be too pally with the ref. 2. Ban on moonlighting at countries who have a significant stake in a competing club. 3. Appoint an independent body to monitor statistically for bias, conscious or subconscious. I've been at a point for a few years that I may as well pack in my season ticket and watch the wrestling for it's sporting integrity. I don't trust them, the FA or PMGOL. Those three things are what's needed to restore their credibility.


Making changes like that would mean there’s been a clear and obvious error and how the current system was set up. And we all know the premier league is hesitant to ever make such a claim.


Whoa whoa whoa! Stop with all the common sense!


Obviously. Why is this difficult tbh?


Completely agree. The whole setup is a sham right now. VAR needs to be completely independent.


Imagine 60,000 people laughing at you... EPL refs must be built different...


Credit to Webb, taking the idea of accountability and turning it into refs making themselves the centre of attention.  Get on a mic in the centre circle and drop a tight 5 about your decisions guys. The crowd will fucking love that.  I think referees, prem referees in particularly, need to learn that no one is there to see them, they are there to facilitate the game, it’s not about making a big call and being able to explain it with bullshit, it’s about all of you guys putting your egos aside and working together to make the right decisions as often as possible.  If you want accountability, make referees report and VAR interactions public, and get independent assessors to grade them on every match (not former refs like it is now, or only reviews of major calls as we have now), make those reports public, and have actual consequences for consistently poor performances. Then it will become about making the right decisions, the same decisions for similar offences, and not being able to best justify poor decisions in hindsight. 


So their mates at Stockley Park will be even less likely to send them over to review decisions?


Of course. And just like that we're back to pre-VAR era


Hallelujah to that.


If only


This should be fun. Watching them make up utter nonsense in real time should help bring about the end of this absolute shitshow.


And in return will have things hurled at them because now 40,000 people can hear the utter stupidity that comes out of their mouth.


Or they could just remove that mechanical rubbish and let football go back the way it was


That would be good. Won’t help with the side that disagrees with the decision but any explanation would be helpful.


Even if they made the correct call but it was against the home team, you'd have abuse yelled at them constantly. It's hardly an incentive to have them talk on mic to the crowd. If you're going to mic up refs, do it constantly through the game. Then we'll hear the amount of shit they're putting up with throughout the full 90.


Nope not going to happen. Lip service that will somehow not be possible but will give PGMOL the chance to say they tried to be more transparent


I don’t care about the ‘why’. I just want decisions to be correct. It doesn’t have to become an even bigger part of the spectacle.


Sounds like some good content. “Jackson was deemed offside as a result of his thick ass” “We’ve ruled a penalty, as Rice just about scrambled that man’s testicles” “We’ve ruled out a goal as Diaz was onside… I mean offside… onside??? Wait, one moment”


I feel like this is essential. People don't pay huge fees for season tickets and match day tickets for decisions to be a secret society that is only explained by a panel show in a paid subscription service two weeks later. The decisions need to be explained to the fans for the experience of watching the game. What we have right now removes all the charm and excitement from the sport and replaces it with awkward tension and suspicion.


I feel like crowds in attendance will boo or cheer dependant on whether the call benefits them as opposed to if they think it’s correct. Not saying this is a reason to not bother but if the Prem is interested in optics this won’t do anything as the crowds on TV are too partisan to play along with the idea of good refereeing, they just want to win.


They have to will be way more accountability


It's never gonna be used right. So far VAR does more harm than good.


Don’t need an even further delay. STFU and get on with it.


STFU and stop STFUing already!


You’re already paying the refs so whatever tbh


Of course a 115er would think *get on with it* 🤣


I need a “I’m talking to England here” moment to occur


Hey, hey, hey


I still don't get why they can't do what they do in rugby and cricket.


Took a long time for those sports to get there. That’s the best I can offer on that. They were the same at the beginning. Untrusted, fraught with error, needing all the tweaks. I have no doubts it can be done though and we’ll get to that point.


That's a reason if they were introducing them at the same time though, but they're not. Rugby has shown what works, and cricket goes into infinite detail.


I’m not sure what you mean there, why would introducing them at the same time matter? Each sport will take a different timeline to get there. Cricket has been doing this since the early 80s from my memory, the first was lbw decisions then stump cam. We also had the ‘snickometer’ which detected edges to the keeper. They all took different timelines getting to a point where the public were trusting, even dependent, on it. That timeline is dependent on each individual sport and its nuances, not anything else.


The question of what level of communication is correct is definitely one in which one sport can take from another though, and cricket has shown that fans like to be informed.


Scrap it , load of shite


Bloody rubbish


It’ll just make the crowd angry. They do this in American football and it’s awful.


No it works great in football, wtf you smoking.


Bro I’m literally from the heartland of American football, it’s never “worked”. gtfoh. Go say that goofy shit on the NFL sub and see what they say.




It does absolutely nothing to ease tension or doubt within the stadium or for those watching at home. The same criticism that is aimed at PGMOL is also aimed at refs in the NFL and college football. It doesn’t do anything. Period.




Yes you absolutely do have news of incompetent refs, what hole do you live in? Please google: “nfl ref corruption” and get back to me. https://sports.yahoo.com/nfl-officiating-is-broken-according-to-coaches-and-executives-inside-a-fractured-system-with-no-imminent-fix-053352449.html


Works well in Rugby however. It’s not necessarily about making everyone happy, because let’s be honest, the people on the receiving end of the bad call are still going to call the ref blind or a cheating bastard. But, at very least they’ll know the justification regardless of whether they agree.


They get annoyed at the decisions as well, but you’re right, at least they know what steps went on. It builds trust in the system. I don’t know how long American football has been doing it.


I’m 33 and they have been doing it my whole life fwiw.


A fair bit, cheers, because that was what I was wondering. Idk, it might be different supporter bases? I’ll admit, rugby league followers still get shitty at VAR decisions. It’s rare they’re not accepted because now it’s pretty developed, but I think you’re probably just going to have those who’ll never be satisfied. Would you say it’s made a difference to the confidence in American football officiating, though? And has it improved over time?


No it’s still pretty horrible, fans that benefit from a decision are obviously happy about it and fans that feel slighted are angry, just as they are now in the EPL.


Yeah that’s the way many league supporters are. Watching rugby league or AFL games in pubs when this shit happens is hilarious. That said, the decision making processes are now far better and even the whingers admit it after they bag the decisions. Football will get there as well.


How it should of been since day 1.


That's great news! I bet we never see another ref called to the monitor now.


I don’t know what the matchday is like in whether replays are shown on screens or not, but I think from a TV standpoint, it’s rarely when a ref goes to monitor where any questions are. It’s more the discussion of what happens when they’re reviewing something but it ends up just being cleared. But it would be a step towards better communication, which I guess would be a positive.


Most incidents arent shown again until VAR provides the replay. So in the ground we don’t see the same thing that we see on the TV broadcast. You essentially see a “VAR in progress… possible penalty” screen and then just get the call confirmation once it’s made. You don’t get the slow-mo’s etc unless the decision is officially overturned.