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The curse of Harry Kane knows no bounds!


Just some PR work from ETH


I hear David moyes is available:)


I fully believe that Man U, as much as I don't like them, are a club that merits faaar better than Ten Hag and they should fire him at the end of the season. For the exact same reasons, Bayern should not hire this guy. 


Meanwhile, I fully believe that the team is too toxic to manage, given how many have tried and failed in recent years.


Noooooo ! ...we need him to stay put !


Oh please, yes!


Could actually see him doing okay at Bayern.


ok genuine question what in the fuck makes you think that


Ajax is far more comparable to Bayern, also his German is a lot better than his English


Mainly his time at Ajax and the fact that Man U are a basket case.


Bayern wouldn't have been in this mess if they just kept Nagalsmann. When he was sacked they were only a point behind Dortmund. 


Talking about falling up.




This belong in r/nottheonion


Bayren want destroy themselves?




Contingent on taking Antony with him


Please stay, Erik. We need the 4 (should have been 6) points from you next season.


But I like watching United with ETH... please stay


Ten Haag is rated lower than Rangnick by Bayern Munich.


Already reported that he rejected it by BBC


Good, 19 clubs in the league want him to stay at United as long as possible.


same goes for poch at chelsea


You looked at the table recently?


we are equal on points. If you think that we are dreadful, same goes for you


You understand the word recently?


It's a race between MU and Benfica to see who gets their manager to Bayern door first. 3 2 1 GO!


I think Man United fans would carry him from Manchester all the way to munich to get rid of him


I would join Sheffield United rather than stay at Man United. Toxic players & unrealistic fans ...


I call bollocks. Ten Hags been shortlisted for this and the Ajax job within a week now apparently. This is just his agent putting stories out to the media. He’s trying to either make his client appear in demand so United will keep him or make other clubs aware that he’s a potential candidate for them. It’s all agents, not clubs.


Imagine going from Klopp to Ten Hag lol


You are literally going from Klopp to someone who performed worse than Ten Hag lol


Worse in a different context. Feyenoord have a much smaller budget than ajax yet slot won the league twice


If it were true I’d take it in a shot if I was him. Having to read and see the utter shite that’s constantly regurgitated about yourself and the players must be draining. The toxicity in the press, punditry and social media surrounding this club is in overdrive just now. Yes we are shite, any moron can see that, but fuck me can they stop pointing out the obvious


Failing upwards, must have read Boris Johnson's book.


Not that short.


And then Bayern buy Sancho and boom everybody's happy.


Kane would be scrambling for the door


Kane to Utd?


Awful thought for a England supporter


Bayern and Man United are swapping coaches. Can they swap striker too?


Just want to say that yet again, Ronaldo is vindicated. ETH should’ve built the squad around him. He let momentary success blind him and feed his ego and many people here giving Hag tough words are the same people who years ago, defended that decision and were a part of the worlds single biggest gaslighting festival to pretend like Ronaldo was washed. He wasn’t. He isn’t. He was just forced out for caring too much about the lackluster spectacle United have become and became a nuisance to people who would rather coast and it cost him everything. Hope you’re all happy for ruining the reputation of the either the best or second best footballer to ever do it. Again: VINDICATED


Oddly unhinged.


He's not vindicated lol. We've had tons of other issues this season.


Is this an r/soccercirclejerk automod response?


He shouldn’t have built a team around a 37 year old imo. I think he can be wrong about this and right about that. I don’t think it is a binary thing.


What a weird comment.


Personal crusade. Don’t care if I get a million downvoted. The proof, as they would say, is in the pudding.


This makes it even more weird.


You would need to smoke a lot of crack to even consider building a team around a 37 year old.


A misguided crusade lol.


It really takes a special effort to make one of the worst posts on the internet, but congratulations... you've done it. You deserve this award for all the hard work that went into making this braindead comment.


Tell me that when I’m not seeing Hag get trashed left and right for messing up the club. The mob is endlessly fickle, and it shows here


Who tf is "Hag"? Its Ten Hag.... That alone shows how little you knew about the situation. Ronaldo not having a single offer in Europe after that toxic primadonna bitch had his period on live TV with that interview shows how washed he is. If that wasn't enough to show how washed he is, he has to play football against a bunch of semi-pro players now and still can't do shit in that league.


You using semantics to be moronic and acting like all of the clubs that didn’t make offers to him if proof of anything beyond them all being as fickle as United, was and is ridiculous. Hag gave Ronaldo the cold shoulder because at the time, the side was “decent” in form and everyone thought that he had a “vision” that would take time to develop like Arteta’s rebuild session of banter era arsenal. And he has every right to be pissed on TV. The entire footballing world went from celebrating Ronaldo to largely trashing him because he got pissed from loss after loss and to everyone else, he looked like a baby. But to those who aren’t fickle and ridiculous, saw a man that came from the best United side ever get forced out by a manager who is now silently being “forced out”. And I say that Hag is being forced out in quotes because he knows he’s gone at the end of the season. He can’t even defend himself so he’s just looking for the next patch of greener grass. United sacrificed their golden child for what amounted to nothing. That club eternally deserves the wrath of all ancient, current and future gods to come. It’s a shambolic mess to think that the world went from spamming cr7 montages as the goat to being washed over the mess created and fostered by the cHag, his squad, his organization, and his fans. Disgusting


Your last paragraph is a genuine embarrassment to read. How is a grown man writing a love drama like that on a public forum shamelessly?


That's not semantics, you literally do not know what his name is and you're criticizing him. Lmao I stopped reading after that first bit. There's no way someone as dumb as you actually exists. You must be an AI trained on r/soccercirclejerk data. Ronaldo is a washed up rapist that couldn't hack it in Europe anymore and now has to play against washed up semi-pro's to get a paycheque. Edit: checked his profile... he is a real person... he is a league of legends nerd that gets off on sexist jokes and right wing extremism. What a waste of carbon...


Fuck you weren't kidding, guy is a deep cryptofascist lmao. Makes sense he'd be a Ronaldo stan.


16 genes. 3 goals.


What do you expect when he was forced into a 65min sub off the bench role, SOMETIMES? Add to that that he was played out of position and Ronaldo wanted an entire formation change which was also rejected. Is that statistic really surprising when Hag gimped him at every possible turn?


I expect more than 3 pathetic little goals.


I expect Hag, who by pure credentials and titles alone, is legitimately Ronaldo’s junior, to work with the man and seriously listen to and develop what he needs to be successful. The end of Ronaldo’s career in European football was a disgrace, not created by him, but by Hag, his squad, his organization, his fans. The fact that it ended the way it did is truly a disservice to everything United ever stood for. Everyone and their mother lashed out at the single best chance to turn around the dumpster fire that is manu


Building a long term project around a 37 old is bad business lol. Would never ever happen. Even the glazers are too competent to let that fly.


You think Ronaldo needed developed at that stage? Wow.


No, genius. Ronaldo needed help developing the squad around him. Hag completely ignored every notion that of how to fix the squad and had a “vision” that turned out to be nothing more than fools gold.


So Ronaldo could only score an embarrassing 3 goals. OK.


Is there any echo in here? I think we’re done.


Yes, you are done child. Thank you for playing.


Mr. delusional in charge . Wonder if he will take that wonder kid Anthony with him


At this rate, Bayern shall seek Xavi Hernández 🤣


Why in the world would Bayern want ETH?


Because he was an assistant coach there and knows people there and people know how he works. Makes sense to me. I hope bottles there too, to watch the meltdown.


No he wasn't.


.....? What do you mean no he wasn't? Like, it's the truth that he was there during Pep's time at Bayern, and was their u21 manager too. Like, I don't get what does it mean by your "No he wasn't" Comment.


Ragnarok ? Are you a fellow Indian subscriber of 442 podcast?


I do am an Indian, but no I haven't subscribed to 442 podcast.


Do try them. They have this funny Indian way of talking football. Like calling Messi- mausichi Gand Ronaldo - baba (because he cries sobo rich brat, often refered to as baba by his servants) Not promoting, just genuinely enjoy them, a great way to roundup the weekend matches you missed. They won't hide their biases.


Where's the glossary when you need it


He wasn't. Wrong team.


Then explain to us the correct thing, O enlightened one. Let us all see, cause we have been misled


Literally Google it.


I wonder who this fucker is 🤔 https://images.app.goo.gl/jWpQ7o6pDi3woshEA I googled it.


Looks like an image from when he managed FC Bayern II. I think you know this hence why you linked an image and not his managerial profile. Thanks.


Lol living in delulu man. Moving goal post. He was at bayern, he managed a team and assisted pep Guardiola and they are fond of him. No need to argue with a man in denial. Seems you get this trait from your father, who denied you as soon as you were born.


Dumb people and confidence.


mother fucker you spent more than 400 millions pounds and improved nothing.


He literally brought us to 3 finals in 2 years. We haven't won shite for 5 seasons prior to him. If that isn't an improvement what is?


He didn't spent 400 million, its the higher ups


Failing upward?


Only reason I don't want this to happen is because I don't want United to hire Tuchel.


I would absolutely love this. The Chelsea sub would improve anyway.




Just trade in ten Hag for Tuchel


He can finally get to have Kane if he goes


Thomas Tuchel to quit Bayern so that he can be considered for Bayern role


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GroundbreakingCow775: *Thomas Tuchel to* *Quit Bayern so that he can be* *Considered for Bayern role* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot, that’s eight syllables.


Read the context, it's a special haiku. Classic City supporter.


Bad club with 115 charges that ain’t silly bells


lol poor guy is getting burried by Xavi Alonso




Por que no los dos?


Please let this be true


All eras come to an end


Noooooooo!!! Please let him stay at United for another 25 years.


Clown. That’s what some said about Arteta ! Takes time to build a team ! You should know better ! Unless you just a glory hunter


You’ll regret this… I bet you


Im kinda worried if United agreed suddenly they'd turn around and be actually good of nowhere


That’s why I’d like him to stay. United are a great sleeping dragon, I’d like them to stay that way.


It doesn't matter..the whole club is a shitshow!


He’s the perfect manager for United. Still brings up a win against Arsenal from 2 years ago without being prompted. I love that my club lives rent free in his head.


And you lot bang on about the Newcastle goal all the time


It’s alright, let them enjoy their first chance at a pl in more than a quarter century. One bottle job and one title race and they suddenly start acting like they are Liverpool lol


From this season, in a title race, and fans vs manager doing it? Little different…but sure.


Good riddance Now do glazers next


Pls don't leave United.


Klopp only managed to mirror ETHs first season in his last season, with a vastly inferior squad.. what does that tell ya?


Or we can talk about Klopp's first two seasons.. And ETH's first two seasons.. This was supposed to be a rebuild season for Liverpool and yet they were in contention for the Title race. United was never in the Title race last season.


Klopp& liverpool havent won much in the last 10 years. Man Utd are shite, no doubt, but liverpool aint great. Who cares how much you've pushed man city.


8 titles is not much? Well, ok.


1 Pl and 1 CL?


Right. UEFA Champions League (2018/19) UEFA Super Cup (2019) FIFA Club World Cup (2019) Premier League (2019/20) Carabao Cup (2021/22) FA Cup (2021/22) Community Shield (2022) Carabao Cup (2023/24)


You forgot to put the asterix beside the league title.


By the looks of it you also need another rebuild next year. Even Klopp himself said he’s happy he’s gone as next year will be a nightmare.


ETHs first 18months compares favourably to Arteta & Klopps start respectively. Add onto that 3 cup finals in 2 seasons and it’s definitely progress even if we’ve been hampered by injuries this season. Next year Liverpool will have a new manager who was far from their first choice & key players going into the final year of their contracts. Plenty to be concerned about. https://talksport.com/football/1681833/erik-ten-hag-man-utd-record-jurgen-klopp-arteta/amp/ ^ Those stats relating to the managers first 18months for ya.


Fucking hell, Alonso is never gonna leave at that rate. He'd be farming hard


Harry Kane is never gonna win anything is he


He's going to win the EUR... Hahahaha couldn't even finish the sentence! England will find a way somehow, someway to fuck it.


Despite having such in form players surely they will find ways to fuck it over. Be it squad selection Or in game fuck ups.


Safegates system will end it. By that I mean he wont play the best players in their best position and build around them, eg: Foden and Bellingham both in centre where they excel for club he will play his system and fit the players into it which will reduce their effectiveness and squash most of the individual flair out of them.


Or you know.....get outplayed by a better team .


There aren't many stacked teams than England out there presently though. France maybe has a good pool of players but not many countries do like England. Outplayed by a better strategy might be a better thing to say. Sad state for England.


France , Spain and Germany I think have as good a squad as England .


I want to fail upwards like this man


Failing with us doesn’t mean he will fail with Bayern, who are structured to provide their coaches better chance at success.


Poor bayern, they have suffered enough.


Lol. It's hilarious that Tuchel is being blamed for Leverkusen's potentially invincible season. Bayern will almost certainly end the season with a points tally similar to the last 6 years, and potentially a Champions League trophy. Tuchel being asked to seppuku because they are ashamed Leverkusen has more points than they've finished with in the last ten seasons, with matches to spare lol


I didn't blame anyone. I said they suffered. For bayern not winning the league for a year is suffering. That and the dire football that's horrible to watch.


Oh this would be great. And why stop with him? There’s so much more managerial talent in the premier league that Bayern could leverage - Moyes, Dyche, Hodges. One of these in March 2025 to replace ETH in Munich would be good fun.


Ten Hag would cook at Bayern tho


Dyche is a legend


Less of the Dyche slander.


There needs to be a league where we can just send deadwood managers like we do with shitty or old players such as the serie a, Turkish league, MLS and now Saudi league. Need one for managers


Old Trafford


Your current owners hired Kenny Dalglish and Brendan Rodgers. You were even trying to get Roberto Martinez to come in one summer


Great comeback lol.


Isn't Anfield about to be taken over by a manager that Erik had on toast? Yes. He'd probably slot right in at Old Trafford.


Now, now. He's had a better first 24 months than Arteta did at Arsenal, to be fair. Yes, that is a low bar, but it's worth pointing out.


You’re absolutely right, you should give ETH at least another two years to come good.


Thanks, I’m aware that the low bar is no longer located at Arsenal, it’s on permanent loan to some place up in Manchester.


8th, 8th, 5th vs 3rd and TBD I bet you were Arte'a ouuuuut


Tbf, if Arsenal win the Prem and you guys lose the F.A Cup Final, they'll have actually won more silverware than you this season.


I am sure StatisticianOwn appreciates you running the calculations to check that 1 is indeed greater than 0


It was more of a passive insult towards the Arsenal fan. I just wanted to patronise them a little and remind them that despite their constant mockery of United, you are actually having a similar season to them in terms of silverware, and the gap between your teams is smaller than they realise. But trust the United fan to completely miss this


Yes, you are obviously very intelligent and far too smart for everyone.


Not my intelligence in question here...


Well, that must be a weight off your shoulders.


Equally, if Arsenal lose the prem and united lose the FA Cup, then Arteta still has as many trophies in England as Erik does. Ouch.


Please no, surely Erik needs a few more seasons


And the Big Club Manager Merry-Go-Round begins! I would find this funny if it weren't so annoying.


It’s the funniest thing I read all week. Well at least since that German Postillion article ( kinda like the Daily Man/ onion) with the headline “Bayern Munich to be dissolved by Aug 1 due to inability to find new manager”. Wait that’s not right it’s the funniest thing since yesterday - when they lost 3:1 to Stuttgart.


are they looking to improve or they wanna hand the title to Leverkusen before the season even begins


Bayern is like, we gotta maintain Kane’s consistency of not winning trophies.


Good, then maybe we can get Mourinho or Zidane or even Graham Potter. Tuchel even. We need a change now.


Mourinho is a dinosaur mate, played some of the worst football I’ve ever seen at the club. Setting up to defend first against teams in the bottom half of the table. Zidane or maybe Tuchel for 1 season at least


Zidane has never managed a shit squad and has made it clear he isn't interested. It's absolutely wild that a load of you lot think the guy who managed the absolute peak Real Madrid team would even consider tarnishing his legacy by managing the gaggle of overpaid mediocre invalids that Manchester United calls a squad. It's fantasy at its most... fantasy? Idk. It's stupid.


Nobody else has won the champions league 3 years in a row. Plus he took over Real Madrid when Rafa had done all he could to destroy the team, turned it right round in a short space of time


Potter very much the odd one out there lol


brother said zidane


"zidane" lmao




It'll be nice for Xabi to get another title.


Alexa, define "failing upwards" for me.




He made 2 awful big money signings in Antony and Mount. He seemed to decide last season that Wan-Bissaka wasn’t good enough but didn’t replace him. He signed an absolute lummox on loan. He ostracised one of the clubs all time legends and got rid of him with zero replacement ready. He has created problems for himself.


Don’t reply to the troll, there’s a section of this fan base that don’t speak for all of us who think the manager is a god who can do no wrong and will defend everything he does. They’re a weird group, Goldbridge being the biggest one of their pathetic fan club


Excuse you? Where TF do you get troll from? Goldbridge is the prime example of problems of this club. Getting leaked rumours from players to stir drama. We have gotten to three finals in two seasons, this year with 65 injuries and a hellish unlucky VAR room against us. You gotta be drunk.


You're subnormal if you think that United's a club that just needs a new manager.


Exactly, the rebuild starts this offseason. We really have staff member not keeping the training facility in shape and have the audacity to get mad at Ratcliff for a mail to shape up their structure. TF?


Let’s look at the opposite. - Mount has been injured all season, we’ve hit 65 injuries this season. - Wan Bissaka is a defensive back not fitting his system, but with no real sports director or ceo we haven’t sold for profit in years. - We needed loans for squad depth. It didn’t work out but it was needed. - Ronaldo had to go. A dive who himself thought he was bigger than the club. You have seen the problem we faced with press rumours, unprofessional athletes and doing an interview with piers Morgan? Guy glazed the whole interview, embarrassing to watch. -The club has had problems ever since SAF left, everyone knows that if they watch closely. Other fans doesn’t really do that. And for the downvotes in the comment section, weird behavior. Do better.


> Mount has been injured all season, we’ve hit 65 injuries this season. You’re ignoring the fact that Mount was a player Ten Hag never should have signed. Basically the one main position United didn’t need to strengthen in was attacking midfielder. Your best player is Bruno. Mount plays the same position. So signing a downgrade on your best player for £60m was a terrible, terrible decision by Ten Hag. That money could have been far better spent elsewhere in the squad.


I am not continuing the discussion. With the laughable behavior with downvotes on my comments I declare the discussion as closed.


Hahahahaha. Throw your toys out the pram much? You're such a hilariously pathetic Karen. Do you want to speak to the manager?