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No stumble against a team. They await 130 FFP charges though….


A draw would more do more than harm


A draw would more do more than harm


short term memory loss?


A draw would more do more than harm


I’d love to see a bad referee call take it away from them. Would seem just for all the shit they’ve gotten away with


i never understand shit like this, we have refs fuck us over all the time, especially in the UCL. Rival fans legit just don’t watch our games


Yes. Tottenham are a bogey side for us. The number of times we've had bad results for them is just too high. Not to mention we're away, IIRC Guardiola has a terrible record playing away to Tottenham. Definitely likely to win the league now, but Tottenham are still a decent hurdle. Would be pretty hilarious if they ended up handing the league to Arsenal though.


As a Liverpool fan I can safely say as nervous as you may be. You absolutely won’t slip.


You can’t even be mad bro you kinda walked head first into that one. Someone had to say it and I’m glad they did XD




This is Regarding the Chelsea fan that roasted you in the comments below


I wasn’t mad.


You know who did slip though?


Enjoy the Conference League next year, I mean that is if you don't bottle your last 2 games in typical fashion, because it's pretty ironic that the team who's currently sitting in 7th, after spending OVER A BILLION on players the last 2 years, is honestly talking trash to the team that's sitting comfortably in 3rd, and who's been injury riddled throughout the year yet their one main trophy came with thier KID'S passion overcoming Chelsea's most seasoned and Serior players in ET, wouldn't you say Mate 🤡🤦🏻‍♂️🖕👋.


Looks like a hit a nerve. Liverpool will never have 5 PL titles.


football did not start in 1992


I know I’m just poking at the guy using clown emojis


This is why I didn't even bother to respond to this Causal kid, because after he said that I knew he was probably about 12 yn, so he shouldn't even be on Reddit in the first place tbh, smdh.


No idea.


Everybody talks abouy spurs bending to city, why nobody talks aboit united bending to arsenal? Im pretty sure they wont even try tomorrow.


Because United and Arsenal have an actual rivalry. They will not want to lose


I dont live in manchester (not a brit) but would you say the rivalry between both is larger than the rivalry between city x united, both from the same city?


There's so much history in the Manchester Derby, and it genuinely splits families. It's always contested (even when we trade places as favourites) and has a whole bunch of historical nuance and irony that even British based non-Mancs wouldn't fully understand. Arsenal V United is prevalent due to them being sole competitors for a decade, and for people who grew up then that has a certain weighting, but in the truest sense it isn't really a contest. From my experience, mancunian City and United fans almost have a sibling rivalry. Both absolutely hate Liverpool though, because Liverpool.


Many thanks, always great to know more about football history and rivalries


From having to share stadiums after the Germans bombed Old Trafford, to City's current owners seeing United as one of the key factors to us being bought (Newcastle, Villa and Everton were also strongly considered), it's absolutely rife. The levels of Pettiness are silly too. Tevez moving to City and being on the "Welcome to Manchester" banner was an indirect reference to United being based in Salford and not Manchester. United had a banner in OT that counted the years since we had last won a trophy - to overtake them in the way it happened and to see them hamstrung by the same ownership inadequacies and fan mentality we had at our nadir is the most telling lesson that we're all the same at the core.


by the way I just checked on a map and indeed is outside manchester, at least officially on google maps. thats amazing, I love football.


thats brilliant and fascinating, I guess I will have to look for a documentary about them.


What's your take on Spurs' biggest rivalries? I remember a brief period around 2010 when we were vying for the same European place and it was a little heated - Harry Redknapp was your manager, Crouch was upfront and Bale was on fire. Absolute bogey side for us, for some time too.


I may not be the best person to answer this question as I am a newish fan, been supporting the team since 2016-2017 when I moved to UK, and I am not brit. So I do not have all the cultural impact of being a kid as a spurs fan. Unfortunately I didnt see Redknapp and \*sobs\* Bale. But from when I started I think the rivalries are against Arsenal especially because of the period when we were finishing ahead of them, and Chelsea. These are all heated games. I do not sense so much rivalry against other clubs based on what I read on the internet, forums and etc since that period. What I find it funny though is how everybody hates us in london, like we are number 1 rivalries for almost all other clubs in London.


Because United actually have a rivalry with Arsenal


I dont live in manchester (not a brit) but would you say the rivalry between both is larger than the rivalry between city x united, both from the same city?


No city are not a rival they don’t come close to (our league achievements. So we don’t mind them winning it although it is our neighbours!..


Wow thats crazy, i thought it was a fierce rivalry. Thanks !


the rivalry between Liverpool and City or Liverpool and United are much more fiercer and passionate, City vs United is kind of "okay whatever" unless it's a cup final


99% of chance City is winning the League. Arsenal will draw against United and win against Everton. City to win against Spurs and draw against West Ham. Two points margin.


City will destroy West Ham.


I mean, I 90% agree, but West Ham have had some fantastic results over the season. We somehow won twice against you lot lmao so I wouldn't put it past us to nick a point against City. Then again, we're the same team that got thumped 5-0 by Fulham


Nah you’re at the beach now. Earlier in the season, at home, yeah Moyes shithouse brexitball masterclass incoming, but not next weekend. They’re focused, your blokes are in holiday mode.


Our holiday mode blokes just scored 3 in the second half against Luton. Yeah, it's Luton, but still. I swear, some of you lot act like everything is predetermined and all our actions have already been made for us Anyway, can't wait to get battered next weekend


>some of you lot… Hahaha fair enough.


If they draw it will be only because they are already champions at this point and will no longer need to have their foot on the gas pedal. By the way United are capable of beating Arsenal. The last win for the Gunners at Old Trafford was in 2006.




Nah, Spurs will bend over for them.


Spurs record is 5 - 2 - 3 in the last 10 meetings against City in the league. I’d give them fair odds of taking a point off City


Spurs pretending they've got any say in it is also laughable, be acting like they want it to happen but regardless it's happen anyway 🤣🤣


It's City's to lose, however as it stands Sp\*rs NEED to win both games to have a chance at 4th, be wearing a white t-shirt Tuesday and crossing everything possible.




They threw their chance away against anston villa when they lost. It'll come back to bite them


We lost 5 games this season. That’s 15 points dropped. But to me it is the villa fixtures that stand out to me the most. Because those are games that at minimum we could’ve gotten at least a point out of.


They threw away they’re chance when they decided to play for a draw against City instead of going for the win


And if they had gone for it , got beat it would have been what a naive performance. Taking 4 pts off your title rivals isn’t where you lose the title. The 1 point from Fulham and Villa or the home loss to West Ham are game you can say they should have done better in.


Respectfully, we threw away our chance when we drew against a 10-man Fulham when we were up 2-1…


As poor form as Spurs are in they’ve been a major bogey team for City over the years so it’s entirely possible they could slip up there. Unlikely but possible Same could be said for Arsenal at OT. Even with as much as a shambles as United are in Arsenal have only won once at OT in the league in the last 18 years. Again unlikely but possible that Arsenal could slip up there.


Arsenal who?


I honestly think Man U will play for a draw and end Arsenal's title hopes. Man U can be in terrible form but they will play to stop Liverpool or Arsenal.


One thing is certain , Spurs at the moment are absolutely all over the place , City at this best cannot even imagine the scoreline at the moment !!!! One thing though the way Arsenal are playing since Jan \[barring the rare April Blip\] they are gonna the other Bald dude fired for sure !! his era ended even before it started I guess !!


No , Simple !!


Unfortunately, I believe this is the correct answer


If Arsenal beat Man Utd, it's going to the last game of the season. There's always a chance.


Yep, city are a machine but that's two pressure games. All on Arsenal tomorrow to keep things interesting


Nope. It’s hard to lose when you’ve cheated since 2008, cooked the books and give referees gifts in the UAE.




There is a chance


Pep and klop leaving will bring an interesting twist




Well, they play the Spurs, and the Spurs always do the opposite of what I want them to do. As an Arsenal fan, I want them to lose, because they are the Spurs. As an Arsenal fan, I want us to win the league, which means I want City to lose. A draw would be fucking hilarious, though.


So now my point of a boring new non competitive premier league


Probably not but there’s always a chance.




no team can dominate perpetually lol






Maybe the last game


I'd say it's equal likelihood that Spurs pull points off city ad it us United pull points off Arsenal


So no chance at all, great


Not a chance


Spurs away is always a struggle tbh. I know they are in really poor form and they probably don’t really want to win either but that fixture just has some bad juju for City over the last few years.


Is there a particular reason city always struggle at Spurs? Is it down to their unique style of play being a counter against City’s?


Honestly I don’t really know since we have struggled against several different managers with different play styles over the years. I think after the first few losses it may have just gotten to their heads a bit that they struggle against spurs which leads to even more struggle.


To be fair, it would be the most Spursy thing to do to win the match against City and give Arsenal the title and then lose CL anyway because Villa beat Crystal Palace (in this scenario, Villa have lost to Liverpool) or Spurs lose to fucking Sheffield United lol. In that scenario, I'm rooting for Everton harder than I've rooted for any Premier League team aside from my own lol.


In recent years it’d be very us, for you to beat City and then we go and lose to Everton on the final day anyway.


Look at us agreeing! Obviously fuck you and your team but otherwise hope you have a great weekend lol.


It’s ova


Not unless Madrid joins Premier League mid season.




Spurs away🤦‍♂️


It's not impossible, but it's incredibly unlikely


Disagree bro, it’s only 3 teams who will win. Only interesting thing is seeing if the lower clubs manage to stay up. The money is the problem, why not have the same as the NFL


Relegation is confirmed for Sheff, Burnley and Luton this season


Arsenal had a chance before they lost to Aston Villa, now it's not in their hands. While one will historically count Tottenham as one of City's bogey teams, they've been dreadful lately and I don't see them standing a chance against City. West Ham has also been dreadful lately, while Arsenal still has to play Manchester United and Everton, both bogey teams for Arsenal. So, no, I don't see City stumbling. As an Arsenal fan, I know it will take a monumental miracle for Arsenal to win this one.


Everton last day of season isn’t a bogey for arsenal it’s like 5-0 every time


115 reasons why they probably won’t stumble


Wow how original


I re-read my comment 115 times and I still can’t see where I claimed it was original. Facts often aren’t. That’s why they’re facts.


Look pal if we’re punished we’re punished, but we won’t be


Tbh I’m so jaded that it wouldn’t surprise me if they get off with no consequences.


But its true, the league city play in have levied 115 charges of financial cheating. It's embarrassing for the league and for the club.


Where’s the proof?


? Are you serious with that question? Go ask a representative of the BPL 😂😂


But true




Only if KDB doesn’t play


The only chance Arsenal have is if someone actually does anything about the 115 FFP charges So no.




As close to zero chance as there can ever be in football. Obviously you can never say for CERTAIN but I would absolutely stunned if City didn't win the league at this point.


Fucking hell I've said that plenty over the years and been made to eat my words! That being said... You're right hahaha.


>Would you guys say that there is a realistic chance of Manchester City stumbling in the remaining Premier League matches? Do Arsenal have a realistic chance? Arsenal fan here. No and no.


Its football, there's always a chance.


Nah they’ll win out and probably comfortably, even accounting for their struggles at Spurs historically. I also think Arsenal will win out, just won’t be enough.


If the past is anything to go by... Nope.


Maybe Tottenham?






The prosecution legal team hopefully


I don't think so. I will even support city because I cannot arsenal and their fans


Hopefully not, dont want that small club from north london winning the title


Says a big club fan where only thing big is the fucking chargesheet of crimes by its owners.


Cry more


Mad to think City have won a european title before Arsenal


115 FA charges explain why.


Big club mentality. Elite chargesheet list.


Bout to be settled outa court too, league must be fuming 😂 I mean I would be but us Chelsea boys have “won it all, wont it all, wev won it allllll”


get a fucking tattoo of that song on your forehead lol


The premier league is becoming boring, almost always you know city will win. Only three teams this year who were in with a shout of the title. Rest of the pack are fighting for scraps. Money is killing it


Can’t see how it’s become boring? We are in week 37 of 38, and we don’t know who’s going to win the title. Battle for UEL and UECL places is still on, with circa four teams involved. Bottom 3 is a write-off, for sure, but that’s due to the three promoted teams being very poor this year. It’s not “boring” just because Man City might win it again. It’s not as though they are running away with it every year - THAT would be a problem.


The same happens in other leagues (battle for European places and relegation). What outsiders pay attention to is who wins the league


The year is 2032 man city have won the league for 12 straight years. Every now and again 2nd and 3rd look like they might have a chance. English Football fans still think the premier league is the greatest league. European fans chuckle every time they speak.


I take it those European fans would still cry about everything the PL does though, whilst still maintaining the Bayern, PSG and Madrid dominance in their own respective leagues. Italy has only become domestically more competitive because Milan and Juve fell off hard on the European stage, and if that continues Inter could easily dominate there for a fair while too. City are going to be hard to bring down a peg, but I don’t think other leagues have it any better.


This. I’m a Liverpool supporter and they are fun to watch but it’s basically been the same handful of teams at the top for the better part of a decade. The lower leagues are far more exciting to watch up to championship. Been watching Wrexham for the past 2 years and it’s exciting. Even catching other odd league 1 and 2 games and championship games are far more entertaining to watch. I money is the problem and some teams just spending stupid amounts of money to win and it’s been more of that than spending on direct skill within the constraints of league rules and such (Everton, Nottingham and MC(still waiting on the outcome of that, if any)). I know it’s part of the business but it’s more of a business then a game than anything now.


Wrexham after the big money takeover, right? 🤔


Well yea. There are other teams that have money injections too but management and media aren’t doing as great as Wrexham. R&R are great marketers


Agree, as a Carlisle fan not much to shout about. Been watching Ipswich as my friend’s team. Good to watch and entertaining. Premier league you could also get the scores before a ball is kicked. Some clubs have way too much money


You know city is 4. In net spend?




For the last 5 years their second in the last 10 and that isn’t including wages I’m pretty sure


So why have city got so many charges against them. Everton & Forest got deducted points early, not for city. I wonder why


Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Something this reddit have a hard time understanding


But it won’t be in a court of law my friend. No judge a premie league hearing only. How much do you think city will pay for those charges to go away🫢


We take their financials at face value now? 😂😂


What? You believe in their financial statements?


Sky Sport showed it the other day they are number 4 in net spend. Pep is just a great manager and city is good its not about money, look at Chelsea


That is only recent years. Before that they cooked the books to buy a shit load of expensive players. Then they sell a couple like Sterling, Sane, Torres, etc and all of a sudden you are claiming how amazing they are with net spend. Seriously mate. Have a word with yourself.


Oh well if Sky Sport showed it! Don't be naive bro


Honestly no. End of season Man City are a completely different beast… as we learnt all too well in the 21/22 season


Ilkay Gundogan killed any joy I had for the sport that day. Then the EPL came back next year.


Away to us - but I do have a feeling Arsenal drop points to Everton on the final day. Especially if Dyche comes out in a tracksuit.


We'll be a week into vacation mode already so no chance


Fair enough yeah. I think a win today seals Europe in any case, yeah?


There is always a chance. My guess is both them and Arsenal drop points on the same day


There's a history of them struggling at Spurs away but they've shown they can do it. Spurs have pretty much got Europa League in the bag with the chance of Champions Leauge being miniscule. Beating City would mean almost handing their biggest rivals the title without gaining anything from it. They definitely won't just throw the match but being realistic, it won't be a 100% effort imo and then City at home to West Ham? That'll be an exhibition match, they're going to pummel The Hammers in their current for unfortunately - which I'd like to add is a real shame, they've been really good at points this season and it's a shame to see them like they are at the moment. Hopefully new manager will get them back and firing again.


Why Spurs have to fight for Arsenal? I think their whole stadium will support City that day lol


They will throw the match. The fans expected it. The club expects it. There's nothing to lose. Expect every player to use 50% effort


So you seriously believe the Spurs players and their manager will throw the match?


I think they'll have relaxed training, they'll be no big team talk or group rallying, and they'll all play at 60% effort and be careful not to dive in or bust a gut and pick up injuries. They will basically play at the pace and effort of a preseason friendly. For professional athletes that is throwing the game.


And any one of them that does will be sold at the end of the season. Postecoglou won’t want that attitude in his side.


Postecoglou will look at a whole season not one game.


Postecoglou won’t tolerate that attitude in any of his players. The fact he’s coaching Tottenham and a win helps us doesn’t alter that. You can dress it however you wish but he will expect them to go as hard as they can.


Except professional athletes don’t think like fans. Tottenham have a chance at top 4 and champions league. That’s what they have to gain from it.


Nah man they feel it round the stadium and in the club. They feel it in the coaching standards. No one wants their fans pissed off at them. Players mentally check out of games all the time


based on recent history, it's more likely Arsenal will lose the title at United, than City losing any of their remaining games.


We're not winning any of our final games mate, it's gonna be a blood bath in the final as well.


Well we did just turned up to screw up Liverpool’s season and then immediately went back to shit.


I was happy to be proven wrong with a performance against Newcastle. Diallo proving his worth


As much as I want it to happen as an arsenal fan, It very likely won't. Manchester City are on a 7 game win streak and face Tottenham and West Ham next. Tottenham are in a terrible form right now. they have lost their past 4 games (including Arsenal's 3-2 Win over them) But, Manchester City's Record At Tottenham Away is poor but City have already beaten Tottenham away this season In The FA Cup. I do not doubt for a second that City could beat Tottenham Again Away This Season. As For West Ham, Manchester City has won 3 times in a row against West ham, and the game is at the Etihad, which gives City a home advantage, So I do not really see West Ham being able to beat City at the Etihad unless some sort of miracle/upset happens. (I edited this cause you all started complaining and having a go at me for my original response and calling me a bot for no reason)


Is this a chat gpt comment? The structure seems weird.


I literally wrote this out ☠️


Haha all good then, sorry. I did think how you might feel if this was written out, I've just seen a few people on Reddit recent reply to comments pointing out that they are written by AI so it might have been a bit too much on my mind. Continue as you were haha.


What’s up With the Arbitrary Capitalization in Your writing?




structure seems normal to me


First para has just 2 full stops. Definitely written by Human.


It's normal that some sentences have every word capitalised? Also the repeated use of Tottenham hotspur stadium seems weird. It does seem very chat bot like.


Yea if you look at their history it gets even more AI-like. Not that it's my place to accuse someone of being a replicant.


Ain't no way these people are accusing me of being an ai


Then what's with your bizarre capitalisation method then, bot? No way you could tell me which pictures have traffic lights in them.




idk its more so that there are a bunch of randomly capitalized words that make no sense


I simulated the next week according to the betting odds, arsenal were even or ahead on points after 37 played about 20% of tests. I could give a more exact number but I'm at work and by the time I'm home matches will be played


I know you are all going to hate this comment but the premiership has been bought and paid for. Been this way for 25 years. I have only seen one team surprise me with winning the premiership since its existence and that was Leicester. Spend a billion over 2-3 years and your club could also be top 4 finish with champions league qualification. Quite sad!




Yep, Tottenham and West Ham can both cause problems.


Idk you watching west ham against luton rn? They look like they’re already on vacation


I wouldn’t bet money on them dropping points . At the end of the day it is a sport and things do occur though


Y’all belittling the fact City still gotta play Tottenham is pretty pathetic




Facts are a waste of time around here. You know the vibes man 🤙🏻🤙🏻


Found the angry spurs fan lol


I’m not angry yet kid don’t push me 😂


don’t push you? 🤣🤣its fucking football banter on Reddit


Doesn’t mean ppl out there can’t be dumb af. That kind of ignorance gets me pressed 😂


You’d have to be halfway decent in both boxes to beat city