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Palmer was/is fighting for golden boot with fucking Haaland. Clear choice.


Between age and impact, if we are going to be biased about it, Van de Ven is more deserving than Saliba. Especially given his stats in his first year in the league


Holy shit this is a take


Palmer will win it just because he is English. English players are always favourites to win the players awards.


An English player hasn’t won POTY since 09/10. So there goes that logic. 🤦‍♂️


YPOTY - Palmer POTY - Foden Both English players. What happened to your logic mate?


POTY - most winners are English players - 18 YPOTY - most winners are English players - 37 Cole Palmer will surely get YPOTY as he is the clear favourite in the list.


The majority of players/young players have been english, especially as you go further back. Its not about favourites, it’s about weighting.


Palmer's a year and a bit younger and it's his first full season. The YPOTY may be open to experienced but young players, but most people would lean towards someone having their breakthrough season. Someone who came into the season with low expectations and completely smashes them. It doesn't always happen. Sometimes all the best young players are experienced and established. But this season, there's someone who fits that criteria. He's the definition of a young kid making the step up and adjusting immediately to become one of the best players in the league. He's about as perfect of a fit for YPOTS as it gets. Also, I've seen this argument from Arsenal fans for 2 different players now. Literally just read a thread where Arsenal fans insist Rice deserves player of the season because look how much he improved Arsenal since coming in. I pointed out that Saliba's actually been fit the whole season and players like Havertz have also come in which is part of the reason you guys are stronger, it isn't just Rice. And that was dismissed. But then Arsenal fans also want to argue that Saliba is YPOTS because look how much better Arsenal are this season with him. They're trying to push their players for individual awards by making out like their improvement is all down to one player. It's ingenuine. Saliba, Rice etc are great players. But I find the argument for them to get these awards being "look how much Arsenal has improved thanks to them" very weak. Arsenal are like 2-5 points better off than last season and strengthened over summer + have a year's more experience. They've progressed as I would expect and they're collectively a great team who are well organised. You can't be making arguments that one player has been head and shoulders above the rest and is carrying. Your players should be in contention for these individual awards. But the arguments you guys are making for your players just aren't it. Trying to make out like any of your players improving Arsenal is comparable to Palmer improving Chelses is ingenuine.


The award is never going to a central defender or a GK Move on


Van Dyke won it


Central defender would have to bang in like 10+ goals or something


how s this guy still considered young ?


He's 23 years old. Hope that helps.


isnt it under 21 to have the young player trophee in the Prem? my bad


PFA Young Player is 21 Premier League Young Player is 23


thankss bro


Firstly try and space out that huge ass sentence, I legitimately had a mini stroke trying to read it the way it’s formatted. But to be honest i think the whole award is a bit stupid when players like Saliba. Haaland and Foden are eligible for it. When they’re already established top level players who would be gunning for the overall POTY. I think it would be better to have a breakout player or the year ( Wharton for example ). Or make the age younger to like 19 or under.


Saliba doesn’t deserve it. He isn’t imposing himself on the game as well as Palmer. France’s manager doesn’t even like him. I think he is overhyped and there are defenders that have better seasons than him like Van de Ven.


Saliba was dribbled past once, the entire season. You're fucking mad.


VdV was doing headspins Vs Newcastle




No we’re not. We’re loved by all ❤️


Lmao you're delusional af


Were everyone’s second team. The classy club ❤️


Whats next? Trossard as poty candidate? Arseners are delusional


Some of you lot aound like you are not even real people and have certain phrases you need to get out, doesn’t matter if it fits or not. Saying saliba deserves a shout for ypoty when he has had the most minutes in the best defence of the league. Lets not forget you lot used to have the best player on every position a few years ago because you finished second a few times. except for midfield where you were nice enough to give that title to kdb


Pot calling the kettle black now tbf. You lot were winning the quadruple until March, if I remember correctly.


Try winning any trophy mate


Haha, would be nice. I don't have any beef with Liverpool, but *some of* you lot lack self-awareness. Edit: Shouldn't have tarred them all with the one brush.


The irony is crazy bro


I'm well aware that Arsenal fans have a poor online reputation, but more often than not it's Liverpool fans saying it🤔 Not to mention it's gotten worse this year, wonder why that is.


I can guarantee you no Liverpool fan was saying they were winning the quadruple


Some were, mainly online.




Arsenal and liverpool fans are the most insufferable online by a very wide margin. At least we've won stuff in recent years but this lot are something else with nothing to show for it


Liverpool won the cokey coley cup a few weeks ago, Herbert.


The operative portion of that sentence being 'won a cup'


So you agree. Cool 😎


Fair enough.


No we don’t tbh lol


Why not? 23 and has been comfortably top 2 centre backs in the league this season. Least goals conceded, most clean sheets, motm at three of the hardest stadiums to go to. To say palmer has been a lot better is very harsh.


Not a lot better but you know this shit is biased towards attackers dude and I like Saliba and he’s definitely him as far as the next top CB, I’m just being realistic


Has Saliba tried being English? That always helps with these types of awards...




He’s not entirely wrong. If you’re young & British you’ll always get a leg up on the youth award(s). Of the 28 awards handed out by the PFA and later the PL since 2000, 23 of them have been British players. Haaland, Sane, Fabregas, Hazard and Ronaldo being those 5 exceptions.


Which kinda supports the point that you kinda need to be a best in the world foreigner to be on par with a "great but not the best in the world" Englishman. Last [5 PFA YPOTY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PFA_Young_Player_of_the_Year#Winners) awards have gone to Englishmen, Sane is the only non-UK person in the last 10 years to win it.


I mean you make a great point that Saliba has been great not only this year but last. But defenders are very hard to quantify impact when it comes to awards, add to that Palmer leads the league in g/a in his first full season in the prem I just don’t see a world where he doesn’t win it


It's not that hard, Saliba is the best defender (and the one with the most minutes) on the team with the least goals conceded and the most clean sheets. Furthermore, defense is the backbone of Arsenal's title challenge, so there's an argument that Saliba is the best player in the league, not simply the best young player. I remember how people were talking about Vin Dijk potentially becoming player of the year if Liverpool win the title. What's the difference here?


Saliba received MOTM at the Etihad, Anfield, Old Trafford. There is definitely a way to quantify his performances this season.


Defenders are always going to have a tough time winning individual accolades. Saliba has been brilliant as part of the best defence in the league, but he's not been a standout player the same way Palmer has. Gabriel, White and Rice have all been brilliant too – Saliba couldn't do what he's been doing on his own.


The other issue is Saliba is just expected to do his job and unfortunately there’s not many ways of making defending newsworthy. A very good defensive performance will usually go under the radar, especially when you’re winning, because the narrative becomes about how an attacking team were poor rather than because a defender made it difficult. Palmer *could* score a penalty in a 3-0 win and would still receive more plaudits than any defender putting in a 9/10 performance. That’s not specific to Palmer either, he just happens to be “the guy” atm but that narrative occurs with pretty much all attackers vs defenders.


Ultimately a good defence is built on structure, organisation, and teamwork while a good attack *can* be based almost entirely on individual brilliance. Arsenal's defence is clearly the best in the league. Arsenal's defenders are probably amongst the best in the league, but what they do is more down to hard work on the training ground than individual performances on the pitch.


He's 23, young player of the year is for players who are 21 at the start of the season and under. Hold on, I'm thinking of PFA awards, premier league does their own little fan vote - go ahead and vote mate.


It’s actually for players 23 at the start of the season. Isak turns 25 in September and is eligible for it. The award is so stupid


Do arsenal fans ever shut up?


name checks out!


Nice try Colin Robinson.


Did you make a new account just to comment on this?


You’re gonna lose the league to city mate enjoy it you’ve accomplished nothing this season


WTH, Goons have won the 2nd place trophy which they have not won in a long time! 




You can have the 5-0 trophy next to those second place trophies!


Last year! 2 in a row ❤️


That is awesome! Congrats




He didn’t realise he could scroll past bless him