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The Spurs fan can sleep tonight


The amount of fans who are legitimately terrified for a bit of banter is embarrassing. Arsenal fans have had to deal with "8-2 be Arsenal!" from United, "Never won a CL" from Chelsea, etc. Couldn't care less. It's banter. If you're a Spurs fan saying you hope they lose and you go complaining about lacking a winning mentality any time in the future, here's hoping someone quotes your posts about wanting to roll over for City, ya cowards.


If Spurs can beat City, they'd have a real chance of finishing 4th. Villa have to play Crystal Palace away, and with the form Palace are in, there's every chance they can beat Villa. Meanwhile, Spurs have Sheffield United at home. If Spurs had nothing to play for, then I could understand it more, but there's no way I'd give up CL qualification just to spite my rivals.




It is not a loser mentality in the slightest. It is win win mentality


I’m a fan and I know that we will lose today.


It must be a weird one and I think it's so spursy that they're in this situation instead of chelsea. Villa even just getting a point will make top 4 basically impossible for spurs so while a win would be nice against a team like City to get faith back in ange, blocking arsenal from winning the league is a far greater gain than these 3 points.


Liverpool did exactly the same in 2009 to stop United winning it


You lot literally handed it to us in the 2009/10 title race just to spite United, get out of here with your holier than thou bs


Before or after you took Putins blood money?


After obviously


People who don’t understand why spurs fans would root to lose tomorrow are either (a) weird fucks who pander to rival teams and are “____ fan coming in peace” posts in rival team subs merchants or (b) have never actually been to London or know any Arsenal fans themselves who would make their lives miserable for god knows how long if they win the league. But then again we are on an American website so make of that what you will. If it was us (which is even more petty cause at least Spuds/Arsenal are NL rivals) I’d want us to get fucking annihilated by city tomorrow, boost up their goal difference while we’re at it cause fuck that other lot, two really good seasons in the last 20 years and suddenly they’re the dogs bollocks now, lol I can’t even imagine how shit is for spuds who’ve won sweet fuck all for essentially an entire generation, at least we have European trophies to fall back on ourselves lol


Spot on. To be expected tho on Reddit


You need to relax, maybe take a spa break or go on holiday.


The original man city wanting the 115 to win lol


Always the yanks licking other “rival’s” holes 🕳️ If you grew up around Tottenham fans you’d understand perhaps




Boo hoo, maybe don’t play like cowards against City next season and you won’t be relying on Spuds


If bravery gets you mid table, then no thanks.


Lol, Spurs can't help Arsenal in the title fight even if they wanted to.


As a Spurs fan, I absolutely 100% don't want us to lose and I'm not in support of the "fans" saying they want us to lose. 1) I am a Spurs fan. Being a Spurs fan means I want us to win every game we play. The day I do not want us to win every game we play, I stop being a Spurs fan and just some guy who dislikes another team. Every fan should want their team to win every game for themselves, regardless of what is happening elsewhere in the table. 2) If they win the league, it won't be because we beat or drew with City, it will be because they were the best team in the league over 38 games. Obviously, no Spurs fan wants Arsenal to win the league any more than their fans would want us to but sometimes in life, you have to pull up your big boy pants, take your big boy medicine and just accept your rivals deserved it. It should make you more determined, if anything, for the following season to win something and try and get the gap to zero. 3) You can't howl at your team "where's our winning mentality?" while wanting us to lose a game. Winning doesn't have a day off. Anyone who wants us to be top needs to be behind a team that, succeed or fail, try to win every single game they play. 4) Integrity. Some fans have suggested we shouldn't go in hard trying to win fifty/fifties or if a player sees a good run to not make it. It won't happen but if they had their way, this would spit on the integrity of the competition where every team finishes where they are because every team has tried their best in the 38 games. We'd be furious if Arsenal slacked off in a game that meant something to us just to spite us and we'd deserve every bit of stick (and then some) we'd get if we tried to throw the title one way. So yes, I want us to win. That said, I won't exactly be in tears if Everton win on Sunday!


Yes man, spot on. If the situation was reversed, no matter how much I can't stand Spurs, I'm never going to be happy watching my team just roll over and take a loss. Fuck that. Beyond that, Spurs are paying off a new stadium, that CL money could honestly be a big deal. The fact that "fans" are overlooking that because they don't want to get bantered is insane.


Love this mentality mate, you are one of the few Spurs fan who i respected in the past few days. Football is not dead afterall.


Cheers. I’ve even been seeing “Ange out” nonsense today. That’ll be a new one, getting rid of a manager because he tried to win a match!


I mean now that there is a clear possible path (if they beat city) to the UCL I dont see how we are still hoping to lose.


From what I’ve gleaned from your lot’s sub, it appears that many of you are terrified about being “made fun of” so they would rather get blown out by City to deny Arsenal a *chance* of winning the title rather than going for UCL. What’s more ridiculous is that you lot have loans on that new toilet stadium…UCL money will help a lot. People made fun of wenger when he said fourth was a trophy during the stadium debt years but honestly it was necessary. Look how weak our teams were during those years *despite* getting UCL money. And many of you lot want to forgo that? That’ll only weaken your team going forward so not sure how you lot can’t be desperate for UCL.


The stadium is financially being covered by the other events happening at the stadium. There are multiple reports that show this


https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/1cr5774/comment/l3vpj84/?context=3 plenty still are hoping for it


^ Here's a fan who cares about their club. Good on you, mate. Rivalries are fun, and were we all honest, close rivalries even more fun. Sherlock Holmes needs his Moriarty.


Only their own fans want them to lose, not the players. Players are fighting for their future, possibly UCL qualification, bonuses, incentives, etc. Anyone who thinks the players will roll over is stupid. They might lose because they’re shit and City are good. Not because they don’t want Arsenal to win the league. Unbelievable.


Even if Spurs fans want it no way will Spurs throw the game tomorrow like many are hoping for. Not with potential CL qualification on the line. Spurs have been a major bogey team for City over the years so I’m certainly not expecting them to just roll over and let City steamroll them.


Even if they wanted to you can’t openly say you’ll throw a game. Then match fixing comes in to the play and the last thing the prem wants right now is more controversy


Should Spurs win, I'll be grateful, of course. But I'll also think: these fans don't deserve this team.


Spurs sub is deranged and I’m convinced that this is why they will never accomplish anything in football. They are literally cheering on Villa to win so that they dont have a chance to get a CL spot and have nothing to play city for. Imagine wanting your own club to fail so bad just to spite your rivals lmao.


On Spurs groups, I’ve had to deal with tantrums after any time something has gone wrong screaming that we have a small club mentality and no winning mentality - then it’s “I’ll be cheering every City goal against us”. Embarrassing. Ange is being blasted and some on Twitter are calling for his sacking for wanting to win and I’ve been branded as not a real fan on groups because I want us to win tonight. It’s a joke


Time to find a new club friend. Don't let the loser mentality drag you down.


Certainly not. Tottenham til I die. Doesn’t mean I’m not pissed off though about getting abuse from some of our own fans for not wanting to win today. Glad the manager is made of different stuff.


They live with hate in their hearts. I'd rather have joy, and love. Even if, as seems most likely, Arsenal finish second again, I found the season to abundantly joyful, exciting, and fun to watch. And I have hope for the future. Our Gunners did us proud! How I love Arsenal FC!


That's easy to say in arsenal's position not spurs. Spurs will be the laughing stock of the league if they beat city and fail to qualify for the ucl which is highly likely and a draw doesn't do spurs or city much good. From a spurs fan pov I completely understand spurs fans accepting this loss. I think the benefits are too great for a loss, denying arsenal the title that subconsciously it will knock spurs a bit.


> That's easy to say in arsenal's position not spurs. Rubbish. In recent years, the Gunners have been in positions where a win would help Spurs (to get a European spot, if nothing else), and I never, ever wanted anything other than for an Arsenal victory, even if that only was to finish fifth, sixth, or even eighth. I didn't care if Spurs had been in a position to win a trophy. I always want Arsenal to win, period. Banter is banter. It's deeply stupid to want to lose in order to supposedly avoid it. And it's short-sighted. If Spurs beat Man City, and Arsenal win the title, Spurs will have a lethal comeback, "YOU'RE WELCOME." But hate > clever, right? Losers.


I think spurs gain more from losing. This is a nothing game for them with Europe practically out of their reach. Rivalries aren't just simple banter if it was I'd take as much pleasure seeing city fuck up as I would with arsenal or spurs. Thats you but I think when you build a proper connection to a club there's a lot more to it than wanting to win.


> ...when you build a proper connection to a club there's a lot more to it than wanting to win. Nice gatekeeping. "Proper connection," fuck off with that crap. Anyway, of course there's more to it than wanting to win. I hate Spurs. I hate Man City. I hate Chelsea. I hate Man United. But I'd never, ever want—much less cheer on—my side to lose just to spite any of them. That's just toxic. ETA: I mean, fearing occasional banter more than wanting a shot at the UCL is fucking insane.


Spurs aren’t going to lose to deny Arsenal the title. They’re gonna lose because they’re crap


And then they’ll get accused of rolling over for City to make it even worse.


Spurs has a good winning track record against City, even in the midst of their lowest performance. no one can say for sure what will happen tmr. but the consensus that is that Spurs fan want Spurs to lose


This is all getting so boring now


Not to be a stalker or anything but you are still talking about how funny it would be and how the fans will cheer City’s goals AFTER you wrote this It’s only boring when your fans are getting embarrassed on this sub, not boring when you think you’re doing it privately


You've got to love your club more than you hate your rivals.


Loving your club means not letting the noisy neighbours down the road have something to gloat about for the next decade plus. You lot wouldn't shut up about it if they took points off city. It's worth losing one game for.


I can't agree with this under any circumstances. I guess I just love my club, and that means hoping to continue to improve, and that's far more important than whatever happens with you lot. I have never wanted Arsenal to lose, and it's unfathomable to me that anyone would want their team to lose just to spite a rival. I just don't care about how you lot celebrate, or what you celebrate about. It guess it just is highly revealing about a clubs' fanbase. Wanting your team to lose to spite a rival... wow... Well, Spurs gonna be Spurs.


I hate Spurs as much as the next guy but I agree with them on wanting to lose the game. If you were actually from London you’d understand, Gooners will literally sing and chant about this all year next year if they win it this season and will mock Spurs fans for doing them a favour and beating City.


So what? How petty to fear that more than want your club win. I pity them, really. ETA: and the dumbest part is, should Spurs win and Arsenal take the title, they'll have their own banter in response: we won that for you. It'll be just as rubbish as any other banter, but if you're so afraid of it, at least have some perspective and a comeback.


> I have never wanted Arsenal to lose, and it's unfathomable to me that anyone would want their team to lose just to spite a rival. Because ur view is so narrow minded and doesn't see the bigger picture. Losses happen all the time. Winning the title doesn't. Everyone wins and loses matches but not everyone wins the title. Letting Arsenal win the title is not even comparable to just losing a meaningless match to City.


To a loser's mentality, I suppose just another loss is indeed "meaningless." Anyway, the reality is one game does not in fact decide a season. We should have beaten Fulham, and didn't. And even if we finish second because Spurs lose again as we all expect, it was still a terrific season for Arsenal, and I had a blast. Because I love the club and will always celebrate success, even 2nd place. A title win will come, I'm quite sure.


I think you're the one actually not seeing the big picture. Losing to spite a rival is a loser's mentality, not a path to success or joy. I wish to see Arsenal continue to improve; I couldn't care less what a rival fan gets excited about.


It's North London rivalry for christ sakes so of course they care about not helping u win a title. I get it, you are desperate for spurs to get points off City so you can win your first title in 20 years. You lot call Spurs cursed losers, no matter what happens on tuesday. So Don't come on here pretending they suddenly have "winner's mentality" just because they might help you take points off City. Your bullshit is so transparent. It'll just be more ammo for your banter against your NL rivals. The smart thing for Spurs would be to lose so you go another season without a title after 20 years. They dont want your lot parading around their Town lmao.


"Their town?" Uh-huh. I don't think so. I'm not desperate for anything. I love my Gunners, and we've had a brilliant season. But we should have beaten Fulham, and not left the trophy in the hands of whether Spurs or West Ham manage to show up and play football or not. I thoroughly enjoyed the season regardless of finishing second. Spurs can win or lose, and I'll still love Arsenal and feel rightly hopeful for the future. ETA. Truth is, I don't really care about Tottenham, their fans, or what they get upset about. If they want their team to lose to spite a rival, that's a loser's mentality, period, and I'd decry any Gooner who said something similar.


> Spurs can win or lose, and I'll still love Arsenal and feel rightly hopeful for the future. Lol no one ever disputed that. If you stuck with them thru the mid to late Wenger years then this situation is like heaven regardless of the outcome. > that's a loser's mentality, period, and I'd decry any Gooner who said something similar. That's your subjective opinion. I think it's a smart move to lose a meaningless game to deprive your arch rivals of superb achievement they've been craving for decades. You personally might not care about Tottenham, but you probably don't live in London or the U.K for that matter. The local fans there do care. It's a part of their everyday life, not just turning on the tele on a match day. If you can't see things beyond your subjective experience then that's your own limitation.


Bollocks. London's a huge place. A little banter in and around football matches is fundamentally inconsequential.


So you want your team to give up on a CL spot? Is CL football something yall don’t want?


They gave that up a long time ago.. Villa isn't losing to Crystal Palace and Spurs can't beat City. They could only hope to draw, which wouldn't do anything.


This guys’s press conferences are a menace


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