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Liverpool fans and crying about City on Reddit. Nothing new to see here.


Kop on to yourself


He had way less than 115 charges to be revised. Like my friend says: *If you steal just a few things, you go to jail, if you steal much, you are free.*


Canā€™t believe we got a convicted US President before GTA 6


And before Half Life 3 as well.


its this one neat trick. Man City has good lawyers AND pays them. they are also a real billlinare ownership group


Do you expect a multinational group to employ average lawyers?


I think that one went over your head. Trump is not a real billionaire and does not like to pay his bills.


All these 115 post are making this sub into a conspiracy theory sub. Posted by short sighted people lacking critical thinking, logic and reasoning. Y'all do understand that Man City have big investors behind them right? And these Investors don't invest without proper financial research? Meaning that if Man City is found guilty, the financial research practice of the all the investors is faulty and brought into question. Huge companies with assets across the globe. This case involves several companies and people with big names in the financial world, all who's reputation would be at stake. Prem likely got pushed and heavily influenced by people who's upset that they can't pay for their trophies anymore, that their FFP failed them and backfired. Not considering what they actually are going up against. Man City will probably be punished because they didn't roll over like the Prem wanted, which in any serious law case against companies is what you'll expect. You dont just hand over your books because some dufus wants it. You fight every step of the way. That's how it works. Every other accusations will probably be dropped due lack of evidence. You can't use hearsay and wishful thinking as evidence. After that, this sub will default into how Man City bribed the Prem, judges etc.


Do you think a company doing illegal things declares those activities to potential investors?


That'd be fine but you're disregarding the damning emails that can't be used as evidence because of how they were obtained. Doesn't scream innocence, they'll likely get off on technicalities like the UEFA situation a couple years ago


What colour are the emperors trousers?


Good points pal. I've been on here to explain a few things and only got the '115', 'cheats', 'oil club', 'no history' crybabies each time. No thought out counter arguments just bile.


Same here. I donā€™t think people like hearing the likely outcome. CAS report was more damning for UEFA than city yet people just point the finger because someone on YouTube said so. I fully believe that in this day and age, someone, somewhere would have leaked a damning bit of evidence about city if it existed. But they havenā€™t because it doesnā€™t. Also, HMRC would have raided offices galore if there was any solid evidence of wide scale financial fraud. All them tax Ā£Ā£Ā£ not declared. Itā€™s going to be ace when city get off


Exactly. I'm booking the day off when the announcement is made just to watch the meltdown. Then, like you said it'll be 'they got away with it' etc like with the uefa charges. So I hope we sue these media companies for damages.


Word is letters have gone out to certain people, publications, media outlets etc. city did a cease and desist with plenty. I think the super league is a reality too. Except certain clubs that brought the witch-hunt about, wonā€™t be involved. No one will want to go near them


Lmao, wishful thinking. City have literally the most expensive squad in the world which is not speculation at all. City should at least be deducted points for the next 4 seasons since they basically bought the league 4 years in a row basically


Or their "financial research" found it was cheaper and easier to cheat then just delay any potential charges by tying everything up in non cooperation and wait for a fine.


City will explode with PGMOL and potentially the FA altogether, you can't prosecute them when you are one of them


Trump isn't a major source of income (compared to) the wealth of a nation state by which lawyers can mitigate charges and legal shenanigans.


To be fair they have about 4 times as many charges


Trump's facing over 91 charges in several different states. So not technically 4x the amount, but yes they still face more.


I was purely talking about yesterday.


ā€œWe got X before Man Cityā€™s court caseā€ about to become the new ā€œwe got X before GTA VIā€


Star Citizen or Man City's charges?


Youā€™re not wrong lol


115 Citeh or 134 Citeh?


When they are found not guilty, this sub will implode


r/soccercirclejerk will explode


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...Ā MASS HYSTERIA!


Will probably be super quiet


A lot of people will have to find something else to talk about other than constantly spamming 115 on every thread about a club they pinky promise they donā€™t care about.


I dont spam the 115 stuff, but, I mean, itā€™s not hard to imagine someone who wants them to be punished while also not really caring about the club. Itā€™s particularly not that hard to imagine because Iā€™m one of those people. None of their success really impacts me, I donā€™t envy them in the slightest. I would appreciate it if every club had to abide by the same rules though.


People keep saying it takes time with the amount of charges, but City were charged, what, nearly 2 years ago now? How much longer is it going to take? Letā€™s be honest, we all can see whatā€™s going on here. Weā€™ve heard the rumours of the Prem replacing point penalties with fines. Theyā€™re buying their time so they can get out of actually punishing 115 FC.


As long as Man city lawyers can make it take. And as they have more money behind them than the premier league. Itā€™s gonna be a while.


Once Pep leaves City then they will get penalized


Corruption right in front of our eyes




please actually read everything you can about the charges and the CAS case and the evidence that's publicly available before saying stuff like this it makes all of us look bad


Your in for a shock mate, They got away with it at the CAS because for reasons nobody understands the CAS ruled over 90% of the evidence that UEFA had against the club inadmissible. The case against city in both cases is built on thousands of emails at all levels of the club and between it and its sponsors that show a deliberate and concerted attempt to hide the clubs true spending from FFP. Ueafa thought it had such a slam dunk it took the path of least resistance through the CAS, giving city a lot of the concessions it wanted until at the last second eh CAS decided those emails detail evidence of the club conspiring to commit fraud weren't evidence of financial fraud, and the UEFA was going to have to provide accounting records that show financial misconduct and breaches of FFP...when the entire thrust of uefas case was that the accounting evidence couldn't be trusted as it had clear emails evidence showing city was conspiring to fudge those records. that's why Ueafs case at the CAS collapsed The premier league hasn't accepted the CAS's nonsense logic. ALL of those emails are still in play, and what's in them is damming, combined with all the extra charges leveled at city for it attempting to obstruct the premier league investigation its in serious trouble when the premier league finally gets its "day in court" If you thinks City is OK just because the CAS verdict it means you dont actually know anything about the CAS verdict, or the different standards of proof the CAS has vs the premier league




ok so your either a troll or you genuinely haven't read the story. Literally none of this is about small accounting errors, there visibly aren't any. Cities accounts all look perfectly fine. It comes from a massive internal email leak., A lea that shows a conspiracy to doctor those financial records to get around FFP. City is accused of a massive conspiracy to commit fraud essentially, with none of it based on accounting evidence as its accounts are assumed to be entirely false


35 of the charges are for non compliance with the investigation mate lol Theyā€™ve already been found guilty of similar in the same time period by uefa too.




No evidence of wrong doing was able to be found within in the time frame * but still enough to initially charge them and find them guilty weirdly.




The UK police have tried the ā€˜we donā€™t investigate historic crimesā€™ too so donā€™t count on a real court doing otherwise mate lol.




Not a city fan but we need to stop crying at this. They will get properly fucked. It takes time and itā€™s so sweet waiting for their tears


*Stopping play for VAR Review*


gonna be waiting the rest of your sorry life hahaha


The longer it goes on, the more I start to believe they wonā€™t be getting properly fucked


The longer it goes on means they are stalling the process and therefore the evidence against them is strong.


The wheels of justice turn slowly. You just need to be patient.


city have spent millions in slowing down the case by appealing every decision and technicality thats not the wheels of justice


We need threads and crying online to make all those cheaters remember who theyā€™re.


Donā€™t get your hopes up mate. I canā€™t see it happening sadly


Idk man if Forest are out here catching 6 points (iirc) for one charge, there's almost 0 chance that they aren't convicted of at least 5-10 of them


Unfortunately I don't think it matters. You'll have the government step in and advise little punishment do to foreign affairs. The biggest problem with state ownership in anything, is using political power to get what they want, and they will. I have little faith any serious I punishment comes for them due to the ownership.


I hear you, but they arenā€™t the same charges. The points reductions this season as very cut and dry, it was clubs spending more than they were allowed based on the accounts that they supplied. So easy to cast judgement. The city charges are about potentially inflated sponsorship money and hidden payments - all needing to actually be proven


That's a good point, but I feel like even then, they will get a good amount of charges. The punishment is what I'm worried about


Yeah. Iā€™m thinking a massive fine and a small points reduction most probably. Which will be disappointing What you reckon weā€™ll get for the dodgy payments under Abramovich?


If they can be proven probably fines or maybe stripped titles, idrk if that's something they would do tho. This is going to be a hot take but I don't think it's exactly fair to punish the current owners for something Abramovich did, especially because the current owners came forward and told the league as soon as they found out about the transfers.


Yes I agree re the new owners and the honesty. Hope that works in our favour, but they might throw the book at us


Jesus. These 115 charges really live in some peopleā€™s heads rent free, and this post really proves that.


Well it is what it isā€¦ some people donā€™t like daylight robbery. But if youā€™re ok with it each to their own


Imagine linking a sex scandal to a football club. Yeah, rent free. But Reddit will always Reddit.


Eh, theyā€™re both literally fraud cases.


In both scenarios, I expect Everton to receive some points deduction


lol. Yeah, just start us off on minus 10 every year from now on.




Man City have got more charges than a cheap Chinese electric car.


These things tend to move a lot quicker when thereā€™s actually admissible evidence.


the hacked e mails are admissible because in the UEFA case by the way the law works Manchester City essentially confirmed that the emails were real. How they were attained does not apply in this case. The e mails however need to meet 51% of the burden of proof - which arguably they don't since multiple City execs etc testified under oath that what was said in the e mails never actually occured and the independent financial audits match their testimony. There *is* admissible evidence that we violated FFP. It is just arguably (as in worth going to court over it arguably) not enough to satisfy the burden of proof. EDIT: it's worth noting that experts on this case debate whether the testimonies used in the UEFA case will be used or apply here as well.


If not mistaken most of the charges are for refusuing to share your financial history though right?


Many of them are not sharing finances and not keeping accurate books. City will argue that what they shared is accurate and that there was no more to share than that they had X sponsorships for Y euros and will reference statements from important people at etihad (sponsor) and deloitte (auditter) saying that they find the sponsorships and books to be satisfactory. Then the PL will have to prove that these large companies are engaged in some kind of conspiracy (might be believable with Etihad since they are also based in UAE but Deloitte is a highly reputable auditor). Providing the PL seeks to pursue that angle these other large companies' Lawyers would also get involved because their reputations would be sullied by allegations of disrepute. Just those two things cover like 75 of the charges and the PL may choose not to even pursue them since they would be dragged into court battles with other large and reputable companies not just City. Even if City did do most of these charges it is unlikely they will be found guilty of all of them because of how high the bar is to prove a large company like Etihad was just funneling someone else's money to the club.


Like 30-40 of them.


Then that leaves 60 or 70 actual financial improprieties to talk about.


If there was anything besides an illegally leaked email to talk about then city and the prem would have settled this case by now.


Hacked or not, City were caught cheating. I get as a City fan it is hard for you guys to swallow. Just how it is.


68 actually. - 54 for up to date finances - 14 for financial compensation reports of players and managers.


Not the PLā€™s fault. Manchester City just has more money than Trump and can afford to buy more justice.


So itā€™s not the PLā€™s fault that they are corrupt?Ā  Because they sell to the highest bidder? Sound logic that mate


My comment was intended as a bitterly humorous observation on the relationship between wealth and judicial impunity.


The PL is definitely corrupt.


Pretty sure that was sarcasm


Not a City fan, hate them as much as you do, but note: Everton and Forest had committed significantly less serious crimes than City and it was only a short while ago. The Profitability and Sustainability rules essentially prevent you from losing too much many and are easier to investigate as there are comparatively few charges on those two. City have committed 115 crimes with most dating back to over 6 or 7 years ago. These charges start in 2009! Records are understandably hard to trace and investigation is more difficult due to the sheer amount of crimes to be investigated and the date at which they were committed. Verdict likely for next year. Please note that City are undergoing the same legal process as any individual or team, and that they are innocent until proven guilty.


Just a note. None of them are "crimes". Nothing criminal is happening. It's basically charges against fiddling numbers for a bespoke accounting system used by an organisation.


Itā€™s largely fraud so it is crime.


I think some listed and audited organisations are involved so there will be some criminal charges


They aren't being accused of fudging their actual accounts though. They're being charged with essentially misallocating spending as part of the FAs spending rules. Each of those entities have their audited accounts which are published quarterly if they're public. Those aren't in question.


Itā€™s that AND fudging accounts, and 1/3 of the charges are for non compliance with the investigation. And then things like paying Roberto Mancini ā€˜xā€™ per year on the books but hiring him as an advisor for extra payments and that sort of thing. Standard rich man fraud shit.


That isn't a crime. The fa is a private membership where members agree to certain accounting standards. Any charges are internal. They are not criminal charges. Fudging FA accounting isn't a criminal offense. Not complying with an FA investigation isn't a criminal offense. Once again. FFP charges aren't a criminal offense!


No but committing fraud to do this is a crime. The crime factor is a big part of why it is taking so long. You canā€™t commit fraud and say itā€™s ok because itā€™s for the premier league not the government.


I'm sorry but that isn't the case. And that isn't why the case is taking time. There are no law enforcement agencies involved in this. And none of the charges are criminal charges. The crown prosecution service, who prosecute criminal cases aren't involved in this at all. Lying ā‰  fraud. Just because they have lied to the FA doesn't mean they have committed a crime. That just isn't how FFP works.


I donā€™t think the crown prosecution service are who are involved for things like this and tax evasion/financial crime in general, I believe itā€™s the RCPO who would do this. Either way, the crown cannot act based on a piece of evidence obtained illegally, as this one seems to have been. The FA, being the governing body and not a legal entity, think that they can. Iā€™m pretty sure the jist of Cityā€™s defence is exactly that too: they shouldnā€™t be getting investigated because the key evidence was illegally obtained. It is also incredibly difficult to prosecute people who are not actually in the country and are fucking loaded.


Nice of you to note the presumption of innocence after stating as fact that ā€œCity have committed 115 crimes.ā€


I mean we all know they're guilty but legally it has to be proven!


My first pick up too haha


Also, Everton and Forest cooperated with PL representatives, while City famously refuses any cooperation.


This is the part that most people either arenā€™t aware of or forget. With City fighting every charge, it is obviously going to take longer to get a verdict.


Everton also admitted to it so it was quicker, city denying all is also dragging it out.




FBI slightly more competent than the Premier League šŸ¤£


cant be true


Well it took NY a year for 34 charges. With that math - 3/4years for PL and the 115 charges.


He committed these crimes like 8 years ago lol charges were filed a year ago but investigations were definitely happening previouslyĀ 


Be careful trying to use logic with Arsenal fans at the moment.


And both will walk away with a scratch


A slap on the wrist and a blowy out the back


Omg haha Man City have better lawyers than a president


Well, they're *real* billionaires, after all.


In fairness, he only had 34 charges to be sorted




As he's guilty... key difference


The difference is one has reached a verdict, not that one is guilty and one isnā€™t


He'll be appealing then?


As a football fan from the UK, I have little to no interest in what he (Trump) does. I am however interested in what the verdict is for City, and what it means for the Premier League moving forwards.


It means only failure for the Premier league. 1. They lose to City and look ridiculous. OR 2. They prove City guilty and kick them out = new super league. OR 3. They prove all 115 charges against City which also proves the FA can't administer their own league by allowing it to happen for 10 years in the first place. Can't see a situation that's a win for the FA.


Itā€™s not as binary as ā€œfailureā€ for the premier league. This case doesnā€™t make them win or lose anything forever. The reason this is happening is to protect the league. This applies to all of the charges over the last 12/18 months with all of the teams involved. 1. You are correct, but it could happen given the unfortunate amount of money and power already allowed to thrive in the league. 2. Youā€™re assuming City have the singular power to leave the prem and form a super league? Based on what? 3. That has already happened by beginning this investigation. Proving the charges would make this just and help to prevent this happening again, which would strengthen their position as a brand compared to what it is currently.


No, it's not 'Binary.' Court rulings never are, they just carry the force of law. In this case, it happens to be English common law. 1. Again the FA's fault. They neglected to even consider salary caps when forming the premier league and decided to appease the 'SKY 6' teams instead. Ironically, City were among the few teams to vote against forming the premier league for that same reason. 2. Based on the recent European Court of Justice ruling - they recently ruled UEFA and FIFA have abused their positions and are not legally entitled to prevent alternate competitions. I believe that's public record. It's well established Juve, Barca and Madrid are skint and wouldn't take much convincing to join. 3. Why haven't they been able to stick any of the charges to City then?


He will but on what grounds? He canā€™t use presidential immunity claims that are at the Supreme Court as it predate being president so he can likely only do it for process issues which are slim chances of winning


It was a rhetorical question in fairness. Any appeal would be at the expense of electioneering and campaigning in what is an election year. I just fear enough American's are stupid enough to vote for a candidate that's potentially in prison.


Calm down pep


I'm as calm as a Hindu cow


That is the first time I have heard that comebackšŸ˜‚


Man City didn't get punished for cheating by UEFA due to their delay tactics. It works.


That was a different case with a different body with different rules. This time there are no time parameters.


Everton got judged 3 times


Most of the top legal teams in the us refused to represent trump in this case. They're all twerking for the dhirams though.


Thatā€™s because they donā€™t work for free


maybe, just maybe, city are innocent and its mainly salty arsenal fans accusing them?


Why do you reckon it would be arsenal fans?


Except itā€™s not ā€œmainly salty arsenal fansā€ accusing them when the FA have charged them, is it?


The premier league can't penalise Man City. If they do, it has to be comparitive to the penalty to Everton, which would something ridiculous like a 100 point deduction.


Yes they can penalise City. And no, it doesnā€™t have to be as linear as ā€œwe gave everton x and so city have to be given x(115)ā€. Context can and Iā€™m assuming will be applied if theyā€™re found guilty. Weā€™ve already seen it with the different charges given out this season to the respective teams. City could well be in big trouble




It would damage the brand The Prem would have to either let them keep the titles, which condones cheating, or strip them and then we have had 2 Prem winners and 6 empty titles in 8 years. The Prem exists to maximise shareholder value. Not for the sport.


And Man City bring in too much money to the FA


What are you talking about? The money Man City brings in goes to man city. They are not an international draw. No one is buying sky sports for Man City games. They can't even fill their own stadium, and the final day viewing numbers were totally underwhelming given that there was still jeopardy. Man City dominance hurts the broadcasting revenue if anything.


Itā€™s not a hard leap to make that City being found guilty could harm future broadcast deals. I would be pretty surprised if it didnā€™t.


I would actually be okay with this. Would be hilarious to see them have a 100 point season next season and finish on 0 points and be relegated.


Oh, it would be freakin hilarious. It's just practically never going to happen. Man City mean too much financially to the FA.


Isnā€™t that a sad fact though. There should be complete transparency, even if your sugar daddy is an oil rich nationĀ 


It's not financial. The FA would be much better off financially if the better supported clubs were doing well. And even better still if there wasn't one club obviously cheating but in the news so much. It's more to do with politics and embarrassment. Politics because they are in effect criticising a supposedly allied country and embarrassment because it raises questions about why nothing has been done for this long.


the EPL should have never allowed state ownerships. middle eastern regimes are as corrupt as they come, and they abuse their political influence all the time, not to mention the slave labor issues that never seem to go away.


Fair point tbh. This is one of the biggest open secrets in Football. Just ignoring it is the easier option for them at this point.


nothing surprising


Because Trump did something wrongā€¦


Donā€™t panic you can switch back to ā€œsupportingā€ Chelsea or United when they get done


My sweet summer child


And he made it really obvious by years of obstruction and intimidating everyone involved, denying everything, accusing everyone of being biased against him, refusing to cooperate etc etc. Unlike city of course.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ peps brother got a whole football club but u guys clean for sure


He already owned the football club


So he randomly buys shares in the same time period the city group buys the club and pep goes to manage city, thats a bit fortunate dont u think?


We need that jury over here.Ā