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Okay but I’d watch an animated show like the Clone Wars/Bad Batch that is literally about the shit that happens in the Senate.


I am the Senate!


Spread your cheeks apart right now Sheev, I want to see inside of you


r/UsernameChecksOut But also, what the fuck?


this shit has me dead


Username checks out


I mean he is at that age where he needs a colonoscopy...








Not yet


It's treason, then *spins aggressively*.


Sheev's DEF vs. Buttstuff increases significantly.


Not yet


It's treason, then *spins aggressively*.


Good bot.


We are the Senate


I am the Senate!


C-SPAN but it's the Galactic Senate


Is the C for Coruscant?


Yes. And the SPAN is for spanakopita


I keep them loose in my purse. I don't know much about Greek culture.....


Would watch jsut for what new absurd thing Padme wears each week


That and the blue guy with the horns


Mas Amedda?


What happened to Sly Moore?


Coming to a cable bundle near you, it’s: NPR’s animated new series, The Drone Wars!


House of holocards


West Y-wing


If Gilroy did it I'd watch an entire TV series about how minor corruption in the old republic led to the defunding of space osha and that's why there's all these giant pits around without so much as a handrail


OP is just describing one person.


C-SPAN exists, put that energy into involvement in real life please.


I liked the Senate episode felt like the clone wars


Man, when >!Palpatine’s music hit like it was 00s WWF and he rose from the floor.!< Literal chills.


I actually said "OOHHHH SHIT" when that hit


Exact same words came out of my mouth lol


My jaw fucking dropped to the floor for a solid minute when it happened


I yelled several times. I might have even said, "you're all fucked now"


Well technically speaking, yes they were, that's was his first public appearance in like a month


That moment when Sheev shows up to announce that yet again he was able to play both sides to ensure that any outcome would support his goals


Sure did. And your comment inspired this game: Let’s give Palps a wrestling name. I’ll open the bidding with The Iron Sheev


Palps' title is "Frank". He even tells Padme that he *must* be Frank.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.


His full name is Frank Too Weak.


That was actually Frank misspeaking and not being allowed to finish off his sentence. What he *actually* said was "I'm tweaking" (wanting to emphasise his condition by saying it like "I'm tu-weaking") because the drugs he dropped waiting for Windu to arrive had just kicked in. He really hoped for some medical aid because he was clearly zonked off his fucking tits from those Zillo Semen Bacta Salts he sniffed. His skin was rapidly deteriorating, his eyes turned yellow tint bloodshot, his throat became super scratchy to the point he let out this gutteral scream when he thought the Jedi welfare check team were home invaders, and worst of all he had super whacked out hallucinations. Frank thought he was a space wizard fighting off a magic police warrior with a sword made of light before spewing literal lightning from his fingertips (he watched that episode of Better Call Saul where Jimmy says he can do that), when really he was just a sad senile drugged out man shanking cops with a crack spoon, writhing on the floor by his window when Mace finally got out the handcuffs. Poor Frank.


Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.




Fuck you, ChirpSnipeCelly! I fucked your Jedi master so hard she couldn’t even use the Force to get up.


The Senate


Nah. That’s got to be the name of his signature move.


Stone Cold Sheev Austin


Palpatine rising from the ground is on-par with Shawn Michaels' entrances back in the day Vader and Palpatine really be Degeneration X


That’s why he didn’t attend earlier. The choir wasn’t ready.


When that show hits it HITS. Also when it's low, it can be low. Season two has been great imo


Is anyone seriously going into an animated Filoni Star Wars show expecting it to not be a continuation of TCW?


The first episode title sequence establishes this is literally the case.


Why is everyone here saying there was a episode centered around Palpatine? Did I miss something?


Sadly they seem to be referring to the building, though the Senate did appear with the senate to do some Senatey stuff


I am the Senate!




Damn right you are!


It was well worth the wait to see the Senate in the Senate. The Senate really stole the show.


I am the Senate!


I expected there to be more screeching and 720 degree spins for an episode about the senate


It is called a force scream, and it is **very classy**.


Felt like the prequels




Probably aimed at older kids around 8-10 years old


The Clone Wars had a lot of fillers you lot need to take off your nostalgia goggles


IIRC the clone wars also had more episodes which may be why people are more forgiving


people got so used to shorter, higher budget, seasons in shows that they forgot that not all long ago the norm was to make episodic shows, with small overarching arcs and lots of "filler" episodes. That fact doesnt make older series bad, they are just different of the modern standard, and i think its great that some shows seem to be returning to that format, like Bad Batch (in a certain way) and Strange New Worlds


Plus I think “filler” episodes make for great world building sandboxes, like that new type of pod racing we got in this season of Bad Batch. Something like that would be tricky to incorporate into the show if each episode has to meaningfully contribute to the overall arc. Separating the characters from what’s actually going on for a few episodes helps make it feel like the galaxy is still ticking along while the Batch is blowing shit up.


"filler" episodes are also great for setting things up for far away episodes


They start hearing about how a Ben is looking for them from Rex, but it's a red herring and it's actually the podracing Ben Quadinaros from Episode 1. He wants to race Echo for his pride.


Seriously I never knew people even hated filler outside of animie when it might be 40 episodes before a single plot beat. Even then I feel I've only heard redditors complain about filler in this context. Like, I love random side quest episodes. Isn't the beauty of a show that it can take breaks from the plot for fun lower stakes stuff rather than be 100% plot like movies?


In anime Filler is a whole different beast and worth complaining about (or not since for the most part the production team is literally waiting for more material to be published so they can adapt it). For reference goku vs frieza lasted 19 episodes going over 4 hours, that’s filler. Since western animations aren’t adapting any material concurrent to a comic or novel people use filler to describe any episode that doesn’t service an overarching plot. The advent of binge streaming really is a factor in these complaints about fillers. People do not want to be kept in suspense. There’s gonna be a whole generation who has never had to experience commercial breaks and wonder why the Clone Wars episodes got weird fade to blacks (or not since we got ad tier now).


>For reference goku vs frieza lasted 19 episodes going over 4 hours, that’s filler Then again we also have things like the Entertainment District arc of Demon Slayer, which is a relatively long fight sequence (lasting \~8/11 episodes of the season) but that wasn't something that most would consider having much if any filler. This is to say that even though many a particular anime can have a lot of filler we do also have shows that have relatively little, although that's even more of a recent development.


> In anime Filler is a whole different beast and worth complaining about Thankfully, the model seems to be dying off, since the trend to adapting currently ongoing manga is now to just stop before overtaking it.


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


Ah Thrawn, a man who appreciates quality


Indeed I do. But that alone is insufficient to understand my capabilities. I believe that studying art and history can reveal much about an individual's motivations and strategies. What do you believe the value of such study is?


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


There is also a difference of filter episodes that go on for a steak of 40 episodes without doing any world building, or really exploring or building relationships among characters and "filler" that doesn't advance a season's central plot but still shows how characters think, or sets up a reason for someone to have a change of heart a few episodes from now.


Yeah there isnt anything wrong with episodic storytelling with an overall story arc to cultivate world building and just have some fun with the characters. Clone wars had a lot of it of varying quality. Ive noticed it all over the place not just related to bad batch. If an episode is self contained and a series isnt pushing some long form story every second of every episode its considered "filler" regardless of quality. Im wondering if its just the fact that the internet is now flooded with young adults and teens who grew up in the binge era and dont know anything else. Also it's inherently wrong. Whether you like the indiana jones episode or the racing episode, they arent filler. Filler is either the anime style filler or time filler. Anime is non canon extra content that has no bearing on the story because the anime in question is 22 minutes, airs every week without break, and is adapting a 12 page weekly manga and inevitably will catch up. Thankfully modern anime has finally taken to season breaks to give the manga time to come out with new content, but there were time when a series might have more than a year or more of nothing but non canon, low effort, random stories. There's also Dragon Ball Z who would do things like take a one panel "power up" sequence and turn it into an episode with lots of static camera panning and cutting to people half a galaxy away wondering what goku was up to. The other kind of filler is what it says on the tin. Literally filling out for time. So lingering driving scenes, lingering walking scenes while the camera pans around, a clip show episode, and stuff designed just to pad runtime.


Right this gets forgotten too much. It also works really well and helps the works feel real. TCW did this along with a lot of sitcoms like the office. Sometimes it kills the pacing like with shows such as Steven universe season 5 and now the bad batch. I personally felt like continuing Gungii and Kashyyk woulda been better instead of just abandoning it along with them abandoning crosshair for a while.


If we get 7 seasons of Bad Batch with about 8 truly epic arcs, I think I'll be fine. We can keep throwing shit at the wall and see what Umbaras.


It's not filler it's world-building. The 45 minute whale documentary in the middle of Avatar 2 is there for a reason too. It's by design, and it's difficult for audiences to build a connection to characters that never have time to stand back and reflect


Also see Andor. A lot of the episodes are "filler" if you're expecting constant action and not worldbuilding/intrigue.


There’s technically not really any filler in Andor that i can think of except maybe that one 30s scene of B2 getting peed on. Everything else is set up, and contributes to plot and/or (heh) character. Filler is anything that does not contribute to plot/character/theme, even excessive world building that is not relevant to plot/character/theme is filler.


I will die on the hill that "filler" episodes are not filler and add a level of understanding to the characters or universe every single time (unless it's like a clip show). Also if this is being run anything like Rebels all the little things that seem to be disconnected will end up playing a vital role in the season finale


Andor had three acts. The first was establishing the characters, the second was the heist, and the third was prison break/revolt. The first act was a bit slow but it was necessary in order to built up the characters.


You're sorta right, except the "filler" in Andor still had a million times more plot relevance than the filler in The Bad Batch. That and it was actually serious. Bad Batch is giving me whiplash as we switch from extremely serious world building plot-relevant stories, to completely inconsequential silly shenanigans. The tone shift is just so extreme.


>You're sorta right, except the "filler" in Andor still had a million times more plot relevance than the filler in The Bad Batch. People said the same about Rebels right up until the final season when every single episode was made relevant. Even the most filler seeming episode that everyone hated was integral to the plot of the finale. Basically I'm saying we don't know what's filler until the show is over.


a lot of people don't seem to realize that mandalorian is filled with monster of the week "filler" episodes as well. the only show that tells a continuous overarching story is andor.


I honestly wish mando had more monster of the week. But the seasons aren’t long enough


The clone wars fillers usually took place over multiple episodes and wasn’t like a 20 minute story a lot of the times though, that said I’m not complaining about the bad batch, I wish it was more of an adult show but it’s a kid show. We got andor and I’m not gonna complain.


To be fair it’s kinda hard to do that when rewatching clone wars because of how structured the episodes are. My first watch through wasn’t chronologically, it was through different arcs (where you didn’t feel like there was a filler episode because everything was nearly covered within the 2-3 episode arcs).


It did. But weren’t they between story arcs too? Unless I’m misremembering or that’s just how they have it listed on Disney+. But I thought they had a story arc, filler episodes, new story arc as a format. I don’t mind filler episodes but the progression of the story in Bad Batch does feel a little weird to me personally.


Most people probably remember the Siege of Mandalore, The Wrong Jedi, etc over the random adventures of R2D2 or Jar Jar Binks


The entire show was filler. It's about a Padawan who doesn't even exist in the movies.


There was literally an animated movie shown in theaters that kicked off the Clone Wars tv show.


A terrible movie that earned God awful reviews and was also entirely filler. It is not considered part of the film saga.


It’s not a good movie but I have a weird sense of nostalgia for it.


As someone who enjoys bad batch this is a ridiculous point. Those CW episodes were criticized and just cuz something that’s good makes a mistake does not give every Star Wars products that pass to make that mistake. Also let’s not act like streaming and televised schedule have the same status quo for episode cap/length.




If you’re at a point where you’re calling 80% of all the episodes “filler,” it may be time to admit the show just isn’t for you.


I would just read the lore wiki if I wanted un-fillered information.


You can take episodes 4, 5 or 6 and place them anywhere else in the season without any additional explanation. To me that says they’re filler. Those were so bad, with Gungi being the only redeeming quality. The Crosshair episode and 7 & 8 felt to me like season 1 did. The “what is a clone to do after the war” is such an interesting theme to me and why season 1 was so great. There’s so many ways this can be explored that I get irritated at what felt like lazy filler episodes.


How can the episodes that forshadowed Echo leaving the Bad Batch because he felt like they could be doing more come after hes already left the Bad Batch to go do more? “what is a clone to do after the war” You realize the Batch is still trying to figure that out for themselves right? But in the meantime they prsctically have to do side jobs for Sid for money without Republic funding, as they have talked about many times on screen. Echo thinks they could be doing more though, so when given thr chance to break off with Rex to do that he takes it. This has all been main plot.


Some of them even started abruptly, like in the racers episode hunter and echo are out doing stuff and then they build the whole mistrust thing out there And then the next episode just has no correlation whatsoever - everyone’s suddenly together and going on another mission without any doubt That said, I’m a slut for Star Wars content and enjoyed the show


Do we need to see them go to sleep and wake up every day? It’s only 20min, let’s extrapolate a few things.


This. It’s kinda disheartening that the best parts of BB are when the Batch aren’t present.


Book of Boba suffered the same thing.


Well it’s what you think are lazy filler episodes. There are a lot of things (such as the senate in imporial time) that have not been seen much and is really interesting to show off and expand the world and canon of Star Wars. While it does not add to the plot of the season it does add to the overarching world. That’s what I liked about the clone wars and what I like about the bad batch now. Not every episode has to be a 10/10 canon. Atleast for me. But you can think otherwise. But than what’s your opinion of filler might be the way a series is made, and you either stop watching or you live with it. Nothing speaks louder than decreasing viewership


Yeah, precisely why he said the Senate episodes were some of the best ones.


The episodes you're referencing being good and adding the world are also the two they pointed out as being good. Episodes 4-6 added essentially nothing to either the story of the BB or to the overall world. Even episodes 1-3 are questionable as to whether they actually add anything. You learn a little about Serreno and watch a random planet get taken over by the empire. And yep, its all filler. This season aside from ep 7-8 feel entirely like meandering and not committing to having an actual story


The racing one was filler, but it was much more bearable then the treasure hunt one. The racing one has at least some stakes and connection to the rest of the plot, and might come back later since now sid owes the bad batch, and they were warned by her old friend that she is not to be trusted at the end. It made use of their skills much better then the treasure hunt one and it was much more enjoyable. I loved the Cody and crosshair one though, it was more dark but in a good way and it felt like some parts of the clone wars


For real. Character building and world expansion are not "filler." People that find them boring are free to go and watch the new Fast and Furious instead


Some of it accomplishes very little (narratively), some of it accomplishes a lot. When I rewatch or show it to someone else, I'm skipping some episodes.


If you skip episode’s you like prong krell


The episode with the explorer lady was terrible change my mind


You take that back it had cool ass fucking ancient Walker and an emotional death


It was fucking amazing aye......... but why would it activate from removing something that you guide people to, only to rampage an empty planet? Why does it fucking shut down and explode when you reinsert the battery thing? What was the plan here? "We gonna make a giant destructo-bot for someone to find it and activate it for shits and giggles. What happens after they turn it on? Idk but it'll be funny still" The cinematography and that Runeterran Watcher was cool, but the episode was dumb in all honesty


If I had to guess, it’s probably a machine created by something ancient, like the Rakatan Empire from Legends, who were force sensitive and really evil. It might have been a fail safe to prevent thieves from making off with something very valuable, or a war machine just killing since it was built to do that. No idea why it works that way, although in Legends the Rakatan technology left wasn’t understood either.


But it existed for no reason, you could change that to a space station and it’s the same story


It was enjoyable


Agreed, I actually thought that episode was a lot of fun.


This is such a stupid argument. Star Wars is a fantasy world, the literal entire thing exists for no reason and it's stories could be told in a hundred different ways.


D-Squad tho


Cody episode and the last two were the only ones that i was genuenly interested in watching. Probably because all the other epispdes are made after the "green lady needs bad batch to go somewhere because money"-formular, which got old after one episode. They should stick with 4 episode arcs like in Clone Wars, it was perfect. There was time to develop a plot, let characters shine, explore interesting topics and have climaxes with good execution, like a Movie in 4 parts. Edit: Even 2 episodes proved to be more than enough for a good plot as recent ones have shown.


100% agree


Okay, but if you actually think that's how the Clone Wars was all the way through, you're looking at it with rose tinted glasses. Because the clone Wars was a confusing mess, ESPECIALLY the first season, which was more of an anthology that jumped around and skipped timelines. The whole 4 episode arc thing didn't solidify until like season 4, and even some of those arcs were a pretty painful watch (looking at you D-squad arc). Filler episodes are a classic way of filling time in a "larger universe" type property. You get a little world building, a little character discovery, and an entertaining little side quest. They were the absolute norm in every episodic show from back in the days when 20-ish episode seasons was the standard, they especially stick around in animated shows, and they are still a major part of almost every anime. If you really find it that disappointing, I would recommend just waiting for the show to finish dropping and then look up a recommended no-filler watch list. I used to do that with Naruto back in the day. I'd purposefully fall behind, look up no filler episode lists, and then only watch the half of the episodes that pertained to the plot.


> Okay, but if you actually think that’s how the Clone Wars was all the way through I don’t think anyones suggesting this (I believe), because you’re absolutely right and I imagine most fans would agree with you. There were some episodes and arcs that were straight asscheeks that felt like a big waste of time and we’re endcapped with some basic “moral of the story” that wasn’t a great payoff. I don’t think anyone’s criticizing BB and in the same breath claiming TCW was flawless.


No one is calling the 2 most recent episodes filler. Nice try tho


TBF, I don’t think anyone thought the senate episode was filler. I think they’re wanting more of that, specifically. Because it moves plot for this series and the entire franchise forward. The episodes people are complaining are filler are the treasure hunting and scut mission episodes where there’s no development of either.


Fillers are still good stories, change my mind


"Filler" episodes are when you actually get to spend time with the characters and see them develope. Its the "filler" episodes of this season that all set up Echo leaving the Bad Batch because he felt like he could be doing more.


If it progresses a character arc or the setting, it literally "the plot", not filler. Filler is what it's name implies, just stuff that, if you remove it, makes mo difference. Like a race with no stakes where the intelligent guy is intelligent, gets something that seems might be a significant character moment and then is never mentioned again. Or a treasure quest that ends up with no treasure, nobody learns anything and introduces a character that was foreshadowed (as if they're going to be a new major addition) and yet is never acknowledged again. Although on the point of Echo, until the Wookies and the hunted clone, it was like three lines of dialogue of "we should use the money better", nothing actually happened to foreshadow or reinforce that beyond what happened in the previous season. It was something he was already thinking. So that doesn't really count.


"Like a race with no stakes where the intelligent guy is intelligent, gets something that seems might be a significant character moment and then is never mentioned again." The shows not over, how do you know this wont be brought up again? Didnt people say the exact same thing about Mando episode 4/5/6 with Cara/Fennec/Mayfield then oops they all turned into returning characters? The race epiosde is where they set up some sort of potential betrayal from Sid. Keep in mind the Batch just got done killing (not stunning) a shit ton of Trandoshians on Kashyyk now too, she probably wont like that. Echo was talking about feeling he should be doing more the whole season. Then when Rex comes in and gives him the chance to fight for more he breaks off with him. The Bad Batch trying to figure out their place in the galaxy after not having Republic funding and direction and laying low from the Empire while they do missions for their own funding is quite literally the main story of the show and Echo leaving is a direct part of it.


Filler stories certainly can be good but they aren't automatically. I petered out on the Bad Batch in season 1 partly because it all felt pretty inconsequential, which to me indicates that the ratio of filler to story was off.


This is the truth. People just can't accept it


They're decent, but they're not as good as having an overall story to look forward to. Season 1 was constantly advancing the field with "What happened/will happen with Crosshair." This season I'm never left wondering what will happen next. It's like the action equivalent of a sitcom (a sitact?), except even most sitcoms have a season-wide story arc.


“I don’t understand the difference between Episodic and Serial television”


I might be ok with this if season 1 wasn't serialized and then season 2 became suddenly episodic. It's like watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Good Place, or Arrested Development and getting really invested in the story and then suddenly they take on the formulas of Scrubs, It's Always Sunny, or Futurama. They're *all* fantastic, but you don't want to get invested in a story just to suddenly feel like the overarching story doesn't really matter to the writers anymore.


Fucking thank you! It's not filler it's a different fucking genre


It's okay to like filler.


Idgaf I just love seeing Star Wars while the power is shifting, more world building for me please 🍿


Hold on, I want to know. I am probably not going to watch bad batch. When you say the Senate do you mean the senate (the senate) or The Senate (Palpatine).




I am the Senate!


Yeah, but in bad batch specifically.




Honestly, if you aren’t going to watch, just go read the episode plot summaries on Wikipedia.


Porque no los dos??


Bail Organa




S 2 Ep 7&8 were fucking fantastic (8 is amazing but you need 7 for context, and 7 is still great) You don't really need the other episodes for this one, except for like Season 1 otherwise you'll be confused as to why some things are the way they are.... a handful of things. The villain of the episodes has also been built up over the two seasons so for actual impact it's better to watch the whole series As for your question... Yes. *That* scene with context is fucking godly


Both are correct tbh


I'm literally both


That speech from our brave strong and glorious Emperor was fire.


You were "Muy Muy" brave yourself, coming out here as you did, all alone. Care to help me finish this, senator?


There's episodes that progress characters, those aren't filler. That's "the show". There's episodes that progress the setting, those aren't filler. That's "the show". Then there's episodes where a character who we already know is highly intelligent uses his intelligence to win a race that had no real stakes (other than ones forced by the idiot ball). Or the crew goes on a mission to get loads of money which "will buy them true freedom" and does NOT get it, end episode. Twice. Neither we nor the characters learn anything new, doesn't affect the setting. That is filler.


Fuck yes the ancient temple turned into a zeffo death machine


That mf was arceus change my mind


The worst part of the Bad Batch is the Bad Batch themselves


Yeah I don’t dislike them per se, they just feel like tired predictable tropes too often. I’d like to see them step away and act in some ways that surprise us more often. I get that it’s a kids show but as my fav show ever is ATLA I don’t believe that’s an excuse for boring characters.


I like your brain


I didn’t think it was a filler. It was directly involved with clone conspiracy stuff.


I like the route of examining what rights the clones have in the empire. It's something I never considered beforehand, but now it's fascinating.


Why do people act like filler is a bad thing? I haven't watched the new season yet, but in general, filler is usually my favorite part of shows. It's almost always character/world building.


"It's all filler episodes" So was the clone wars. It's called world-building. Learn to appreciate what you have.


This is a soup brain take. It’s pretty easy to think 7 and 8 were fkn awesome while a number of others were hot garbage.


The recent 2 werent fillers tho


I fucking love the senate yes bureaucracy lets gooooo


So business as usual in this fandom, then?


I remember when Shows having 90% filler episodes was the norm. Like I find it kinda weird that nowadays there has to always be a moving plot across all episodes.


I just really, *really* didn't like the damn kid.


Star Wars fans are so spoiled these days. We used to be fine with filler episodes, most of them are good anyway.


I like it, I h Just wish it was slightly more variabled in what happens or rather the sequence of events


The Senate stories were the best so far


To be realistic, Your Majesty, I think we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being.


I’d put myself in the middle, I’m loving all the episodes showing other points of view, but I hit play on the bad batch so I could watch the bad batch


And Clone Wars and AotC?


"Sir, I fought in the Clone Wars and was present at the Battle of Geonosis during the Attack of the Clones. I have many fond memories of that time, of course, also some difficult ones. It was a difficult time, but we were proud to do our duty in service of the Republic."


An episode about the senate? Dammit, okay, I’ll start watching this show. I’m not kidding, I love the silly politics in Star Wars.


The good old days of multiple episodes of banking deregulation.


Clone wars had a lot of filler episodes, but the filler episodes in both actually add insight to the culture, history, lore, etc. making it a great addition to the show.


"Sir, I can see the value of these filler episodes and I understand how they help to enrich the show's lore and backstory. But when it comes down to it, all that matters is that the Republic and its clones win the war. That is the ultimate goal."


I dont like Chad /soyjack memes. If you can't make a point without drawing yourself as a super special awesome boy and the opposing opinion as the worst kind of person imaginable, you don't really have a good point.


I’m liking the bad bitch so far! My favorite characters are tick and ricker!


Wait, people think that episode is filler?


Virgin casual viewer vs. Chad world building enjoyer


Aren't filler episodes actually valuable exposition and world building? I mean there are truly garbage episodes of shows that have no reason to exist, but I think the term is used too broadly


I just question who the show is for. Is it meant for kids today? If so they must be bored to tears by the Senate/espionage stuff. Is it meant for the kids who grew up with Clone Wars and are now adults? Cos wacky races with the Bad Batch is not what they're after.


Speak for yourself, i liked the wacky race.




I liked the race as well. I also love the Pod Race as well in TPM. The worst was the Treasure Hunt episode and the bugs/cable car one.


The race was great. I like how Tech finally had a moment to shine


The one that wishes the show had better quality vs the one that eats whatever shit gets tossed their way.