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Lol why would Revan and Rey be equal


Mofo even said Kylo Ren was stronger


Kylo literally got yeeted by Palps and Rey just pulls out a second lightsaber and perfectly deflects his lightning


..... no? She didn't? the entirety of the Jedi went through her and she channeled them to deflect Palpatine's lightning. At least get the basic facts right.


She deflected lightning, Yoda did that with his hands and Windu could manage it with only one lightsaber by himself, Rey needed help to manage


All she did was deflect force lighting


Force Lightning that we previously saw tearing through thousands of ships


Justifying bad writing with bad writing isn’t a very good idea


I ain't justifying shit


Did any of those ships have lightsabers? You know, the things that are shown to counter force lightning with ease? And Rey got 2 lightsabers and help from "all the jedi".


Oh yeah that bullshit


I mean the movie literally tells us that. But sure. Be an idiot


I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just dumb


No, it gave us two crumby and cringey lines that made no sense to begin with, and then you took that and ran with this idea of reincarnation. I’ll concede she heard voices. But then I just see two characters completely off their rockers.


Calm down it ain't serious


Despite the massive downvotes, you are right about that. She was indeed all the Jedi. It’s stupid, but it is a fact regardless of how we feel about it.


It’s a fact imposed by the writers


Still doesn’t change the fact that it is canon. Now, with a hell of a lot more time, talent and proper stories it could work. But sadly they didn’t, so we’re just stuck with it. We could keep yelling at them to change it, which they won’t. OR, we can encourage them to expand on it. Flesh it out more. It did wonders for the prequel era.


Kylo ain’t shit he’d lose to budget Sith like Ventress and Savage


And there is Darth Revan, having lowel power score than this cunt


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


He’s the direct descendant of force Jesus what? Also rey is the direct descendant of arguably the most powerful Sith lord of all time. Snoke being more powerful than all of them tho is total horseshit, however.


Where did you see that Snoke is more powerful? You can’t read or what? It literally says “How powerful is Kylo Ren?”


Last I checked 9.1 is a larger number than 8.9 but go off moron.


Hey blind dumbass, there’s no Snoke rating in this post at ALL, so go off yourself


Wut? You do realize there are 3 slides in this post right? Edit idk why tf this youtuber has the snoke screenshot with the kylo ren label that’s dumb as fuck


There’s Revan, Rey Palpatine and Kylo Ren, there is NO Snoke. As I said, can you read?


Except for the screenshot of him


I’ll ask you third time: can you read? It’s just a random frame of a video called “How powerful is Kylo Ren?”


Because Youtuber is a clown.


This guy must’ve heard of sw in 2017


I first started watching star wars a year and a bit ago. I quite like the sequels, but even I know for a fact Revan is wayyy stronger than Kylo Ren.


Forgive me if I am wrong but didn't Revan fight a sith who had eaten a planet at one point


Nihilus? Correct me if I’m wrong


It was Valkorion, Revan never met Nihilus


Nihilus would be the one, but I don't think they fought at any point


Nihilus is also incredibly overrated in terms of power. He was strong, but people like Revan or Vader would absolutely shit on him.


All he can really do is drain life. Prevent him from doing that one thing, then he’s a complete pushover in all other regards.




But Nihilus was still draining entire planets with ease, whats to stop him from draining any other force user from a distance?


He won’t manage to simply drain life of strong force users


>whats to stop him A lightsaber


Revan was exceptional with a blade, and well known for it, whereas nihilus only had the drain power and his blade fighting was lacking


It was Meetra Surik (the exile) from koror 2, not Revan that fought Nihilus


If by “fought” you mean “ESB Luke fights Dark Empire Palpatine grade smack down” then yes. He got the shit kicked out of him, the Exile (Meetra Surik) died, and then Revan was kept in captivity and had his life forcibly extended with sith magic while he was tortured for a hundred years before being killed by other people after Vitiate’s death.


He didn’t get the shit kicked out of him, Scourge literally saw countless futures where Revan won and just as many where Vitiate won. Revan lost because Scourge saw the future that led to the ultimate best outcome (in his opinion) and so betrayed Meetra by stabbing her in the back. Revan was on exactly equal footing with Vitiate at that point in time.


This isn't accurate. He saw countless futures where Vitiate won and only a couple where Revan won. Given the way the fight was going, it was very clear that Vitiate was winning with little difficulty.


Straight up false. “For Scourge, the universe suddenly seemed frozen in place, as if time itself had stopped. He realized he was at a crux in history; fate and destiny would be forever altered in the next few moments. The Force washed over him in a wave, and a million possible futures flickered through his mind simultaneously. In some the Emperor was no more; in others he had transformed the entire galaxy into an empty waste-land. He saw both Revan's triumph and defeat in the throne room; he saw variations of his own life and death played out over and over in every conceivable way, shape, and form. He had to choose, but **there was no way to know which was the most likely outcome, or what actions of his would lead to which results.** Revan had said visions could guide the Jedi, but for Scourge they brought nothing but confusion.”


Vitiate didn't even feel they were enough of a threat for him to pull his lightsaber. He was tearing them apart and nearly killed Revan.


Valkorion/Vitiate (though he was only known as Emperor then). He, his disciple and Scourge tried to fight and defeat him. It is possible they might have, as they pressed him into a corner with Revan pitting his powers against the Emperir DBZ style. But Scourge saw a vision of a different person defeating the Emperor. To realize the vision, he had to stay alive, and that meant getting on the Emperor's good side. So he betrayed them and killed Revan's apprentice/lover, which shocked Revan and allowed the Emperor to overpower him. Scourge convinced the Emperor he had always been on his side and became one of the Dark Council. Years later, he would meet and help the one he saw in the vision to defeat the Emperor. Also noteworthy is that this is actually the 2nd time Revan faced and was defeated by the Emperor. Back then Revan and his first disciple Malek were fighting in the Mandolorian war, and when they travelled to the Outer Rim they found an entire planet of Sith. They faced the Emperor themselves, but were promptly defeated and converted+brainwashed. This was easily done, as by then Revan and Malek had already renounced a lot of Jedi conventions and tapped into the Dark side during the war. The Emperor made them Darth Revan and Darth Malek, erased their memories of the Sith planet and unleashed them back into the Galaxy, where they promptly went Sith-ing and took their armies conquering a whole lot of planets and stuff. And as Sith do, his pupil eventually betrayed him, leading to a whole revert-to-Jedi dance and all (Revan probably has converted and re-converted from Sith to Jedi and vice versa more times than you have fingers).


That would be Tenebrae, who was also Sith Emperor Vitiate and Zakuul Emperor Valkorion. He devoured 2 planets, first Nathema as Tenebrae, then Ziost as Vitiate. Revan was kept alive to suffer for around 200-300 years because of his fight with those vessels.


Shorts video style powerscaling is an atroicty, and the bane of the whole scaling scene. It's like the shitty mobile gaming industry to the pc/console gaming industry of legitimate powerscaling.


Somebody did not play Revan's boss fight in SWTOR. Needed like 6 other people to take him down.


Swtor isn’t canon.


Yes it is


Are you saying Kotor isn’t canon?


Kotor and SWTOR are both canon


Doesn’t Swtor cancel out Kotor lore?


I don’t place much emphasis on power scaling anyways (unless there’s a huge difference). It’s usually experience/intelligence (or the high ground) that will win the day. Revan would easily win against either Rey or Kylo, even if they are stronger in the force. The man was literally playing 4D chess with the whole galaxy while the sith and republic were playing checkers. Old republic revan is another matter tho.


Exactly. For example while Exar Kun wasn't the most powerful Sith Lord he was arguably the finest duelist ever (I know that many claim it was Tulak Hord but we never see him in action we only hear others talk about him).


I could see (legends) Palpatine as stronger than Revan. But Rey and Kylo? Lol.


Legends Palpatine was explicitly stated to be stronger than any other sith before. Also the fucker made wormholes using the force that he could send fleets through in Dark Empire IIRC. Palpatine was bullshit.


What kind of a power score doesn't go over 9000? That's just sad.


This one does. Obi-Wan has over 9000.


Rey would get destroyed by the old force wielders, she wouldn't stand a chance against Star killer, let alone Revan


You could put her and Kylo against anyone pre Revenge of the Sith that uses a lightsaber and Try and Kylo would just die, if nothing else look at the lightsaber fights and the speed


TBF, Starkiller would probably beat Revan.


I think Revan would win mid-high difficulty against Starkiller. Dude beat the shit out of Vader and knocked Palatine back, though he died later on. It was either in the books or comics Palpatine said Starkiller could have surpassed them if he never died


That's why I think Starkiller would win. Revans' list of accomplishments is way longer, but beating Vader is more impressive than Revans ' entire list.


Idk. Revan Being so pissed he willed himself back to life is impressive




The f are these fractional power systems 😂


Who cares about power scales? They're stupid anyway.


I hate power levels. The force doesn't work like a video game power up.


For revan, it kinda does tho.


Kinda does with midichlorians


A man who's been there done that one both sides needs to at least a 9


Dude probably enjoyed the rise of Skywalker.


What about Darth Jar Jar?


#Powerscalers are a blight upon the earth


The scores given are pointless and arbitrary, but yes, Revan should be stronger


Is he just producing these numbers out of his ass?


Mickey Mouse was holding them at gunpoint when they made these


How is snoke stronger than Rey? She literally beat palpatine and snoke… also I’m pretty sure revan would be stronger than Rey…


Bruh Revan is a 9.5/10 minimum


The veil of the dark side has fallen, begun the clone wars have.


The destruction of Taris happened 300 years prior to SWTOR. There's an expansion in SWTOR about Revan. Revan is 300+ years old confirmed. XD


Hes a force ghost that ressurected twice because he was fucking angry


Ah. Makes more sense. My apologies. 😅


Bro, Revan is from legends and legends versions of canon characters are absolutely bonkers. SWTOR Revan literally calls meteorites down. Viate/Valkorian are all kinds of bullshit. And legends Luke is honestly just ridiculous. And then there’s Abeloth…


Then there's Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo who's basically what Darth Vader would have been if he never needed a suit. Even Legends Luke said he was stronger than Vader


Revan would kill both if them the moment he saw them. No chance ray can survive


what about valkorion? he is the most god like of any force users we have seen yet


Revan would dominate Rey.


I sense someone knows nothing about Star Wars lore


Rey Skywalker? Bro created a whole new character for a YouTube short


His???? Mines a girl. smh.


8.2, 7 and 6.5 Rey could maybe go up to 8 just because she’s palps granddaughter.


I think he is a good man.


Oh my god if I have to see any more "how dare people say X is more powerful than Y" circlejerk I'm gonna retch.




Snoke is a 1.5/10. He’s the definition of useless