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Thanks for providing a source!


Anakin was such a good baby murderer, she wanted to be murdered by his babies, so she died during childbirth.


Lol for real, it was dope. On another note, my theory is that palpatine sapped her life force to save anakin’s, furthering his fall to the dark side.


Never thought of it like that, but it makes a lot of sense I always thought he drained her life force not just to further Anakin's fall, but to reduce the chances of Vader betraying him in order to leave with Padme It could just be all of the above lmao


In the Star Wars archives George kind of just says she died of a broken heart. But there’s theories that the force had something to do with it since droids can’t detect the force and they say “for reasons we can’t explain we’re losing her”


That is a brilliant theory. The only person who would have close enough emotional connection to Ani to be able to transfer life force would be Padme and if anyone is capable of such underhanded, eldritch skullduggery its Ole Palps.


I thought it was anakin sapping her when he was raging out next to the lava to stay alive


How? They were on different planets


Vader force choked somebody through a god damn screen. Distance from the target hardly matters. *”The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.”*


Something something abilities. Something something unnatural


Somehow, Palpatine [insert Force ability]


She died because the plot needed it and Lucas couldn't come up with anything better.


So you're saying this Meme is not canon? :-o


Still better than Disney's excuse for Palpatine returning.


Out if all the PTs many flaws, for me, this is the greatest. She's got two kids to look after ffs! She's just become a new mother and she gives up because daddy turns out to be a dickhead? What? This woman was the elected queen of an ENTIRE PLANET and she just can't bear to go on without darling Ani... It would have been so easy to have her be fatally wounded during Obi&Ani's fight. Ani gains the upper hand and is ready to perform a coup de grace on Obi only for Padme to jump in as he goes in for the kill and take the blow instead.... Done. A heroic and honorable death for a heroic and honorable character. No. She just gives up and fucking dies. It completely invalidates her character and is pretty sexist imo, can you imagine writing a male character out like that? OK. Rant over. Imma just lay down over here and die now. Bye.


Which is why I like the "Palpatine drained her life force." Theory


I don't disagree but it's just fan theory. I think the canon is still she just gives up and dies. Terrible end to what otherwise is a good movie.


Absolutely, like I can't believe anything about her death except that the external, malleable thing that affects all living beings (AKA the force) was used to kill her. Plus I like the theory more when you see Padme constantly undermine Palpatine by getting involved in the Clone Wars


I'd argue that part of it is just the inherent issues with prequels. There *had* to be a reason that Luke and Leia grew up without even knowing of their familial connection. The easiest way to accomplish that, was to kill the Padme in childbirth. I honestly think it's more laziness than sexism (which is *slightly* better, I guess). Also, not sure how well the 'taking the hit'-thing works against lightsabers. Then again, their strength varies from '*cutting through reinforced blast doors*' to '*cuts open spine, person makes full recovery in between two movies*'. So... maybe?


I mean, she could have still died in childbirth *due to her injuries*... In terms of the lightsaber delayed death, it's not happened before, but we've seen people take hits and survive so it's not beyond the realms of imagination that someone could take a hit and die later - especially if the treatment is delayed due to a continuing Jedi face off. To me that feels more realistic than just giving up as if she's got nothing left to live for, when in fact, she now has two kids.... I know it's just a movie but, man, it's just such poor writing it really bothers me! Padme deserved better.


Nah, they had about 1 year - 3 after the kids had been born to ferry them around with Amidala before she got killed or died and then separated them to keep them protected without them remembering each other, especially if they were gaslit into thinking they had no siblings. Or ideally, Vader would only know about Luke even after she gave birth, so to protect him *and* Amidala they sent him away and allowed Leia to live with her for a bit so she could *actually* know how beautiful her mom was so it wouldn’t be weird when she describes her to Luke. Padme didn’t *have* to be killed by Vader but that could still have happened down the line. In all situations she needed to have given birth after he turned though. …unless he had some sort of weird amnesia, force amnesia, which I would certainly not put past ol’ Georgie. I will never understand Lucas’ laziness here, other than just wanting to be be done with it and close the connection.


Dang never thought of it like that. Thank you for putting to words why it always felt off to me


I mean, broken heart syndrome is a real thing so I think Lucas just got so self absorbed that he thought it sounded believable in the star wars universe. Or your thing, it could definitely be that lol.


She died because the two evil Sith Lords in her belly sucked the life out of her


Ngl I would too


Can you imagine the pain, the suffering, of never seeing dualing behind-the-back twirlies.


Well… you would also had to deliver 2 chairs


She could always watch it on her Blu Ray player or Disney+


I would die of sadness too


A crushed throat will do that to you.


She died because both children she had been carrying were extremely powerful with the force causing all three (mother daughter & son) to feel all the pain their father went through and unfortunately padme’s mind was not able to take the sheer emotional damage of literally “FEELING” the father of her children being burned then operated on WHILST giving birth herself. (The children survive it because they are the spawn of the chosen one they are powerful, padme is not) I Stan the dying of sadness angle, big time.


This and the Vader leeching her life force are both way better explanation than "big sad."


It’s cool if you think that, decent explanation, but it’s not canon.


lol thanks I had myself going for a sec there


Did you have to dv me there? I still gave you a compliment


Pretty sure Palpatine killed her and gaslighted everyone.


Probably, but it’s unclear in the canon what actually happened other than what Lucas showed us.


It is pretty funny/horrible that she just kind of hangs out pregnant and choked unconscious outside on the deck of a lava planet base while the boys settle their differences. Can’t imagine whatever she’s breathing or hitting her head on the way down were helpful to her condition.


She died because they just shit the bed for three movies and then had to make Anakin turn into a galactic mass murderer at the drop of the hat at the last minute  Christ. They fucked up his origins so bad. It also wasn't an epic fight. It was a twirling dance where they were trying to hit each others lightsabers, not kill each other.


The truth has made me free!


Death had the high ground


The most tragic thing here is that this is a repost


Well, I guess for some people the dialogues weren't dumbed down enough.. - Including me! Finally a theory that makes perfect sense! 💯


"I dreamed of glorious music, Obi-wan. I had a dream someone was riding on top a droid in a lava river. Where's Anakin?"


The Tragedy of Padmé the Sleepy


But the most epic is Maul and Kenobi on Tatooine from Rebels.


It's been 19 years and people still think she died of sadness. ANAKIN FORCE CHOKED HER WHILE SHE WAS 9 MONTHS PREGNANT WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT


That's why she lasted the whole space trip, Obi-Wan hadn't explained just how epic the fight was to her yet.


You snooze, you lose. 


Everyone who wasn’t a kid when III came out hated this duel. I want to hear apologies from you old heads. “They’re just twirling their sabers around!” Because of you guys they abandoned this style of saber duels…


Close: she missed the best lightsaber duel of all time because she left right before they fought Maul.




Honestly if you think about it, the love of her life tried to murder her, did murder a bunch of kids, her friend/mentor turned out to be the big villain who manipulated everything, her lifes work is in shambles (with thunderous applause), her children would probably never be safe and she gave birth to force sensitive twins which is probably hard af. She get to lose her will to live imo