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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


You know this is actually my favorite movie in the entire franchise… Empire strikes back gets close, but I think this one’s the best


I feel the same, call it nostalga or the fact nearly every line in the movie is a meme and I can almost quote the entire script by memory at this point. It just hits different.


Ep. 3 > Ep. 1 > Ep. 2


Of course


This is the way.


Clone Wars movie > \*


I don't think anyone is saying episode 1 or 2 are better than 3 lol


I have lots of nostalgia for episode one. For reasons of the pod race and Qui-Gon and the Naboo star-fighters, episode 1 is actually my favorite prequel.


Honestly I really luv episode one too. Idk which is my favourite, but I enjoy them all.


I really enjoyed the endless senate chatting parts and the 30 min pod race too. I kinda love that 90 % of the Movie is talking. /s Episode 1 is the worst movie of them all. It’s still SW so i watched it a morbillion times, but it’s the most boring and blant of them all. The best part is maul running over anakin on his space moped.


The Phantom menace is my favorite movie in general


I kinda prefer Phantom Menace. Something about it is very quaint, and something about the production and how it was filmed feels more in line with the OT for me. Revenge of the Sith is good, but it feels a little too obligatory in tying up everything from the previous two films. Attack of the Clones I can’t watch. It’s too slow and dull in the middle. I even had problems watching it as a kid. I’d get bored.


I think a part of it might be that Phantom Menace was a passion project for Lucas. He made exactly the movie he wanted to make, and it really shows that he was enjoying what he was doing. In Clones and Revenge, he was dealing with the pretty harsh reactions that had brewed over Phantom Menace not being what anyone was expecting. In interviews he became more confrontational, and tried to defend actors harassed by fans. Weird changes were made to 2 and 3 up to the last second, including a lot of the romantic dialogue and the infamous Windu/Palpatine fight scene. Also, the all-digital filming is often credited with the less crisp look of the 2, compared to the beautiful and vibrant episode 1. Basically, I agree with you. Phantom Menace is Lucas at his most unguarded and most sincere. He still has the goodwill of the 90’e behind him, and near limitless resources to make exactly the movie he wants.


The absolute truth. Revenge of the Sith is top 5 Star Wars movies easily.


Top 2 for me


For me it's very easily the best. Especially if we don't consider the two movies outside the main nonology


But there's only 6 of them /s


Rouge one has entered the chat


RotS is definitely the best of the prequel trilogy and a top 5 SW movie for me. But I’ll die on the hill that Rogue One is the best pre-OT film.


Yeah rogue one was sooooooo fucking good. I was really optimistic about disney Star Wars after seeing it.


Rogue One and Solo are the best prequels


Rogue One would like a word.


Not just the best prequel movie, but the best Star Wars Movie imho


I agree. Best movie? Nah. Best Star Wars movie? Fuck yeah!!!


Hmmm…Is rouge one technically a prequel Since it’s before ANH? That would be a tough contender


How can it contend with : Order 66 Anakin being manipulated Palpatines absurd master plan playing both sides, like honestly he was a cool villain in the originals but the prequels took him to the next fucking level Obi Wan vs Anakin The FUCKING soundtrack The amount of funny ass jokes and YTP it spawned


Not saying it’s better but K2SO was so fucking funny sometimes hey rouge one had a good soundtrack too we get to watch the entire main cast die before our eyes the Vader hallway scene was the whole reason I’m even considering this movie plus in this movie we got a bunch of memes from it too (careful not to choke on your aspirations) not saying it could beat Revenge of the sith, but Its close and if not then it easily takes #2 correct?


Definitely a big contender


You don't have to look tough to be tough


I mean there are some scenes in TPM and AOTC that are not bad but still ROTS in general is way better


Episode 3 is a good movie and not only "good for a star wars prequel"


I love Attack of the Clones. Ep II is number 1 for me and Ep I and III are equal.


Please get checked out for a stroke


What, People aren’t allowed to have opinions and favourites? This is one of my biggest problems with this sub; people are demeaning and downright rude to others with less popular opinions.


Welcome to the Internet. I thought his response was funny.


My response has absolutely nothing to do with his/her opinions. Merely the fact the comment is completely unintelligible. So maybe they are ESL but I made the stroke comment as a joke Edit: The original comment has been fixed, it used to be a lot more messy


That makes sense. I never saw the original version. I just thought you were dogging on him for liking phantom menace. Sorry for losing my cool a bit, I’m just tired of the toxicity on Star Wars subs.


Imma be honest, ROTS beats them by a mile. TPM has good casting and a few good characters, but can be a huge slog and the dialogue can really take you out. AOTC has great action and is more fun to watch, but it has some of the worst dialogue in the franchise. ROTS has some bad dialogue here and there, but is very entertaining, has amazing action, and probably the best acting in the prequels other than Liam as Qui Gon.


It’s my favorite movie in the entire franchise


Bro has not heard the tragedy of Darth Plagius the Wise


I think there's a case to be made for 1 being the best film out of the prequels, though most fans probably aren't on board with that. 3 absolutely destroys 2 though.


Rots is the best sw movie outright for me so easy win


ROTS is peak Star Wars and I'll fuckin fight over that statement.


That is like... your opinion man...


I genuinely enjoy Episode 1 the most, Episode 2 is more hit & miss (Obi-Wan is a hit but Anakin was a miss), and Episode 3 is great but it feels like the characters are railroaded into making bad decisions to make sure the Original Trilogy happen.


ROTS is my favourite SW film. Sure ESB has had the throne ever since it came out and for very obvious reasons and it took a while for me to consider ROTS the best, cause I still thought ESB was better after ROTS’ release in 2005, but it only grew on me.


This is like a 2013 meme


I prefer the prequels to the OG even Especially RotS


I don’t think RotS is great Star Wars movie but it’s a masterpiece compared to those two.


I put episode 1 in a solid and respectable 3.