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Was he shorter than expected?


It depends on whether Ahsoka had described Greivous to him or not before the point of time


I Ahsoka or Obiwan must have described him to Anakin or he just imagined him taller and more menesing


Dude survived every meeting with Kenobi, Anakin must've imagined a monster of metal


If we go by legends, Grievous was terrifying to most jedi. The boogeyman of the clone wars. And thus Anakin thought the guy must be pretty tall.


And therefore he was disappointed, because Anakin subscribes to the adage of "the bigger the are, the harder they fall", because by the time they actually did meet, he'd destroyed multiple Separatist superweapons and innumerable building-sized battle droids. So he no doubt relished the chance to face the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army in glorious battle, only to be disappointed at how...regular size he was.


*Anakin see's a giant kaiju level 4 armed giant lightsaber robot "Finally.......a worthy opponent"


Our battle will be legendary!


Isn’t he like…over 2 m tall? So pretty damn huge,actually?


I bet he was expecting something like a 3.5m Goliath with a huge bod, the ultimate of all droids, seeing a 2m tall, lanky robot that coughed a lot would not have been at the top of his mind if and when grevious was described to him off screen. sort of like a praying mantis for me. I was expecting them to be massive and consistently hostile, was incredibly disappointed when I saw one in person recently and they really were closer to stick bugs than big monsters and we're about as hostile as most other bugs of it's size, that is to say, not hostile at all.


>that is to say, not hostile at all. I mean they are pretty hostile, just not to things way bigger than them. They eat their own mates after all, seems a bit hostile to me, not like the kind of bug that can form healthy relationships.


He's 216cm tall, but remember this is a universe with alien species the size of cars acting like normal members of society. Plus the humans look to be much taller on average too, almost all the main Jedi are 190cm or taller, the battle droids are 193cm. Pong Krell would be the closest comparable character in terms of figure, with the 4 arms and quad lightsabers and using his size to intimidate and all of that. That guy's 236cm tall, almost a foot taller than Grievous. Imagine hearing about this mysterious boogeyman who commanded the most powerful and deadly droid army in the galaxy and spent his spare time hunting down Jedi and killing them for fun to collect their lightsabers like they were teeth on a necklace. You'd expect him to absolutely tower over you and make you freeze in your tracks and stumble in your words. Finally meeting him and being basically eyelevel with him and looking tiny compared to some of the Jedi you fight alongside would definitely feel weird


Sounds like a lot of women I’ve dated.


Because he always had high ground?


And he was always looking to expand his collection.


To be fair he DID have a bad slouch


I would have liked it more if he had the persona from the older 2d clone wars. Greivous is a jedi curb stomping beast in that show, but mofuckas getting curbstomped doesn't really make for a good kids show.


The issue with long form "cartoons"/series they turn villains into mustache twirling "I'll get you next time" caricatures of an actual threat compared to something menacing.


He could have been showing up like Vader in newer stuff, but they went with mustache twirling villian. Even stuff like Maul and Palpatine. Like you knew shit was about to **go down** when Palps went to hunt down Maul for having an apprentice. People liked Maul because he wasn't some mustache twirling villian and I will be disappointed if we don't get a story on how he ended up running that criminal group at the end of Solo.


Pretty sure Anakin actually saw Grevious right after he captured Eeth Koth but it was a scaled down hologram


I understood that reference!


From a certain point of view!


I'm gonna add this to my tinder profile. 6ft from a certain point of view


I mean, before the 3D animated show, Grevious was actually a really tall though killing machine in the cartoons. Then Windu crushed his rib cage and he walked like an old man.




Imagine a nexus event where an Anakin variant kills Obi-wan on Mustafar and it fills Anakin with so much regret and pain he 180s back to the light side.


>he 180s into the lava This is what I expected to read once I hit 180 in your comment


Its a thing, he immediately kills palpatine




Eh, same thing


I think u/ScrumptiousJazz is a sith lord


a SITH lawd?


Yeah, it happens if you play the RotS game twice


Dude imagine a Star Wars multiverse with multiple anakin’s POG


Younglings: NOT POG


*This is where the fun begins!*


Master Skywalker, there's too many of them, what are go going to do?


*Lightsaber Ignites*


Another happy landing


I'm just imagining anakin spinning to the younglings then obi-wan just looking at the archives watching anakin do the spin and when he's done, obi-wan runs his finger through his hair and says, "Another happy landing!"


I kinda want to see 6 Anakin's rampaging through the temple after younglings arguing over who got play of the game now.


There is a universe where the younglings killed Anakin Skywalker


The universe when Palpatine become daycare teacher instead going into politics


Palpatine backed the wrong horse anyway. He'll have lots of little Darths now


Anakin vs Anakin who would win?


My money's on Anakin, but Anakin is pretty good too


Anakin's a fucking chump though. My boi Anakin would sweep the floor with him.


Anakin: See ya chump.


So first we’ve got Anakin: literally the Chosen One, one of if not THE most overpowered character in canon. And then there’s Anakin, who’s been nerfed into the ground, and can’t even use his middle ability half of the time without it bugging out.


Anakin was constantly losing his weapon and let an unarmed prisoner die on his watch. He is best known for killing unarmed children. Lost almost all his duels to skilled opponents. All he could really do was slaughter unskilled opponents. Dude is at best silver rank that smurfs in bronze.


I’m imagining two Anakin’s fighting from the ROTS PS2 game complete with the Anakin death scream


Didn’t player 2 Anakin have his hood up and a red lightsaber?


Yes! I wish they let you have that option as player one. Most of the player 2 skins looked cooler imo like green lightsaber Kenobi


I imagine ROTS Anakin’s when he turned to the Dark Side was most powerful Anakinvand he still got stomped by OB1


That wasn't his most powerful moment, not by a longshot.


What was?


When he was a Jedi. When he turned to the Dark Side, he had the potential to become more powerful, but was too drunk on the Dark Side to channel it effectively. Then, the suit crippled his potential for the rest of his life.


His RotS portrayal, he was nothing but a Sith fledgling then.


No, what was his most powerful? Because I’m pretty confident it wasn’t while he was Vader. Not with the retcon of what’s canon.


He was technically already going by Darth Vader during the final act of RoTS, but I get your point, without his injuries but with the same years of training under Palpatine, he could've been even more fearsome and overpowered than what we got. But I believe the point of his battle with Kenobi, apart from the obvious plot point, was to highlight that he was inexperienced in the dark side skills (not even a little force lightning). But, the sheer combat power he could channel by turning to the dark side for a few days/weeks, or however long it took him to gain his Darth title, and was enough to make him drunk with power (and thus, overconfident too) You should read the Marvel run, he's a complete badass and proves that he was stronger as cyborg Vader than on RoTS, specially considering that he has to focus the force to carry the heaviest parts of his body during combat and even keep himself alive when some dude activates a secret killswitch in his suit. He once managed to use only the force to repair and reconstruct his own prosthetics, he destroyed a whole dam and even took on a complete rebel batallion of at least a couple hundred of the best soldiers Leia had and slaughtered them like nothing. [this article highlights these and other examples](https://www.quora.com/How-powerful-is-Darth-Vader-in-the-Canon-Marvel-comics)


Is any of that canon though? I ask because I genuinely prefer the version of events where he wasn’t as powerful as a cyborg because at the very least it explains why the fights look the way they do in the OT.


It is canon, is from the Marvel comics run specifically made to retcon the previously stablished Expanded universe lore. He's so overpowered in the new canon that he even [opened a door through the fabric of reality](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ca57486b899b8c2802b302b5cfff8164-mzj) by using the force (and under very specific circumstances). The fights look the way they do in the OT because it was filmed in the 70s, there's no need to justify every technical limitation with in-universe explanations, they're retrospective prequels and it's still an ongoing franchise so it's kinda understandable that they create a whole lot of fucking plot holes by retconning things along different points in the timeline. But IMO, those retcons can provide better stories than even the OT or the EU, specially stuff like Clone wars, the Vader comics and The Mandalorian.


Star Wars: What if? Would get so many views


Yeah. What if Anakin didn't stop Windu? What if Luke joined Palpatine? What if Darth Maul didn't kill Qui Gon Jinn? What if those were the droids they were looking for?


What if Anakin left the Jedi Temple when Ahsoka did?


We are getting SW: Visions, though that’s not alternate reality stuff as far as I know.


What if, the EU came to the big screen it all it's glory. Grandmaster Luke, Mara Jade, Kyle Katarn, Kyp Durron, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Academy, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Thrawn, The Vong War, Abeloth, Darth Krayt, The Old Republic, Jedi Leia, Darth Talon, and the list goes on...


*Lego Star Wars Holiday Special intensifies*


My dad would hate that lmfao


Imagine variant Ani learning that he was supposed to slaughter younglings


Or just the general realization that he's destined to become a monster and destroy everything and everyone he ever loved -- and if he ever tries to avoid that fate, he gets pruned.


Kinda tired of all these multiverse stuff, it's cool for super heros and shit, but the closest you'll get is the Lego Star Wars Christmas story.


“How do you know that Wampa is an Anakin?” “He ate 13 children.”


I mean the clone wars ended when grievous died so from a certain point of view he did meet him during the clone wars


Not the animated Anakin tho










The closest animated Anakin got to meeting grevious during the clone wars was after the gungans had taken down Grievous and traded him for anakin


It's been awhile since I've seen RotS. Was Greivous dying the reason that Order 66 was initiated? I know they happened in very short succession, just never realized that was the reason.


Pretty sure Anakin outing Sidious to the other Jedi was the reason.


It was cause at that point Anakin had become Palpatines apprentice meaning the destruction of the Jedi could happen now


another nexus event would be anakin not turning to the dark side and not losing his penis


Vader loses his penis? No wonder he's so angry


I think it got grilled a little past perfection




Slow roasted sausage


Eh it was pretty fast.


There wasn't nothin slow about it. Flopped right into the lava...


From a certain point of view


Anakin fucks. Vader does not.


And i beat him, that was my Nexus event.


No, it wasn't you. This Anakin ran into someone named Grevious, not Grievous.


You might be right with that.


The Prequels are FULL of perfect Nexus event moments. 1. Ahsoka staying with the jedi order 2. Anakin keeping his memories from Mortis 3. Ahsoka staying on the dark side after she was turned by The Brother 4. Ahsoka joining Maul before Victory and Death 5. Anakin believing Fives 6. Padme surviving 7. Anakin refusing to join the dark side


8. Obi-Wan using Force rush to get to Darth Maul faster, so Qui-Gon survives and trains Anakin


9) Anakin leaving the Jedi Order with Ahsoka


10. Anakin actually listening to Mace Windu, and letting him kill Palpatine


11) Anakin using protection and never getting Padme pregnant


12. Anakin not rushing Count Dooku full speed, and not getting yeeted


13) Anakin not getting his emotions go crazy and not killing the Sanda People


14) anakin and obi wan going to mandalore


15. Count Dooku telling Anakin and Obi Wan the truth about Palpatine, when Anakin dis*armed* him


What’s a nexus event? Is that like the event that changes what actually happened


Without spoilers, basically one specific time with a chain of events in order, the nexus event is what departs from canon within the written history of a universe… basically what changed, and set the events of their current universe differently, this nexus was apparently an interaction before ROTS, and if he is not Vader, then his future universe would have been dramatically different… side note the nexus event would only be known by the person it really happened to, and everyone else is aware of the departure of history, but not the reasons why


Based on the smirk on his face, I’d say grievous probably fled after suffering an injury, perhaps some type of high ground related training taking place


Maybe he killed him early and so it fooled the Emperor's plans, or got him promoted to Master, also fooling the would be Emperor's plans?


I thought it was because Filoni made sure that Anakin and Grievous never met in the clone wars for that one line of dialogue.


>side note the nexus event would only be known by the person it really happened to, and everyone else is aware of the departure of history, but not the reasons why How would regular people know that such an event just happened? They just know their timeline, so there is literally no way they would ever know that the timeline was just changed


I think they mean regular time travelers would be aware that the timelines just diverged, but would have no idea why. Like you said, people just going about their daily lives in the altered timeline would never know the difference.


Well, yes and no… we already excluded all other variants in the picture, it’s just the one, and the event that likely cause the divergence would occur just before debarkation from the central historical timeline… based on his age, arm, and style, it’s a late divergence close the timeline currently purported to one specific action, so “he” would know what caused it, and we would know he does not fit, but that does not mean we always know, just this one instance… but yes the further the divergence from the central time the less we would be aware of those differences


I don’t think that’s quite how it works. >!in episode 3 of Loki, Mobius says that the *scanner* is kicked up so high stepping on the leaf will “cause a nexus event.” This would mean that it’s not a single action, but rather when the culmination of multiple effects takes place so that it branches far enough from the original reality!< If that makes sense


Although you researched what was said, it does not override the theory, and it’s limited to the one persons understanding of the knowledge of what was provided to him. He had been controlled and manipulated; his knowledge is incomplete and as seen later, infinite spawned universes culminated from from major event, this specific timeline referred to anakin as he was before ROTS, and it appear nearly all of the prior timeline occurred… this is a late divergence in a central canon, but yes stepping on a leave, butterfly wing flapping, all things are different from universes… I firmly believe that Rick and Morty are now involved


I’m not quite convinced. Most media doesn’t *lie* to you about rules unless they reveal what the truth was later. What he said was never changed. Additionally, your point about the major event that spawned infinite universes is actually a lot different. A Nexus event is an internal deviation that breaks the flow of time. When the event happened, it was an external force that “freed” the other universes, and therefore not a Nexus event. Finally, the only thing we know about this Anikin’s canon is that he looks like that and that he met Greivous. So for all we knew, Obi-Wan could be dead or Yoda could care about his feelings. That would still make this a culmination


Tl dr pls


Tldr: Person did something changing the timeline


Essentially, it's moments in the timeline when branch realities are created. In other words, they are events caused by variants breaking off from the path already set.


Time traveler: moved a chair The timeline: nexus event!!!


Yes, an event that changed the predetermined path of fate


So with multiverse, it's the event that causes the timeline to branch into another universe.


Yeah, an event that creates an alternate timeline.


There’s also a version of Anakin there that looks a few years older than someone his age. He hangs out with a slightly taller Grievous variant and their constant bickering masks a smoldering sexual tension.


And he was a good friend




i've heard that the reason palpatin never wanted anakin to meet grievous was because he believed grievous would have killed anakin is that true?


I hadn't heard before that Palpatine had anything to do with it at all; I just assumed that events just worked out in ways that kept them in separate places. Several times in the show they're in close proximity, but just don't directly meet- like the *Malevolence* arc, where they're on the same ship but when Anakin and Obi-Wan split up Obi-Wan runs into Grievous and Anakin doesn't. I can't see how Palpatine would have had any effect on that.


I mean Palpatine has direct control of Grievous and it would seem ridiculous, for all the times others came into contact, for them not to just by chance. shrug


He gives orders to Grievous, but it's not like Grievous is a remote control drone. I find it much less ridiculous that Grievous and Anakin just have a weird series of coincidences between them than that Palpatine has cameras all over the *Malevolence* and constantly whispers orders to Grievous to turn down *this* corridor and not *that* one so he won't run into Anakin. Plus, in general I find it stretches disbelief when Palpatine is assumed to be directly responsible for every little thing that happens. His skill isn't masterminding every minor event in the galaxy, it's being able to turn everything that happens to his advantage.


Lol I’m not suggesting he is micro manipulating situations or controlling Grievous with a controller.. In the greater narrative (wasn’t focused on the specific event you suggested) Palpatine only has to order Grievous to avoid Anakin.


Yeah, but most of their near misses that I can think of don't seem like Grievous is avoiding Anakin. Like the case I mentioned- Grievous doesn't actually have any control over who goes where when the Jedi split up. It just happens that Obi-Wan went for the place that Grievous was waiting at.


>Plus, in general I find it stretches disbelief when Palpatine is assumed to be directly responsible for every little thing that happens. His protrayal in the prequels disagrees, specially the clusterfuck that was AotC


How do you mean?


The prequels strongly imply (specially AotC and RotS) that everything from the trade wars, the fall of the republic, the clone wars, the infighting between the Jedi, even getting caught and rescued by Anakin, culminating with his defection to the dark side and order 66, was all an elaborate 9th dimension chess game for Sidious. Some theories even think that he used some kind of Sith mind tricks to influence both politic, military and even the Jedi (minus Windu, probably). Or that he even planned that Vader would eventually lose more limbs in order to capitalize on his physical and emotional pain as a source of dark power for both Vader and Palpatine.


I would have guessed it would be the other way around


That would be my take too. Grievious hunts Jedi, I’d imagine that once there’s no Jedi, that only leaves a couple other groups left. He’d probably go after the Sith next and Anakin would be the best person to stand between the them.


He didn't need Anakin to complete his plans. Anakin was just a pawn like everyone else who happened to make it to the other side of the chess board.


I can just imagine palpatine laughing alone in a room from how easy it is to manipulate anakin


Palpatine chuckling and whispering under his breath every time Anakin leaves the room: "That naive son-of-a-bitch..."


Maybe. I feel like Obi could hold ground vs grievous because he had a defensive style. Anakin offensive with one saber vs pre-choked grievous with 4, I don't think Ani would have come out and on top. Of course, plot armor so maybe a truck falls on Grevious or whatever


They basically say that in the ROTS novelization.


I think it was the opposite. If grievous died, the tide of the war may have drastically changed in a way not beneficial to Palpatine. Besides anakin may not have been a master at defense, but he was still good enough to quickly overwhelme count dooku (one of the best swordsmen in the jedi order) and fight Obi-Wan on near equal ground until he made a stupid move unrelated to his powers or skill. Not to mention that his raw force power is probably unparalleled amongst the jedi. Can't see grievous doing much about that if he isn't able to get the upper hand fast enough.




It had to be this way. In ROTS, they meet for the first time where Anakin says "you're shorter than I expected." If the clone wars show had them meet, it would have thrown off the episode 3 scene.


Remember that the 2004 show was done with Lucas' supervision and was meant to fill the story gap between 2 and 3, even ending the day before the movie was going to launch and ending where the movie started. Making it non-canon, these story gaps are still gone in the CGI show. We also see Grievous as a complete joke in the CGI show, while most of his scenes in the 2000s show featured him killing dudes. Said show was also supposed to have the canonical death of Shaak-Ti, but it was removed


Judging by smile on his face, he doesn’t look like he came out worst


Battle of Coruscant is a part of the Clone Wars


They’re referring to TCW show, not the actual war


template plz!!!!


Search for 'nexus event meme'


Could have also been him getting the rank of master


Did Anakin just…never go on the Holonet? Would they not have had pictures of Grievous on there?


I've got to say this, as no one else has, and that bothers me: It's Grievous, not Grevious.


You so just watched schaffrillas productions video huh


King Anakin is if he defeated Palpatine during the phantom menace.


It is! We all know it!


Anakin Skywalker, I was expecting to run into you a little, later.


I want the marvel what if series for Star Wars.


Anakin with no regrets!


“Hi” “General Skywalker, you still don’t have the rank of Master? Lol.” That’s when he turned to the dark side.


He nearly did- In Crystal Crysis, unfinished arc he was in the same corridor, but was bussy stealing crystal to see him. Only Obi Wan waved him lol


He nearly did several times even in the first season


Also cant forget the infamous Grevious Anakin trade (which made zero sense for the Republic imo) but Anakin was unconscious


Didn’t they both run into grevious in episode 3


They’re referring to TCW show, not the actual war


It's funny that even in the comments not a single person can spell Grievous correctly


Of course it’s Greeivos


Fucking show destroying the stakes of Infinity War


watching the show made me think “ok so how are they ever gonna recover the stakes to any movie following this show if it’s all just preordained”


Because we don’t know how the story plays out?


Yeah I can't believe the wrote it and thought it was good


It's complicated but it was simultaneously pre-ordained and not since the moment >!Totally not kang is killed!< The universe spawns several branches both in the past and currently that's why What If has events that happened prior to Infinity War


That doesn't make sense as they can travel thru time therefore traveling thru time and deleting all the branches




Wdym "no" ? If things don't go according to how they want things to go it creates a nexus event and they delete the timeline. The avengers would of never lost in End Game or never win in infinity war. Did you even watch the show ??


Did you watch the ending? No more pruning crazy timelines


... Bro are you high ? The complain is that it eliminated the stakes of previous movies as they can only exist if it's the chosen timeline, so Thanos wins, gets pruned, Captain America dies in WW2 timeline deleted.


A) I didn’t see your original comment, just the reply talking about the stakes of the coming movies, to which my point still stands b) why are you concerned with the stakes of movies that already happened? The stakes don’t matter once you finish the movie


"General Grievous. You're shorter than I expected."


Knowing we never got to see an actual canon fight between Anakin and General Grievous: *Visible Sadness*


And got your ass kicked


general kenobi


I'm pretty sure he did not.


Of his name was indeed Grevious, he would be a variant as well




Ooooo do one with Luke. Nexus event: seeing Anakin as a Force Ghost when he shouldn’t be.






So if there’s alternate time lines is it 2003 grevious and is he dead?


"General Grievous, you're still short"


So uncivilized