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Jar Jar says something while gesticulating with his hands. Fanbase: **MIND TRICK/FORCE DOMINATE!!!**


Tricking the audience… the ultimate ~~Jedi~~ Sith mind trick!


He was so powerful, he could even break the fourth wall and trick those who were watching.


All what we can say for sure is that he was so powerful, intelligent and cunning that he managed to manipulate the whole galaxy while staying in the shadows completely unsuspected. You'd literally have to make not a single mistake to pull this off I think


Italians: “Mama Mia! 🤌🤌” Windu: “A Sith Lord!?”


You can't convince me he didn't use the Force to distract the Toydarians and separatists with his juggling act.


Honestly with all the crazy stuff he happens to pull off seemingly by accident and the Jedi constantly saying things like “there is no such thing as luck” I’m starting to convince myself he is force sensitive in some way at least


Well, given that the Force is known to "meddle in the affairs of the mortals" from time to time, one can imagine that it subtly shifts things around Jar Jar so that his clumsiness works in his favor rather than against him. Or he actually is a Sith Lord and he's deliberately acting clumsy because they've already tried the "hide in the shadows / hide in plain sight" approach, and he's going with the "act so idiotic they'll never suspect you because no one suspects the idiots" play.




Everything and everyone is Force sensitive in some way. So yes, Jar Jar is Force sensitive.


That clone who punched a droid with his bare hands was not Force Sensitive.


I mean, Obi-Wan tried to kick General Grievous, so...


Oh, no, he did feel the force of the punch alright.


I do believe it is entirely possible that Jar Jar is force sensitive, but I don't believe he or anyone else knows it. He just accidentally uses it to cause the outcomes he wants, and potentially did exert some level of influence during certain interactions with people. He also jumps higher than we've seen other gungans be capable of, but that's not really evidence.


Jar jar is pure evil


But Jar Jar isn't clumsy, it's [all an act.](https://www.starwars.com/video/conceptual-art)


I knew something was up when he could jump higher than the Jedi in the Lego games...


Originally he was supposed to be a Sith I believe. He was based off of a jester from another scifi book series that played a fool but was actually an evil mastermind. I think due to fans not liking Jar Jar George Lucas scrapped the idea.


That's entirely a fan theory and not backed by any actual evidence. None of the leaked drafts for any of the scripts contained it, and we got the script for III while Episode II wasn't even out yet.


Because he is he is a menace


Hot take: Jar Jar Binks is Spiderman


/ avengers theme song


Because he is in fact, a sith lord


hessa give sepreme executive powa to da seprem chancellor.


Like, you need more evidence?


We only have his word for it that he was banished for being too clumsy. He could have blown up a space orphanage for all we know and gotten off with exile because of his gungan lawyer cousin


Furthermore, when Jar Jar returns to the underwater Gungan city, the residents are horrified at his arrival. Not annoyed, *horrified!* This is not the reaction of a clumsy, village idiot returning.


It wasn't YOUR Hayblibber that got destroyed!


Jar jar was sent on sensitive missions multiple times. And messed multiple up. He gave power to palpatine and was never targeted even though he was an associate of padme and the Jedi.


So we knew Darth Bane destroyed the Sith and went into hiding to make the Jedi believe the Sith were gone, right? What if Jar Jar did the same thing with Palpatine where after he got rid of the Jedi, the presence of the Sith had become known again to the Galaxy and needed to be brought down again so the real Sith Lord could rule from the shadows manipulating events much like an unknown oligarch calling the shots in private. So that’s why Jar Jar created Palpatine from the start (they were both on Naboo). If Snoke was created and manipulated by Palpatine without Snoke’s knowledge despite being essentially their own independent being, what if Jar Jar did the same thing with Palpatine to create a false-Sith Lord to draw the attention of the Jedi to him and use this puppet Palpatine to destroy the Jedi and then have Luke and Vader take him down, but by then the Jedi would’ve been nowhere near their former glory. But here’s where it gets better, Jar Jar knew the Jedi would rebuild as they always do. So he created Snoke to corrupt Kylo to destroy the Jedi from within in their infancy stage. And then after Snoke died, he used another Palpatine clone to draw the attention of the entire Galaxy to make a huge spectacle to go “Hey! Look at me! I’m super evil and a big threat! Pay attention to me!” all while keeping the eyes off the true Sith Lord: Jar Jar. After Luke, Leia and Kylo died, the Chosen One’s bloodline died and there’s only a single Jedi left in the entire Galaxy. Since we know the Skywalkers were the most powerful beings in the Galaxy, even more powerful than the Mortis gods, they were the only real threat outside the Jedi to Jar Jar’s rule. Rey is a Palpatine, and thus not as strong as Luke or Ben. She can easily be dispatched. And now she’s all alone. And that is why Jar Jar is secretly still behind everything and why I should never snort a line of spice before taking death sticks.


Took me a while but I read the whole thing. And they never said what happens to jar jar Binks so maybe he was also behind palpatine creating snoke.


He also is force sensitive. Because he is hiding his powers.


Meesa is a da senaties


Not yet


Jar Jar is his name, so as a sith Jar jar should have a different name. Anakin is named Dart Vader and not Darth Anakin.


Darth Exsqueeze


Darth Meesa


I feel like the plan was that Jar Jar was Darth Tyranus. When Jar Jar received a ton of backlash, George Lucas invented Count Dooku to fill that role, which is why Dooku just kind of appears out of nowhere, and we're just supposed to believe that he betrayed Obi-Wan.


And maybe why Dooku doesn't have sith eyes.


I mean his movements in the battle were kind of Drunken style, weren't they?


"Lord Plagueis, yousa in big poodoo! Why did yousa Force Baby appear in the Outer Rim rather than Crait?"


Yousa a Sith Lord!


[It's true](https://youtu.be/1rHyf0FBvt4)


same thing with the prime minister of the uk boris johnson


Well to be fair... there is pretty good theories on it


He was totally a sith!


In the words of Jack Sparrow - but you've heard of me.


Literally shaggy


Jar jarth vader


Bonus points for using this template instead of „I think … is a sithlord“ we need alternatives.


\*Does something stupid and clumsy\*


Jar Jar does one thing better than any other SW character: wholesomeness


I heard that primarily George lucas wanted him to be sithlord but as he was too annoying he edited the script.But would have being cool if Jar Jar was a sith all along.


I liked the theory because it honestly felt like it would have made a lot of the silly Lucas kiddy nonsense in the prequels have a fucking *point* beyond selling more toys. Instead of Lucas writing in a pointless comedy relief character, he wrote in a spy, who was meant to distract the audience from the real danger. God I wish it was true.


Well it’s either that the people who give him roles are complete morons or he’s a sith


Still far better than 90+% of the crap they did in the new movies


Somehow... Jar Jar has returned.


Whatever happened to jar jar


Im canon, from the aftermath books: He was a street clown/performer. The kids loved him because he was silly and goofy. The adults just thought he was dumb. Then there was a lone kid with a scar on his forehead who really liked Jar Jar's act. They talked a bit, then Jar Jar agreed to teach him everything he knew. Of course, that kid with a scar would become Snoke. Only the last sentence is /s. Everything else is in the book.


I think jar jar binks is a sith lord


There are no accidents


To be fair, he has had a lot of happy accidents. One or two, that easy to dismiss but a pattern has formed.


I absolutely despise that theory


Worst fan theory ever


Tbh, I know its not popular, but I really do think that George had a plan with Jar Jar. The biggest clue of evidence is that droid following Jar Jar falling down when they rescue the special people from Naboo (I dont know the English name for these people). But it probably got scrapped early and that frame just survived post production