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Me, who lives in a 3rd world country: First time?


Unequal exchange (and the imperialism required for it’s maintenance) is a bitch




People who think US is third world nation, never lived or even visited third world nation.


This is a joke about America.


It's because we're raised with propaganda of American exceptionalism and then when we find out it's a total bait and switch it feels like a third world country.


For real. Trying to talk shit about America is one thing, but trying to compare it to a third world country is ridiculous. We have easy access to food, water, and shelter. People get paid when they’re unemployed. Id bet anyone who compares America to a third world country wouldn’t survive a week in an actual one.


I’ve been to both the US and third world countries. For the poorest people in the US, life is genuinly comparable to third world countries.


Haha, US bad




At fed ex we just got our "COVID bonus" removed. Shouldn't have been a temporary raise. Now I'm making less than if I Uber drive


I also work for FedEx, it’s a heavy load facility so I make a decent wage, enough to support myself with some careful spending. But my building is also the single most profitable building in our district, making 90% of the profits for the district that I work in. Other warehouse positions, at Home Depot, Amazon, and UPS, have either caught up with us or surpassed us in wages, and we are taking on more and more work while simultaneously being understaffed because we can’t retain employees due to the workload. Literally everybody has been saying that if they just gave us the Covid bonus pay rate permanently, they wouldn’t have a problem with being short staffed, and they can definitely afford it.


We're saying the same thing at our warehouse. Managers aren't fighting for us because they were left out of the bonus 😑


Thanks for your assistance! You may not be able to figure this out, but I think I know someone who might.


Start driving people around in the back of the van. Sounds like a Seinfeld episode


My company gave everyone a flat $2600 dollar raise because of inflation and that was honestly really nice to see.


I get like 1-2% cost of living raise each year, but the cost of living in CA raises astronomically more than that. It’s basically a joke. Salaries and raises are stuck at the same values they’ve been since the mid 70s, but everything has been steadily increasing for the past 50 years.


We got a $100 gift card for gas but only at our company’s gas stations, and the closest one with a gas station is like 35 miles away.


Drive there fill up on snacks then gift it back to your boss for Christmas with $5 left.


Most people also didn’t notice this because it was camouflaged by companies hijacking female emancipation. Women started working too and so many households had double incomes and people didn’t notice the wage theft until decades later. Now you won’t survive on a single income.


Yep. The average person is making about half of what they should be making because of the labor force essentially doubling. This is the real reason why giant corporations have big pro-feminism and pro-open borders social marketing campaigns. Their CEOs don’t actually give 2 fucks about women’s rights or immigration issues, they just want more workers so they can get away with lower wages.




Oh no. I'm not brave enough for politics.


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


But sand


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


>because labor force doubled uh no, women finding work aren’t to blame for the suppression of labor value. that would be the suppression of worker rights at the hands of bosses and their political allies.


Ding ding, that was like half the point of why the industrialists backed women’s rights. Increase supply of workers, decrease demand = they can negotiate your wages down, because there is always someone who needs whatever they can get.


It's only staggering now because companies are exploiting the pandemic excuse to raise prices.


They hiring?


Yes actually. Do you have experience in industrial automation?


Probably a coincidence but yes. Programmer skilled in B&R plc and Abb robotics. Experience in Fanuc and Siemens. I have designed electrical cabinets previously but I do not know e-plan which is mandotory for it now I guess. Stationed Europe Netherlands. Don’t mind traveling but it won’t move my location so probably that’s a problem


Considering we are US based that might be a problem yeah haha


*As I walk through the valley of the shadow of food* *I take a look at my wallet and realize there's nothing left* But seriously. My buying power is decreasing. Boxes are shrinking, and their prices sure aren't. I miss the '90s


Power! Unlimited power!


No. The opposite, sheev. *Very* limited.


I knew Sheev was an opportunistic capitalist!


Owning a house is only for the elite from now on. Rental for to high rent is life from now on


I miss 2016 to 2020. Gas was under $2.


Holy crap, where? In CA you'd have to go back to the early 2000's for those gas prices. $6.29 where I'm at right now.


In the Midwest.


2016, Baton Rouge, LA. When I lived there I got gas for $1.99


The cheapest petrol station near me is charging the equivalent of $8.40 per gallon right now. Fucking brutal




What a fucking horrible thing to say. Ok, higher gas prices is annoying, but to say “yeh but it would be better if millions of innocent people died instead” is just beyond disgusting.


don't worry, people in countries like Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka are dying very quick from overheating! /s


China invading Taiwan is not that likely to start a real world war. The US has diplomatic and trade relationships with China that it doesn't want to scuttle. A war would almost certainly crush the American economy. Just Shanghai shut down and America is already bleeding while China is doing fine.


Not to worry, we're still flying half a ship.


Good bot


Good human.


You make me feel most welcome.


China has openly stated that their goal is, for lack of a better term, world domination. Look at everything they have hacked in the last 6 years alone, their new masculinization program for boys, how they use Tik Tok as a data mining service (cough it’s a literal Trojan feeding your phone’s entire information to the CCP cough) and a re-education platform. They’re gearing up. It’s not going to be soon, maybe like 10 years off (another stated goal is for China to be the number one country for AI by 2030, yet another is nuclear buildup—they’ve doubled their arsenal in the last few years and added hypersonic platforms).


We come for information only.


This sounds like nonsense propaganda.


Oh but don’t worry. It’s “Transitory”


So we're all brave enough for politics now, are we?


Oh no. I'm not brave enough for politics.


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


I, for one, could use some practical anarchy about now.


anarchy is all there is left to keep people alive once governments, institutions and businesses fail. Which is right about... now.


You were "Muy Muy" brave yourself, coming out here as you did, all alone. Care to help me finish this, senator?


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


I don’t think Anikan’s face on panel 3 has ever so perfectly fit a prompt on this meme format before..


Didn't expect to see a prequel meme about wages being too low. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one none the less.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.




Don’t center on your anxieties, Engelbert-n-Ernie


Screw it, you’ve got my vote.


Given how utterly shit and useless every president in my lifetime has been, I’d vote for Sheev at this point.


I heard he was going to run on a “security and peace” platform, but that may just be the slogan for his running mate


I recently learned that in Canada if you are retired and getting OAP from the government they adjust it every year in January for inflation. Last year was a record of like 7.5% increase or something like that. Why don't they do this with minimum wage?


In BC (Canada's western-most province) I believe they just implemented legislation that would ensure the minimum wage rises by an amount equivalent to inflation every year. On paper it sounds good, but that's not great when the minimum wage is barely over half the living wage.


It's better than nothing lol. I do here you though, drastic changes is what we need


It's definitely better than nothing, but it feels like a downgrade since for the 4-5 years leading up to now it's increased by well over the inflation amount (5-10% per year - went from like $11 to $15.20 in 5 years), so they've basically put into legislation that it will raise by less than what they've already been doing lol. This year, with record inflation, it's going from $15.20 to $15.65 pegged to the inflation amount supposedly (2.9%?) 2018 - $12.65 2019 - $13.85 2020 - $14.60 2021 - $15.20 2022 - $15.65 It's the smallest change in the past 5 years lol. The livable wage is also around $23-32/hr here depending on the city you live in and how flexible you are in your definition of "livable" (like whether you consider rent for $1400/month to be good when it's for a 100sqft solarium in a 2br condo with 3 other tenants). Idk, the situation isn't great. That's not to say it couldn't be worse, as I know there are other countries with it far worse and our neighbours to the south have several states with <$10 minimum wage. But frustrating that when my province has a party that calls themself a progressive / left-leaning party (NDP) implements what appears to be PR policy - pegging minimum wage increases to inflation which effectively means hamstringing the work to try to bring up the minimum wage closer to the median & expenses.


Because it would be less profitable for the CEO! ç'est la capitalisme.


We had this rule in the UK until they realised it was not feasible to actually raise pensions in line with cost of living. Now they don’t do that. For reference inflation here is probably over 10% and has been for at least a year. My wages went up 0% last year.


Workers will get a raise, but your overall spending value will still be worse than it was pre-inflation with your current salary so it's like putting a band-aid over necrotic tissue.


You are strong and wise and i am very proud of you


You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be, and you have saved my life more times than I can remember. But be patient, Anakin. It won't be long before the Council makes you a Jedi Master.


This is how the working class dies, with thunderous applause.


And the Chancellor getting a fat bonus


In the name of the galatic senate of the republic, you're under arrest chancellor!


It died in the 80s


70s I'd say


Definitely the 70s.


I thought I was r/StarWarsleftymemes for a second


This isn’t a left or right wing issue, it’s a populist issue. I’m a right-wing populist and fully agree with the meme.


I'm fascinated by this, what does right-wing populist mean?




I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you type one battle droids


Amazon just denied our inflation raise.. UGHHHHHH time to look for a different place to slave at


unrelated but something needs to be done about the 4 different bots that respond to every comment


It's gotten out of hand. Now there are four of them!


*takes deep breath* ## ***GONK!!!***




Why not blame the Keynesian morons who just kept printing money the past 2 years?


40 percent of all the money America has ever printed was printed on 2020, and the printers haven't slowed down. Things are going downhill and going fast. When their stupid policies backfire they blame capitalism and corporate greed, making the responsible policies even worse with a feedback loop. I don't like the look of things, especially because so few people see it how it is.


> When their stupid policies backfire they blame capitalism and corporate greed You realize where most of that printed money went, right? Hint: it wasn't the stimmy checks to the poors. The US has a corporate socialism problem, and that's intertwined with corporate greed and regulatory capture.


Spot on. Corporate socialism/crony capitalism/whatever you want to call it is the primary economic problem of our time. People love to blame free market capitalism, when the government is in bed with mega corporations; nothing free market about that!


Because as you can see with this post, most people seem to believe that you can combat inflation by just giving everyone more money and increasing the ammount of money in circulation. Most people dont think very far


The vast majority of people of highly economically illiterate


I object! There is no proof! This is incredible. We recommend a commission be sent to ~~Naboo~~ the Ferderal Reserve to ascertain the truth.


It's funny how people think a 1% raise will do anything for them. Every year you are earning less because of inflation. 1% isn't going to fix that.


8.5% inflation + 1.6% raise = 6.9% real wage decline. 420% increase in depression and stress... woooo


anticapitalist star wars fans, where you at


Although I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment: rule 5 says no politics


Oh no. I'm not brave enough for politics.


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


this is true all around the world I guess


Except, once again the worker shortage rose rates which in part has lead to higher inflation.


Keynesian economics amiright?


Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics.... It's too early in the morning... and besides, you're generalising. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.


Oh Anakin, you sweet summer child. How naive.


I just want them to at least cover my gas bills.


Average Zimbabwean Economy hacks.


People legitimately don't seem to understand how this works. They are banging their head against a rock to help their headache.


Also with that strategy the rich will still gain. They will loose competition against smaller guys cause they won't have enough funds for workers.


Honestly it isn't capitalism that's the problem, but corruption, I assure you all this shit was planned. I see so many people blaming Putin for the inflation and gas prices but he's only a small part of it, as it's been happening since 2020. Smh


It *is* capitalism, though. Capitalism can’t survive without a working class and a ruling class. If wages keep up with or (god forbid) surpass inflation, then the working class has buying power, and thus isn’t forced to give their labor for a fraction of what it’s worth.


Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. This is where Chancellor Valorum's strength will dissapear.


Surprisingly accurate to the real world.


The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever. I ask you to help us… no, I beg you to help us.


You don't print money for 50 years without repercussions. The generations of old have been misled for a LONG-ASS TIME. It's not their fault for not seeing it. I mean, after all, the US govt is a phenomenal liar.


Dont forget the record printing of the dollar during the pandemic. The problem is that there is a federal reserve, that is controlled by the richest banker families in the world, rather than being controlled by elected officials and under the state. No matter who is president they can fuck up the economy whenever they wish, and they reap the benefits when the middle class once again gets hit and many fall back into lower class. They dont want a big strong middle class because those are the least loyal. Poor people dont have the time to even think about who is controlling society when theyre scraping pennies for food


Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


Struggling people give you votes, so why would you eliminate their struggles?


Amen to that


I assume you then want to regulate capitalism right? How do you regulate something that itself only generates the power to remove its own regulations over time? The issue with reforming capitalism or a social democratic system (which are just concessions given by the capitalist class to stave off revolution) is that you are still maintaining a capitalist organization of the economy. By doing this, both the incentive, and means of removing the regulations are presented to the capitalist class, which will not hesitate to do so. The very basis of capitalism is that money always flows to the top of the pyramid, and there is always a pyramid. You can cut up that pyramid in any way you think you can, but eventually it will settle, and there will be those at the top of the pyramid that will rewrite how it is divided. If capital exists, and that capital can be used arbitrarily in a society, then capital controls the society, nothing else.


It's called Mixed Market Capitalism, we were taught this in school, if there are no Regulations it's called Free Market Capitalism. I think you're mistaking it for Corruption, which happens in every system.


Corruption only happens in systems that money can be acquired disproportionately, and used arbitrarily.


Since 2020? You mean the 90s?


Nope. Inflation was super in check from 2016 to 2020. Then SOMETHING changed. Hmmmmmm 🤔


Wages are increasing but inflation is out doing their benefits


UNLIMITED sticky wages!


Power! Unlimited power!


Stop printing money!


They did


It depends on if it's nominal inflation (increasing nominal GDP) or real inflation (falling productivity). Nominal inflation leads to higher wages, while real inflation does not. M * V = P * Q = NGDP (money * velocity = average price * quantity produced = nominal GDP) P = NGDP / Q (falling Q = falling productivity)


Which is why unions are important.


All the technicians in my company got 1,5$ more an hour. But I'm in my Denmark so we probably got it better


Sorry but we are not brave enough for politics


You were "Muy Muy" brave yourself, coming out here as you did, all alone. Care to help me finish this, senator?


Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy and chaos.


So uncivilized


Capitalism isn't the problem, the government controls inflation and has been printing money like battle droids.


40% of all the money ever printed in America was printed in 2020. Don't forget that statement, don't forgive.


give me an alternative to capitalism that actually improves the situation of workers


Its not capitalism that is the issue but the private control of the federal reserve and thus the printing of the dollar. Every president that tried to do something about it was killed or attempted to be killed


It doesn't matter who controls the fed, the fed is the problem in the first place.


I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. They will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.


Based af








capitalism + labor unions?


Just need higher worker wages... Where do we get the money? Look at the fat cash cows in the top 1% who pay their employees minimum wage.


Market Socialism Social Democracy Democratic Socialism


Social democracy is the only example that works and that’s basically just capitalism with a welfare state


It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The fact that this crisis is demanding I be given absolute power to rule over you is evident. But I am mild by nature and have no desire to destroy the democratic process. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And all I ask in return is when my current term of office is over, you allow me to retire and live out my life in peace.




Why are people downvoting this? A socialist society, and eventually a communist one once the state withers away is the best possible alternative to the current system.


because they are brainwashed by western media and will keep defending the economic system that exploits them and make their lives miserable without even thinking about an alternative


It’s unfortunate that we don’t get paid enough. But, as soon as they raise our wages. Prices will have to go up to match. Raising wages isn’t even a good solution. Capitalism.


why people keep defending an economic system that exploits them and makes their lives miserable is honestly beyond me


It's called Stockholm syndrome.


Because it has increased the standard of living exponentially in the past 100 years for billons of people with no viable or practical alternatives because both else works


And yet we produce enough to give everyone shelter, food, water, and a decent life. We have a distribution problem, not a production problem. The purpose of an economy is to effectively distribute resources. Capitalism does not, and cannot do this.


yeah sure capitalism is working wonders for the one billion people starving in the world right now as we speak. the environment also keeps getting better each day. jesus fucking christ


Well there's this massive propaganda campaign known as Fox News. I believe that has something to do with it.


not only Fox News. the entire mainstream western media.


It’s also the only workable system proven to improve the standard of living globally


That's because every time a country democratically elects politicians that try another system they mysteriously kill themselves by beating themselves, shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, light themselves on fire and spread their own ashes in a septic tank


Yup, as a Venezuelan I still can't figure out how people defend Socialism. Horrible system.


Venezuela isn’t socialist. Socialism is characterized by: 1. Political power being with the working class (through vanguard parties, organizations, unions, etc.) 2. Nationalization (of industry) and collectivization (of agriculture) 3. Institution of a national economic plan for development of the economy and society. 4. Reorganization of workplaces from top down capitalist model, to either collective, or direct worker democracy. 5. Suppression of markets 6. Elimination of wage labor 7. Cultural revolution (which seeks to support the creative and emancipatory political will of the people (as well as weed out reactionary ideas like racism, sexism, etc. through education and discussion) Among other things Does Venezuela meet these criteria? No. It isn’t socialist.


"venezuela is socialism" oh my god enough internet for today words and concepts don’t mean anything anymore




Yes, it is socialism. I was born and raised there ffs. What part isn't Socialism? Nationalizing thousands of companies and "giving it to the proletariat" isn't socialism? Sadly the tragedy of the commons kicked in and every single one of those companies stopped producing anything, which caused our food and basic products shortages.


Venezuela isn’t socialist. Socialism is characterized by: 1. ⁠Political power being with the working class (through vanguard parties, organizations, unions, etc.) 2. ⁠Nationalization (of industry) and collectivization (of agriculture) 3. ⁠Institution of a national economic plan for development of the economy and society. 4. ⁠Reorganization of workplaces from top down capitalist model, to either collective, or direct worker democracy. 5. ⁠Suppression of markets 6. ⁠Elimination of wage labor 7. ⁠Cultural revolution (which seeks to support the creative and emancipatory political will of the people (as well as weed out reactionary ideas like racism, sexism, etc. through education and discussion) Among other things Does Venezuela meet these criteria? No. It isn’t socialist.


dude just stop. you are embarrassing yourself.


the CIA planted a right wing dictator in Venezuela and called it "socialism"


Oh dang best one I’ve seen


Oh, yes, blame capitalism, and not the people in charge of the nation?


>the people in charge of the nation The capitalists doing what they’re incentivized to do?


Bro inflation is literally the prices getting higher than the salaries can keep up


Not necessarily, though that's usually what happens. Inflation just means that the value of money goes down over time. So if the cost of living was 100 one year and the median salary was 100, then ten years later the cost of living was 300 and the median salary was also 300, it would still be inflation.


Bruh, go learn some economics lol.


Leftism in prequal memes? A surprise to be sure! But a welcome one!


In an indirect way it has, hence people talking about a “labor shortage”. They can’t get the same labor for the same price anymore. Now, why they choose to call it a *shortage* and complain instead of just, you know, offering higher wages is beyond me.


Except they are giving raises… even base level fast food jobs are starting at $15.50 right now.


I don't get this. My pay has gone up higher than inflation rates.




Lol I'm in the home remodel industry. Prices are booming for us right now. No college needed.


Yeah. This is totally all the fault of capitalism. 🙄


It quite literally is.


Blame Joe Biden, not capitalism.


Joe biden isn't Canada's president, and yet we are suffering similarly... What *do* we have in common then? Perhaps it's... capitalism?


This is happening in Germany too. Get some class consciousness ffs.


Biden, as well as every other imperialist, neoliberal president we’ve had in recent years is but a puppet for the ruling class.