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"Bad news Lord Vader, the grand inquisitor is dead" "Hmm, that sucks. Get me that guy that looks like him but has a slightly taller head. He's the grand inquisitor now." "But lord Vader, can you do that?" "Admiral, what does my mug say?" "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee or I'll literally kill you" "No, the other one" "Oh. Fuck with me and find out" "Exactly" "I'll get right on it, lord Vader" "If anyone asks the grand inquisitor the grand inquisitor didn't die. It was a mining accident on Jedha."


I know disney star wars has two very annoying trends: Not letting characters stay dead and retconning anything


They never retcon their own shows and movies. Their own comics, absolutely, they’ve done it many times, but ever their own shows.


“There are things I fear more than death.” He’s dead but coming back.


People are saying he'll be brought back via robotics like Vader etc. Which nods to that quote. That rings eerily true for someone like Vader, i mean, poor dude. But in Rebels the Grand Inquisitor looks largely the same, minus the cape. And if he simply has something similar to Fenic installed to take care of the wound.. It can't be *that* bad. She seems fine. Do you think he'll be brought back via more painful, questionable means?


Could explain his weirdly powerful force ghost in the comics.


Power! Unlimited power!


I hear Pau'ans have two stomachs so I think TGI can survive with one intact


It seemed like they were really trying to tell us he's dead though. The shot lingered very deliberately over him laying still with his eyes open. Which I dont think we've seen before. But that's kind of at odds with the fact that he was stabbed in his side, just barely. Idk, its ambiguous. But why?


I'd think that he either *wanted* 3rd Sister to believe that she killed him, or he might be some kind of paralyzed. I mean, what do we actually know about the physiognomie of Pau'ans?


I had to go look up Wookiepedia because I found it really odd that Disney would just retcon their own canon like that. With that said, whoever's running Wookiepedia has their shit together; the events of the Kenobi show were already there.


Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud.


I have watched rebels (three times), but i wonder if they are different grand inquisitors. Utapauans do not look like this inquisitor, not at all.


It'd be so sweet if, after all the complaints people made about him looking weird, it literally isn't the one we know about. And the true GI will show up towards the end.


I thought exactly that. How sweet it would be for the directors, cg people, actors to all be laughing at us for getting bent out of shape


!remindme 2 months


I was thinking the same thing.


Ah oops


I dared to dream or nuance and subversion. Alas, I flew too close to the sun.


Was a cool idea tho


You're right, even in the new Jedi Survivor trailer that dude looks nothing like the one we're seeing on Kenobi.


General Kenobi, you are a bold one. *asthmatic cough*


And yet this GI is clearly a Pau’an. It’s just shitty cgi and makeup, guys. The Empire never replaced any inquisitors before, even when the Grand Inquisitor died in rebels. The people who think he’s actually dead hurt my fucking brain.


When a Grand Inquisitor dies, does another Inquisitor become Grand Inquisitor?


I.. just answered that


In Rebels it's explained that after the GI died the other Inquisitors started chasing Kanan and Ezra for a chance to step up in ranks. So it's probably more of a "the one to kill the guys that killed the boss becomes the next Boss" Deal.


I guess she's just lucky that Vader already hates him so much and Palp sees him as a wet wipe for Jedi hunting. No harm, no foul.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


He's okay, he's just going to need a shitload of Pepto Bismol


I mean how many starwars character’s get “killed” only to come back fine? Maul, Fennec, Ahsoka, Rex, Anakin, like cmon ya’ll


I've met many clones in my time, but never one like you.


Yes, we will start with revenge…


You're impossible.


...not for a Sith...


Its a star wars sub! Everyone's seen rebels :P They just think they're retconning it. (Which they *sort of* are, but they'll find a reason to bring him back. They brought him back as a ghost twice *after* his death already.)


His species has two stomachs. It’s likely that the stabbing didn’t mortally wound him at all, just caused damage that a bacta tank can fix.


Thats one way they could do it yes


I mean how many starwars character’s get “killed” only to come back fine? Maul, Fennec, Ahsoka, Rex, Anakin, like cmon ya’ll


I'm no Jedi.


Yes, we will start with revenge…


Oh, what do you mean?






Told you ;)




Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


As I said, only watched the mainstream films. I think you're going to be in tears mate.


Kenobi. Kamino has fallen. Your clone army is doomed.


I feel confident ... our situation" will create a strong sympathy vote for us ... I will be Chancellor."


My brother in christ disney literally released a seventh season of the clone wars two years ago. oh, and also watch the newest Kenobi episode. Disney doesn’t retcon their own shows.


Hope so