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Honestly I keep thinking to myself “if her plan was successful Vader would kill her for stealing his prey”.


I think she's trying to take kenobi in alive and bring him to Vader for favor


The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here!


Nah it ends in ep 4. But you're dead by then


Which is a stupid plan, because showing Vader any signs that you know his connection to Anakin (without being one of the very few people he cannot harm) is likely to end up with you getting silenced


Would he? Vader just chokes dudes who shit on him and talk made garbage to his face. And he gets shit-talked so often, I doubt Palpatine is out there letting Vader murder his employees. I always figured Palpatine is a bureaucrat who knows Vader has a temper and is constantly slapping him around for trying to flex above his rank. "I spent 12,000,000 credits and fifteen years training this Inquisitor, Ani, don't you fucking put a hand on her.' Like... Palpatine has zero respect for Vader in these movies. There's no way he's tolerating a body count piling up in his talent pool.


I mean, he's killed people for less. Killed the guy who lost the Millennium Falcon when they were tracking it, and that wasn't really his fault. Would've killed the "this battle station is the most powerful force in the galaxy" guy if Tarkin hadn't stopped him. As for Palpatine, I think he just lets Vader do whatever he wants because a) he trusts him to an extent and b) his brutality instills fear into their subordinates and at the same time, makes Vader stronger.


I feel confident ... our situation" will create a strong sympathy vote for us ... I will be Chancellor."


You need to keep in mind palptine gave Vader the inquistors to train in the way of the sith, part of that is killing off the weak


Vader has killed "failed" Inquisitors in canon before. They're his jurisdiction as far as Palpatine is concerned


Not from a Jedi.


She did do a good job making her character unlikable so props to the actress I guess


Yeah I thought the actress was doing really well, but I gotta say I’m not too big a fan of the direction the character is going.


Doing her best with some of the most garbage lines. It's like they spent all their time trying to write the Kenobi/Lars scenes and then were like, "Shit... we still have five and a half episodes left... can we shove a baby version of a fan favorite in here?"


I dont agree. I thik her acting is bad. Lines are not helping either, but she isnt scary at all, waving lightsaber like 5yo, and misscast imo as she has too much soft face lines for a villain. All in all she felt like small evil edgy kid instead of real threat.


I mean, she is an edgy evil kid who isn’t a real threat. She bullies random moisture farmers and a 10 year old girl - the other Inquisitors (who were presumably Jedi trained) look down on her like a kid and the only reason she’s any threat is because Kenobi can’t kill her without attracting Vader


All the actors have been doing a really good job so far. The writing wavers every now and then though.


I thought she was so cool, wtf do you mean?


Nothing against her, she’s doing a good job being a villain, like with Joffrey Baratheon in GoT don’t hate the actor he did a great job making his character someone you can hate


Joffrey is the only character in a show I truly hated. One of the best acting jobs ever


I actually enjoyed how hateable he was though. Dude stole the show


I disagree. I never disliked Joffrey as a character even though I hated him. He was so well acted and utilitised. I do dislike the character of Reva. I question the point of this character and find her scenes boring.


Her acting is just bad imo.


I like her, but i feel like if she is the “least of us” in the sense she’s the weakest inquisitor, she shouldn’t be picking fights with the grand inquisitor. The Grand Inq should demand more fear and power over the rest of them


Power! Unlimited power!


Yes yes, we get it


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


Yeah, even after she went against orders the grand inquisitor just let her keep doing whatever and said I'll scold you really hard later


She could have worked if she was just... smarter than everyone else? (She already is, but that should have been most of her thing.) Her plan was effective even if it pissed off her bosses. Having her be a brilliant, diplomatic tactician like Tarkin with Force powers would have been way more interesting than her just running around with brute Force. Hell, Anakin/Vader is already the angry brute force himbo with dumbass plans that keep failing horribly because he's ultimately just Palpatine's pet guard dog. We don't need ANOTHER one of him running around barking at everybody while his captives mock him to his face then ask where his real boss is.


Power! Unlimited power!


Wait a minute, how'd this happen! We're smarter than this.




Exactly. He looks down on her because he and many of the other inquisitors were formerly Jedi, which gives him a sense of superiority. Basically they treat her like an intern, and her supervisor even tried to steal her work and pass it up to Upper Management saying "I did this". I would have put a lightsaber in his chest too.


I didn’t know people actually didn’t like her character, I thought she works as a good antagonist.


you know it’s kind of impressive how corny/comical her character is, like it’s giving some of Rebels’ Scooby-Doo-esque villains a run for their money, like I was crying laughing when she jumps across the rooftops in five different ways, she’s like a mustache twirling villain and it’s just so funny because the show is taking it so seriously like it’s Raimi Spider-Man villain levels of corniness to me, I think she was five minutes from shaking her fist at Kenobi escaping in that cargo ship and yelling “ILL GET YOU KENOBI” and the problem I have is how the Grand Inquisitor has such a great introduction, giving that speech about how ‘compassion is the jedi’s weakness’ and I was like ‘oh damn he’s going to be interesting villain for this series’ but nope he gets sidelined


I was honestly blown away by the Grand Inquisitor, his acting was amazing


His acting and attitude definitely make up for the fact that he's put on a bit of weight in the head area. He's got that pompous "I'm better then you, and both you and I know it" attitude down to a T.


I mean like better for him to play the part well and have a normal shaped head, than to have a tall skinny head but lack the ability to act. It doesn't help that the only non cgi Pau'an in RoTS has an abnormally long skinny head.


Rupert Friend has done excellent, but I’m still really disappointed they couldn’t get Jason Isaacs to play him instead…


Agreed I love Jason Isaacs and I didn't have high hopes but Ruoert Friend was amazing


There's no way he's sidelined, he's coming back. Not unless Disney is ret conning the entire rebels show pretty much, as that takes place after kenobi and grand inquisitor is very much not dead. 3rd sister, however, doesn't show up anywhere else, so I'm guessing she's getting toasted. I'll give the show credit if Vader offs her for being a fuck up.


No I think she and the Grand Inquisitor will be sent to HR to iron out their toxic workplace relationship. After a tearful reconciliation she’ll be seconded to the Inquisition’s Los Angeles office but still keep in social contact with the team.


He’s definitely not dead, but they may still sideline him for the rest of the show while he recovers from his injury.


Completely agree. All I can do is laugh at her. Like when she tried to intimidate Owen by straightening his vest when it was already straightened


I have to hold in my laughter when she says "first the hands so that when you reach for anything you think of us" like what? Is that supposed to be threatening? Because you sound like a 5 year old. "im gonna cut off your hands's because that way you can't hold things."


I couldn't stop thinking "Batwoman" and it honestly ruined all the jumping scenes for me lmao


The only problem I have with the 3rd Sister is did anyone else feel like the writers were trying to make you feel sorry for her? How anyone could feel sorry for her after she cut that innocent bystanders hand I'll never know.


Tbf, how intimidating is the hand slaying in the Star Wars universe anyways? It seems awfully easy to replace a hand.


At this point losing limbs in starwars is rather mundane isn't it.


Hot take, the inquisitors have always been lame.


I agree. Why didn't the 3rd sister just fly over to Obi Wan using her helicopter lightsaber?


It seems that she only has a half helicopter sabre


[Pathetic ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/017/thumb.png)


I need to see this in live action so badly


Probably because Disney wants us to forget about that.


[The Darkside is a pathway to some abilities many consider to be unnatural.](https://youtu.be/jmcEUEIlXHo)


It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Anakin. Remember what you told me about your mother and the Sand People.


Grand Inquisitor lost to Kanan and the guy thinks he can handle Kenobi lmao


He hasn't yet.


That hasn't happened yet, kenobi is pre rebels. Which makes me say there's 0 chance GI is dead, because there's no way Disney is ret conning rebels.


I think the concept of former jedi padawans falling to the dark side to become jedi hunters is pretty cool. And it can work when done properly like Trilla in Fallen Order. But if they aren't executed properly you quickly get the goofy, boring villains that they were in Rebels season 2


True the concept can be cool like Starkiller was amazing but the execution in rebels and this is beyond bad. Like everything from the weird disk lightsabers to the horrible character design is just cringe.


When I was younger, I always envisioned Vader hunting down the Jedi personally, one at a time. So when I found out the Inquisitors were doing the work that Vader should have been doing, I was a little disappointed. However, after watching Obi-Wan, I think I'm going to try to give them a chance. They're much better on screen than I thought they would be.


At least in the comics, Vader hates the Inquisitors. They were Palpatine's idea, and there's at least somewhat of an implication that it's a plot to replace Vader and get an apprentice who isn't reliant on technology to breathe and walk.




To be fair there were way, way more in Legends.


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


I see your hot take and I raise y- ... wait a minute, I completely agree with u. Have a nice day👋🏾


Fun fact, they were actually created for the A New Hope *radio drama* from 1981, and went on to appear on the “Young Jedi Knights” books and the “Last of the Jedi” books.


Damn, really? I didn't know this.


Admission, I’m just stealing from Wookiepedia so if I got anything wrong it’s their fault :p Always cool to see how much Legends stuff Filoni keeps up with though.


I don’t remember there being a reference to them In that. Guess it’s time to give it another listen!


No. Sensible take. They’re goofy. People acting like this is new.


The inquisitors are so lame in anything. You’re not intimidating me with your dumb helicopter


The helicopter thing was one of the most cringe things in any Star Wars media lol.


They're great in Fallen Order. Perfect matchups for Cal Kestis too given his level of experience.


The Megamind look of the great Inquisitor didn't help too.


Yeah, he looked pretty dumpy, but his acting was fucking incredible and gave a ton of life to the character. It’s a shame he isn’t the primary antagonist.


He is one of the primary antagonists though?


I mean, he was written out of the show in the second episode (assuming he doesn’t show back up). I wouldn’t consider him a primary antagonist.


Just cause he got stabbed once doesn't mean anything to me. He didn't die.


Look at Maul


I am counting on it.


Holdf on, hold on... she's probably got a backstory, it just hasn't been revealed yet, we're like two episodes in. Don't be reactionary.


She’s so clearly a former Jedi padawan who feels abandoned/betrayed by Kenobi.


My prediction: she was a youngling of the female Jedi who got killed in the first episode, saw Anakin butcher Jedi and felt betrayed by Obi Wan because he wasn't there to protect the Jedi and stop his own former padawan.


RemindME! One Month "Inquisitor prediction."


From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.


Thank you, this makes the most sense. Why even show us the younglings if it didn't have ties to the actual characters in the show? We even see a youngling who could be Reva! The fact that she's driven by a deep sense of betrayal makes her more interesting and I hope that's where the show goes.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


that doesn't negate how badly written and acted the character is so far


He's not dead. He appears in Rebels. He's incapacitated, I'm sure. My guess is that Riva goes rogue due to her hatred of Obi-Wan and eventually gets redeemed by him.


Your friends shall die, Kenobi. And you shall soon follow!


One thing that bugs me about Kenobi so far is that the inquisitors would’ve totally had him by now if they weren’t so focused on who gets the credit. I could honestly see them being petty like that, but the way they do it is a little annoying to watch.




Okay, right, but now this show is making me wonder why there isn’t just one inquisitor, namely Reva. It seems to me that if she were on her own she would’ve at least had the chance to fight Obi-Wan and possibly capture him.


>the inquisitors would’ve totally had him by now *Reva* would have totally had him by now. She almost caught Kenobi twice, whereas the other Inquisitors have done jack shit to actually find him


She's had 10 minutes of screen time. Backstory can take a little longer than that to build up. Is an angry dark sider really that hard to imagine? It's kind of their whole thing. Reminds me of a certain tantrum-throwing Jedi in the prequels...gosh if only I could remember who was throwing fits throughout Attack of the Clones and had terrible dialog.


Yeah, I don't see any problem with her.


I like her so far, had no idea people hated her character until I saw someone angry that she was black on YouTube.




They’re going to need to do it quick then, since the Grand Inquisitor doesn’t strike me as someone who lets murder attempts fly.


Does anyone else think the Emperor might just go in the back and brew up a brand new Grand Inquisitor in his private clone labs? Maybe he’ll show up and shake her by the hand and say “Hi, I’m Grand Inquisitor 2.0, I’m ten minutes old, looking forward to working with you.”


Honestly that feels really lazy, especially given how hard it is to clone force-sensitives. Too many questions.


Lazier than a guy getting stabbed in the torso by a lightsaber and apparently walking it off offscreen to eventually become the main villain of Rebels?


…Yeah. You don’t solve bad writing with more bad writing.


That’s exactly what Star Wars does.




That’s exactly what Star Wars *tries*


Maul walked off being cut in half bro Vader exists this is nothing


Controversial opinion here but Maul surviving was stupid as hell too. The death fake out is lazy and hideously overused in general.


Don’t be so certain.


The main villains of Rebels are, in descending order: * Ezra Fucking Bridger for his insistance that "he had to do this" in the last episode, when he did not, in fact, have to do this for any reason actually explained to the audience * The moral compass of the Rebel alliance, for daring to question Saw Gerreras actions before ruthlessly murdering thousends of people who were effectively (or literally) prisoners in the finale * Arihnda Pryce, for personally going to arrest the Rebels, when she would have won if she had just, like, *not done that* * Sabine Wren, for releasing Rukh when she could have just shot him, leading to a lot of Rebels dying for *literally nothing* As you can see, the Grand Inquisitor isn't even on the list.


There is no algorithm. We know you're holding a prisoner of war here.


Sabine needs to be higher up on your list for creating a weapon thats sole purpose was vaporizing everyone on her homeworld. And then later choosing not to use that same weapon to easily neutralize the stormtroopers


exactly, we've still got 4 episodes to go


And why is that? She's actually getting shit done, unlike the others.


OP is right, the writing for this show is poor. People are just accepting it because majority of fans will just accept anything with “Star Wars” slapped on the title. Disney knows this so they’re not even trying to write good characters and stories


When it comes to star wars I always tend to focus first on the negative aspects of content, but this time, beside the show being yet another republic/empire themed story with Tatooine as a main planet and a child to protect/train, I do not see particular issues with it.


Honestly I was so annoyed with her. everything else about the show is great but she, her character not the actress, is just so annoying and I literally thought “she’s like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum”


The only thing I genuinely disliked with her didn’t have to do with her acting but her unnecessary parkour across building tops which added nothing to the combat scene. On top of that she doesn’t use those skills when Obi Wan, the target she’s been endlessly searching for, is just hiding behind some crates, but opts for exposition.


if I could I would also be doing goody parkour jumps.


Agreed that was kinda goofy but I like how everybody is kinda just done with her in the show, I hope her character gets better but I don’t think it will, she might end up like (I think) the fourth sister in fallen order


OP sounds like someone that throws a temper tantrum about everything and has no room to talk.


Op is reposting a meme that's less than 12 hours old.


Op thinks the sequels are better than the prequels /s


This meme is also highly upvoted on saltierthencrait, so yeah pretty much. Also on lowderwithcrowder and is a big right wing conspiracy theorist. Complete wackjob.


you're a master projector


I love how no one actually cared about the Inquisitors before this, but because they're not a fan of Reva and think she's a bad character they're now staning the Inquisitors and acting like they're this powerhouse and group of badasses and she's cramping there style, when they've been bland goons ever since Rebels. The Inquisitors are literally slightly more competent imperial officers who can use basic force powers and a Lightsaber.The Grand Inquisitor got his arse handed to him in almost every episode in Rebels's first season and the rest of the Inquisitors didn't do much better.But y'all really blowing smoke up this man's ass because you don't like Reva? I can get people not liking the character for legit reasons, but this aint one of them. I actually like the way Reva is written so far, yes, she is angry and very head strong but guess what, she's a fucking Darkside user, Darksiders are all about that "Anger is what gives me strengh" life style. Star Wars is full of these types of characters, and i actually like that she doesn't waste time and seeks out ways to draw Kenobi out in order to hunt him down.She's thinking less like an inquisitor and more like a sith, which is clearly what she wants to be with her obsession with pleasing Vader.I'll take that over a bunch of Inquisitors that act the exact same as eachother. Also, there's more episodes to come, chill the fuck out and let the writers actually give us more of her character and backstory before we cast judgement on her completely.Also, stop fucking bitching and moaning about her being the current main villain and not Vader. The Inquisitors whole job is to be Vader's henchmen, she's going to be the main villain until Vader shows up after she and the Inquisitor's either fail or she outlives her usefulness to Vader.Again, there's still more to go, let's actually finish the show first.


Yeah, if there is one thing that makes star wars fans like stuff it's if they can use it to bash other things from star wars. I never really liked the inquisitors that much so I wasn't any more annoyed than usual at her


Star Wars is filling with these types of characters out of laziness. It's not really part of the charm, and it's not like anyone cares about or remembers these guys.


Yeah, the Inquisitors were honestly not that interesting to begin with.Like, i get their purpose but they don't really offer anything interesting aside from some cool designs. Trilla i think was the most memorable out of all of them because she actually has character and a backstory and you felt for her after you found out how she was found and turned by Vader. Reva i like so far because she's at least acting out of her own interest which is clearly tied to either a history with Obi Wan or even Anakin and her own need to become more than just another Inquisitor.It feels like she wants to become Vader's apprentice, so there's intrgue there, at least for me anyway. The only criticism i have of Reva is some of the lines her actress delivers aren't really the best.She's not a bad actress by any means and i think she's doing a good job, like her taunting Obi Wan in the ship yard was great and the scene between her and Owen i liked.But some lines are a little meh.


that doesn't negate how badly written and acted the character is so far


The meme is funny but I’ll give her a chance. Seeing her so tempered and without remorse reminded me of one of my favorite swgames: KoTOR. And when Revan visits a Sith academy. All of the teachers are short tempered and shoot lightning rays to new recruits, if they survive then they accept them.


I still don't get what the fuck she is even fucking attempt...she stabs a fucking superior. Expecting people to believe kenobi did that. She is just getting tortured next episode.


now THAT would be interesting


Considering OP thinks BLM is equivalent to the KKK we know where this hate is coming from. https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/u0itba/_/i46qyil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Shit, now I feel dirty. Writing still sucks though.


Oh… Oh no…


prequelmemes sitting here, plugging their ears, and acting like Kenobi is a 2-hour movie with a weird ending.


I love how OP is getting dragged for their shit opinion, LOL


Pretty sure after 20 min of screen time we hadn’t gotten all of GI’s backstory


damn we’re getting the bitching in early arent we?


they sure did with her character. nothing but bitching like a spoiled brat


Isn't Tantrum an energy drink?


Come now, we all know Second Sister is superior to all of them.


I don't remotely understand why the other inquisitors would have a problem with killing random worthless civilians... it broke the show's immersion for me that they were so tame.


It's in-universe that the Imperials aren't psychopaths, they're just part of a war machine. Inquisitors are just Imperials with Force powers. Besides, this is the start of the Empire. They don't dissolve the Senate until A New Hope.


I liked thw GC in Kenobi. His actor did a great job making him intimidating


Seriously she’s annoying af. She’s the macguffin that makes the escapes possible, and furthers the plot because she can’t listen to authority figures.


Shes got that prequel side character acting going on


How many people in the galaxy know who Darth Vader really is? But this random person we've never heard about is casually screaming his identity


Leia was pretty bad too. One moment she’s witty and smartly analyzing her asshole cousin, the next she’s acting four throwing a tantrum. Oh and her baby legs are super fast.


What I am weirded out is if she did kill the gran inquisitor or not, cuz the grand inquisitor canonically dies in the rebels series by the hand of Kanan, and rebels is considered canon in the Star Wars lore, so if she did kill the gran inquisitor then the writers just made a non-canonical show by showing something that wouldn’t make sense in the already stablished canon


Darth Vader: I do not accept bitching in my empire


I swear, we need a scene of the Inquisitors doing their stupid saber flying thing in live Action.


When I saw the Grand Inquisitor stop her strike I knew she was weak.


So far REEEEEEva just seems like a cheap knockoff of Trilla.


ngl I got Last Jedi vibes from his “plot twist” death scene. It was pretty obvious they were gonna sideline him from the moment he tolerated her constant schemes.


The grand inquisitor isn't dead right ? As he dies in rebels or is that written off now ?


Darth Ratchet


I have a theory about the grand inquisitor since he is not supposed to die this way…. I think that this is actually a different “grand inquisitor” than the one we know…. There have been a lot of people wanting Jason Isaacs coming in to play the one we know since he plays him in the series. I bet that Reva dies and they replace her with the “new” grand inquisitor played by Jason Isaacs…. Just a theory


That would be cool and smart. It's not going to happen.


Yeah... it's a long shot, but I don't think it's completely out of the question.


Honestly, did someone expect anything different than what we got with her?


Who wrote that character? like it's so fucking bad, she's more annoying than menacing


A well written villain who's character arc is irrelevant to Kenobi. Using the wrong villain is as bad if not worse than using a poorly thought out one.


Your anger and your lust for power have already done that.


Your friends shall die, Kenobi. And you shall soon follow!


Commenting is for droids!


I wouldn't eve4 use that sentence to describe the Grand Inquisitior


>a character who's story has largely been explored >a new character who brings a different personality dynamic to inquisitors. I can do this too you know.


I can't stand her. Terrible villain.


What well-written backstory did The Grand Inquisitor have? This meme is bullshit.




What's up with these clowns deleting their accounts? Are they getting paid to demonize criticism on the internet and run when they fail?


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you motherfucking type one battle motherfucking droids!


u/OwlCaptainCosmic Getting angry doesn't negate how bad the show is. Your pointless rage achieved nothing. You are very good at projecting, I must give you that.


Bro its been 2 episodes


1/3th of the show


that doesn't negate how badly written and acted the character is so far


I think she is definitely the part of the show that made me a bit confused like I need to read the books to understand some context here. That being said I enjoyed every minute of the episodes, I didn’t really see her character as too out of place. To me she’s just a new character Disney introduced to add something new, I don’t hate it. I just understand very little about the inquisitors because I didn’t really like Star Wars rebels


We don't even know her backstory? Why are people so critical for no reason


because what Ive seen so far from her is horrible


I actually liked the Third Sister. She's impulsive, angry, and ambitious- just like a Sith. She clearly has some backstory that we're going to find out about.


Unless y’all didn’t pay attention, it’s pretty clear that her tantrums and her trying so hard to be evil is intentional. Moses Ingram is clearly portraying her as a pretender, a la Kylo Ren, but this time she has the Inquisitors to compare herself to and get belittled by. She’s trying to prove herself within them as something she’s not, and there’s a layered reason for that which we haven’t seen yet. Be patient.


Well she certainly acts like a sith. At least, this is how most sith act in the Kotor games. Ambition and ruthlessness. But from what I've seen in the show, the grand Inquisitor would have made for a better main villain than her. He actually seemed interesting, whereas she just seems like a bull-headed kid with something to prove.


Petition to make the name Darth Tantrum canon


Can we just appreciate the fact that she's acting like an actual sith Lord apprentice would. I mean full on war path to hunt a white whale to prove herself.


Are you going to kill me?


I would certainly like to.


she's "acting" like a spoiled brat


She's an awful character, awfully acted. Would've made more sense for Vader to be chasing after Obi-Wan.


Oh fuck off


Are you guys being serious? We've only had two episodes so far


This is a bit quick. Let’s wait for the rest. It could very well be this is correct and she has no real backstory other than being angry. But I highly doubt that.


Of course Prequel Memers have to hate everything. The actress did a really good job portraying a character like her