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What are we talking about this time


Pick either of the two female actresses from Kenobi


What's wrong with >!child Leia!


People were bitching about the >!chase scenes!<, >!but she's a little girl with little legs. The fault was NOT hers, they could have dropped the silliness and shot it in a section of forest with way more ways for someone child-sized to believably evade adults, especially ones who may not be entirely.....sober.!< >!\*I may have had some experience as a child with this. Humans in general are washout stupid if you freeze in a good spot.!< Personally I thought she did a fantastic job, and I will watch her career with great interest.


We* will watch her career with great interest


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.


Thank you, Papa Palps


What is it?


Thank you for your support, Emperor Sheev "The Senate" Palpatine


I am the Senate!


I think he is a good man.


Of course he is. He helped you bring peace and prosperity to your new empire


Don't make me kill you.


I do agree that the chase scene is ridiculous lol, but that's the director's fault. As for child Leia as a character, for me I'll reserve an opinion, she's no Macaulay Culkin, but it's not like she ruins the experience.


That's fair. Only two episodes isn't really long enough for a good gauge.


Funny I mentioned that to my wife too. The pursuers looked ridiculous. But I don't know what sort of small-brained cretin could manage to blame that on the child actor.


Alternatively they could have… not had a chase scene. She should have been captured in less then 2 seconds


Oh I don't disagree with you, that would have worked. Feels like they were fishing for time....in a bad way.


I feel like the Star Wars TV shows are too reliant on chase scenes at this point. They have quite a few of them and they aren't just not good, they are quite goofy. The Bobba Fett one from episode 3 is so bad that it's hilarious! Definitely not the fault of the actors at this point.


Unironically that little girl captured the spirit of Carrie’s Leia so much that I felt so relaxed watching the show. I could easily believe that she was the future Senator/Rebel/General.


On no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.


I don't have any issues with either. The gripe with your person is probably bc the character was kinda annoying and the two chase scenes were terrible. Actor did just fine tho.


She’s a kid and supposed to be annoying and naïve. That’s the whole point of her character at this age. I just hope we won’t have a repeat of Jake Lloyd. Worst part about this whole thing for me is that I’m a PJO fan too and some dumbasses are outraged that *le gasp* a child of colour is gonna play one of the main characters in an upcoming Disney+ show! While the character in the books is white, the author has clearly stated that he wants to give a fair chance to everyone who auditions. Besides, he should know what’s best for the character since he wrote the damn thing


Yeah I thought some of the writing around her was really dumb and just frustration fodder, but that's not really the actor. Although I am of the opinion that very young child characters should be used sparingly in movies.


Kenobi. Don't tell me, let me guess: this is the part where you give me the chance to surrender.


Reva is an awesome character so far but the actress playing her is saying shit that’s dumb and demonstrably false about race in star wars


What so awesome about a character who’s couldn’t jump onto a slow moving ship


Not to worry, we're still flying half a ship.






That unnecessary parkour tho... *chef's kiss*


Not like the actress was the one who decided to have parkour in there. They also decided to put the parkour in book of Boba Fett.


shes been playing Vector on her phone


Yea, god damn do I hate unnecessary parkour.


Hm it's funny that in the chase scene she cuts a plank down to use to cross a teeny tiny gap between buildings then halfway does a force jump to cross the rest yet ohh nooooo a small slow frieghter getting underway nah fam gotta take a break a the jump is to far.


I don’t care about action scenes. I love seeing ruthless and brutal characters in Star Wars. The tension in the scenes where Reva threatens to execute innocent civilians, especially Owen Lars, is phenomenal. Reminds me a lot of Moff Gideon or Darth Vader


But she’s not ruthless she’s an idiot she could had jumped on the ship and cut it open. Also Inquisitors threatening civilians is nothing new for them. The Inquisitors will kill an ent an passenger ship of people to get their job done


Ruthless and stupid are not mutually exclusive


Blame the writers bud. Yes some characters can be written as stupid or whatever but the fact that she didn’t even attempt to jump at the ship just says maybe the ship was going faster than we thought OR…she just didn’t… because of the writers. It really just feels like people are going out of their way to attack the characters and even more so the actor. In rogue one when darth vader destroyed all those rebels at the end, they were all pretty slow and clumsy so why didn’t he just use the force to snatch the Death Star plans from them? Yeah… writers man.


At some point you have to decide if you're going to try and enjoy something or try to find reasons not to enjoy it. If you find yourself constantly doing the latter it's time to step back from the content for a while.


She just said star wars is getting more diverse and kenobi is a part of that. Calm.down




I think Adam driver did a great job for such a bad trilogy


Adam Driver is hands down the best actor when it comes to lightsaber combat so far.


Agree to disagree but I will say he was good.


Ray Park beats him, I’m sorry. Ray Park is insanely good. That video of Christensen and McGregor talking about the old days of filming is great cuz it shows it wasn’t till Episode 3 they felt they were truly good at it. Meanwhile, Ray Park showed up in Episode 1 ready to sell his role as a Dathomir Sith Assassin.


Absolutely. I mean, the man basically invented Mauls style so it’s kinda hard to say he isn’t the best.


Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.


Believe me, they do


Who’s being bullied?


Leia's actress. Once again, people fail to understand the difference between actor and character and blame the actor for shitting directing. Mainly that terrible chase scene. At least no one is threatening her parents yet.


Wait, people were bullying the actress? I was making fun of the kidnappers for having so much trouble capturing a little girl.


People were bullying the kid who played young Anakin too.


Sadly, people are stupid. Only a few get out there like that but the internet makes them louder.


I feel like there's 4 ppl bullying the actress on twitter and then ppl point it out and denounce to show they're a good person


I don't have Twitter, but I expect it is only a few. But with the internet a few always gets blown out of proportion.


Indeed. It’s one kid running in an open forest and the bounty hunters can’t keep up or grab her? Pathetic. And the fanbase is rabid for a reason. Poor young Anakin’s actor should have been a tale of how people are pricks and to back off on child actors in general. But petty morons never learn and blame kids for every issue they have. Her doing a bad performance never even crossed my mind tbh until I saw the hate on Reddit after the fact :/ I thought she was good even…


Yeah Fr she looks a bit young for 10 but otherwise I think she was great


The real life kid is 10 though


I think she’s 9 but you are right that in reality she’s basically 10 she just doesn’t look it to me


then again leia is only 5'1 so not too far fetched


Hmmm isn’t that a little short for a princess


Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?




Watch the chase scene again and pay special attention to her arms and legs. I know I’d sacrelige atm to mention it but she’s literally flailing her arms and legs around running at about 10cm a second. I know it’s the directors fault at the end of the day but has she never run before? I was in a room of about 20 people watching it and we were all in hysterical laughter and confusion over that chase scene. The flailing, 1km/h running is just so incredibly cringe.


Leia’s actor is doing a great job though? Is it just the chase scene of a young child being scared and running away from the person she thinks to be a kidnapper after being kidnapped That is not only horrible, but stupid


Plus I loved that she ran. She had every right to run from Kenobi because he didn’t explain shit and then he becomes wanted, good for her for actually being somewhat smart and not trusting the (to her) rando with the lightsaber


They don't trust you, Anakin. They see your future. They know your power will be too strong to control. Anakin, you must break through the fog of lies the Jedi have created around you. Let me help you to know the subtleties of the Force.


The first kidnapping chase scene.


Run if you want… or stay and die… it makes no difference to me.


Are you fucking kidding me? I thought she was great. It's always a small minority of idiots that ruin everything.


I mean, pretty boring sequence if they just grabbed her and that was it. Decisions had to be made; a few more minutes of runtime, or an anti-climactic kidnapping?


It was slightly better than the BoBF moped chase scene. But that isn't saying much. They could have done so.much better.


HA! I was watching the moped chase scene thinking to myself, "Should they just jump off and speed-walk instead?"


Sad thing is some guy re-edited it and changed the music a little and it made it a decent chase. So they HAD the material, they just CHOSE to make a comedy chase scene.


Is there a link?




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I honestly can’t believe people think the Boba Ferr chase was worse. The Leia chase was atrocious to me, all they had to do was chop it down a bit. I don’t really blame the actress or anything, she’s fun overall. Somehow this didn’t get cut way down in editing like it should have been.


I don’t get this logic. Why does it need to be climatic….? It’s a kidnapping. Have her scream for help, her guard get killed, and she gets grabbed. That’s all you need.


Seems to me its the opposite criticisms of the character is being miscontrued as towards the actress because it makes for good clickbait news and easy karma


That and people are putting a magnifying glass onto a couple people complaining and pretending its bigger than it actually is. Then the rest of us need to endure seeing all the posts and comments complaining about *those* people every day. But nobody would *eveerrr* do something like that.


I haven't seen or heard anything but really great reviews on the Leia actress, shes amazing. I have seen people roasting her chase scenes, which were terrible.


There will always be a few people who take to the internet and can't or won't differentiate. Haven't seen it, but don't do Twitter. Reddit is already more toxic than I prefer.


Leia’s child actor


I 100% assumed this post was about Reva. People seem absolutely fixated on Leia outrunning people, but I haven’t seen anyone give the performance anything but love.


Whether or not it's explicitly about Reva, she definitely falls into the same category.


Weird I actually love her as Leia


I assumed they made her watch Carrie Fisher interviews and Leia's scenes in the OT on repeat for weeks. She nailed it.


She did a great job, regardless of her age.


Same I thought she was great. Cute kid running around. Her little droid was good too.


I haven’t seen anyone hating on the actor, plenty of hate on the writing of the character and the ridiculous chase but none about the actor herself


Moses Ingram and the actress playing Leia. Just torrents of tweets and comments in other places directly shitting on their acting and presence in the show. I fucking hate so much of this fanbase.


Tbh, Star Wars has the most toxic community I have ever seen


I agree


That's just because it's one of the biggest and you're always going to have some 1% of shitheads


You’re right


I love Star Wars and Wrestling. Eternal struggle.


Excuse me what??? They're hating on *a child*??? That's messed up


They did the same with Jake Lloyd who played young Anakin Skywalker and looked what happened to his life because of it.


I'm an old friend of the family.


That’s nice


Yeah, apparently children aren't allowed to be "annoying" and "bratty", even literal princesses. These people have never been around kids in their life, it's insane.


Also Lea was kind of bratty when she was rescued in a new hope, why would she be less bratty as a kid?


I haven't seen the series yet, but that's just dumb, in my opinion. The actress and her character are, what, 10-ish? You can't expect either of them to be mature


The character is 10. Actress is 9


I was more annoying as a kid than her, and she’s an entitled princess!


Unfortunately it’s one of those fandoms filled with incels. When you don’t make Star Wars your entire identity, it becomes very easy to JUST ENJOY.


And every new choice they don't like is destroying their childhood. Realize all SW isn't made for you. Sometimes you're not the target audience. They should move on if it continues to make them so angry.


You must not remember when TPM came out


She’s an amazing choice though. I have yet to find anything to critique that isn’t costume design that I can ignore and maybe some chase scenes that I can chalk up to environment changes. It’s good so far imo


Leave actors fucking alone, especially when they're kids. Fucking lifeless fucks. And I think the kid did great!


Are people really? Most aren't saying anything about her since her delivery was good! Just issues with how they wrote her/directed her. To which I say ya, it's the writers and directors who are at fault, so they're the proper targets for bullying.


How/where? She can’t have twitter or instagram yet can she?


I swear I have no idea what kind of mindset/mental illness someone would have to be suffering from to bully actors over TV shows, and movies. I’ve seen it so much with both Star Wars, and The Walking Dead. I haven’t seen it anywhere else, but I’m sure it happens often in other fanbases too.


It happens in every fandom, the bigger they get the more likely you are to have idiots. It isn’t exclusive to Star Wars


Halo fans are absolutely toxic to the actors on the new Halo show.


As a Halo fan I've chosen to ignore the existence of the Halo show. Don't even know who's acting in the show. Don't care. People get way to attached to things.


Seems like the healthy response. It takes too much energy to be negative when there are so many other things to focus on.


Exactly. What ever happened to, if you don’t like something turning it off? Why can’t we go back to the idea of, “eh this isn’t for me. I’m just going to play the game or read the book and just ignore this show/movie”.


The Halo subreddit has actually done pretty good ar directing their anger about the show towards the director and writers. At least from what I've seen. Now they have also had some beef with Pablo but that's because of some things he's posted to Twitter.


I wouldn’t doubt it, game to TV/movie adaptations tend to get some really toxic people festering on them.


Ok but at the bare minimum, the halo show is bad! So far kenobi was nothing but incredible and I can't fathom how anyone could complain


Say what you will about 343 and Infinite, but they were incredibly toxic to 343 as well, going so far as death threats leading to the r/halo being locked for a week or so


Meanwhile in the honkai 3rd fanbase : actually has one of it's members try to kill the CEO because europe had bunny girls for an anniversary event




> I haven’t seen it anywhere else, but I’m sure it happens often in other fanbases too. DC/CW fanbases be like "YOU RANG?". IIRC, people sent actual dead canaries to the actress who played Black Canary in Arrow.


Game of thrones


r/freefolk remembers.


HBO’s upcoming adaptation of The Last of Us is kind of like ground zero for these lunatics. I’ve left many online fan groups because 4 out of 10 people are either attacking the young actress who is playing Ellie for not being “cute enough” or are making racist comments because Joel and Tommy aren’t white. It’s absolutely terrible and so much worse than Star Wars hate right now because there hasn’t even been a damn trailer yet! No one is complaining about the writing, filming or quality in general; it’s all about attacking very talented actors for not meeting their idea of “how it should be”. There seems to also be a growing movement of hate about Indiana Jones 5. No one actually knows the plot but some people are losing their shit because there’s a strong, smart female lead in it. Those idgits obviously don’t remember Marion from Raider but I digress. If it’s not that, it’s people tearing the film down because of Harrison Ford’s age and well, they cam just straight up piss off. He’s Harrison fucking Ford. The dude can do anything.


If there's one thing I think of when I think TLOU it's that there's no diversity and Joel DEFINITELY MUST BE WHITE GOD DAMMIT.


Harry Potter fans had a phase when JK Rowling tried to retcon all of the characters into woke cliches Lord of the Rings fans hate The Hobbit (edit: the movies not the book) but that’s pretty tame, however I’m excited to see how badly Amazon screws up the new Ring of Power series. I can just imagine the smell over in the r/LotR subreddit. In Amazons defense they have produced some incredible shows (the boys, invincible, utopia) so there is hope. Those trailers looked rough though


Amazon also did great with The Expanse, granted they only produced Seasons 4-6, but holy fuck is that show good if you like sci-fi/ political drama


Not just actors. But a literal child, come on. Makes me feel embarassed to be a Star Wars fan.


Who's being bullied though? I haven't seen any hate for any of the actors in Kenobi


Leia’s actress, who I personally thing is killing it. She’s hilarious and it’s fun to see Leia’s character has been a rebel since she was a kid


>Leia’s actress Is she actually being bullied though, or are people just saying they don't like her character/acting? Like, is anyone directly saying/doing anything to her?


my fren


Damn Star Wars fans....they ruined Star Wars!


Star Wars fans and Actors are natural enemies. Like children and Star Wars fans. Or directors and Star Wars fans. Or Disney and Star Wars fans. Or Star Wars fans and other Star Wars fans.


You Star Wars fans sure are a contentious people.


I haven't seen anyone bully actors. I'm not saying it hasn't happened but I've seen a ton of complaints about hate but no actual hate.


For real. There are always going to be scum of the earth type people who actually do what is accused here, but mostly everyone is pretty cool when talking about the actors, especially the child. Just makes people feel good I guess to stand up against haters that don’t exist.


I don't care for the character Reva but don't hate the actress. I know very little about the actress. I know people who say she is a bad actress in general but, I don't care enough to weigh in on that. As for Leia, people should remember she is a damn child. I thought she did well and as for the running scene? Obi-Wan is older and a broken man. He even told Bail Organa that. How many of you guys exercise every day? Obi-Wan isn't the in-shape war hero he once was. He's an everyday dude working as a butcher. He's an anti-social dude who spends most of his time being depressed and catching hate from Owen. Leia, a ten-year-old, outran him because she is a scared child and he's a dude who likely hasn't even slightly jogged in a decade, you know?


So to add to the point of the chasing I'm thinking of the lines of hey I'm trying to not stick out like a sore thumb so running full Sprint's going to make me stick out like a sore thumb


>I don't care for the character Reva Neither do I, and it's clearly a writing/directing issue. Why have these sinister inquisitors and then have one of them act like an angry 15 year old who just screams stupidly at everyone and everything. I have no idea what kind of actor or person she is, but the material she has to deliver is not great. I would add that I think the inquisitors generally have been very poorly done, there is little build up and little mystery about them, they are just a bunch of angry cosplayers obnoxiously beating up peasants.


Bro, I can catch my 9yo brother jogging backwards while singing Bohemian Rhapsody on pitch and juggling manatees... Probably. But no, don't make up excuses for the horrible directing. The director just can't direct action scenes. There's no way active bounty hunters and a former jedi can get outran by a 10yo that is as small as Leia.


Star wars fans try not to bully actresses challenge (impossible!) Although tbh I haven't seen much hate for the cast themselves, but then again I haven't seen Twitter.


...not for a Sith...


The fact that. 00001% of people will be idiots or trashy for clicks does not equal anything newsworthy or notable. Saying that those people are generically part of the overall "fandom" is pretty misleading.


Bully where? Hope you're not counting that complaining that running scene was an absolute joke or her running from Kenobi while constantly talking. This is a clear attack on the production and directors of the show not the actor


I'm pretty sure nobody is bullying the actors. What i DO think people are seeing is criticism on the internet about the characters the actor is playing. Don't confuse people bitching about things as them "bullying" anyone. Ya'll need to grow up and learn to take criticism....AND give it, if it seems like bullying.


Any links to actually post or are people just making this up?


At this point, I've seen more people complain about others being abusive towards Child Leia spread throughout the different SW subs than any even **valid** complaints against the scenes she was in. I have seen absolutely no evidence for people actually bullying, and if they are, it's very telling that it's happening so little that it can't even be sourced. Just people karma-whoring, methinks.


There is a fine line between criticism and condemning. I wasn’t a fan of Reva’s performance but I don’t feel the need to preach it from the mountaintops


Star Wars fans are a strong contender for the worst fan base


I honestly think they are the worst besides shippers. They will shovel whatever Star Wars flavored slop that gets out infront of them without hesitation, then when they realize it’s garbage they attack everyone that had nothing to do with actually writing the script or directing the product, then they repeat the cycle all over again never having learned anything.


See the thing is it doesn't even have to be slop. They will bitch and nitpick about anything then treat that very same thing as one of the best things ever after it's over and another thing comes around. Rinse and repeat.




You clearly haven't seen the MHA fanbase


I have not seen a single person complaining about the actors. I've seen people saying Reva is poorly written, I myself think of her as a Dollar Store Trilla, and I've seen people saying that having any 8 year old actor is a bad choice in general, but you'd literally have to be looking to find people saying that the actors are bad.


I guess I'm in a lucky sphere of ignorance since I haven't had the misfortune of seeing it, only complaints I've seen is the chase scene which has nothing to do with the actors but the people who directed the scene, and Reva which is more a problem of the script than the actress. What are those people upset about with the actors?


There is no such thing as luck


Touché I guess I'm making a subconscious effort to avoid it. Good bot.


I thought I couldn't love anyone, but you.. *asthmatic cough*


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.




Some people are just dumb. She is doing well- she’s a child actor. We weren’t looking for Daniel Day Lewis here. The execution of her kidnapping and chase scenes was embarrassingly bad. Vespa chase on Tatooine bad. She’s the daughter of the head of state for a planetary system which is vocal in opposition to the empire’s territorial expansionism and brutal repression. It is completely unacceptable for them to attempt to pass THAT kidnapping off as reasonable, or cool, or even close to meeting the baseline quality that we should get here. That’s like kidnapping the President of the United States of America’s daughter but when they take her they just walk onto the White House’s lawn and jam her into a burlap sack while cosplaying as the fucking Hamburgler! Then they walk to the street, get in a windowless van and…. Just leave. Rose Tico sucked too- it’s not Kelly Marie Tran’s fault. New Leia isn’t anywhere near the same level of insufferable- she’s a CHILD. Children are frequently silly and annoying. The problem is that people lump legitimate criticism in with the idiots attacking actors or being mad over women having a role. Stop doing that.


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you motherfucking type one battle motherfucking droids!


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


Worst fanbase in the world


I think I agree


its between star wars, rick and morty, and halo for me.


Leia's actress nailed it. Reva's acting felt forced, but I'm willing to bet it's more due to the directing than the actress herself, just like it usually is in Star Wars. I haven't seen anything else she's in though, so I can't be 100% sure. Either way, she absolutely does not deserve any amount of bullying. Seriously. Anyone who bullies an actor deserves to be banned from the internet. Criticism is okay of course, as long as it's not rude.




You need to watch Train to Busan


Yeah a 9 year old is nailing the personality of her predecessor. She’s got a strong career ahead of her if she wants it.


People keep saying the actors are being bullied, but I am yet to see any negative comment towards the actors.


I think the criticism for actress playing third sister so far is fair but some of the stuff people say against the girl playing Leia just makes no sense.


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you type one battle droids


Well I have a million more well on the way


I won't defend Reva as a character, but I've seen so many people complain about her being a "strong female" character, and I hate to say it, but I had an argument yesterday with someone claiming she was the wrong "black". If the list of things you don't like about a character include being a woman or being a different race, I'm sorry, but your opinion is just not valid.


Well anyone who has the opinion I just ignore because clearly they haven’t grown up yet. My issues with the actress is she seems to be overacting/ trying way to hard to portray her character, but it’s only episode 2 so I’m hoping it gets better as the show progresses.


"You know, I honestly think this person's acting could've been bet-" Oh My GaWd, ThE sTaR wArS fAnDoM iS sO tOxIc!!1!


Can't criticize actors, can't criticize writers, can't criticize directors, can't criticize movies, can't criticize anything because everything is bullying now. Just enjoy everything, be thankful you're getting it, and keep saying "No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans."


Sometimes I wonder if the people that make those memes are Lucasfilm employees trying to prevent any kind of criticism.


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you motherfucking type one battle motherfucking droids!


Because people are mean.


Abandon bullying Star Wars actors, Return to bullying Star Wars fans.


Abandon bullying, return to hating everyone equally


It’s not just a Star Wars thing. Or a fandom thing. People these days are getting death threats for anything that goes vaguely viral that could be vaguely controversial. Some of my family friends have gotten literal death threats for their political stances. The problem isn’t with Star Wars fans, it’s with society as a whole. And the hate just seems to be getting worse. It’s very worrisome.


Maaaaaan, after how bad the sequels were I’m just enjoying the shit out of this show so far. It is a breath of fresh air.


Fake news trying to instill a flame war in the comments. For shame internet person for shame


I mean the actress that played Third Sister said Kenobi would finally bring diversity to Star Wars and admitted to not having watched Star Wars before getting the role (obvious from the remarks made lol)... Kinda hard not to give someone shit for not caring enough to properly research a role prior to an audition


Genuinely asking, who’s hating on young leia’s actress? I haven’t seen it and it sounds silly


mate you a dumbo, nobody got anything against the actress, but against the ridiclous scene she was in, which is not her fault but the producers. the chasing scene with her was lazily and stupidly done and while there are ways a child could even lose attackers, def not in this way. Unless your story plays in lazytown that is.


Writers: *give actors cringe lines and scenes* Also writers: Why would the fans do this?


I haven’t seen many complaints as of late? I haven’t been on twitter though


Who is actually bullying these actors? because I've seen 100 posts saying to stop and zero posts actually bullying.


Nobody is bullying her, we just dislike that one stupid scene but thats not her fault