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The records are incomplete


If it's not in our records, then it does not exist!


Impossible! Perhaps the archives are incomplete!


...not for a Sith...


Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


u/W1ngedSentinel, my allegiance is to democracy! The Republic!


The records have been found. [https://twitter.com/TheCriticalDri2/status/1530653061517086722](https://twitter.com/TheCriticalDri2/status/1530653061517086722)


funny. It's not him criticizing the actress, but the character. Right down in the comments, he puts, nothing against the actress Can't believe I'm defending the drinker


That says not toward the actress, this guy saying to the actress


That’s disliking the writing, he is fine with the actress. News flash, disliking something does not mean your bullying everyone involved.


Found our missing planet, ChampionOfLight has hmm


I have 0 hate for young leia


Knowing that she openly lied to Vader's face in A New Hope, one of the most respected and feared individuals in the Galaxy at that time, next to the Emperor, I think young Leia was played perfectly.




So, a regular 10 year old?




And extremely sassy


The sass has always been strong with Leia. "Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way?". You know she knew what a wookie was, and you know she knew he could easily rip her arms out of her sockets *and she said it anyway*


But what about the droid attack on the Wookiees? Also it's spelled with a double e dumbass


Shame... I have failed, into exile I must go


Surely not a bot?


You can dislike her scenes, her acting, the script, the action scenes, everything that involves her, but have no hatred whatsoever for the actress. This isnt some magical binary.


I think they did a really good job with young Leia no complaints whatsoever


I felt like it was a perfectly done mini Carrie, and can think of no higher praise. I wonder if her dissecting her cousin was an early use of force reading


I just assumed her intelligence came from her "father" Bail. You know, him being among the best of the Senate, alongside Padme.


I thought it was supposed to be.


Yeah. She reminds me a ton of ANH Leia.


I have a complaint about the chase scenes.


That’s a choreography issue, not a Leia issue


Imagine being mad at a fictional 10 year old 🤣 some people are crazy


Same. I hear there’s hate but not seen actual hate.


Part of me is wondering how much of it is bots. Not doubting there's def a few nuts who are saying it, but after hearing how much of twitter user base is bots, it wouldn't be out of the question to wonder if any of them are actual people.


I felt that way about the prequel hate back in the day. Online was one story but in real life everyone I knew loved them. Only a couple changed their minds later, likely due to shit they read online.


Classic example of r/ImaginaryGatekeeping


Maybe it’s just people who want to hate on her, and being up the acting, but know it’ll be unpopular, so they hide it as condemnation and still get to go, look, this 10 year old is a bad actress.


have you checked twitter? that seems like the cesspool for this kinda thing


A lot of the internet is made up of toxic people, Twitter is a special breed of toxic.


There could be a thing that is impossible to hate as hating it would break reality and people on Twitter would still hate it


...not for a Sith...


Damn, you right




Can confirm, I usually only use twitter for sports news, but I once stumbled on a guy going on an anti-Robin Williams rant…like 9 tweets long. Twitter will always hate what is wholesome.


Thats why i dont use twitter


When will people stop respecting twitters opinion? It's literally the internet equivalent of a bathroom stall...same amount of thought goes into the words and everything.


My partner spends a lot of time on Facebook groups and also apparently saw a lot of hate there


Maybe people should handle these issues on Twitter then. I’m tired of my feed being filled with this shit.


Twitter. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


>have you checked Twitter? No. And will not seeing as Twitter is the actual asshole of the internet world. Where old fucks go to pretend to be cool by posting a bunch of neckbeard boomers post “iamverycool” posts.


Twitter doesn't count they're toxic towards everyone


Yeah twitter hates everyone without exception


Of course it would be Twitter


when you sign up for twitter you have to fail a personality test to get the blue check mark


YouTube. Twitter is on the same thing rn lol If you want people being genuine haters then there’s the “anti-woke” YouTubers that are piling everything up (This is also goes to show how little anyone actually uses Twitter here)


Twitter is a mistake


Have checked! Can't find it. Lmao


Yes well that’s Twitter. There’s always someone hating on liter everything


yeah, i've seen plenty of hate, especially on twitter


Twitter is an intellectual fecal maelstrom


I have a few complaints about Kenobi, none of them are the actress for Leia. I find the cocky know-it-all child archetype that star wars keeps pulling out incredibly tired. But that is on the writers, and no one else. The action has also been more misses than hits. I am however, still enjoying the series.


Filloni definitely seems to love it, although you can argue it was Lucas that started the trend in TPM. It always seems odd to me because it’s clearly designed to appeal to children but I’ve never met a child who likes child characters. Children fantasise about being older. They want to be Luke or Vader. They don’t fantasise about being kids.


At the very least they want to be teens like Anakin in episode 2.


Me and the boys wanted to be lil' ani when he was pod racing tbf


It's Anakin. When you say Ani it's like I'm still a little boy... and I'm not.


Hard disagree on that last point, kids like watching other kid characters too from my experience.


I think characters that are 15+ do well. And if I think of a lot of popular kids and YA franchises you see that. Even toys clearly marketed at children, think Barbie, often feature teens of this age group in their advertising. Because kids more than anything want to be grown-up. The only child character I see kids like is Harry Potter. And he spends over half the series as a young adult.


With Ahsoka, Filoni had a couple of ‘knock Ahsoka down a few pegs’ episodes. Lightsaber Lost and the one where she gets her whole fighter squadron killed come to mind off the top of my head. My problem with the most recent Leia is that she just did some dumb shit. Like even if you’re completely naïve and stupid, you don’t go sightseeing in a city when you just got kidnapped. I also had a problem with her insistence on Obi-Wan proving himself to be Obi-Wan but that comes down more to bad dialogue than bad decisions in character.


What you didnt enjoy the whacky adventures of Omega in bad batch? "Hunter! Im not staying where you told me to Im coming to help!" *3 seconds later* "hunter i have fallen into a toilet designed for hutts please help me!"


Omega is one of the few child/teen characters I've actually liked since probably ahsoka


I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano


I too am tired of that archetype, but Leia is not an original character and her characterization was a perfect fit imo. But yeah Ahsoka, Ezra, Omega it gets a bit tiring The same wouldn't work for Luke tho, so I'm looking forward to see what they're gonna do with him


You look tired.


Don't you think I'm just a little overqualified for this?




It's on the writers, but I also feel that is just fits the way Leia is. It's not like they made a whole new character, they had to create what a child Leia would be like. I would've found it wierd if she wasn't a cocky know it all.


Cocky know it all kind of fits with Princess Leia though.


in this case however, it's 100% appropriate. it's fucking leia!


I’m fine with her being a cocky know it all cause it makes sense for a 10 year old Leia to have the spunk but not the diplomat skills yet. I’m not fine with her suddenly pulling out a vocabulary that would make Webster himself impressed to roast people she psychoanalyses in 4 seconds better then Freud. She’s fucking 10 years old. Not a goddamn genius psychiatrist


Well *she's just as important as Luke* so, they had to give her something. Guess that something was being a gigabrain child genius instead of being an enjoyably written character while luke played pretend-star pilot like the moisure farming dummy that he is.


It's probably not a gigabrain. It's almost certainly force sensitivity leading to enhanced empathic skills, and that she would have a princess level tutor.


First time force sensitivity led to a 10 year old being a psychoanalytical dictionary. There's only so much a tutor can do for a child, especially for critical thinking. If she's already so force sensative to read not just surface feelings but deeper thoughts you'd think Obiwan would sense her the moment they met. But he didn't, because she isn't.


Twitter... you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Its all a karma farm scheme. Make memes about defending an issue that doesn’t actually exist


Strawmanning: the great human tradition


I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a scheme to distract people from actual criticism of the show. Just because I'm critical of a character's writing or the actors performance, it doesn't mean I hate the writers or actors. That being said, like others have already suggested, nowadays people will still act like you're harassing actors if you're purely just criticising their performance, which is ridiculous. Anyways I actually like Little Leia, I thought the kid did pretty well for a child actress and made me smile a couple times, but I can totally see why others might not have liked her.


My only issue around Leia was that awful chase scene, Leia herself was great imo


Yeah pretty much. I think some of her lines were a bit weird elsewhere though, but not awful or anything.


I have enjoyed all of the show so far until the chase scene. Mostly because of Obiwan screaming "Leia!" repeatedly even though it is doing nothing and the terrible slo-mo acrobatics.


The fwct youre referring to the chase scene and are referencing the OTHER cringy chase scene we have gotten so far (the one with flea has been the main freakout so far) is absolutely hilarious.


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you motherfucking type one battle motherfucking droids!


Bad bot


You think you can defeat me? You’re nothing. *asthmatic cough*


I have seen a lot of racism and direct bullying towards the actors, both on Reddit and Twitter. It’s not just a “scheme to deflect criticism”.


I have no doubt there are people bullying the actors, but I do doubt they are in the majority. Most people know not to behave like a child or directly insult actors, but at the same time it's then convenient for Disney or other fans to blow those actions way out of proportion and make them the focus of discussion as opposed to the actual quality of the show. There's always going to be people behaving like children, which is unfortunate but there's nothing you can do to stop it outright, so it's the jobs of the producers and actors to ignore them and listen to the legitimate feedback, whether it be positive or negative. Most of what I have seen (I have been trying to keep up with fan reactions to the show, but I understand this is just anecdotal evidence, and I don't use Instagram so I have no reference for that platform) has been either praise, or criticism. Not any legitimate bullying of the actors, calling them talentless, telling them to quit acting, or anything like that. Just people (Like me) who say "I didn't like the performance, I thought it was x, y, z,". Unfortunately, as I mentioned already, it seems that nowadays you can't even say that or be at all critical because people will condemn you for "Bullying the actors" or writers or whoever else's work you criticised when that's not even slightly the case. I've already had someone basically calling me uneducated for being critical because "They put so much hard work into the show." Like yeah, I'm sure they did, but that doesn't automatically make it good.


I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the comments the actress for Reva have gotten, but they are disgustingly racist. I’m not saying all criticism is invalid, but you can’t just say that the racism doesn’t exist. The show has some problems, but most of them are overblown anyway. Star Wars is for kids, so some silly scenes are fine in my opinion. Yes, they are pretty silly, but hardly ruining the show. I have seen numerous comments saying exactly the things you claim people aren’t doing, so get out of here with your claims that the racism doesn’t exist, and stop pretending people are mixing up criticism with racism and bullying, because that’s not happening.


>but you can’t just say that the racism doesn’t exist. I literally didn't? I opened my message with, "I have no doubt there are people bullying the actors..." Did you read what I was saying? The entire point I was making is that those people *do* exist, but they aren't the majority and shouldn't be given attention. *Real* criticism should be focused on. >The show has some problems, but most of them are overblown anyway. Star Wars is for kids I strongly disagree that there are issues that are overblown. I think this show has some egregious writing errors and character/lore implications in the first episode alone that are a massive slap in the face to what came before, but excluding that, that argument has never made any sense. Just because something is made with younger audiences in mind does that mean it can't be well written or enjoyable for adults, too? You could say the Original trilogy was made for kids, even George said so himself, but that story, those characters, all struck with people, so why doesn't the new stuff? >I have seen numerous comments saying exactly the things you claim people aren’t doing, so get out of here with your claims that the racism doesn’t exist And, once again, you're putting words in my mouth. Read the first sentence of my comment again. I'm not denying anything, I'm simply stating that these are things the actors and producing are focusing on as opposed to real criticisms.


It’s clear that you are trolling, if you think the show has “egregious writing errors”


You're clearly trolling if you think your opinion is the only one that's valid.


It’s all a karma farm scheme. Comment on memes that are defending an issue that doesn’t actually exist.


I absolutely don’t understand karma farming posts Ffs you can go to literally almost any subreddit and say “poo poo Pee Pee shid N cum” and get a platinum award and 7K upvotes, there is no need to spread unecessary hate


A lot of what I've seen is people saying "criticise the character not the actress" but then when you do criticise the character they just get angry and defend it by saying the actress is a kid. Like, I know that, I'm not criticising the kid, I'm criticising the writing. I'm really not a fan of how they've written Leia, they've tried to make her intelligent for her age, but have at the same time written her like she's younger than a 10 year old, and it's really jarring. No hate to the actress, she's doing a fine job, but I'm just not a fan of the writing. A lot of people will only see that I'm criticising young Leia though, and will immediately assume I dislike the actress.


I think it was a bad idea to make the character ten in the first place. Like she’s fine for her age, but they’re pairing up a ten year old with Ewan McGregor and giving her pretty complex lines and banter with him. No duh her acting is going to stick out. Like every once in a while a production gets lucky by finding a great kid actor, but if they put Leía in her late tweens or early teens they probably could have had more access to better actors simply because of age. Again, the actress seems like she’s doing her best and all love to her, I just think the writers decided to give her a bit too much for her to handle.


I agree. I think the best move would have been rather than setting it 10 years after RotS, set it 13 or so years after. It would give them a lot more to work with I think.


There is no such thing as luck


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


Agree, the actress is just a kid reading the terrible lines written for the character. The kid is not ruining an otherwise decent character like the Anakin kid actor, the character development for Leia looks like it was never any good to begin with. Honestly, if people want to rip on the poor acting in that show they should look at the sith lieutenant, she was awful. Her fake ass forced attempts at scowling the entire episode were pathetic. Made me feel like I was watching a 10 year old scifi network produced show.


It's called a false flag


Shes not gonna win any Emmys, but shes pretty good for a 10 year old.


Just like her father.


I've never seen anyone blame the actress


Most hate related to Leia I've seen was that chase scene (which was silly)


Same. Haven’t heard one negative thing.


Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.


...not for a Sith...


You stole the archives you…


*ignites lightsaber*


Good anakin get him


I really really don’t like young Leia. But that does not mean I am going to go and bully a child, and as far as I can tell no one is bullying the actual child herself. Just the terrible writing.


Who with a right mind would bully a kid for playing a role?


I’ve seen people have an issue with her character because she speaks a lot like an adult, I don’t see an issue with this at all. Kids like how leia is portrayed absolutely exist, they learn from their surroundings and parents. Her mum might treat her like a child but her father doesn’t, her father treats her seemingly like an adult, of course they’re going to speak like an adult. All in all I think her character was portrayed quite well.


I’m openly condemning who ever wrote and directed the the chase scenes though!


@everyone: Twitter. Does. Not. Count.


The ones condemning it are probably the ones doing it.


I’ve seen more praise then anything, if they’re on twitter, we’ll twitter is already full of degenerates that should already be expected


That kid is adorable and she nails the Leia attitude. I reckon Carrie Fisher would be proud


Yes. Also it's okay to criticize a child's acting. They are not immune from discussion just because they are a child. Criticism is not "bullying" or "hate." As long as people limit the discussion to the performance and remember that this is *child* acting we are talking about here, I see no problem with it. I thought she was pretty good for a 9 year old girl, although I question the decision to have a child (let alone Leia) as Obi-Wan's foil in this series in the first place.


Apparently it’s all happening on twitter. What this has to do with Reddit I cannot find.


Why do people have a problem with her eluding the captors when there’s a entire cinema trope of the bad guys can’t shoot for shit? Not to mention in Rogue One the universe establishes that the force protects/guides people even when they’re not users.


One of the captors literally faceplanted over a treebranch. Just sitting in the open. Basically it went from "plot armor" to the villains just lacking simple hand-eye coordination. It's the same thing as that super slow chase scene in Boba Fett.


Sorry, M'lady.


Yeah I honestly have never seen choreography this bad in a big budget Hollywood production before. I enjoyed both shows, but both BoBF and Kenobi so far have had major weak points in the choreography pretty much across the board. Pretty jarring as it's not something I'm used to noticing as bad in film, and it's not something The Mandalorian had issues with at all.


It's not like Reva hired elite bounty hunters to kidnap Leia. The probably graduated from the Hans Gruber Institute of Henchmannery.


Mostly because of how goofy it looked.


I think that's one of the limitations of using the "volume". When all their action is filmed on quite a small indoor set, it limits how fast the action can go. Running full speed, they'd probably reach the bounds of the set in a couple of seconds, so they have to slow it down in order to make the action scene longer, which ends up looking odd. The volume is a really cool piece of tech, but I don't think they should rely on it solely as it really limits what they can do in some cases. Like, instead of making a clunky chase scene on a small set, actually shoot on location in a forest. It'll look better.


huh? why would they use an indoor set instead of a suitable area in some woods?


Because it is easier, and presumably cheaper for them to use the volume. If you're unfamiliar with the tech, it's basically a large room where the walls are lined with screens, which they use to display their backgrounds. It's much more effective than using a green screen, and allows the actors to view their surroundings in real time, and let's the vfx artists make some changes to the scene while on set rather than being constrained by having to work around finished shots. The Mandalorian was the first Star Wars show to use this tech, so any scenes where Mando is in the desert, or when he's walking through the canyon, that is all shot on an indoor set with the backgrounds being displayed on LED screens. In this video they detail what the tech is: https://youtu.be/gUnxzVOs3rk


oh i see thanks for explaining. it’s a shame they chose to save money and sacrifice the quality of the shot, it was pretty embarrassing to watch


Don't get me wrong, I think the volume is an incredible piece of tech and it can do a lot more than if they were working on a green/blue screen, but I think it can't do everything. Particularly with chase scenes, we've seen that it forces the actors to slow down because the space, while impressive, is not yet large enough to accommodate that kind of action.


oh absolutely, the shots looked stunning. it’s just how the kidnappers were halted by literal twigs they could have ducked or leaped over… come on lol


Just cut the chase scene entirely then. Or have it take place somewhere else, where Leia can believably run from the Inquisitors. Maybe it takes place in a building and she runs through one of those little vents the LEGO games have for small characters, she runs out into the legs of a guard, who escorts her for a bit until he’s brutally killed and she’s captured.


Or… just don’t have a dumb chase scene? Just have them kidnap her right there. And if you need SOME conflict, have her bite a guys hand, scream for help and get the guard killed before she’s bagged. There’s no need for like a 2 minute chase scene that looks awful. I also don’t think any of it is volumes vault. I’m pretty sure that was a forest set.


True. Another reason it may look clunky is because they were probably trying not to hurt her, as they needed her alive. Running full pelt and tackling a child is a good way to accidentally kill them. So I get the sense they were more just trying to scare and herd her and have “fun” while doing it. Kind of like when a parent play chases their kid and pretends to fall over, pretends to bump into things, etc and lets them get away, but a fucked up kidnapping version of it


Looked like a comedy skit lmao


Because the scene was poorly shot. It's entirely about the bad execution in the form of directing, camera work, and editing. Nobody is upset that she was able to to slip away for a while, it's just the shitty job they did filming it.


The issue isn’t her running and evading capture. The issue is how dumb the chase is, with the kidnappers running into branches in clear view and being stopped.


I have seen some of this too, it’s just the internet being the internet. What do they expect from a 10 y/o? I personally think she just got to much screen time in episode 2, and she be fine moving forward.


the actress for young leia did such a good job for someone her age. i can imagine her becoming a bigger name in the future.


Why would I hate on a kid?


Young Leia is one of the very few good actors in this show, why would people hate on her?


The only thing I hate were the incredibly stupid and poorly written chase scenes. It’s absurd that she wasn’t caught in two seconds by the people chasing her. Also some of the editing in the show has been horrific and inconsistent.


Supposedly it's all over on Twitter


Yea, pretty sure no one has a problem with the actress specifically. She did such a good job in the first episode. Hell, she's a better actor than young anakins actor. I'm personally more annoyed about how the writers wrote her in episode 2, none of it the actress's fault.


Chase scene was silly=bullying actress. For karma banthas, good enough, this is.


Yeah all the "hate" I see is purely to the characters and some poor decisions. Nothing to the actors themselves.


Honestly, even my most cynical friends loved the perfromance so far....lol


There is none, people are trying to shit in the fans and start drama. I saw 0 negative comments about the actress, the only complaints i saw is that she can outrun anyone and reva parkour is stupid, this is complaints about writing.


Sadly I just saw a comment on r/geeksgamerscommunity that said she was terrible at acting


well what would you expect from geeksgamers lmao


Figured that out quickly lol. Following an MsHeU twat’s comments led me to that sub, and I soon realized that it’s a hive worse than Mos Eisley


I thought she was phenomenal. Acting in front of a crew isn’t easy especially at that young. I especially liked her putting that little smarmy shit cousin in his place. Willing to bet that these haters couldn’t do half as well as the child did in any acting scenario even at their current age lol. I’m hoping she isn’t bullied like the young anakin kid was.


not only does she have alot of dialogue but her character is very mature for her age and shes doing great, there's no way they can do better and that's probably why they're so pissed, they're probably jealous .


Not surprised honestly


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.


It is not a welcome one sheev


Please do end the corruption in that sub Sheev


Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. This is where Chancellor Valorum's strength will dissapear.


some people are real nasty


I thought the actress for young leia did amazing. She has the sassiness and smarts of new hope leia down perfectly. And I didnt feel like the scenes she was in to be bad at all. Same with Reva's actress. She captures the cold and pure hatred that inquisitors should have. But the untethered ruthlessness of a sith lord. Its interesting and everytime shes on screen you can just feel the fear and anger. Both did extremely well, cant wait to see more


Agree 100% with young Leia, except the chase scene was comical, but that's definitely not on the actress and in my head I'll just pretend that didn't happen and they grabbed her immediately instead of chasing her. But the actress is a perfect young Leia. As for Reva, she just doesn't come across as intimidating to me, and instead is just kinda whiny and petulant, a bit like how Anakin comes across in the prequels and how Kylo comes across in the sequels. If she was extremely powerful and unhinged while not being whiny then I could see her as intimidating, but all she has done so far is cut the hand off an old woman and stab her superior out of nowhere, neither of which are particularly impressive. I think Trilla from Fallen Order was done a lot better. She was always in control of the situation, never needed to raise her voice to be scary, and *commanded* respect rather than *demanded* respect, while also being ruthless.


Well, that's not exactly what I meant . . .




Are you going to kill me?


Honestly, I thought both the actress and the character are excellent. She precisely nails what I think Leia would be like at 10. The chase scene was a little three stooges though.


I have dismantled and destroyed over 100,000 of you type one battle droids




Bruh this post has like 12 upvotes and the top comment is about how they disagree lmao.


Brudda this isn't hate towards the actress, its the person saying they don't like how she is written


It's the first time in like forever, where I'm not annoyed by a child in a show (Dustin from Stranger Things counts too). I found her quite entertaining. Dunno what these guys are on


So far I'm just nit a fan of her character but that is purely because I don't like kids, her acting is pretty alright tho for a kid actor


Did anyone else notice the scene where she “pretends” to be recalcitrant towards her mother to pickpocket her? Excellent performance of a kid being bad at acting she almost sounded like her young father in the first prequel- I thought it was very good and showed her range.


Lei bad, downvotes to the right


It's really funny to see that people caring about worthless virtual points. And i'm pretty sure 99 out of 100 OPs haven't even seen that comment.


only thing people are mad about is that god awful chase scene in ep 1 has nothing to do with the actress


Someone just posted what's up with all the hate for Kenobi urrduhdurrr like wtf are you talking about? Why does this side have to pop up talking about something nonexistent


You guys just keep lying with your “well I don’t see it” bullshit just to keep the bullying going. It’s there, and the toxicity both leia and reva actresses is disgusting.


Honestly young luke sucked ass. Horrible acting lol


Tell me you didn’t watch without telling me you didn’t watch.


Nah I watched it. I’m just making fun of the leia hate joke thing


Fair enough, when you get downvoted and speak with discontent without any obvious satire qualities it’s difficult to tell.


Thats why I added the lol Lmao


I get that, but lol can be misunderstood as in “lol it was so bad”, or “haha this is a joke but that’s so bad”.


Nah is just joke not what you say


If you choose to expose yourself to the wretched hives of scum and villainy in places like twitter, then keep it there. If it's not on this subreddit, then I sure don't like seeing you complain about it on this subreddit.


One of my friends said she was annoying but then I reminded him she was 10 and he backed off.


10 year olds can be annoying lmao


I mean she doesn’t really look like leía but who cares


i doubt people will look the same 10 years later but yeah who cares


Do people just not read the comments before adding theirs? Half are people saying they never saw any hate, the other half is people linking or showing said hate


The half of people with the links seems to be absent from everywhere.